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Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysis"

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:57 am
by chaotic
Hello everyone!

Looks like this is my first post. I've just read the other topic about sleep paralysis "what is sleep paralysis and how many of had this ?" and I'd like to go for a more scientific viewpoint of WHY sleep paralysis does not match to the alien abduction phenomenon (or "experiencer" phenomenon).

I do not like to mix sleep paralysis with paranormal, unexplained experiences, because sleep paralysis is a well known and well explained, concrete term in every lexicon. It does not need to be confused with our experiences that are of different origin and still need more study.

My comment was originally formulated as answer to "lynndi"s post. so sorry for opening a new topic. I go on with lynndis introduction and my answer:
lynndi wrote:just wondering about what is called sleep paralysis , ive awakened parlyzed and its happened right beffore i go to sleep , but im not asleep . totally cant move , cant speak and then they try to pull me out of body . what are your thoughts on this ?
Every one of us has sleep paralysis every night ;). Otherwise we would fall out of our beds.

So yeah, I have experienced sleep paralysis too. I talk about the conscious form of it that you are describing. When I have sleep paralysis I wake up and cannot move, it feels like my body doesn't listen to the orders of my brain. I just wake up and do not immediately understand what is going on. This feels uncomfortable and is combined with a slight form of panic. But after a second or two, the paralysis vanishes, I become fully awake and I can move again.

But sleep paralysis was never ever combined with sightings or experiences that I had with aliens. I also never had the feeling of being "pulled out of my body", or something like that.
Well, other of my German abductee fellows had that feeling. But it was also different to sleep paralysis.

The definition of "sleep paralysis" is different from the sightings of beings in my room, where I was fully awake. I even tested it and deliberately moved parts of my body to see if sleep paralysis was involved.
This never was the case. I moved my fingers, my toes, my arms and my legs under the blanket and the beings did not disappear and just stood there watching me. They only started to walk away when I moved parts of my body very OBVIOUSLY, like waving to them or grabbing in the direction of the light switch. An experience like this does not match to a clear, scientific term like sleep paralysis.

Then there are the other experiences where I am taken away. Shown things on a ship or talked to those beings. Those experiences can in no way be explained with a term like sleep paralysis. And additionally to that: The similarities and little details between the events that happened to me and other abductees WORLDWIDE are to striking to simply be a complete product of fantasy. More must be involved here. And whatever that is, is subject to be found out.

We are dealing with a real phenomenon that somehow enters our own reality and is "making contact". Where ever it comes from, it seems to be connected to be of intelligent origin. Me personally, I have no final explanation for all of this and I don't want to have. It may have to do something with old stories of ghosts and fairies. But I like the theory of aliens from other planets more, because it is "nuts and bolts" for me and not really so much supernatural.

So to go back to the beginning; the sleep paralysis explanation does not match. Even if we have no clear evidence and it might never be found. More study of this phenomenon by designated researchers IS still definitely necessary.

Not to say the least: The research potential of this phenomenon is huge. Researchers of human science and physical science both have the possibility here to really test and ultimately expand the limits of our scientific understanding.

Beste Grüße how we say in Germany,

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:27 pm
by Ipli
It seems like you are only experiencing slight discomfort with the way you experience sleep paralysis, this isn't what most people have when they have the full works of sleep paralysis. In my own experience and those of a lot of cases I have read it is always extremely disturbing, you feel another presence very close by which seems to be causing you to be stuck between sleep and waking. This entity seems to radiate evil and it is keeping you in this state so it can feed off your fear as you feel it approach and sit on you. I always experience a strong buzzing in my left ear and sometimes noises , voices, strains of music. Modern researchers only look at this in a materialistic way. Oh, it is such and such to do with chemicals in your brain etc, it's not good enough. These are materialistic descriptions that come nowhere near explaining the experience if you are unfortunate enough to experience sleep paralysis in the full and traumatic way.

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 12:21 pm
by chaotic
Ipli wrote:It seems like you are only experiencing slight discomfort with the way you experience sleep paralysis, this isn't what most people have when they have the full works of sleep paralysis. In my own experience and those of a lot of cases I have read it is always extremely disturbing, you feel another presence very close by which seems to be causing you to be stuck between sleep and waking. This entity seems to radiate evil and it is keeping you in this state so it can feed off your fear as you feel it approach and sit on you. I always experience a strong buzzing in my left ear and sometimes noises , voices, strains of music. Modern researchers only look at this in a materialistic way. Oh, it is such and such to do with chemicals in your brain etc, it's not good enough. These are materialistic descriptions that come nowhere near explaining the experience if you are unfortunate enough to experience sleep paralysis in the full and traumatic way.
You may have missed my point. I must warn people of mixing sleep paralysis with abductions and alien visitations. It has nothing to do with each other. Those are 2 separate phenomenons.

