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alien abduction??

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:09 am
by Jennifer
Hi. I'm Jennifer, I'm 22 and here's my story...

I was 6 years ago, but i remember it like it was yersteday. I was asleep in my bed, when i woke up with no particular reason. i didn't move or anything, i was just lying on my bed, trying to get back to sleep,but i want to assure you that i was definetely AWAKE, it was not a dream.

Suddentely , I saw a bright blue light (my eyes were closed though). my ears were kind of "blocked", like when you go on the plane, and i could hear a buzz. It lasted for less than 10 seconds. after that, i was paralysed, couldn't move nothing, but i knew i could only open my eyes, but I wouldn't because the second that light went off, I was SO AFFRAID. :o I felt like someone was in my bedroom, watching me. It's hard to explain, but i was so scared and i defenetily knew something wrong was going on. I also felt like whoever was with me, they could read my mind.Back in the days, i didn't know about alien so i just though it was ghosts SO i tried not to think about "them", thinking of my homework, anything else to trick them (lol) :P ....

then, i felt a sting on my right thumb just under the nail. It didn't hurt, but i got so scared, i was thinking "it must be a dream, this cannot be happening to me" when i got a second sring at the same place. I felt like "They" are reading my mind, and made that sting once more to make me understand that it was really happening... through all the experience, i was kind off told to open my eyes, but i was too scared i didn't.

After a little while, i was still paralysed. Then the bright blue light came back and I kew it was all over. IT's funny how the second that light want off, the fear just go away, like everything is back to normal. I couldn't move straigt way, but little by little, i got my body back. I checked myself and i had no mark on my thumb. I then went back to sleep (with the tv on lol).

IF anyome could tell me what they think about it or maybr have had a similar experience, I'd love to hear about you. Thanks for reading my story.

Re: alien abduction??

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:24 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Jennifer,
Every detail you gave was a common occurrence among alien abductees/contactees. It really happens, and it happens to lots of people all over the world.

It's not always the same for each person, but many people see a blue light or a white light fill their bedroom, and sometimes TWO successive bright flashes of light that can cause the physical body to be temporarily paralyzed. I have been through it myself, many times. I believe it is part of the process we go through when we interact with the aliens/star people. I call it the transitional phase. I wrote about it in my book, Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people:

"This experience is an example of the Transitional Phase of moving from one reality to another. I was about 20 years old when this happened:

In this case, my memory came into clear focus while I was already in the alternate reality, standing in my living room. I felt very much awake and aware of my surroundings. I realized that even though I felt so close to a normal state of consciousness, I was not quite there. I did not dwell on this idea however, as I became distracted by a loud beeping noise which had abruptly begun sounding off inside my head. I had experienced this before, so I knew it was just in my own head and no one else in the house would be able to hear it. I could also see little red lights behind the curtain and just outside the window, which were also familiar.

I did not panic. I knew the star people were doing this, so I was patient and just let it happen, as I am always yearning to know more. I walked toward the window to more closely inspect a group of tiny red lights when I was suddenly lifted upward and into a horizontal position about five feet off the floor. I began spinning in circles, as though an invisible pole went through my midsection and I was circling around it. The speed was so great that I could not control the muscles in my face. There was a very bright light and I saw three tall star people standing nearby watching. They were in the living room with me. Interestingly, I saw that they were wearing clothing - what resembled layered robes. They observed me as if I were part of a scientific experiment and they were recording the data. I felt and could hear the crackling of what seemed to be static electricity. For some strange reason, I was laughing. I'm not sure why, maybe it was nervous laughter. I certainly wasn't having fun.

I was feeling a type of energy, like static electricity tingling throughout my body, permeating my entire being. I heard the beeping noise in my head and was spinning uncontrollably. Then I felt my physical body lying on my bed, but I was not in it! At that point I became very frightened. I felt that I had no control over the situation, and my body was lying there without me…. Luckily, it was not long before I felt my two "selves" merge, as I returned to my physical form. I continued to feel the tingles all over, like I have so many times after visitation. It was a prickly type of feeling, not too much unlike when your foot falls asleep and you get "pins and needles." I was unable to move for about a minute, but when I did, I was overjoyed to feel my blankets and my pillow with my hands, just to know that I was awake and in my body again. When I felt safe enough, I went back to sleep.

I had returned to the alternate reality, and was going out the front door of my house. Four UFOs were hovering in the sky above. I was very happy to see the ships and ran forward to greet them. One ship landed and the star people came out onto the lawn. They were disguised as humans so they would not scare me or the other humans they had onboard the craft. The disoriented humans were being escorted out of the craft to be washed off. Apparently, they had just been picked up from elsewhere and they needed to be clean to stay on the ship.

I approached a star person and asked her to turn back into her "real self." She replied that she did not want to frighten me; that I might not like her if she took on her true form. I told her it was okay, so she did it - she transformed into a 3-foot tall star person, still the same spirit, still giving off the same type of energy. I picked her up, like she was a child, and carried her around the yard while we spoke. She seemed to be fine with that, and I really hadn't given it a second thought. I told her about the beeping noise and the spinning I had experienced, and with a smile she exclaimed, "Oh! I was just warming you up!"

We prepared to board the ship. I was concerned about being gone and my family missing me, so I asked the star lady how long we would be. She casually replied that it would be about a month or so, but the time on my clock later showed only three or four hours gone from the night."

The real trick is to NOT be afraid when it happens. This allows you much more freedom to have control over the situation. I have always done the best I could to stay calm even though part of me was terrified. I somehow managed to push that to the background and be brave instead. It can be done. And now...I don't even let the negative aliens near me. I recently had an experience where a Grey walked right up to my sliding glass door and wanted to come in. I told him NO and he went away. I have very good control over the visitations, and that is because I let go of my fear and in doing so, I brought out the true strength within me. It is within each of us. Just let the fear go.

Many Blessings, Bonnie