A wake up after:

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A wake up after:

Post by InSearch99 »

I am new to the ufo phenomenon. After this event/s I have came to realize it or most is real now. My reality is changed from this all, turned up side down if you will. So, I've been looking around for some help/insight and nothing yet..

So, heres my story, and its long.

On 02/28/2011 My sighting
I was out smoking on the steps watching some planes. I look of to my right and bamb, there was a huge fiery ball, which looked like a cherry off a cigarette.
It was about 500' up or more and about a quarter of a mile away. I waited it for a minute, to verify what it was.

I ran in to get my binoculars to see what it was. Looking threw my bino's, I seen attached to this light was a translucent body which looked like a half diamond. I go back in the house and tell my wife to look out the window there's a ufo. She said, that's not a ufo but the she stopped and stared at it like she was confused, then she wanted to go out side and see it. So, we go out side, I grab my phone to take some pictures. Then as it was moving very slow towards the north. She also seen the translucent body but called it a a glowing parachute. Then It got to where it was parallel to us straight to our west, hovers for a minute, lets us watch it, then shoots up till it looked like a star.

Goes east for about a mile blinking its fiery ball on and off. Turns north for a short distance then turns off the fireball and all you could see was its translucent body as it starts to fall very fast spinning and changing shape to what appeared to be a raindrop.

Get this. then it swoops towards us, like a bull would charge you very fast or a car coming straight at you. Then my wife tries to pull me in but I'm just watching it. She starts crying and just then it just drops down below my nabors mobil home which is about 15' the most. After that, no bangs booms or flashes. It took place around 2 hours. I watched it pretty much the hole time with my bino's.

When I seen this thing feelings and random words popped into my head, the words were: abduction, have been taken, controlling weather and other strange event are going to happen., They can hide by going invisible., are here in swarms.

After this event:
I cant remember when but I know it was a few days after. I kept getting woken up by a whooshing spinning sound and every time my heart would pound hard. It would get loud then low, high pitched or soft.
After a few hours of being woken, the sound got really fast and loud right then, bam something grabbed my bedrooms door knob and pushed the door very hard like if being angry and slamming the door. I jumped up so fast and ran to see what it was and nothing. The next day my bedroom smelled like sulfur. I also got the vision of this being doing this action and that they are cold/emotionless and very shy. I have had more visions coming to me of these biengs and me, that it gives me chills to think about. lol

A wake up after:
The dreams/memories I have gotten back after this sighting. One was where I was a 4yr old child. I was in a room and I felt something wanted me, at the time I called it "a bad guy", he was calling me or I felt he was calling/wanted me. I was scared so I ran behind a door that was against the wall. Then, I didn't know it but he was there waiting as if he knew I was going to go there, so he grabbed me. I later was back in the room and passed it off as a dream. I felt every minute of this and it was so real.

At the age of 14. I had little fragments of a vision come to me. I'm in pace nothing is holding me in, just space all around. I could see stars all over.
Then I'm in this circular room, there's a round table in the center. I see a long stretched window that I could see stars out of in this room. Then I see my self as a child looking out this window at all the stars. Then I see out the window a giant red swirly planet and there's a tall figure next to me, he then points to that planet. I get a sense that he's telling me where he is from. But as I pictured all this coming to me I put that as me in a past life. but now I'm not so sure what it was or meant.

I have had also many dreams of being captured and taken to caves, smooth caves. large with sleeping areas. And at the end of this cave is a large water hole that I feel is the ocean. Every time I have these cave dreams other persons are there, too. Like one or two people. I feel I always want to escape this cave and I feel my behavior is being watched by other people. I never new what this meant, until as of late.

