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Hello, my story

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:46 am
by wings

My name is Bill, I live in Phoenix Arizona, and I have seen some things.

I am 51 years old, and I started seeing things perhaps 17 years ago, plus or minus a couple of years. But I also remember an incident where something happened to me as a kid, a quick dream where I thought I set up in bed and a pencil had poked me in the leg and the lead broke off in my leg muscle, but I then woke up and I looked around for the pencil, and indeed I had what looked like lead in my leg, but no pencil, and I had awoken from the incident. So I could never figure that out. No faces, etc.

Years later, at a friends house. I am watching their house for them. I had read books by Whitley Strieber and even wrote him, asking if they wanted to visit me. Never thought anything about it. A year or two had gone by. But, back to the house. Its about 1AM, I am reading a book, couldn't sleep, and I hear something in the hallway, several times, like a mouse. I go in there, turn on the hall light, and I focus my vision on the air in the hallway. This way I can see if a nose pokes out of any of the doors. I used to catch my pet Gerbils this way as a kid, I called it macro-vision, looking everywhere. I found out that night it could be used for seeing spirits. As I was staring at the air in the hallway, I began to see three very short figures, aliens like in Whitley Striebers books, big eyes, but wearing shiny silver suits (front what I could tell, the spirit is very hard for me to see) and they had upside down pointed black? triangles on their left left area. They were squatted down slightly, as like ready to run for it. I then hear in my mind, very calmly, 'its ok, I wont harm you'. I thought I had thought that to them. (When I was young, I didn't know I could hear people sometimes thinking, and it drove me nuts), so I turned around and left the hall, turned off the light, went back to the couch and resumed reading the book, as like nothing happened.

Here is the crazy part. I had always wanted to meet aliens, and studied UFO's when I was a kid, in 4th grade, having a book of notes like over an inch thick. All the kids called my UFO up till perhaps 7th grade. My dream was to talk with them, meet them, etc. And here they are in this house and I turn away and walk.....!!! lol.. I don't know why. I hear now that they have mind control, so perhaps that is what happened, but from my younger days, I would have suddenly hit them with a conversation with 100 questions, whats your name, what planet are you from, how long have you been here, how do you travel to other stars, etc, etc, etc, etc...

But, it gets weirder...

As I am sleeping, its now 3AM, I am losing sleep, and I know something (in the spirit?) is grabbing each of my feet or hands, at times, and here I get out of my body, I guessed. I find myself talking to this fellow with a massive head, I thought was an insectoid sort of race. We are sitting at the bar in the kitchen on the bar stools. He holds up his hand and at that moment, out of body, I truly came awake. He had 4 fingers, they were exactly twice as long as mine, and they were very wide at the very ends. I totally came too. I was like...'wow....!!!! this is real stuff!' Later, I remember several of us walking out in the back yard, several of his type, and several grays or short fellows. (Striebers?) I remember nothing else. (It was a very large backyard and we had walked to some bushes where a wall was, another house was behind that). I woke up like nothing happened.

In the next week, I became very depressed, and I didn't know why. I was crying and things, and never really thought of the aliens any more. Only months later did it really strike me. Very very odd...

I was going to a Jan Ross meeting every Tuesday. This is at a book store (many many years ago). She would speak on the Art Bell show, and she was in town and she taught things like seeing in the spirit and talked on UFO's and dreaming. I had been reading on out of body things by Robert Monroe and Whitley Strieber. When I was in the meetings, often I would see a short guy in a fake bush plant that was beside Jan. He stood there next to her, in the spirit, about 5 feet high, and had a massive head, like the one I posted here in the forum, the 4 fingers sort of hand, gigantic eyes like an insectoid or something would have, I cant explain it. But they have this cool shape to them, like the bottom edge is like some people eyes, a S curve along the bottom.

Anyways I told her about the fellow in the bush and she said 'yes, many people tell me someone or something is in there' and she shook off a shiver, like it spooked her.

Well, as this progresses, I start to get into spirit things, like crystals. Bad bad. I did pendulum which is like that game weeji board (however that is spelled) which opens up bad doors. I am a total Christian and love the Lord and here I was delving into those things. I smack myself now. And it gets worse. A person at my job says 'I am writing a book on how to go out of body' and he tells me how he is a Christian also, and believe it or not, I find him at my Church I was going to, two or three times. He holds meetings on Sunday nights where he talks about how to go out of body.

Well, long story short, he is a coven leader, a satanic group, had lied very well to me for several years, told me he was fighting demons, God was his 'employer' and this and that. When I had odd feelings about this guy, I asked him to swear with his hand on the bible and he did, twice, that he was a Christian, and I was satisfied.. Wrong.. I fell for a lie. Many lies. I finally was blessed by God with 'red flags', learning to put up a marker when things didn't sound right and truthful and when I put things together in my head, I decided to leave this study group. That was 15 years, 3 months and 13 days ago tonight. I have lived in satanic torment since then. Tons of spirits have tormented me in teams, day and night, usually saying over and over 'give up!' and saying bad things about Jesus. Parts of my body in complete pain, nightmares, plates of food and pens and objects flying out of my hands, body bloating, you name it. I don't see how I lived through the first two weeks with no sleep. That turned into a month, that turned into a year, and now its 15 years....

I have since learned how to deal with this as much as possible, claiming the promises of God in the Holy Scripture, being faithful that God will take this away.

But, sometimes the aliens visit, the short 'Striebers'. And, I have had bad experiences with them. 3 Will be at my feet, and extremely bad burning sensations occur in my feet to the point that I would go stand in the shower and run cold water over my feet. I later saw in the spirit, when one was flicking and swinging around a set of these chrome looking things on cables, like 2 inch long big capsules made of shiny metal, like chrome, and in the spirit, he would put these in my foot and suddenly the pain starts... both feet are done. I would try flicking them around, I would yell at the aliens, tell them to get out, in the name of Jesus I command you to leave, and the one doing the thing to me would just look at me in a deep stare and nod back and fourth 'no...'

One night me and him got into it. I told him that an advanced race wouldn't go to some world and torture people and I stated my reason and man, that blew him up. He used his hand to flick the hot things out of my feet and he hopped up onto this shelf in my room and told me 'what do you know? What do you know about advanced races? how can you say that?' I was just so relieved to have those heaters out of my feet.

By the way, I would have burn marks on the top of my feet at times, like darkish (cooked) skin. Horrible pain. They also stick me in my foot (for some reason). I often wonder if there is a reason, or if to just torture me. Since having a Catholic Nun over to bless my house, there has been no more torture of my feet with the chrome heater things. But, I do see the Striebers often. They come around a lot. My dog sees them and barks at them, other times He comes over to me and sits on top of my desk (my puppy) as though hiding. I just ignore them.

Though I can see in the spirit, I have stopped using it as much as I did. I do still use it, and its rusty, but its there. I also here tons of voices, like the druids and witches and spirits (demonics) that continuously harass me day and night. But, when I had that Nun over, I had 4 days of incredible, awesome, lovely peace. I was so thankful.

That is my story. I wanted, since I was a kid, to meet them, and it turned into this. From interest in their fantastic magneto propulsion flight systems and amazing differences in bodies, to torture. Mind you, I got into the wrong group of people. They lured me in, having seen me at Jan Ross's bookstore, and they lied to me and kept me around for several years, making me think I was learning things. Funny thing is, I barely had several seconds of OOBE, twice a year. They didn't teach me anything. I was a Christian. That would be handing over their secrets to their enemy. So, I waisted tons of time learning nothing.

I can tell you though, through all of this, that God and Jesus blessed me with hope and faith, and also blessed me with seeing his Angels. I can go out the door, look around, and see Angels here and there, and in my heart, I feel better, safer. There is good in the world. I can see those awesome beings on house tops, on trees doing sentry lookout, on Churches. It is a blessing to see them, I can tell you.

We (Christians) never really think about how Angels are extraterrestrials. They are not from this World. Jesus came to our world as well. Imagine how the Angels can journey to Heaven from Earth without a craft. That is super technology. That is amazing.

That is my humble story. I must tell you, I went through a lot to see these things. I suggest to be content with just reading about these things instead of trying them. And if you are a Christian and you do pendulum or any other thing that opens up bad doors, I myself will smack you. Don't do it. Look to God for the answers, not a spirit that has declared you as an enemy and will try to mess you up, setting you up for a big fall.

Odd that no one ever talks about the big headed fellows with four long fingers and super large eyes. I remember the one in the dark as being like a blackish or dark dark gray color, and shiny. The 'Striebers' were a bright white, but mind you, this was in the dark, and in the spirit (in the hallway when I first saw them) they appeared very bright white. Cool looking eyes.

For anyone that is struggling with spiritual torment, and torture, I feel your pain. Stay strong. Never give up. Have a Catholic priest come over and bless your house.


Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:08 am
by wings
More burning feet torture last night. The torturers are back. Gray looking eyes.


Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:35 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Dear Bill,
Thanks for sharing your experience. 15 years is a long time to deal with evil aliens and torture. I have seen the big headed aliens with huge black eyes and four long fingers. I saw them quite a bit when I was younger (about 20-25 years old). I was very lucid and aware during those experiences, so I managed to stay calm and observe what was happening. I also managed to gain the ability to move around, walk around, go where I wanted to and basically do whatever I wanted, whether these beings were in my house or if I was on their "ship."

What I have done is everything I can to raise my own vibrational frequency to a place where the lower-level, negative aliens cannot bother me anymore. I wrote about this is my book Invitation to the Self, journey with the star people. You have to find your inner strength, your true self (not your ego, but the real YOU that you can experience when you are awake and aware in the present moment).

Please feel free to download a free pdf copy of my book by clicking HERE
I hope it helps you.

Many Blessings, Bonnie Jean

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:07 pm
by wings
Many thanks Bonnie. I look forward to reading it.

I must say, the torture didnt originate and mostly come from aliens, but from dark cult people, demons and witches, druids, etc. They all have human figures, words, accents like normal people, etc. One that looms around is the person from work, who seems to be behind most of all these attacks.

When this started for you, did you suddenly have huge bouts with depression? I have learned to overcome this as much as possible, but I remember when this all first started, there would be an occasional bout of huge depression. I remember seeing a close friends son in a corner, crying (he had time out for being bad) and he just kept crying. I looked in the spirit to see if I could see anything, and sure enough, there was a gray standing on each side of him, both against his sides. I don't know what was going on, but he cried for perhaps an hour till his mom told him it was ok now and he could leave and play.

The burning feet, I just cant understand. They just stare and the hurting continues. Last night, nothing like that happened. I was greatful.

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:09 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
When I was younger, I had many visits from good, friendly "star people" (as I called them) who I liked -- they were pretty nice to me. But I also had occasional visits from bad "aliens." It was very confusing and, yes, I did sometimes have sudden outbursts of crying. Especially if I had something trigger a memory from the night before. At that time, there was no Internet and I didn't have anyone to talk to, so I had to deal with it by myself. Since then, I have managed to change the whole situation by filling my heart with love and light, taking control.

I hope you enjoy the book and it helps with your situation.

Many Blessings,

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:41 pm
by wings
Many thanks Bonnie.

Yes, the Internet is awesome for times and things like this.

I just started Chapter Two, Hybrids. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat. Excellent writing.

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:29 pm
by wings
Hey Bonnie,

Im still reading your book. Just started on Training; Part Three.

The part on the Government was really interesting. Once when I went to a MUFON meeting or get-together, an odd thing happened. I was riding home from the long trip to Scottsdale that night, saw a bright light over part of town, different colored lights, I then had a bad headache, and got home but almost later then I thought. I had also called her from a phone booth to tell my girlfriend something odd, that I had a bad headache and might have to stop and rest if it gets worse. That was very odd of me.

I made it home fine, but when I got home from work the next day, my girl friend tells me that 'so and so' called from MUFON and was coming over to hypnotize me. I'm like 'what??' So this guy about 5'4" arrives at night, shakes my hand, had a very very expensive dark navy blue suit on, silver hair parted on the side, slightly overweight, smile, looked like a politician, no accent. He puts me under, and I see my feet standing on gray carpet, stainless steel trim, Im in a standing booth. He then brings me out. So odd to see a memory in real time. I then heard a voice in the room, in the spirit say 'he has to be reprogrammed'. I didn't say anything.

I later had dreams of a ship that was egg shaped, and slightly rusty, white with brown rust color here and there. No metal like we have. In one dream I was flying to it, it was raining and wet and it was flying along and I came up to it in the spirit. I remember that the metal of the ship was very thin, very strong like stainless steel, and would rust (stainless doesn't rust though, and this was white material).

Later my girlfriend found a mark in the back of my neck shaped like a triangle, like a tall looking shape, like something gouged me. (More of a tall little wound). A couple of years later, as a joke at a UFO convention, I put a Geiger counter up to my head in the back of my neck and oddly it made a 'tick... tick... tick...' sound. I laughed my butt off, but suddenly found a 'lot' of people in the exposition were suddenly silent and staring at my girlfriend and I. It didn't work the second time.

But... Back to that hypnotist. Your book reminded me of this. I have had dreams of him, though few. One was him in an office of his home, lots of books and he was telling me there were no aliens, and that I must agree with him. It made me so mad, I argued back that there were, and I suddenly woke up. I think I was running out of his home first, his friend chasing me, and then bing... Im in bed awake, panting.

