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blue light or morning light?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:41 pm
by protoeve
About a week and a half ago I woke up in the middle of the night only I thought it was going on the morning because the morning sky was shining through the window. My thought was along the lines of "oh damn I'm still really tired and I don't wanna wake up just yet to go to school". So I rolled over in bed and decided to rest for what I thought would be a 30 min period before my alarm would inevitably go off. At no point did I fall asleep but I think something must have happened. I heard my girlfriend crying in the living room. I don't recall her getting out of bed either. Here's the killer part. There was no morning sky any more. I had assumed that it was about 6:30 am but it was really about 3:00 am. About two days later I mentioned this to my girlfriend and she said she also saw the morning light around the same time I did, and it kinda weirded her out. These experiences are still very new to her and she claims to be a strong atheist therefore she doesn't contemplate the things that are happening as much as I do. Or at least she really keeps it to herself. Point being, she also saw something she could not explain, so its not me just trippen.

Any way, I've never seen a blue light as people have claimed to have seen during abductions. Nor I have I seen the morning sky in the middle of the night. So my question is, does the blue light which people claim to see appear sky blue and emit tones on which it comes into contact with that match what would appear to be sunlight, or does the blue light cast a blue hue on all that it touches, if you catch my drift?

Re: blue light or morning light?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:04 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Protoeve,
Wow, that is interesting! I believe the "blue light" that people talk about seeing casts the same blue light on everything, like a bright, neon blue light filling your room. It does not cast shadows of different tones, not that I have seen or heard of. It definitely sounds like you and your girlfriend had missing time. I have done that before; I woke about 4:30 am, shut my eyes for a second and it was suddenly 6:30 am. I was very shocked but also upset because I had to get up and get ready for work and I felt like I missed two hours of sleep.

One night, I woke up and looked out my window to see a large, round, orange orb floating in the woods across the street. It basically looked like a huge blazing fireball and I thought to myself, "Oh, it's just the moon setting." :? And I went back to sleep. Then I woke again and looked out to see a bright white light shining down onto the road from the sky above. I once again simply fell back to sleep. My sister, who was down the hall in her room, told me in the morning that she didn't sleep well because there was something running back and forth across the roof all night.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: blue light or morning light?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:49 pm
by protoeve
I've also seen the ball of fire. Looked like some sort of rising harvest moon behind clouds. No the moon was some place else. This orb seemed to be out a distance though. I showed it to my roommate which preplexed him.

A few months ago my girlfriend woke up and started moving around the house. Sounded like there was some sort of rodent in the attic. Thing is, the sound was coming from above her position where ever she moved. She goes in the bathroom, sound from the bathroom. Goes to the kitchen, sound from kitchen. We have a small place and I have good ears so I can tell and notice these things.

I just saw my Dr. and told him of the light. Should have seen the look on his face!

So now I'm thinking perhaps the orb is what was casting the light. They seem interested in my girlfriend. Around the time all this started she said she had a dream where they said they could not take her. Odd, something must have changed because she goes through periods of serious depression with a desire to move. Very similar thoughts I have had growing up.

I think I heard somewhere that the orb UFO is Paledian. I really don't know what to make of that as I've never really met face to face, just through dreams or perhaps out of body experiences. If ETs are good how come there always seems to be this depression and dread of the future, like a sense of false security associated?