Being awoken by someone: At 16 I was awoken by my heart pounding very hard and fast. I couldn't breath, it felt like someone was pushing my chest in. I didn't want to move or open my eyes because I was scared out of my mind by the feeling somebody tall was looking down at me very close as if examining me to see if I was ok after something that happened... the entity that came to my mind was the devil him self. I later fell back to sleep.
I have had these on and off since that age.
Another strange one was I awoke in my room with the same effects of a panic attack but I could only open my eyes and I could see sitting on my love sofa a tall figure, I couldn't see this person, I also felt he was there to see if I was ok after something that I did. but I later put what I thought he looked like but it wasn't that way, I just did that my self.

I'm an adult now here. So, one morning I awoke with a patch of my beard missing clean off my chin in a triangle shape, like burnt off but with no signs of being burnt. That was 3yrs ago and still hasn't grown back all the way. This was before I saw this sighting. I have pictures of before and after that, too.

I recently after my sighting have had a connection with some entity. I feel like I get little broken sentences and the meaning of them by feelings sorta speak.
I also feel if my emotions are being watched, if that makes sense. Like processed...?

When all this hit me I was a nervous wreck. I was I'll, it all hit me too fast and hard. All this above hit me like a big rock to my reality. I sensed it was them, from that craft that wanted me to wake up sort of speak. This all just hit me once I saw this object. Because of all this I had a break down, bad. I had a hard time with it all, I felt lost. I know now but when I sit back and think about it all... I have to hang on and not let it drive me crazy, you know...still ?

I have some more that I could add, but it will make this a lot longer. Or if you want to know...?
I haven't been bugged by anything like above except electrical anomalies the same as I always had since a child.
Oh and almost for got I can see auras but can not read them, but in animals I can sense the animals emotions.

My questions:
I am still looking for answers, because I know this sounds crazy but I have to remind my self it all happened and its real lol
What do you think or you will just say I'm having a lucid dreams except for the sighting I have photos of that and my wife saw, but if thats real then why not whats happening/ed to me...?
Is this normal for contactees?
Can you enlighten me?

If you have questions too, I will be glad to answer them, also?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: A wake up after:

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello InSearch,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. That was an amazing UFO sighting you and your wife had! I'm sure it was a real shocker. And if all of this came flooding back to you at once, I'm sure it was difficult to handle. Well, you made it here alive so you're doing good. :D

Your experiences are real, and not uncommon at all. I used to question myself and the reality of the whole alien abduction phenomenon, but no more; I know it's real. Very real. I'm a life-long contactee who knows good, friendly star people, and also very negative, horrible aliens. I've also experienced military abductions conducted by military personnel (Air Force, Army, Navy), also called MILABs.

You definitely had a wake up call, and you are waking up now. You are going to start remembering more, and now that your eyes are open, you will see many new things, so be aware.

The whooshing, swishing sounds are common and so are high-pitched frequencies, ringing ears, and even "cartoon sounds," especially when the star people or aliens are around. Of course, the secret government uses their own high tech gizmos to carry out abductions.

Waking up with scars is not uncommon either. It must be weird for you to have that triangle in your beard for 3 whole years!

Abductees/contactees usually learn empathy and various psychic skills from these experiences. Whether they learn these skills from the star people or if they naturally develop them on their own because they are going through these intense metaphysical experiences, I'm not sure. Seeing auras and understanding animals are great skills to have.

Yes, it is a lot to handle, but hang in there. You are waking up now and you're going to see some weird things happening (we all are), but in the long run, things are going to be good. In fact, we are in the process of moving into a new state of conscious awareness. So try to do things that make you happy and lift yourself up. You will get through this, it's really going to be okay!

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
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Re: A wake up after:

Post by InSearch99 »

Thank you, it is still hard to believe there are ones of light because all the ones that I have heard and seen, they are cold and can not feel sympathy for our feelings, I have felt what they feel.

And they are "interested" in my emotions and soul, I have felt like it was taken by them and after I felt virtigo bad, like I was spinning and nausea bad. So, I have yet to meet the ones of light.
Maybe I have but dont remember because the cold and shy ones are still fresh in my head.

