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General Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:34 pm
by Tess
I was wondering Bonny if you or any one out there has any idea about the strange humming sound that is being heard from all over the world what it could be? Those who hear it say it seem to be coming from the sky.

Re: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:38 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Tess,
I think that noise might be the Earth moving...or electromagnetic waves coming from the atmosphere. Things seem to be shifting and, in different places around the world ,they are hearing these really loud noises. They say it is difficult to determine exactly where it is coming from. Some people have even been able to record it. Here are some video links to the strange sounds:

I'm not sure what it is, but it seems that things are moving and shifting within and around our planet.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:06 pm
by wings
I know some sounds have been only heard in certain towns and cities, a low drone or humming sound, and some people absolutely freak out on it, and it isn't heard by most other people. I think it 'might' be underground tunnel making. The US Govt. has many tunnel systems now. They say one is capable of Mach speed underground and can go from the East coast to the West coast in amazing time, that the train will float on the rails as its running along at Mach speed. That's from a speech at a convention per a man that was in charge of tunnel making projects for the US Govt. They have giant tunnel making machines now (like the one that made the Chunnel tunnel under the English Channel to France). It might be causing tons of noise way down there underground from the giant wheel cutting into the rock.

But.... Those massive sounds from the sky are eerie! The first thing that came to my mind was the trumpets blown by the Arch Angels when things are occurring in Heaven during Revelations. (That was my take on it. I do not think we have gone into the 7 year tribulation yet, but that's what the sound made me think of).