Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

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Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

Post by Giles »

About 8 years ago I started having dreams about hooded figures in my room at night, these dreams are not common, I recall only 1 or 2 each year. At first they were very hazy fragmented memories then as the years past it became a little clearer each time I had the dream. About 5 years ago I recall being laid in my bed unable to move anything but my eyes, I sort of recall a strange light but not clearly, I could see maybe 4-6 small beings around the bed but could not see their faces. I recall being taken to a room of some sort, there were no sharp edges on anything in this room (I don’t know why I recall this but it stood out) and it had an almost mother of pearl colour to it, blue and purple. I remember climbing off a table, not really afraid, but trying to get out of the room, small beings followed me around and sort of ushered me to a room. Then I woke up in my bed, exhausted and a little nervous, I woke my partner up to explain the odd dream I had and before I managed to speak she said “I just had the most bizarre dream that there were 6 small creatures in the room, and I couldn’t move, it was ok I wasn’t scared because they told me they were here for you! they had big black eyes and dull skin” This did not bother me as much as it should have but it certainly made me think that perhaps my dreams were not just dreams.

I had these dreams on and off for the next few years but noting quite as eerie as that one. Then I started hearing voices in my head, not weird voices just a voice that could be described as my consiousioness telling me things that would occur (and they always did!). Then I had dreams about major world events and it all got too much. One day I was at home and the voice in my head started telling me things and I had enough and screamed for it to stop, it stopped immediately and I have never heard it since (I must admit now it is gone I rather miss it). I saw a gp about my dreams and voices and they said I had bipolar disorder and prescribed me lithium, after 6 months I stopped taking it as it made me feel dead to the world and I have always felt very connected to it, I hated that dead feeling. so about a year after I stopped taking medication (in October last year) I was at work about 6pm, all of a sudden I felt I had to go home to bed, this is most unlike me. I grabbed my stuff, got in my car and went straight home to bed, it was a totally compelling urge and I didn't question it for one minute. When I got home I went to bed and fell asleep immediately. Now folks this is the coolest “dream” I have had to date, I woke up and my room was just as I left it, I hadn’t even pulled the curtains. One thing was different though, the room was filled with this amazing blue light which itself seemed to be full of bright blue/white orbs dancing around, I cannot describe this light it was just something totally different and so utterly fantastic, I knew what was happening and I even managed to calm my breathing and my heart rate.
Again there were a few small beings near me but as usual I could not see their faces its like they are masked from me, I felt myself being moved and then I remember nothing until I am back in my bed, the light is fading and I am desperately trying to see the faces. I remember thinking “I want to see you”, and at that moment I saw what seemed to be a creature outside my window (I sleep upstairs so this seemed very odd). I got the fright of my life! It had what appeared to be quite big black eyes but its face was not smooth it was quite wrinkly and it stared at me for a short while there was a certain feeling of knowing and understanding in the eyes. Unfortunately I lost my calm and started to panic, something I am still angry with myself for. I wanted to smile at it but I was scared (this is frustrating for me as I am not generally scared of this stuff). I remember falling back to sleep and then waking up and my room was just as it was in the dream. This dream was very real, and since this dream I have found myself becoming more and more detached from my life and people around me. Its almost like my mind is straddling 2 different realities or dimensions, its very odd. People are becoming a chore and they frustrate me, I crave the company of like individuals (I have met none yet). I have been told that people can feel me vibrating when they touch me, and sometimes its like I can feel the earth herself breathing (that’s not exactly what I feel but I cant really explain it any other way). Since this night I have had many sightings of strange lights in the sky (witnessed by me and my friends so I am not imagining these at least).

So up until this point in my life I was a very outgoing individual and very focused on my work (I work in genetics), but now it all seems quite redundant. My friends and work colleagues have all noticed an abrupt change in my personality. I have no fear of what is happening and I am open to most possibilities. I also have a strange sense that something is on the horizon and I cannot stand the word alien for some reason. I have no problem with extra terrestrial though.

