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Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:25 pm
by SilentSleep
Good evening all.

I would like to start off by saying I'm new here and look forward to hearing everyone else's experiences as well as sharing my own with you.

Since I was a child (can't quite remember my age but was younger than 10), I have had the same dream maybe twice or three times a year.
I originally lived in the house that's in my dream with my mum around the time I was that age and remember the interior vividly like I could rebuild it.

It all starts with me waking up in my bunk bed which had space under it for toys and was next to the door to my room. I would be facing the window when sitting up but my instincts tell me to see my mother, so I climb down the steps from my bed and enter the hallway to start heading to my mums room right across from mine.
As I am doing so I'm confronted with what I would considering a fairly tall being that towered over me and explained I couldn't see my mum at this time so scooped me up and carried me back to my bedroom.
(I must note I do recall something happening in my mum's room as I heard noise but I can't remember much apart from that).

This being puts me into bed and I finally face it, it had the deepest eyes (not in a horrifying way but as though you could see forever), the being tells me that I'm not allowed to see my mum but I will soon, as the being continues its explained that there are things I'm not permitted to know yet but will as time goes by.
After this he goes back into the hallway almost like a guard and I wake up the next day.

I felt no hostility towards this being and as the years have gone by thought I saw it once again but I do not fear it.

Any thoughts on what could be happening?

Thank you

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:29 am
by wings
Hello SilentSleep,

Welcome to the forum.

Interesting story. Sounds like something was indeed happening. Is your mom still alive? Do you talk with her ok? Have you thought about telling her about it? You might have to do it in a very lite way, like maybe hint that something would happen and see if she is ok with talking about it.

Do you remember anything about the guards face or clothing? For me, my first people I saw were very short, very large eyes, very large heads, shiny suits with a upside down triangle on the chest. Was this person in regular clothes or perhaps a suit or jump suit? Did he have hair or a hat? Military looking?

Also, the noise in our moms room, was it just talking, or panic sounds? Worry for your mom perhaps?


Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:53 am
by SilentSleep
Thank you for your reply.

I do still speak with my mother, she has told me as I have become older she use to experience things and would sometimes see me there but I don't recall those experiences myself.

I have spoken about the incident at hand with her and she explained that a few times where we were living she had a few encounters which I could have stumbled across unknowingly.

In regards to the being itself, he was very large in a tall sense, big eyes you could see everything with and was wearing very light clothing coloured and material was light also, kind of like what a person would wear as beach wear.

The experience itself wasn't threatening to me in any way and offered some forms of comfort for whatever they were doing to my mother because I knew there must have been a reason why I couldn't go in her room.

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 6:33 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Silent Sleep,
Welcome to the forum. Sometimes parents and children share experiences. Your mother was probably having a visitation with the star people/aliens and you were kept from seeing it.

When my daughter was 3-4 years old, I was seeing the star people a couple times a week. This happened after I went to sleep. They would come into my room and take me right out of my physical body. It was very intense.

Occasionally, I was on board the star people's craft and I saw my daughter there. I was aware that on many occasions, she was also with the star people doing other things while I was having my own separate visitation. It is certainly nerve-wreaking for a parent to have to go through this....

And my daughter spoke with me about it in the morning. She knew all about the star people. It is not unusual for these visitations to happen in family lines.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 1:52 pm
by SilentSleep
Thank you for your reply Bonnie,

I did read that a lot of experiences are family orientated. It's definitely nice to know there are similar things happen to people as well.

I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel from a parents view point though.

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:45 am
by guldage
Here we are speaking Childen we know of. HAve anyone had a feeling of having childen you have meet that is part alien. I have two situations now it seems was part grey and very little human with lack of feelings.And I have no feelings toward this child
I have reasently come to remember a childen that is full of ligth. Here I have a strong feeling of morning when I think of this child. LIke I have a link to this child. What this child is I am sure other than it is a very positive and beautiful feeling it gives me. And I am sad that I can not be around it.
HAve anyone ever had that kind of experience.??

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:44 am
by wings
Guldage, I have read about this a couple of times. It sounds like hybrid projects and that the aliens are introducing the children to people to see how they act, how they are doing, etc. Some, women, say that the child seems like part of them, like perhaps part of their DNA or egg was used. They sense it, that they have a relation some how.

A person has written a book on this, many reports come in and he is organizing it. I think the name of the book is Aliens Among Us, or They are Among Us. Something like that. Just came out a year ago. I didnt read it. Bought it online, but didnt read it.

So, that could be what you are now part of is meeting these new children and they are running evaluations to see how they do. That 'appears' to be what is going on.

The man that wrote that book, on an excerpt stated, 'how can you expect a kid to be like one of us if it is raised down in a base underground, never plays baseball at a school, isnt around kids (us) and doesnt watch TV and play games? They will not be the same. Made sense to me. And love.... Gotta have love.

Re: Reality or just a dream?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:02 am
by guldage
Thankyou wings. I think I will try and find that book. That is very interesting. also because I have never had a memory of this kind of connection before. Its new.
This altough I have had memories of strange looking embryos. These memories are years old. Just never had any feelings toward this. Not in that way anyway.
The old meories where more nightmares of a kind of birthsituation.

So this is a new developement. Also because this feeling is positive.