Once, I came too and was watching only what I can think of was a Russian military exercise being done in the spirit, an invasion force, perhaps 1,000 soldiers. One guy and a girl soldier took a moment to talk to me, seeing that I was just a person that somehow got into their huge dream exercise. The bald Russian trooper showed me how he could make a toy gun in my hand. It was very odd. Kind of him to show me though. Many craft were there, like tanks and wheeled armour vehicles, etc.

But, rarely did I see the ET's. I could see them but they never really talked, only watched me. They are usually around me, but only watching, most about 4 feet high, some smaller, very wide eyes like Striebers aliens. But always quiet. Except that about 3 years ago, give or take a couple, (I haven't taken notes), small ones started to hurt my feet. As I said on the forum, it was getting very hurtful. Last night they were at it again.

But (again) my most horrendous attacks have been from cult people. Witches, druids (especially) and the like. They tell me to give up, make fun of Jesus, and poke me, stab me, cause pain and bloating in my body, tons of inner visions of grotesque stuff, etc. The usual satanic junk. I just keep praying and live one day at a time, one hour at a time. Sometimes it lets up, sometimes its worse.

But it was good to hear that there are good aliens. I was really happy to hear about this.

Sorry that the government (or secret, unofficial government) were attacking you so much. I related via the cult groups, constantly attacking me. Im just trying to live a normal life and I just keep getting attacked more and more. Im never letting go of Jesus.

When you said we should write down and study dreams as they could be screens of what is happening, things that are perhaps similar and different, it made me think. So I started again to write down anything odd that might be happening.

I find myself sometimes on a freeway here in Phoenix, but they have made a new one that is gigantic and all underground and many levels, all highway. Seems like its 10 stories high, about 4 or 5 layers of highways. Lots of cement and dirt, rocks, brand new. In the dreams, its mostly done now, but you can tell its not totally finished. But at first it was giant trenches of massive proportions being dug into the earth and then the highways were being built inside of them. This was 2 years ago that they were being built in my mind. But I was in one last night and last week. I don't know why, nor how, or anything else. But I thought, what are these and why are they here???

Another one from maybe 4 days ago. Several of us (who?) were in a large place like a studio. There were these round things about 1 meter or yard in diameter like plastic, new, shiny things from a movie. They had these sort of like Tie-fighter panels that went on the sides but smaller, square, and thick. They had aerodynamic wings that joined the panels, and I remember its like we were assembling them (from kits?). They had a black front (I thought) and we were going to fly them. I kept wondering how we were going to get in them if they were that small and we humans were large. But when I woke up, I thought, were those not Tie-fighter movie props but actually orb drones? I don't know.

Another event. Perhaps 2 or 3 years ago. I do remember being in a flying saucer. Evidently one of the small people felt sorry for me and allowed me to go for a ride in a small one. All I remember was, I came to, inside one, he was standing, looking down at me, his eyes big, I was cramped up on the floor in a ball, squeezed into the small area, and the noise inside was REALLY LOUD, like we were next to a jumbo jet engine. It was a high pitched whine, like what a dam generator would sound like, tons of water going through a turbine or something. I was cognizant only for seconds, then wokeup. Finally.... A memory of a saucer.

When I was a kid (true story) the kids all called me UFO. I was infatuated with UFO's. I don't know why. I am also infatuated with God, the Angels, but also with other worlds, 'good' Aliens, and their writings and things, sciences, computers, flight, travel... Oh man.

Anyways... Bits and pieces.

May God grant us peace.

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:02 am
by wings
I would like to tell you of another 2 episodes in my life that were quite odd. Many things happen to me that I am unable to understand and I have to backwards engineer or try to figure out or perhaps just imagine how they are doing this.

I have been attacked by spirits for 15 years, 4 months and 6 days (since June 1st 15 years ago). Only in recent months have I been blessed with getting some normal sleep again. Sometimes good sleep, sometimes no sleep.

Anyways, there have been times when I awoke, without moving, and heard voices. 2 Times, I felt a bright light in me, but like a flash light, like someone shining a light from behind my head and the light illuminated a cone that was like a different picture in front of me (my eyes opened very very slightly). I was attempting to be asleep, acting like it anyways, and listening. The light shown forward and pointed into a room, dark, and many people (perhaps 7 or 8) laying around, out, asleep. There was a big window, a stereo like cabinet under the window behind them. They all looked rough, like bikers, passed out. The light shown upon them, looking around.

