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A good video about alien abduction

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:43 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi All!
Here is a link to a good video about the alien abduction phenomenon.

If you are waking up, the most important and beneficial action you can take is to keep love in your heart, no matter the circumstance. That is THE KEY to spiritual ascension.

If you are an alien abductee who is having negative experiences, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to stay as positive and calm as you can, and keep love in your heart. Eventually, you will get to a place where these negative entities will no longer be able to reach you because you have raised your vibrational frequency.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:45 pm
by Jenni1028
Hi Bonnie:)
How are you??? The videos are great and I am still in the process of watching more!
Thank you :D Jenni

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:47 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Jenni,
I'm glad you liked the video. :D John and I just did an interview with the Safe Space News Agency and Robert Miles (creator of the film Fastwalkers). We got to talk a bit about alien abduction and also about the hypnotic, subliminal messages currently being used on television. We recommend that everyone sees that video for sure. We all need to be aware of the mind control so we can wake up and break away from it. Everyone who reads this should turn their televisions off and focus on developing their inner strength to prepare for the spiritual changes that are coming up fast!

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:00 am
by Tess
Hi Bonny and John,thanks for the latest video,you must be extremely brave to speak out,irrespective of any consequence you could face.
I do not think i would have the guts to do it,not even with a pistol to my brain!
Having said that i will write to you about some thing and let you decide if it holds any weight at all.

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:44 pm
by TaylorAlexandra
Hello Bonnie,
I just really wanted to tell you thank you for all yalls hard work both websites. I have alot of people including family members that are spiritually awakening. Alot of people who are first starting out are a little skeptical about the truth and your is a great place for them to "see-it-for-themselves." That website has helped me in guiding more people towards keeping love in their hearts. I recommend both your website where ever i go. I really enjoyed the TV mind control one. I knew they used TV for "programing" but when i saw that i turn my TV off completely, i havent watched it since. Looking forward to your new videos. :)
Sending love and light, bless it be.

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:53 pm
by ruby
this is my first post. I have been abducted since 1955 (i was 5) I was told I was being prepped for the future. I have scoop marks and an implant. It never mattered where I lived, they always could find me through my implant. I was told to be "a jack of all trades" and I am. I usually get taken at night, but also have been taken during the day. If I ever have doubts, something always happens (that feels like a slap in the face) to remind me this is not a joke. I have met others by accident that have had the same experience. I don't feel important, more like a worker bee, and I rarely discuss this with others. I've been told that there is going to be major devastation between 2012-2014. I was told that we did this to ourselves through modern technology that damaged our ozone layer, and that there is going to be a polarity reversal. When that happens, the magnetic field will not be intact, and radiation will enter our atmosphere and cause alot of devistation. It will be a new beginning for the survivors. I'm 60 now, and it is very hard to do what I have to do to prepare. Is there anyone out there with the same story?

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:12 am
by tskoone
This love issue has been also covered by Kiesha. I think she also has a lot of wise words about the world today and about the coming events.
Check out.

-Br, tskoone

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:42 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Thanks for sharing. I know it is difficult to prepare for the coming changes, knowing what may be ahead, when most other people are asleep to it all. The key to making it is LOVE. NO matter what else happens, the LOVE in your heart will raise you up out of the turmoil and negativity. We are literally creating ourselves. Remember that you are a light being, made of light. If your light is shining from within, then your whole body is glowing with positive energy. Don't let the fear mongers get you down. I know there is some crazy, chaotic stuff happening, no doubt, but you must turn your focus to what makes you happy.

We can prepare and prepare until the cows come home, but we'll never have everything exactly the way we want (there's always something more to do and never enough time). Set your focus on keeping the love shining in your heart. Be kind to yourself and to the others around you. Be brave. Good things are coming. We are already in the changes right now and the old system is falling apart. Let's create a new, beautiful reality by THINKING it into existence.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:14 pm
by beentheredonethat
I am trying to keep love all around me but it seems very difficult these days can you suggest ways to allow yourself the time to LOVE and keep it in your heart.... If its true that these negative energies are trying ot keep us down than they must be a very significant part of my expeeriences although feels like a tug of war inside me more and more everyday...

Re: Bonnie's video about alien abduction and this reality

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:56 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
I know it is difficult to deal with all the different energy waves flying through the air and all the negativity everywhere you turn. There are certain ways you can help yourself rise up and feel better:
1. Get rid of your cellphone. It is a cancer-causing tracking device.
2. Stop watching television. It is a straight up mind control device.
3. Eat local, pure food only. You are what you eat. Literally. Your cells are made up of it. Do you eat processed crap from a box and fast food? Take a look at yourself in the mirror.
4. Stop taking pills and getting shots. Big Pharma is making us sick on purpose to sell us more pills to kill us even quicker. It is all poison for the body.
5. Meditate during the day. Take 5 minutes everyday during your busiest time and just sit. Relax your body and then your mind. Go inward and get rejuvenated.
6. Give up all your bad habits and old, outdated behaviors. They are only holding you back, so work on them right away. Face your fears.
7. Keep LOVE in your heart, no matter what. If you start having negative thoughts, quickly think of something positive. Yes, we are being bombarded with HAARP frequencies and RF energy from cell phone towers (scalar weapons and mind control), among other things. You have to be strong and push out the negativity by shining a light on it!
8. Smile! We're in this together! Remember, you are literally creating your life with your thoughts, so stay positive at all cost! :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie