Do the abducties recognize eachother??

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Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by guldage »

I have had some experiance with UFos in my life. Within a very short period of time, I have had 3 people approach me about the subject. This I find very strange since I did not no the people before and it was them who brought up the subject. They where telling me out of the blue of there exsperiance.
Does others have anything like that happend to them????

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Guldage,
I believe we are all connected, spiritually. And we are able to read each other's energy fields or auras in an unconscious way (we might not realize it consciously), so we can actually tell a lot about each other without using the typical five senses. I have had many people tell me about their UFO or alien/star people experiences, not even knowing that I am a life-long contactee! They tell me things they have never told anyone else before. I think it is because, on some level, they are aware that I have had experience with this and they want to talk about it with someone who will understand.

It is not unusual for people who have had UFO or alien/star people experiences to recognize each other (perhaps not realizing it consciously) and feel drawn to each other. And sometimes, on rare occasions, people can even recognize each other from the space ships! Can you imagine if you met one of the people that you saw on the ship?

WE are connected in many ways that we are not yet aware of.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by youngers51 »

When i was in a relax state as i am sensitive to emotions my eyes were awake.
And it was like a flash back came to me.
I was led down on some sort of table but my upper body was raised by the table.
I saw a door way a few feet in front of me .

Suddenly this blonde earth woman stood there and she looked at me on the table through the door
She sounded scaired when she asked me

What are they putting you through.

I couldn't answer her back for some reason

She said the aliens are everywhere.

I still couldn't answer her back

I felt powerless to help like i couldn't move as
Then these people or aliens grabbed her by both sides
And ushered her away.
It didn't appear to be that i was in a ufo but like some
Testing facility perhaps on earth i cant be sure.

If it was a space ship it looked human in design.

I fear for this woman's safety i know they doing tests on me
I don't know what they are doing to this lady i get some sense
That she is from coloraldo USA so they testing on people from all over the
World as i am from uk.

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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by guldage »

Thats very interesting. I am from Denmark. I kind of believe they work from an underground place below water. Does that sound like something you exsperienced.
I have very clear memories of an underground cavelike structure with. I dont now for sure if it is under water, but thats just one of those feelings you, you just now to be true.
I too have been tested and probet. Reasently a lot actually, or maybee it is because I start to remember. Not sure

Did the walls seem kind of alieve?. Normal doorways and the table very simular to a normal doctors table?

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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by youngers51 »

I remember i was alone they must have paralyzed me in some way
As i could not move and i felt like they put some kind of mental block
On me so i couldn't speak or totally grasp what was happening

As for the room it looked it military in appearance.
I cant remember much else as flash back was concentrated
On this lady

Is anyone else getting telepathic messages about a alien needs rescuing ?.

Also what government people wear dark suits with a ear piece for communication
And seem to talk into their sleeves they lift their wrist up to their mouths and speak into
The sleeve on their wrist.

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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother?

Post by guldage »

Not rescue, but I have a few times lately had a face appear that is not the usual kind I meet. What I usually see is the normal Gray kind. Lately a taller one of the lot, but still a gray.
The guy I have seen lately now and again. HIs facestructure is far more prominent. He is longer in the face. His chin is long and you can see the boonestrycture very clear. Standing more out at the edge.
I have never seen any military guys of any kind. I do have that feeling of being keept under and under control. Lately everything has been very fuzzy.

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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by wings »

I have heard of many bases that are underground, and some under water as well.

* Off shore of Chicago, one of the great lakes, about the middle of that round area of the lake. Many UFO sightings there as well. Probably both alien and human.

* Near Avalon Island off the coast of Santa Monica (Los Angeles). A massive underground, underwater base, alien.

* Dulche mountain, near a military base. An alien base was discovered in the core of the moutain. Supposedly its now both military and alien. Alot of human testing goes on there. I have heard nightmare stories about it. No water though.

* A base in the South Pacific, near where that Milasia airliner disappeared. There is a secret Military airbase, runway is as long as the small island, but when you see it from above (SAT photo, Google Earth), you can see what look like buildings underwater in the circular harbour as though there is a huge underwater base there.

* A 'huge' base is rumored to be under Denver international airport. Many reports and witnesses confirm this. Alien and military and it took quite a long time to make it (and money). One of the races in that 'deep' underground base are the giant aliens, the tall Norsk? About 6 to 9 feet tall?

Thats what I have heard concerning bases. Hope that helps.

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Re: Do the abducties recognize eachother??

Post by guldage »

I have heard about a base now, outside the westcoast of Denmark. It seem there are hitspots a lot of places

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