1 -sleep paralysis- CAN be explained, it is explained and understood. It does not only have to do with "chemicals in your brain". Its a protective function of your whole body which prevents you from running and tumbling out of your bed when you dream. For me, it is really unpleasant and panicking when I wake up and are paralyzed. I feel a dangerous presence near me too that holds me down. But the feeling vanishes as the paralysis goes and I wake up.

2 -abductions and bedroom visitors- CAN NOT be explained and do not have anything to do with sleep paralysis. Abductions wakes you up and -takes you- out of your bed, sleeping room or apartment. It physically takes you away. And bedroom visitors really stand there, I had them often standing there and looking at me while I WAS able to move, I was fully awake and not paralyzed or anything. Sometimes you become paralyzed in the middle of an abduction or bedroom visitation, but that is very different from the above sleep paralysis.

3 There are some uncertain situations where you wake up in your bed, are paralyzed and see something. Those situations are sometimes difficult to classify as sleep paralysis or visitation.
But those are rare.

So, I share your point. The visitations can not be explained with 'chemicals in your brain' or hallucinations. But lets not pretend that we experience something that is already known. If we do that, we will prevent any further investigation of the REAL phenomenon that is still NOT explained.


Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:58 pm
by guarded1
i want to again say that alien creatures are of demonic origin and they themselves can control ether just like we can. an illusion of sleep paralysis can be created merely by apply spectral force onto your ether body. yes I have researched this phenomena in my own conclusive way. I have skills others do not such as flodding nerves to break the mental block of motor skills. the fastest way I get out of sleep paralysis is always to force the nervous system to acknowledge that im moving my foot or that im breathing deeply. an obe once occurred where I ripped my hands together even though they were on opposite sides of the bed. it released my ether form and I went to vist the moon only to see a bloody flagship of unkown design. the ship is no longer in the shape it was when I first saw it. I blew up the cell they put me in and I was pulling myself out of the wreckage. in some desert. interesting story, to be reminded of it is weird.

as for continuing something when a force is applied ot the body during a visitation especially mine where I can feel the force present. they do so when implanting to assure nothing goes wrong

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:51 pm
by guarded1
shit the thing auto posted somehow. as I was saying an alien uses dense space to make it impossible to move which is different than sleep paralysis. however it is an illusion and can be broken if one altered said space or expelled it through force of will and ether energy. im like the ether science major and I minor in everything else. if a person had the internal energy and stamina to force an explosion of their ether as an outward force it disrupts dense space moving it away thus breaking the hold. however if they are implanting you I urge that you invoke jesus and they have always stopped when doing so. but to invoke jsus youll have to ask him to save you generally form the situation. and alien abduction researchers have found that Christians are the odd man out when it comes to abductions unless you know too much. im classified as a problem they rarely deal with. they've tried but my only exploit is a dream assault at the moment. and even then I make the rules there so usually I am not bothered unless they try some new tactic ive already learned to handle.

that got off topic but knowing ether is well my profession at the moment. I experience these visitations and sometimes they just drag me to their ambush. they tried to shoot me but last I checked armor trumps lasers and kinetic force. only once did I have a problem but I fixed it so it wont happen again.

if you want a staraight answer fear can induce sleep paralysis and if you fear the alien/demon they will prey upon your weaknesses making yopu vulnerable and forcing you into paralysis. there are ways to break free even from the grasp but usually people must understand how irrational fear can be at these moments. you should be more focused on protecting yourself with whatever you have. I urge that people take up defense training it builds confidence. step two understand what kind of paralysis your in. totally immobile might seem iompossible but logically the nervous system still accepts messages form the brain. hopefully your lucky and can force yourself to move.if not I would be happy to help with how to control your nerves. its simple and complicated. send a lot of energy to those nerves see if it will disengage your paralysis in some part of your body. usually I focus on the feet and sort of roll them to force myself awake. if your awake here and can still sense their presence they could pull you into sleep again. ive had this happen the exact time I got shot by 20 armed aliens. that was last month. so learning to dispel them is a good idea. if a person can muster a peaceful vibe it should make them want to leave. for people still immobile overcoming dense space is impossible without learning how to erupt or explode your ether energy to dispel the dense space. however dense space can be physically overcome if the person knows how to control the minds limits on the body. for example understanding the muscles limitations and overcoming them through will or merely being at a degree of mental mastery where you can shift these limits into temporary overrides. however people experience paralysis or pseudo paralysys will also tend to be conscious enough to do so. you can over come their force of dense space with equal strength. but be careful muscles are limited for a reason and only work out well in these situations. severe damage and complications aside quikly forcing your body to move in dense space is possible but ive only surrogated my right arm so far. sometimes low energy levels can exhaust people as well like bonnie had mentioned loosely how being low on energy makes it hard to overcome obstacles. well this is why I try to teach people t supplement their existence. supplementation after all is not a sin. so stuff im doing is not because im some super powered person its just ive embraced a field of psychic knowledge few have ever tread.

