Another possible story (long read)

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Another possible story (long read)

Post by thedraco »


This seems to be a nice place, the story I'm telling now is one i've never told anyone in person, or online, except to my wife. I'm 26 years old, married for almost two years, and we have one son. I grew up in Nova Scotia Canada, but now live in western Canada.

This started a few months ago (or over a decade ago, depending on how you look at it). My wife and I are very close, we have told each other things that we cannot tell anyone else, we are both open minded. We began to discuss life on other planets after watching a discovery channel special on other worlds, NASA's kelper project, and that kind of stuff. We both believe that life HAS to exist outside earth simply because of how big the universe is. But we were both agreeing that there are no aliens orbiting earth kidnapping people or drawing crop circles. That is until one memory came to me.

It was odd, I was 8 years old, both my older sisters were in the room next to mine, and I was restrained in my bed, but not really, more like frozen.

Shrugging it off as we spoke i said nothing. Some days passed and I dwelled on this hidden area in my brain, and slowly, more details came to light, and this is what I eventually remembered.

Being frozen in place, I seemed to be semi-conscious at first. I could hear my sisters talking. I looked around my bed and saw figures, very short compared to an adult, maybe about my own height at the time (I was a tall 8 year old). I was suddenly filled with fear, and becoming more aware of things going on. I tried to scream, but all I could hear from myself was a soft exhale. Realizing how much control I had lost, I tried again, and still nothing. I was numb, my entire body was tingling like when your foot falls asleep. The figures around me seemed aware of me, and suddenly it was important to them to do whatever. I felt myself raise, blankets and all and began moving. At some point I realized my bed wasn't coming with me, there was nothing under me. As I was moving, there was a light, as if coming from the wall, or through the wall, where there were no windows, and I was moving towards it. I got brighter, I looked away from it towards the ceiling, one of the figures was staring back down at me just above my face. I still can't remember what it looked like. I moved through the light and was suddenly back in my bed. It was daylight now, and I hadn't slept, I could feel it. But I have no memories of what happened. I asked my sisters why they didn't help me, they had no idea what I was talking about.

A week or two later, my wife and I were back on that same discussion, I confessed what I could remember of the experience to her. This was about six months ago now. But it bothers me to no end. Was it real? or some sick dream? If it was real, what did they do to me? Who where they? Will I ever see them again? Why haven't I seen them since? DID THEY DO SOMETHING TO ME? Or am I just some nutcase?

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Re: Another possible story (long read)

Post by Tess »

Dear tedraco,
If you are a nutcase then there is quiet a few of us around!!
Unfortunately i cannot give you an answer of a possible abduction or not.
you might never find out what really happened,but it seems you had a flashback and in time you might have more and will be able to come to some conclusion.
There are certain similarities that other abductess describe,so it might be a possibility.
In reality no one can help you,my advice is not to think about it,if there are other memories locked up in your brain cells these memories can come out by themselves whether you wish to or not.One thing i have learned is that the human brain is very powerful.

Some things you might not remember might simple be cause its to early for you to fully except the situation.
Some aliens and even the military go to great lengths to make the abduction one to forgot.
Take care,Tess

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