I hope some of your readers take something from this.

yours wandering


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Re: Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

Post by tskoone »

Hi Giles,
Nice dream you had. And about the "voice" in your head: you are not alone. I also feel very connected to earth energy (that how I feel :) ) and sometimes it is just too much. I do not hear it as a clear voice but as an urge, feeling or a dream that tries to communicate with me. An example: about 7 years ago I was driving a car with my wife and baby girl and I said to my wife (because of this feeling and mental picture I had) that I have to slow down because there is an elk coming to the road. I wish you could have seen her face when 20secs later an elk ran across the road in front of our car. After that I have tried to be more in tune to the vibes and we have also had other "Kodak moments" with my wife. :)
But sometimes it is just too much. Four weeks ago I was quite depressed because of the situation in Japan because the vibes tell me that this is just a beginning. So sometimes I just have to block it or it gets just too heavy...

Have to tell you (off topic):
I had also a spirit experience on last Thursday. In short: I visited an old building 9PM to turn off the heating and felt a presence. Got home, others asleep already. Heard weird noises when trying to sleep and saw weird lights outside reflecting from trees. General feeling was really heavy and dark. I enhanced the protection and visualized a bright portal to my living room and told the spirit to go there to get to better place. I felt it did, closed the portal and got to sleep...

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Giles,
What is happening is that you are waking up now. I'm so glad you stopped taking the lithium. It sounds like you have had positive experiences with well-meaning beings.

I call them star people, instead of aliens, because one morning when I was just waking up and coming out of a visitation, I saw a little guy peeking around the bedroom door. I smiled and yelled out, "Look! There's an alien in the room!" And the little guy got a concerned look and said to me, "I'm not an alien, I'm your brother." So now I call the friendly ones star people and the not-so-friendly ones aliens.

What a wonderful experience you had in your room with the blue light and orbs dancing around. Congratulations for keeping your cool as long as you did and wanting to see more. I know it isn't easy to face, I've been through all of it myself. In the long run, you will come to terms with it and accept it as real. You are definitely going in that direction.

The feelings you are having are the same as most of us here: we want to be free and live in the world we know is real and it's NOT the mundane world where people go to work 9-5 and slave their lives away. What's real and true is that we are multidimensional light beings. We create our own personal reality by focusing our thoughts and making them come true; this is why we tend to withdraw from society a bit. We're really not anti-social, it's just that we innately KNOW there is way more to life than the garbage we are being fed.

Listen to your inner self and the voice that helps guide you. You are waking up. You will start to remember more and see more because you are aware. We are moving into a new state of consciousness. While the rest of the world is in chaos, focus on being happy and creating joy in your life. You will raise your vibrational frequency and become more capable of bringing love and light into your life.

Welcome to the forum! Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »


John and I have those intuitive moments all the time, so much that it is becoming normal for us and not so shocking anymore. We listen to that inner voice and our feelings and really pay attention to it. When we do, everything falls right into place the way it should.

I like your idea of creating a portal of light for negative entities to go to. Nice touch.

Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Some of my experiences, I just want to share.

Post by Tess »

Hi Gilies,you are not the only one who hear voices i hear them too.
The psychiatrist gave me medication i have been taking them for yrs but the voices never stopped.!

But i did not write to tell you about myself.I need to tell you stay away from the lithium its poisonous to the body.
Also pls do not start to get detached from those around you,i know the feeling we wish to be among others who are either like us or who can understand and not laugh behind our backs.

But the likes of us are scattered around the globe.
I'm sure Bonny started this site for exactly that reason a place to came too knowing we would be understood and even though maybe not completely no one would think that a mental asylum is the place for the likes of us .

Sure we are human beings but not the 'normal ' kind of ones and we did not ask to be the way we are.Just be happy for who you are and what you can achieve were the rest cannot.

Some times i'm asked ''Who are you?'' my answer-
''In the science fiction world we're called mutants .
In the real world we do not exist.''

Take care.

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