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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Hi Everybody

Post by Alison »

My name is Alison, and I'm a 22 year old girl living in a small town from Mexico. I feel relieved now that I've been able to find this comunity and read your stories, makes me feel not so lonely. Thanks so much to the Admins for accepting me.

I've been having this strange experiences since I was 15 years old, but back then they weren't so frecuent... They've increased frecuency since I was 17, specially the last copuple of years.

I used to refer my experiences as nightmares, cause that's what I've allowed myself to think they are, but I've been finding this "evidence", theese signs, that this so called nightmares of mine may be something more than just bad dreams.

It always happens late at night, I wake up in my room, scared, cold sewating and feeling my heart pumping really fast, I can almost feel it inside my ears. I'm in my room but I feel this presence, like someone is in the room with me... or was, cause I've never been able to see anybody.

This has been happening the same way since the beginning, and I was submited to a psychologist when I was younger. They treated me for sleep disorder and diagnosed with "Night Terrors". Both therapists I've seen (2 different) encouraged me to talk about my "nightmares", but the thing is, I've never been able to remember them. All I know is this terrible fear and that feeling of someone in my room, even that feeling of someone watching me.

At 17 I started to have trouble at school, headhaches and poor sleep cuality, so I was feeling tired and weak during the day. My 2nd therapist also a Psychiatrist, prescribed me diazepam, first 5mg... then 10 after a couple of months. at first I was able to sleep better, but then it started all over... Nightmares where still there, and still couldn't remember what they were about.

What's been scaring me lately are this bruises all over my body, bruises that I don't think can be result of any accidental injury I can remember. When I wake up from the nightmares, I feel this pain, pain wherever turns out to be a bruise in the morning. There's nothing in my bed I can be hurting myself with, and I've been observed for a few in a sleep clinic for somnambulism, but the results where negative. I've been scanned, blood tested, sleep deprived, sleep tested... no doctor can give me a satisfying answer... Anything but "You're nervous, you need to calm down"... "This is an anxious disorder, have some valium and some therapy"...

What's bothering me is that, I've already done that... no effect at all... And I've started to feel ill again... My last blood tests have shown some anemia and now I've been given some iron suplements.

I'm scared, and I even ashamed that I've beguin to think something's going on with me doctors can't explain... That's why I've come to you guys, I wander if any of you have experienced this sort of things, and how have you dealt with them.

Thankyou very much for reading

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Hi Everybody

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Dear Alison,
I am sorry to hear that things have been so difficult for you. Most of my experiences with the star people are good and friendly, but I have also been abducted by aliens who were not so nice. I have always managed to get myself away from them, but there have also been times when I woke up with fresh scars and bruises and no real memory of what occurred. I did not like that, so I decided to make a change. I took my power back.

If you want to stop the unwanted visitors from coming, you have to stand up to them and let them know who's boss. This is one example of what you can do that seems to work pretty well. Go into a dark room where you will not be disturbed. It can be any time of day or night, doesn't matter. Make sure the room is very dark, so you will not be distracted. A bathroom might work, or maybe even a closet. Now, for some people, sitting alone in a small dark room takes courage, especially if you're being abducted by aliens. So, you must be strong. In the dark room, think about how you feel; let all the hurt and anger come out of you. Push it out. If you are angry about being abducted from your bed at night, let it out. Take that anger and use it to stand your ground. Imagine that an alien is standing in front of you, looking at you. Stand up and yell at it. Say something like this: "You do not have permission to see me ever again! If you come back, the whole universe will know, and you will be held accountable for your actions!" Of course, you can alter those words to say exactly what is on your mind. This little exercise will work, especially if you put some backbone into it. Don't let anybody push you around, even if you think they are somehow more "powerful" than you.

There is no one more powerful in your life than you.

Another way to reclaim your power is to be happy and fill your heart with love. I have found that negative beings do not like the higher vibrations of love. They run away from love because they do not understand it. When you raise yourself up and out of the lower vibration of fear you change your whole energy body and the bad ones cannot reach you. It is really important to do everything you can to let go of your fears and replace them with happy thoughts.

I made a meditation for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It can help protect you from negative attacks on the etheric plane, where most of the abductions and psychic attacks take place.

So, that's my advice to you: Stand up to the negative entities, raise yourself up to a higher frequency of love, and do the Grounding, Centering, and Shielding meditation.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Hi Everybody

Post by Alison »

Yours has been the most kind and understanding answer I've ever recieved after telling somebody about my fears. Thankyou so much Miss Bonnie, I'm downloading the meditation for grounding, centering and shielding from the link you shared with me. I'm giving the dark room confrontation a try, I don't think It'll be so difficult, I'm not really afraid of the dark.

About being happy and full of love, that's the most beautiful advice! I consider myself a happy person, despite the sadness I get sometimes when I feel so scared about my experiences. I live with my parents and they are very supportive... they've been really worried about me and they have done anything they can come up with to help me and I feel really loved by them... but, they can't really come to terms with this fears of mine. They can't see it as anything but a psychological problem, something inside my head... But I don't blame them, this are the sort of things you need to go through in order to understand them.

I'll keep reading your forums and your website, and I'll let you know how did I do with the meditation and the dark room try. Thankyou so much for your time and kindness.

Lots of Blessings for you and your loved ones!

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Re: Hi Everybody

Post by Tess »

Hi Alison, do not be ashamed that doctors have not found out what is wrong with you cause during their course they do not study about abductions and aliens!!!
You would find that what you have and is still experiencing most abductees go through the same thing,maybe some difference due to the person him/herself and how the abduction happened.
I ended up seeing a psychiatrist and have found that while they tend to believe in ghosts and demons aliens are a no no.
It was only through the flashbacks i had that i found out what was going on,Bonny's advice would help.
Some alien types feed on our fear and if you are more in control you would be able to handle things better.
Of course i do not go about saying 'Hej i have been abducted' no way on this little island but i don't blame anyone after all i was as septic as they are before it happened to me.
Some times i wonder why me what could i possibly have for them to be interested in?
Or it was just random.I wish to thing its over but when i see needle marks on my arms in the morning i'm not so sure.
Where as before i use to get scared i'm now full of anger for 'them'
I suppose i could go on and on but why bore you to dead! Take care everyone..

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