Yes I was confused as all this hit me. after meditating for a while on what I felt and the words that came to me, I came to this and it is still hard for me to take in. The words that I got were been taken, abduction, controling weather, events, invisable, swarms. Now the feelings I got from that was I was the one that was taken/abducted with They are going to be controling the weather and the events to come and also "They" are here and invisable above us. And that soon there will be swarms of "them".

Also, after my wake up I heard little mumbels as my wife slept next to me but I was up lying next to her. And she says to me what? I say that wasnt me. Then it happened again... she says what do you want? to me. Then we hear it together, it was next to her ear and it sounded like a tiny person but we couldnt hear what it was saying.... in a differant language???
I think theyre interested in her too, but she aint that open into making open non forgetting contact yet...

But also before my wake up we heard little footsteps running in our house, like a small light child.
nocking over things. But after I turned all the lights on and opened the doors it stopped and I seen a blue tube like craft fly from the clouds above me.

Thanx again.

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Re: A wake up after:

Post by Tess »

Hi InSearch,
That was one hell of an experience! I think you are very brave if it was me i would surely have run inside and hide.
It's common that when you start to remember one feels depressed and confused.
I too use to think that it was the devil and it makes sense we were taught about the devil but not about aliens.
So as children we could not quite make out what was happening,
I have been seeing and hearing the dead since i was 5 yrs old,now i'm a grown woman and still do but when i grew up i came to the conclusion that i was/had been hallucinating and ran to a psychiatrist after 12 yrs of medication the psychiatrist herself told me that these could be real my jaw fell open.

I'm also noticing that those who have shall i say special powers have a greater chance of being abducted.As a child i was very telepathic and could move things.Still do but nothing like when i was small.

As Bonny told you hold on in there as the memories came do not let them confuse and overwhelm you.
Other emotions like denial,anger may surface but in time you will eventually deal with them.
Perhaps what bugs some of us more then any thing is the questions -
''How dare they take me against my free will'' and ''Why me?''
You may never find the answers and the puzzle may never be complete.
Take care Tess.

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Re: A wake up after:

Post by InSearch99 »

I forgot to mention... More too the story of my wake up cofusion...

The mental contact:
When I was younger... I had a dream, where I wasn't aloud back because of me being too bad, I felt this during my half awake/asleep state that night. This was many years ago.
I now believe it was them telling me. I have had dreams where I was trying to escape the caves and tube shape crafts on the ground, but I didnt think this till I was awaken after the sighting, I added the dots.

Now to add, in or around october of 2010
I was lying in bed and I was in a meditating state, I started to whisper/mumble and went into a trans, I felt a mental pull like as if being lifted and the words kept repeating out of these mumbles from my mouth, "Where are you?"
Now at the time I did not know what or who was asking so I thought it was me. This when on for a few days of being asked this. So, I felt forced to give where I was in a mental vision.
Now I believe it was "them" asking me, and I felt after that I was found.

Can "they" lose or stop monitoring someone, and when ready find them do it thru channeling?
If thats the right word (channeling) ?

When I felt like it was a non-human entity, I asked to see their craft, but a few months went passed and forgot about asking untill I seen that fire/energy craft.
I also asked his/hers name and I got it but now I forgot it, it was something like Kahl something something...??

Also other words came to me, Vatican, UN, meeting for scripts, how to handle the people. this came to me in the trans with the mumbling. Was it "them" telling me this?
Other feelings that come is I have to tell or show people what I felt and seen or to be seen...
Is this crazy, or are they causing this to happen? Awwhh... I just need some one to hear this...

... did I cause all this thru mental contacting them to find me?
Im confused... I mean it prolly don't matter because they're here now, huh?
(just so many questions)

I keep asking them to come and show me, I'm ready. but when I feel they do by little signs like, electric anomalies or I feel "them" in the house, I get really frightened bad and have an almost heart attack but they keep coming every time.
How would I keep my self calm during their visits?

What the hellin is happening?
Are they wanting so bad to show them selves, to come out from hiding?
Are they tired of living confined... I have got that feeling

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