if you do lack the power to break free and in some cases are locked in a dream youll find you cannot move at first but bringing consciousness into your etheric body brings with it power. I had a dream once where I almost accessed the great index when I found a demon behind me. it was disguised like they always are. this encounter was developed because of the aliens and the index. they tried to use my computer but alas the app was missing. a failsafe they wont fathom. anyways they teleported me to hell. the miasma and the look of the demons there the poor souls with their eyes burned out that have succumbed to madness. a desolate yet slummish place. I would go again if they tried its not unbearable when you have a mark of the lord present. it was invigorating but I was unable to leave unable to wake myself unable to connect to my physical self. so I made a mess. the people there sadly did not survive but knowing hell they would reform in the end. I used many of my elite skills it was a sad battle but i did have fun in the chance I finally got some training. I was very conscious at the time. I envy it even now. the damage I did I knew would be undone but I proved that encapsulating me in darkness is not effective. you never forget those conscious moments where your actions truly had meant something that it had an impact.

I could ramble of the few battles ive had but I am experienced in many things. yes dreaming stops motor access but knowing how the body works in any way can give you an edge you never knew youd need. when you find yourself paralysed focus your strength on connecting and believe that a part of your body can move, even if just your etheric body moves your physical body it got you out of that paralysis. experiences now are meant to be terrifying to have fear lock you up but becoming rational accepting a confidence that you can overcome your problems. its like creating that opportunity you needed and the greatest part is anyone can do this stuff. just follow the basic steps and learn to control your strength control your fears. and you might find less paralysis.

for some a great moment of clarity. sleep paralysys is a sign your mind is about to open to the idea of consciousness and deeply understanding when and where it can be. you may find you aren't dreaming but are astral projected yet imprisoned within the spiritual barrier of the physical self. learning to synchronize ones self with all aspects of consciousness mght free you from such bonds. its not always bad or a visit from demonsor aliens whatever you call them. demons inhabit many worlds because they escaped the flood in noahs time. they fled to worlds long before that too when the earth was reshaped a couple times. so yes they may have come from other worlds but they all originated from heaven. this is the most concrete discipline. they look different for they have sinned and lost their original forms only wearing such a guise as an illusion. dracos look like the dragons for example.

some people assume they are ascended masters but none will ever be a master ata nything for they will always find something new. my esoteric upbrining has brought much clarity to how I see the world. it is fair and reflects all given possibilities. but in the end my opinion is that people should be prepared when it comes time to face whatever truth is perceived to bein the end. this is my opinion and therefore is not the truth and none will find the exact truth without looking and understanding perspective. deception is a demons weapon. making them seem to be aliens and more powerful masters is an impossible thing any wise notion know that nothing is ever mastered. but strangely people are just revisiting and researching the past and creating the present which shapes the future. while the future can be changed it is best people and only humans be prepared to face their demons when the end comes and that is what is being attracted by the mass of conscious minds. it is a pardox and once someone understands why everything is and isn't how everything was and wasn't they will understand and perceive the paradox of all information. people can think they are a master but are a fool in saying so. one should say they are experienced or scholarly in their esoteric research. they should understand both sides of the coin and understand perceptions and how concepts shape the world. I have seen the deception for what it is an imp level demon alien hybrid. a break a shattering of their illusionary cloak. demons are deceivers and im sad to have to speak with the deceived. such a powerful deception not a hand nor force that isn't corrupted. the church even gods holiest church is touched by deception and political banter. they proved that when they said aliens could still exist even if you believed in god. but it was said and perceived differently by many. it doesn't change your Christianity to believe in aliens. such a deception. the fallen are the dracos and reptiloids who control lesser demons like the tall greys who control the imps who are the greys. these things want notihing but to fool us into thiking things that would corrupt us and help achieve their goal. of course this is how any Christian should see the alien pandemic. but yet again the bible is true again how it shows that satan has touched every facet of life. people are going to die if people think the way they do now. all I remember is the time theory ringing true how all time flows through one spectrum how all points in time are connected and how the future self has continued to portray that we have failed. but how to perceive that. how to perceive anything. if I said that the demons are the reason why humans are genetically changed into strange creatures all because of the greed of knowledge that those in power have. humans can and would have never learned ancient secrets without going to the aliens without their bases without Antarctica the first bastion god ends the world every time genetic code starts being manipulated as it is only known by demons or aliens. they try to perfect a quo. understanding genetic manipulations forced implants the processes have been documented. an article on obamacare and the missing section of where they portrayed sinful laws forcing people to hold information on a chip. while it starts there where will liberty go in the future. without changing the now we are merely proving it right that we have failed as a society.

