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I Need Help

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:31 am
by TryingToUnderstand
I do not understand what has been happening to me the last couple of months! I have been seeing lights outside my bedroom window, scratching noises coming from my bathroom, an overwhelming feeling of not being alone, loud banging noises above my bed's headboard, and strange smells in my house. I have been dropped once in my bed, falling a total of 6 inches! I have a scar on my tailbone that is about 5 inches long and I am now missing part of my tailbone. I appreciate any help you can give me!

Re: I Need Help

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:16 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Trying to Understand,
I have been through years of experiences with some friendly star people whom I consider family, and I have also experienced negative alien abductions as well as military abductions. The various visitors would often take small skin samples from my body, mostly on the legs, arms and hands, but I'm sure there are other places where I never discovered the scars. Quite often, I woke up to find a fresh scar that was not there the night before. I also have conscious recall of different types of surgeries being performed (my heart, for example).
I am amazed to hear that the scar on your lower back has revealed that part of your tailbone is missing! Wow. Are you still free of pain? That is amazing but certainly possible, after everything I have seen and experienced.

I used to hear lots of strange noises when the star people came around. The sounds were usually cartoon-like, bizarre, sometimes three knocks on the window, even something that sounded like a distant, distorted barber shop quartet singing. Scratching sounds would not be unusual for them.

It is a lot of information to take in and analyze. I wrote my experiences down for years and years and wrote my own book about it, which was therapy for me. I keep a dream journal by my bedside and that helps me put the pieces together.

Something really important to remember is that the visits are not really physical in nature, but etheric (which is one of the levels of reality our consciousness can experience). It is basically the blueprint for the physical form and it is easy for the star people/aliens to work with us on that energetic level. Having surgery on the etheric plane leaves a scar on the physical plane.

I always recommend the meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It can help protect you on the etheric plane and can help you find your inner strength to deal with these experiences.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)

Re: I Need Help

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:41 pm
by TryingToUnderstand
Yes Ma'am, I am still pain free! I have a couple pictures of my scar and I would love your opinion of it! Your website wouldn't let me post it because of the size of the picture. So if you have an email account I can send it to let me know.

Re: I Need Help

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:33 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
It is so amazingly wonderful that your back is pain free! How do you feel about that? I mean, the star people may have really helped you.

Usually, when I insert a picture into a post, I use this code:[img]url-address-of-image[/img]. If you use that code, you need to have the picture posted up somewhere online. Insert the url address of your photo inside the code. The "Img" button on the posting page embeds the code in your post and you just fill in the blank.

Did you try a different way? I checked the posting settings for the board, and it says that the image size is unlimited. Of course, I could be missing something. :roll:

Please attempt to send the picture up again and let me know what happens. Thanks!
