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April 30, 2010 UFO Sighting

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:37 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
At 2:02 a.m., I woke and went to the kitchen for some water. I looked out the window and saw a large white light "floating" downward toward the east. It reminded me of a leaf or feather gently floating from side to side in a breeze. I knew right away it was not an airplane. I quickly ran to the bedroom and looked out the window -- it was still there. I watched it make a sudden curve to the north. I woke John and he rushed over. We watched the light move parallel to the ground along its northerly direction. The white light occasionally flared or grew in size and gave off a pulse of light before shrinking. It stopped without slowing and then began moving in the opposite direction, toward the south, all the while bobbing like a float on the water. Once again, it came to a stop and reversed its path. We saw it dip down close to the ground and then return to is previous altitude. Then John and I watched it go behind the treeline and disappear. The event ended at 2:22 a.m.

This UFO was floating over the town near where we live. Why did a UFO dip down over the town last night? Could we have seen an alien abduction in progress? What we do know is that we both got a good feeling from the object and it did not seem menacing at all. Maybe we will see it again.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)

Re: April 30, 2010 UFO Sighting

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 4:07 am
by Lode
Hi Dear Bonny and John!

If light is a symbol for awareness, then maybe what you witnessed symbolizes the coming of more awareness to town. "Town" meaning the human world, and "during the night" symbolizing the lack of light or awareness of Who we really are which is still so prevalent.

This awareness might in the beginning be merely intellectual and mixed with doubts and fears. Including the testing of our love. Until the break of day, when the sun begins to enlighten the whole world, warming it and giving it life with its love, as the sun-star symbolizes our Source Self, now awakening to Itself as if from a dream, which often was more like a nightmare. It is the beginning of a happy dream of awakening... the gradually coming to our Self again in each one of us, one by one.

Re: April 30, 2010 UFO Sighting

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:16 pm
by OmegaFox10
tell em i said hi and to drop me a line!