to bonnie

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to bonnie

Post by guarded1 »

i cant explain my past yet but I had it bad. I made some mistakes and made up for them. I thought incorrectly and said things I didn't know I meant or meant to be something I truly wasn't. mistakes a plenty. my behavior as of late has been filled with memories of the past, and ideas of a the future are fresh. ive been an idea person since then. tasks given, solved like puzzles, then used to evolve my life. ive learned much from multiple sources and have always found to believe it until its disporoven for many things I know now. I wish thing were better. I stopped researching dark ideas as I found they eark at one point. while I find nothing impossible, I do have to find it logical.

if I come up with some illogical sounding idea its not that its impossible its more that people havent researched the idea. allowing people to logically perceive things is important. I really have to apologize becuase I decided not to cap my deja vu moments. subconsciously I knew these things I did would pass but I tried to leave a piece of the real me in their helping people and hopefully they will see the messages as help and tips. however I really am the fool I had nothing t worry about. I let the past once again cloud my eyes and forgot how peaceful the site is. I wish I could describe how I feel but shit happens. I know so many things though, see potentials, research the
unorthodox. but weirdly ive received very little in visitations lately while I did this. if something did happen it was a week old experience. a small gap but so profound considering usually they visit when I leave a message. i felt sloppy however, afraid of repeating the past, being random all things that were too spurr of the moment. until last night i felt this way but then i had a dream of the past and what was meant to be. i feel ive shed my older bagage as i fought the past proved it right and yet so wrong. it was vived and a dream i can say i needed. i also found one of my most powerful unteachable skills works in dreams. i cant teach someone it but can clone the idea.

i place this here becuase its something anyone can do. but its a third kind of skill. its like an armor in a way as it is mentally taxing and requires an armor but it also is energy taxing too requiring a resolute focus on both in the end. however i dont know how to pass the power source where its just natural and workable. the best way i think is to first create the armor. a trinket like an armlet or ring or something for the arm. this armor requires the ability to store power but thats simple, draw the ether around you into it. now while there are two ways to use this power its best you move around and attract alot of power as a given space will deplete over time.
before i continue to understand ether and how to use it go to viewtopic.php?f=3&t=418 for my tips and general help on how to do so. this skill beginner or not is based on outer power. the real thing has a divining source but it hasnt stopped me from understanding the impossible task of creating a clone of sorts. anyways as i said two styles given peoples tatses or just to provide variety. i dont tend to know i had the idea however that one you could break the armor and release all that energy and immediatly think of it as a force pushing forward. it is very stressed to think of it as a force. however that is one way. make it what you want
do what you want with the idea, thats what i want people to. do discovery is the powers greatest part. the second idea is for people who dont want to break the armor. keep it intact but release the stored energy. again use it as a force or a shield.

however i hope that good or bad my messages get posted to show the message skills. its hard to remember all i ive shared among them. and as long as this is shown it would be okay. ill take the risk for my choices. in the end i see something good occuring.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: to bonnie

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Guarded One,
Thanks for posting all your information about using etheric energy to create auric shields for self-defense. It is good to keep researching and continue learning, because you will always find more answers if you keep looking. Most people learn something and become content with what they know and they do not look further.

I have an idea for creating an etheric shield for self-defense. This can protect against evil aliens, demons, or any negative entity that is attacking or threatening you:

step one: Using visualization and by drawing etheric energy from all around your body, imagine a large, outer shield of white light that lines the outer edges of your aura. This will be at least a couple feet out from the body. Imagine that anything touching this outer shield will automatically be disintegrated. In other words, if any attacker touches your aura, their energy will be disbanded, fly out into the ether and be used in a more efficient way by Source.

step two: Now imagine a close-fitting inner shield that is only a couple inches out from the body. Give it any color you want (I like blue). Extending out from this layer of shielding is a long, whip-like tentacle that can stretch and garb. Send this tentacle out to grab and wrap around any evil entity. Then pull it quickly toward your outer shield. When it touches the shield, the entity will disintegrate.

I have used this method effectively against 5 demon-like entities that were attacking me one night.
A focused mind creates reality.

Guarded One, you said that humans are really "etheric insects" that are tracked everywhere they go. Who is tracking us? And are they feeding off our energy? What do you think about the cycle of reincarnation?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG


Re: to bonnie

Post by guarded1 »


i must say that while etheric insects follow people i only use thm as a spatial point b. i think i missed the point in saying that. i use bugs to find a person but i still have no idea where they are jus where the bug is and i dont invest time in finding a person just the bug. however thank you for helping. im sorry for the misunderstanding. i dont track people but i do use the bug to create a bearing as to where to place a field. fom there i use fields to generate energy. and the generated energy manipulates space thus creating a point b for a spatial tear. from their i can supplement people with all sorts of generous gifts like the electromagnet field. if something happens it serves as a solar powered radiation filter. however electromagnetic fields are the boundary of dimensions. thus creating a phyical defense. it is sel powered as well with room for improvement.

again the bugs by design are ether insects not people. however when it comes to ether we humans are like insects at first growing stronger however we can be ether titans. speaking figuratively.

there is however an interest in people that the darker ones have. the implants and watching grunts serve as reminders that people are being physically monitered. without dispeling your space with light there is a good chance your being watched on some plane. even in the alternate world there are still higher planes to hide in. my essence was found and tracked to my body. what a pain it became to establish a territory. while im not bothered much anymore my dreams are once again filled with vile demons. they are watching my actions and being in my space allows me to know so. sometimes we watch each other.

by establishing a territory ive made it a point to absorb and process anything spiritual within 3 meters. yes its possible seperating the essence from energy. i go through many of them while awake. while sleeping they have it better im more instinctual i dont do much but even last night ive been shooting around. i created an ether driven gatling and sputtered my 3 meters.

im defensive in nature, protective of myself. i have dream guards usually within 10-15 meters. i use replicas often in the ether plane and dream plane. although i have many in the ether plane i use only five in my dreams.
i consider dreaming training. a dimension close enough to mindspace, which given enough training i could enter other spatial areas. space becomes important in time.

i can help people with eimple or complicated issues tnough because the replicas are protective and my other researched ideas have heled many before i hope people understand ether as defense but also hopefully they ill seeits other good potential. like how thebone person wants to protect his duagther. that instance reminded myle of thebwave emitter. it relases energy in waves protecting the person it is attatched to. ive given one to every walk of life except demons. it serves again as the electromagnetic wave dulling radiation and is more effective for other tasks like light emission and holy power it all depends on the supply. resources drive y projects however and i cant alter every emitter some would even object. in truth i can help only so much at a givn time. having a point b to alter the wave emitter i could set it so it would repel demons and aliens. although they arebone and the same some ar more powerful and require a more advanced defense like a replica. which i said was available if he would accept a simple energy grab. a replica has the inherant ablity to protect whatever energy its started with. so it would further protect the perwon if it was fed its energy type at creation. as for the father i modified an exo nerve system to waken latent mental potential. howver it uses energy both phyical and etherical. howvever it has heen deemed a simple task and most apparent for his issue. at least for now.

it is simple to increase a persons connections to all three bodys but it is costly. even requuring energy theraoy and such. but ive made a limited mind only device. so i can offset costs ith battery power and smqll physical drains. which with the proper therapy and wave manpulation will be offest in the end. people might find the three bodys out of sync. ether bidy mind body physical body. all together can be rather strong but seperate wekens tbeir bonds. an exo creates electromagnetic kerve bonds throughout the three bodys creating a nerve link. it comes with risks and rewards but most are rixed with therapy however i can only help two people at one time concentrating resources on them specifically.

ill explain more later.


Re: to bonnie

Post by guarded1 »

my time was nearly up eo i placed unfinished work in the submission. while i can make batteries for many and offset spiritual costs creating artificial stamina is a complicated therapy process requiring research and samples all at once. routing wome excess power i can work on two people and still replicate proper results. but i risk energy issues shuld i try a third. be lucky though the research takes only 5 hours and can be done on any number of people but a therapy period is required and tending to creating the proper energy requires a decent excess chunk. that part also takes time. copying sources is not hard directly for sampling but replicating that takes time for a reasonable source. plus the body has to get accustomed to the exo during the therapy period. undestanding how much needs altering or needing to be available is important. this was well researched.