cardinal rule of the master truth is always stranger than fiction. being Christian there are only few pure spirits only some that uphold the mantle of master. learning from no one but many sources made me who I am now and ive never felt so empowered or resolutge than by using logic to piece the world and its states. I count the steps toward the apocalypse, anti gun laws, forged and faked news, possessed people killing innocent children all for the devil. just to get those gun laws passed. who knows what else. I haven't been in the loop since January I lost my direct feed to alternative media and keeping a level head is best when you understand both sides of the coin. the second cardinal rule everything is a paradox in some way. that is why examining both sides of the coin is paramount. because everything is a paradox both sides are true or non at at all is ture. life is harsh that way forcing you to be normal to do what your told to behave to do things. but when you misbehave severe things come to play. liberty is sacrificed for false security. security is never more real than being able to handle it on your own for only you can prevent trouble and get around it. security isn't some law for people will do it anyways. trust is real security.

in the end aliens are aliens in one way they came from other worlds but that classifies humans as an equal alien but above all aliens is the human for as weak as it was deceived. a weakness was created and exploited. but humans are still better and more powerful than the dracos which is more powerful than a human but humans have a soul something irreplaceable something the demon/aliens lost. it lost its purity one might say. in the end I know bonnie has seen a genetic creature who I feel sad for but its all not just some game all things have a purpose. it ends up making sense. my esoteric knowledge doesn't just scope powers it shows how a normal human can discipline themselves to the point of becoming equal enough to take on the duty of protecting people form beings with far more years of experience. ive never killed an alien because they just reform in hell. ive subdued them however in self defence. some are bred for war like me. bu a side mission was for people to think and act on their own to portray defiance to access the information that is held deep within secrets. understanding over thousands of genetic code changes and violations. the death of humanity has begun but if we fail we still win just not like the scope had hoped it would go. weve reached the point of no return many still cling to the hope weve never gotten that close that there is still time but no here is no time its a bomb with a random counter no one knows how to defuse. in the end we failed we failed because people chose not to believe that anything was true, they decided that no side of the coin is truth because they wouldn't accept both sides of the coin. you cant just live in a fairytale living it up when so much desecration has been done to random people who wont ever be found again. records research its all data the mind is incapable of holding the volume of research ina any way but the foolish think they can use some heavy encryption to block any unauthorized access. its not impossible.

ive said too much and ive delayed things in life just to share this heartfelt message to people. people deserve to understand the truth. I don't want ot see friends burn but im ready to walk away because ive been burned in the past for thinking for myself. but I hoped that people would still see the giving nature and the need for defense. well I explained my side of the story. my reason to have people understand ether. why people have to learn to defend themselves so people like me don't have to. I have important missions to handle because I took the time to understand the world. before I enact any of them I have to complete my next bouts of training. whether people are open to share their opinions on life and revel in the degree of wisdom ive portrayed. ive decided to show people In a way that makes sense at least to me. it may be too early it may also be too late. I don't care but I don't like keeping secrets and I generally care for people but I cant see humans and aliens working behind the scenes in their secret areas doing the most horrible things to people.

whether this point of view or opinion is accepted or not shows a person willingness to understand the power of perception. in the end that is where truth is, laying dormant. have fun.

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:35 pm
by zgmahorney
My name is Zack, I am really scared about what is going on lately. I am having according to definition sleep paralysis. What happens is I am awakened usually by a dream, a horrible dream typically of weird things. I am fully awake and conscious, however, I cannot move at all and usually feel as if I am floating and spinning in the air. I feel a very evil presence as if something is watching me along with this I hear voices, growling, and snorting. Though, the voices are not clear or I cannot remember what they say. I try to scream out to my parents because now I am living with them, I don't know if they can hear me or if I even am, it seems like it. I usually then begin praying to god and sometimes it stops and I drift back to unconsciousness. I wake up having scratches on my legs, unusual pain in my back, and completely soaked in sweat. This is not all, I dream horrible dreams, sometimes of being in a prison or I am running with inhuman speed. I wake up every night now without the sleep paralysis the same time at 3:00AM and I feel a strange presence in my room so scary now that I have to leave a light on to sleep. Sometimes I am awakened to a sound at my window, or something touching me. I talk in my sleep, yell, hit, and even cry sometimes that wakes me up. I am not sure what to do, is this alien influence or demonic?

