Resisting abductions & intrusions in the mental environment

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Resisting abductions & intrusions in the mental environment

Post by Arend85 »

Hello everyone,

I would like to share some things with you all. I have been a abductee, for many years. Almost two years ago when I was searching for thr truth of ET presence in the world, I stumbled into a website wich in turn gave me direction to a preparation that changed my life.

The Allies of Humaniy briefings is a set of briefings that explain very clearly the reality of contact that is happening in the world today. It states clearly what they are doing here and why. That they use the mental environment to influence, manipulate and deceive humanity into subjugation. That they can easily plant ideas and images into the minds of people, as we are just only beginning to learn of the mental environment and its potentials and are still very weak in this area.

I realy encourage everyone to read these briefings, wich are free online. And next to these I recommend doing the Steps to Knowledge. This preparation brings you back to your inner strength. Making you stronger in the mental environment and eventually make you an undesirable subject for abduction.

This has been my case. It has helped me beyond words. I have resisted the last two abductions. With becoming aware of what their purpose for being here is by reading the Allies of Humanity briefings, and by taking these Steps to Knowledge, you will in time be able to resist them. And in time you may even start to remember your past experiences with them wich have only been vague or like dreams or erased memories.

I realy encourage all to take these steps and read these briefings. It WILL help you so, so much.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Resisting abductions & intrusions in the mental environm

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Arend85,
Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help Forum. Thank you for the information. I checked out the websites and can see that the information is available online for free. There are books and also some videos.

Is there something in particular that worked for you? How were you able to resist the last two abductions?

Thanks again!
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Resisting abductions & intrusions in the mental environm

Post by Arend85 »

Hello Bonnie,

Basically following the Steps to Knowledge is what gave me the awareness and the increasing mental strength to resist this. But even if you cannot follow the Steps to Knowledge, becoming aware of their true purpose is something that will make you less desirable for them. But becoming stronger in the mental environment is key for your overall well being.

They do still try to intrude in my mental environment but it is very important to stay neutral. Do not be afraid or try to engage with them in some way. Be neutral is important. But by far most people are not even aware of the mental environment and how this can and is affecting them.

The last attempt of abduction I was laying in my bed when I felt that somehing was about to happen, then the light came and the paralysis set in. But I was awake and aware. It took only a few seconds and then they left. Just like that. I am still learning and have alot of strengthening still to do though.

So I encourage all to visit the sites from my first post and have an open mind. And I wish that these will help all of you as much as it has and is helping me.

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Re: Resisting abductions & intrusions in the mental environm

Post by guldage »

I had a day home sick , so decided to read the link you provided here Arend85, zipping forth and back to a discussion about Trump decided to auction of some tribal land for oil purposes. I am not going get into politics here, but it is fair to say that I got filled with a sense of dread.

I am convinced that these things are going on and my through contact with the aliens I am convinced that mind control is going on. I have been stuffed all kinds of weird into my head all to see how the can control me. It seems this remains a difficulty for them. We most of the time have a standoff on that matter. For some time they gain the upper hand and then I slip out of their grip and find another way of fighting them. It has been like that since childhood. I think there are some people that have some mental traits that for 1 they wish to harvest as well. But also they are curious as what makes humans tick that are able to resist their mind control. as to find a way to control them. Others again have chooses to communicate with me to see if that does the trick.
Of cause not sure if it is all to be negative. I have received great help from the most negative entities in my life from some that would still classify as aliens as well.

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