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General Discussion - "disaster movies" shown by aliens

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:07 pm
by Tess
Hi Bonny,could you shed some light on why I was shown certain things as a child-
An asteroid hitting Earth. (did not know back then what it was and we have no word in my language for it)
Days of darkness.
The statue of liberty half submerged in water (had never seen it before and thought it was a statue of the Holy Mary)
Strange cloud formation.
Remembering just a few..why?why me? what use am I or had been to them? They must be kicking themselves for having taken the wrong child!.
At times I feel so frustrated cause I wonder if maybe I'm missing something...but what?
They are inconsiderate to the pain both physically and psychologically that has been bestowed upon me...thanks to them.

Re: General Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:18 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Dear Tess,
I wish I had a clear answer for you. Many of us were shown the "disaster movies" by the aliens/star people. Why? I used to think it was so we would be encouraged to take positive action to change our world for the better. They were warning us of what might happen if we didn't change our ways. Now I think that some of those aliens weren't aliens at all, but part of a secret government mind control experiment. In that case, perhaps they showed us the disaster movies so we would actually create that reality with our minds. Just like the "predictive programming" used on television and the movies. Ever wonder why you'll see some horrible event happen in a movie and then a year later it happens in real life? It's because people are focusing on those negative ideas and manifesting them.

We won't know the answer until we get more details of WHAT the alien abduction phenomenon really is. I know there are beautiful, loving beings who are trying to help us, but there are also evil beings messing with us big time. For now, we will have to look within for our answers.

Many Blessings, Bonnie