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Mother Earth is reacting because of us

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:53 am
by tskoone
Spring is back and nature is waking up from sleep. It is time of joy and thanksgiving, but still I feel sad. For few weeks I've had thoughts and feelings from our Mother that I feel that I have to share with you.

I believe that we are living times that decides our destiny. Our common mother, the Earth, is reacting to our actions how we treat her. As all loving mothers she sees that we are struggling and she is willing to help us but only if we are willing to accept it. Currently actions performed by humanity is making our planet inhospitable to us to live in. If "the end of the world" happens, it will only be for us humans. The nature and Mother will regreen again and gain back her full strength in time, but only without us. Current wild storms and earthquakes are just consequence of our own actions against our family. Our Mother is trying to keep the balance but I feel that the time to correct things is running out. The polluted area in the Pacific full of junk. Oil in the gulf and possibly now in the Gulf Stream and nuclear disasters in Ukraine and Japan are causing all kinds of symptoms our Mother is trying to cope with.

We are one eith our environment. 95% of our body is water. If the water is polluted, we get sick. This way we have common destiny with water. Everything we eat comes from earth. If the earth is polluted, we get sick. This way we have common destiny with earth. We breathe what trees exhale and trees breathe what we exhale. This way we have common destiny with trees.

There's has been quite a lot of clear cutting of trees nearby where I live. It makes my heart sad. Trees are important for the forest. Those are the basic elements in the forest around what the other plants usually grow. Trees create a community of plants and that attracts other plants that can be used as herbs and medicine. So clearcutting trees you don't just lose a tree, we lose other stuff too. And by planting a tree to clearcut area we don't get the community back. We have to start see this behaviour in our other activities too.

We have to start seeing us part of the big family of the Earth and start respecting our brothers, sisters, our Mother (the Earth) and our Father (the Sky) before it is too late...

Here's something to cheer up this moody blues. It is a comic about things above (not by me):


Re: Mother Earth is reacting because of us

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:40 pm
by Shekam70
Yes I agree. Sadly all our world leaders are doing is working on the economy and greed the whole time and in the end, it will all prove our downfall.

Re: Mother Earth is reacting because of us

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:35 am
by TryingToUnderstand
My personal opinion is that we are destroying our planet. The number of tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes increases every year because we destroy the natural enviroment around us! I feel that the end is coming and Unfortunatly the majority of mankind will be unable to adapt to a new way of life! They won't know how to survive without Mc Donald's, cell phones, Facebook, and shopping! I feel that humanity has lost their connection with nature. Look at how animals react to natural disasters. They can feel danger coming before it happens. If you pay attention to all of the suffering that is happening World Wide you might come to the conclusion that unconsciously humanity feels something big coming and instead of embracing it they are freaking out!

Re: Mother Earth is reacting because of us

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:34 pm
by tskoone
TryingToUnderstand: Well said. Especially the freaking out part.

I just feel a bit frustrated what to do than hope for the best and preparing for the worst. I've been preparing my carage to be used in living and gathered some information about natural medicine plants. I also have gathered a lot of tools that require no electricity. I have some backup power solutions but those are not for continuous use.
I already know how to fish, hunt and make a living in nature (plus boy scout and finnish defence forces training). But if the nature is spoiled in troubles to come, then we're screwed big time.