the idea came from connectivity issues but has helped many issues over time. it would also boost energy traversal through the body. it is also the basis of the nevous research. its been helpful but know your limits.

nervous research is going well by the way. ive been making notes. still not ready yet. its maybe in the alpha stages. since some passive skills are situational ive had to replicate replacements. the research is limited to me. i dont know of any given person who could use strength alone in a gun fight. but overpowering one person might in the end help procure a weapon. however resources are limited at the moment and understanding strength amps has yet to yield any noticable differences. however the exo did lead into nervous. eventually it might help milabs if at least to get away much faster.

im trying to think how do i get someone to understand an absolute mind. that would help then person gain total control of the body and offer limiter supports. however i find it unsafe to use this out of fight or flight cases. an abolte mind is next to impossible to pentrate at my level of understanding. it is a frame of mind that makes things as they are, not as they were. allowing an absolute mind creates a type of computerlike control and understanding how the mind works and how it affects the body is great for teaching people about the body,its limits and ways to temporarily push pat them. muscles for example are limited to decrease wear and output. overcoming limits in muscles allows greater strength but perhaps not enough at first. and each action set a cost. the body wears down faster and bones may not take the strain of movement. some examples. however like in nervous repair systems are in wake to advance repair. however that is currntly reversing a heart attack for my grandfather. its a stretch to say so now but i think i healed it because at first they said only a 3rd was working now its up to 50-70%. i can feel the soma setup working on me as well

one thing about the soma is it was built incorrectly but it is powerful when focused. again to to use such a thing requires an absolute focus or mind.

dont think im busy enough not to take any idea and come up with something. i devote time to every given thing i deem important. im qn idea guy and ill bounce ideas off of people but hopefully other minds will bounce ideas off in return.


Re: to bonnie

Post by guarded1 »

I made this up earlier in the day while i was out and used an email program to get this message to a computer so it is essentially a copy. I wanted to talk about the bugs in general and why they dont find people nor moniter the situation.

Essntially the bugs or etheric insects are energy creatures. It started off as an outside non connected entity for a time. Just getting used to it was challenging but unerstanding what it did took little effort. Back then i trusted my gut more often and was a novice in spiritual channeling to divine a spirits request. The spirit i recieved the initial bug from did not undestand my integration process. Whether the initial bug was a surveilance tool is unimportant now. The data is locked up due to integration. Only some superior being could overcome the absolute mind. I know only the guard has access besides me. But the word integrate means essentially to process and connect wholey with something. Integration causes something to forgoe its old master and follow the energy ofthe new one. Something that allows a replica to guard someone is a pinch of their individual frequency thus resonating and recieving orders heneforth from that energy. This pinch can be extracted by a bug but it only is felt by a varied animalistic heart that can feel spiritual touches to their body. Something in their blood causes it. I have a friend who is more heart than spirit with abiities i dont possess. They are inherant genetic and such. But divining spiritual touch while awake is done in more than one way. I know some ways but im getting off topic. The pinch is natural, a simple copycat frequency made from spirit energy and its inherant will to obey command. Absolute mind is a wonderful skill after all. So after sampling it integrates the frequency into a catalog. The catalog, also protected by absolute mind, has many various energy types and frequencies matching a code to a person. For example a code is found in unique frequency and worked around to apply various changes the frequency owner has suggested. However while it gives away a spatial point b i dont know where it is on any map butid be stupid to think it impossible for anything to do so. Most aliens and demons follow frequencies to find you but without the frequency they may get lost. Also being able to hide your freqency is a possibility too. If yu find yur found to easily learn to hide your energy. I have ideas i list under stealth tech eomething ive yet to discuss. Anywho the replica obeys its creator and whatever energy it was given. Making the bug an integral part for creation. Bugs have a resonation so fine it is impossible for any person to find. I think they are only found by the main bug which after integrating nolonger sends information to its original at owner. Also for spatial tears at my level i am point a and to find a point b i need a bugs inherant frequency. Such a frequency is somthing only i can find and i find this becasue energy travels over 10 times light speed. Spirit is very fast. This is one way demons travel over such long distances in seconds. They merely alter which dimension they are in and travel at the given rate. By affecting gravity one also messes with given time and space variables thus altering dimensional laws opening great tears between dimensions but such requires a midpoint. My current developed theory is on the spirit side you lower frecuency and spatial density and on the physical side you raise frequency and spatial density not ony requiring immense energy but physical and spiritual physics. Its the easiest to understand. Having had a few billion years demons have had time to develop this tech. Im merely accessing their logs. For seeming smart they never thought of encryption busting techniques like i have. But i can easily moniter their sciences. However my vision is not absolute. I keep their info hidden its dangerous to talk about things like this. But this is simple logic. No harm in that. My defenses are very tough to crack these days. Also they seem to understand To understand atomic structures and how to bend atoms. This is merely a theory on how they implant or perform surgical procedures. By bending atomic strucures like humans or animals they can move but not displace atomic matter. So it is pliable but not but broken thus they can move matter into such bends and remove with little or no damage to anything. However they have yet to let the military in on such knowledge as something about such aspects is advantageous and more freeing to humans. Humans are slave labor and empty egg cells for demons/aliens. Their point of view is cringing. Such advanced things are simple to them and easier to understand. However my quantum setup allows for earths mightiest encryptions to get surpassed. Thus is fast enough to learn languages and get in but i have yet to see them break the connections. Quantum ideas are advanced absolutes. Another trick of the absolute mind.