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:37 pm
by Magic
This is from what I know due to own experience and my understanding of it from other experiences.

A) Et's have both tecnology and "powers" that go beyond our belief.
B) To paralyse and/or drug us can sometimes be used so we wont hurt them and/or ourselves.
C) We can become paralysed due to intense fear.

I've been paralysed by them 2 times in my life and I also never have gotten sleep paralyses to my knowlede.

1) The time I was wide awake watching tv with my mom in the tv room. A scout ship came, hoovered outside the window with a loud pulsating buzzin sound. Everything around me slowed down, the sound of the tv, my mom laughing, I could only move my eyes, then everything went dead silent. Poof, the ufo was gone and the sound came back on and I could move. It was literally as if someone put on a slow motion button and then hit pause and then play.

2) Many years later. I went to bed, I only shut my eyes, saw pitch black darkness and when I opened my eyes I was in a "dream" but it wasn't. an entity who I could not see was directing me to look outside a window and face my fears in a way. I will go into more detail about my experiences in another topic forum. To make it short, I became too afraid and began screaming to myself to wake up, this entity tried to calm me but it didn't work.
Finally I slowly could open my eyes, really fighting to open them. I remember I could move my eyes only bcause I could see my dogs laying on the floor sleeping, and then I saw a bald man in a "trench" coat standing by the foot of my bed, just staring at me.
I wasn't afraid, very calm, but he kept telapethicly telling me to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but I was really fighting him on that, but he kept saying close your eyes.
I did and when I opened them again, he was gone, I could fully move and my dogs still sleeping where I saw them.

When people say they wake up or is in a trans place where they hear buzzing, voices and can feel a pressence, that can fully well be that they are in a "between" place, your consciousness can split.
Trust me, there can be people and entities in your room at anytime without you knowing about it unless you are very intuitive. But when we are in those middle places we can sometimes hear and feel them when we are in those split consciousness states.

Nothing to fear.

If your body feel as if it's vibrating or you are falling or being pulled out or the buzzing sound in the ears that's because either your astral body are on it's way in/out of the bpdy and your consciousness are in both places at once.

It's creepy, but norhing to fear.

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:42 pm
by zgmahorney
Oh yeah one detail I left out is sometimes I feel while in this paralysis as if I am moving about my house, going through walls and doors. I have even used a crucifix during this that is on my wall thinking I was dealing with a demon to cast him away. I never wake up from the paralysis I always fall back to sleep. When I woke up the cross I had used that is on my wall was next to me in my bed.

Re: Abduction research and the definition of "sleep paralysi

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:14 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Zack,
I am sorry to hear about your situation right now. You can fix it, so have hope. It sounds like demonic energy, although there are some negative aliens that could do something like this. I have had similar experiences, waking up before my body could move, floating through walls, even "flying" through (more like being dragged through) the town I live in with no control whatsoever. I was also thrown into a prison with other human prisoners.

Sometimes, the aliens will tap at your window three times. You also mentioned waking at 3am -- this is another "coincidence" that can happen with abductees/contactees.

I suggest protecting yourself. You are not the only one who is experiencing this right now. There is another thread discussing this (post of April 2, 2014): The Lone Moderator

Because your post and Mami's are so similar, I will copy what I wrote to her here. I believe you should also try what I recommended to her:

"Please listen to the meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It takes 30 minutes in a comfortable place. You may even want to listen to it for a couple days or nights in a row, until you can do the Grounding, Centering, and Shielding on your own.

Another very important thing to know is this: the Television is now being used to embed demonic energy into the subconscious mind. Please watch the documentary that my husband John and I made: Global Epidemic Exposed - Television Sigil Magik. We have done many interviews on radio shows over the last year on this topic. There is new technology that can pulse electromagnetic frequencies from TV screens, computer screens, cell-phones, and other hand-held electronic devices. This is only part of the problem; the television programmers are also using hidden symbols or sigils, binary code, and other reoccurring shapes within mnemonic circles that program the subconscious brain. Some of the symbols are sigils that contain demonic entities.


Good Luck, Zack. Be strong and know that you are fully capable of overcoming this with your own inner strength. Pull yourself UP.

Many Blessings, Bonnie