I noticed that in the top right corner of my sight, I saw glyphs. I am a writing freak and when I was like in the 4th grade, for some reason, I was writing in Heiroglyphs (in English though) but writing Bible scriptures in Egyptian glyphs. I have always sought to see Alien writings, their glyphs or fonts. So.... Here I am seeing a glyph, then they do something else and I see another glyph. I saw several, then they left. They didn't want to wake up the biker nuts that were on the other side of where ever they were. (My attackers, I can only figure).

The next day, it had occurred to me to write down those glyphs. I was running them over and over in my mind. I hadn't seen them before. I have a book on Ancient Writing and in the back is a glossary of TONS of the old alphabets from up to 5,000 years ago. Well guess what. I found 2 that were dead on matches. I couldn't believe it. The first is Phoenician which was around or near Babylon, I believe North of Israel. The second, which is nearly identical, perhaps 2 letters added, was Aramaic. Aramaic is basically a modern (back then) version of ancient Phoenician.

So I wondered. Was this Angelic technology? The Angels checking in on me? I don't know. I can only tell you what happened. I was also greatful for a little rest, the enemy team in charge of torturing me for the evening was asleep.


Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:51 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
I was told, by a friendly star person, that there is a war going on. There are different factions involved, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. As you will see from reading the book, I met different types of good star people, mean aliens, and lots and lots of military personnel. From the research my husband John and I are doing now, I am aware that the secret government has their own dark agenda including very deep mind control that makes use of "aliens," whether they are fake holographic images, humans in suits, really demented extraterrestrials or demons. Check out the video about military abductions called MILABS.

Of course, the secret government is directly tied to the illuminati satanic families who practice dark rituals and use demonic energy to help in their mind control techniques. Right now, John and I are doing interviews on radio shows about Television Mind Control, a very serious issue because sooooo many people are trapped, addicted, and sucked into what is a dangerous weapon. You can watch the documentary we made called Global Epidemic Exposed -- Television Sigil Magik.

I am learning as I go. I was glad to have been able to record my experiences and make a book out of it to let everyone know.
It wasn't easy to relive some of the memories, but it did help me.

You need to find a way to stand up to those attackers. Don't let them burn your feet anymore.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:53 pm
by wings
Thanks Bonnie,

So very interesting. I just finished Graduation Part Two in your book last night. I feel sorry for all that you are going through, or have been going through. I know what its like to be attacked in dreams, but not that much. I usually just wake up (hopefully) when they are hitting me there. Sometimes I remember to pray, and bing, I wake up in bed, emergency beam-out of the dream.

A funny bit of learning I picked up on in my 15 years of being attacked. When I am in a dream and people are around me, every now and then, someone will literally 'disappear' right in front of me, and then I wake up and wonder 'wow... how did that person disappear.. whats going on? and I realize, they woke up, lol... kind of funny. The creation of life is so amazing and immense.

In the Holy Bible, it talks about how the devil swept away 1/3rd of the stars with his tale. The rebellion against God was a massive war. And of all the worlds that it was cast out of heaven (space?) was Earth. sigh.... Some say that evil races are the fallen races.

If on television, you mean how it is like programming, people just staring at the tv, taking in all the commercials, the distorted news networks that only show what they want, etc, yes. I try to not watch hardly any TV. I am sensitive to things that effect me, ever since the attacks started. Sometimes when its strong enough, my stomach knots up, and I have to immediately reach for the remote and turn it off to stop it.

I must say that it was good to learn that there are good guys in the alien field. This has been fresh air for me. Great news. I'll never forget, having read a book about the silent war between Angels and demons, (This Present Darkness). The Angels would hang out on roof tops, roofs of Churches, in the Church rafters. One day, while out driving somewhere, it occurred to me to look on a roof of a Church and see if I could see a spirit up there. I focused, looked in the air, and sure enough, there were several, with wings, and a bright white, not just a dark object, but radiant, and their wings seem to always move (usually) like a butterfly (hard to describe), though sometimes they fold up their wings. But, when I saw those guys up on that Church rooftop, I was just so massively greatful to God for that. After years of torment, I got to see the good guys. What a good feeling that was.

Great book, Bonnie. I am so glad you wrote this. Its been great reading. Very well written.


Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:25 am
by wings
Part Three, Taking Control. Almost finished with the book. What a great read.

Re: Hello, my story

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:11 am
by wings
Just finished the book, Bonnie. Very intriguing. What an amazing adventure.