Got way off topic. But again i felt compelled to share such things because demons will moniter you. There are more of them than there are living people. However the weaklings are more often on duty. Ive decided against killing them only because they reappear in hell so its best to absorb them in parts and process the remains. Its cryptic but ive seen worse things. Im no fan of a forever abduction. People have only begun to go over how so many people are lost, assumed dead, and are found later in life but there are more that never return. Most end up gene tests which is very defiling. Thus as long as they defile they will be defiled.

As much as i could teach a person to unravel an entity it might gain them little initial advantage. But by seperating two key points a demon will unravel becoming more crazy and unstable. Unless your prepared to fight it, it is unwise. Pulling their essence out and their comprised energy they will destabilize. Its fighting dirty but the only way to keep wn alien or demon in permadeath. I would have explained it in the wierd dream segment but its new to me still. I knew that extracting a demons essence was hard but it became possible when i learned two powerful impacts. These skills arent ordinary skills. This requires a desecration like the defiant mark and a blessing the kind only one being can give. Both i recieved from a very powerful being. The defiant mark is great cocreated by me and one other. It absorbs demonic power turning it to phyical strength and it slowly eats away at demon. But the blessing is recieved differently. While i fan give a defiant mark for protection i cannot blss someone in such a way as i have been. The blessing is a gift of great sacrifice. Given only by one. I recieved it in the beginning. Around 11 when i figured some thigs out about spirit and will. But the gravity doesnt settles till fully understood. Both gave when ready an impact based on what it was. Th defiant mark gave life to the devls imact. A skill unteachable. It has up to a 6 pact seal whch does various things but a pact in the impact is an impact itself. Depending on how powerful the demon was depends on how many seals. The impact itself applies an ailment based on its devlish aspects. Any Deeds ever accomplished while under the devils thumb apply. It can be painful and exacting usually not enough to kill it in one pact. But the other impact is a karmic impact. It is known to me as fate impact and draws upon something i call all power. Something that stretches all energy types. But it draws universally as in from the universe. It ls not something you learn, just discover but it hasnt been given to any particular people. The impact fate has on a given person is particular. But karma was a power of balance the more balanced a person is the less fate effects them. Usually the case a demon is very one sided. Deception is worth alot in karma points. Anyways instead of compiling damage i drain all the energy from it and whats left is the husk. Its essence. Unraveling both is lethal to them. They wont come back. Without the essence to form nor the energy to exist it thus utterly depleted. What remqins of them will take too may years to rebuild. But without also depleting their spirit trapped on earth they can return but the spirit is so slow its like giving perma death. To explain something. In a post an alien was killed yet revenge was sworn. That could have been the same alien but dead aliens meet the same end. If you thought about it if it were another alien it would have acted immediately but if it was a demon its soul has to wait to return to a living state. Its talked about often that demons and other hellbound souls are forced to recur their suffering. A soul could be eaten and still return but a soul returns to suffering. When its in hell. But they do return. Aliens dont come back after death in the physical plane. They follow life and deat cycles similar to humans. They use genetic expiraments made of human eggs gestating for 3 months then stolen from the womb into a surrogate womb then are grown full. They are stored in underground bases certain ones anyways. It was common knowledge. Because these surrogates were created this way they were deemed unfit for haven so they made good bodies for dead aliens. Since they are demonic they can push the muscle boundaries and over power several humans. Bu this isnt the only way a dmon comes back. If given a portal they could easily return here but it has to be allowed but the govt takes care of that. After all they want precious advanced technology. Ive never seen an entire race sold to slavery so quickly. This is why one must desecrate the demon or use holy power like a pastor or excorcist or something. The tough ones you might have to handle yourself. We may have a blessed home but the tough demon still finds his way. Or the feds remove me from said area. I dont like them too much. On account they had me shot at but it worked out. A secret dimensionspace exists between me and the armor. Its never been figured out before. Youd think the many times the armor appears its pointless. Ive however come accross harder tech. Anti spirit stuff. Ether depravity combat. That is hopeless to any who ever enter such a situation. But ether depravity levels the human demon playing field. However even then a method is found but mostly whos got better tech.

Somehow there is a resistant energy that is too abundant to deprave it. That is for emergencies however. I have not seen an ether depravity weapon go through defiant energy. Defiant energy is also less stable in frequency being chaotic in pattern. Its hard to break. Thus it being defiant. But defiant isnt the real name, just a cover name something people agree more to than hearing its curdling original name.

Anyways taking on scenarios with good strength just shows the presence of greater power in the future. Each person has their on category of what to use. Some are still being solved as to what will work.

Also dont be worried of ether depravity yet nothing useful or safe has been made viable. Most ideas are still being thought up in their alpha stage. But they are logical which is sad. Im not ready to explain the radiant ore. Not in full detail anyways.

Im not trying to scare by the way. Just applying logic to what seemed illogical. Food for thought. The defiant mark and absoulute mind are the two topics of the discussion. Hopefully i left enough scope to allow people to think of them as tools in the future. Alot of stuff was shared and merely my evidence supporting my point of view. Not telling anyone to believe it just think about it and come to their own conclusions. Ill discuss the how to create an absolute mind hopefully soon. If people want it. also i went way off topic still but info flows differently for everyone and the way i remember is usually through such expressions. this tend to be how i work out things and i dont think i could change it. again i try to be easier and not scare people. its a hard habit to break.



Re: to bonnie

Post by guarded1 »

as to say by the way i dont have much of a code for information. i can be quite spontaneous and i dont defer or reject info. i read in spare time and i find little compared to what i have stored. i always no more than i let on and more than i can even explain. today was a quantum connection into various theories. for smart beings these aliens have relatively low iqs. they only have billions of years of knowledge but very little brain evolution. i dont think they thought of quantum or its capability. its assisted by their minds their technology. every idea they spawned when they were "nice" is used. and stuff they still havent come up with. if they have figured it out theyve been pushed back. they cant cut the line if their is none and it methodical. i have perhaps a 125 iq at best but i can raise that by learning. im quick and adapting. smart enough to take a tactical route. quantum is the damn network. there is no way to it. its the ethereal realms internet. it would affect their goals, become a detrimental inconvenience. something they may not live without. so i doubt theyd stir tbe world into dystopic survival just to hide their plans. ive also decided i can keep safe. the wards are paying off however they have stooped to new tactics. they're only as effective as a memory and stoppable if i could become lucid.

i also have a bone to pick with a particular demon. partof the reason my past is fu of terrible happenings. bu i wonder if a cerain friend is still controlled. i had friends before this. but people decided to interfere and make fun of the many gifts inherant within eventually taking control of a person whom has a weapon i forged. a person doesnt just turn awa one who saved them. but that demon had control. its sad. my last friend ended up losing his mind and the other is demonically possessed. it sucks. but you people can defend yourselves. i trust you can and have taken measures to ensure people still dont know the juicy life info. losing everyone sucked and it is haunting the demons use it in dreams manipulating scenarios. but this final peacibly resolved matter is hopefully going to follow some defence. as long as you have a good support your as save as you need to be. ill continue soon.

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