Discovery and Abduction

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Discovery and Abduction

Post by doodler »

Before my abduction I have always had an interest in the unknown, higher levels, quantum physics, manifesting, etc. This led me to read old books on Theosophy by Blatvatsky, Leadbeater and Beasant. What I learned was that we exist on multiple planes, the physical, etheric, astral, mind and more. When we die, we shed the physical and etheric body and exist in the astral world. The astral world is the world we focus on when we sleep and it is not uncommon to see our dead relatives in this world for they are alive, but have just shed the physical body.

From a very young age I've had dreams that predict the future. Nothing significant, but dreams that did come true and dreams that didn't come true (not yet anyway).

My first unusual encounter dream was a ball of light flying into my bedroom. It was heading towards my face and I told it to go away and it left. I've had dark figures stand by my bed and I've jumped out of my bed and swung at them because they were so real at that moment. I've heard voices whisper at me usually in the early hours before waking up.

Another dream I had goes like this. I was in a city in California that I used to live in. It was day break and I was in my favorite park (In the past, I spent time walking in this park and thinking about life and my future) and it was raining hard. When I woke up that morning, I checked the weather in that city and it was raining hard. That was 3yrs ago and ever since then I've had this obsession to move back there and am obsessed with living there again.

My alien abduction dream went like this:
I woke up on my living room floor which was downstairs. Again it was daybreak. I looked up and there was a spaceship hovering above my house that looked similar to the Millenium Falcon in Star Wars. The front had the fork shape. I was so amazed by what I saw, I instantly tried to pick up my iPhone to take a picture, but I was unable to grab hold of it. My phone was there, but I couldn't pick it up. At the same time, the ship took off at a high speed and I remember being annoyed because I couldn't get a photo. What was weird was that I could see the walls and staircase in my house, but could also see through them at the same time and see the ship flying off into the distance. That's all I remember and then I'm back waking up in my bed. No memories of experiments or medical procedures.

After some thought, it suddenly dawned on me that alien abductions were happening on the astral level whilst in the dream state. This explains the lack of photographic proof. Why abduct humans on the physical level, when the changes can be made on the astral level and affect the physical level automatically. Around this time, I came across David Icke and he discussed vibrational frequencies and that ufos are not extra-terrestrial, but inter-dimensional travelers.

After I had this revelation, I googled "alien abductions happen on the astral level" and came across this and just a few other sites. Obviously this is happening a lot, but there isn't much info on astral level level abductions. I'm starting to wonder if there is disinformation being put out there in regards to alien abductions happening on the physical level to prevent people from learning that we are multi dimensional beings?

I have woken up with scars, but the only major difference I've noticed is that I have developed 6 thyroid nodules during this time period. Before these dreams I had a physical and ultra sound and there were none. Could these nodules be some kind of implant or device implanted on the astral level? My endocrinologist believes that thyroid nodules are connected to radiation exposures.

If anyone could help me make sense of all this, especially the dream in the park and the spaceship above my house, I would certainly appreciate it.


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Re: Discovery and Abduction

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Doodler,
Yes, the visitations are happening on either the astral or etheric plane, at least that is what I can tell from a lifetime of experiences with various multidimensional beings. This is NOT directly happening physically, however; the astral plane affects the physical plane and the etheric plane is actually the "blueprint" for the physical plane, so they are all connected. In the end, the star people/aliens/military abductors are doing what they need to do and affecting the physical plane without actually abducting people physically.

Yes, it is DIS-information that the abductions happen physically. You are correct; this is the very reason why it is so difficult to get a real physical picture or real physical evidence of these experiences and visitations. It is happening on another plane of existence that is connected to the physical world.

The illuminati or secret government does everything they can, from the moment a human being is born, to make everyone believe that this place is physical and nothing else is "real"; there is no spiritual life. We are all mind-programmed to believe that all that other stuff is nonsense, when in reality, we are spiritual, multidimensional beings who have great power. And that great power is what they will suppress at all cost. Because if everybody became consciously aware of their true spiritual selves...the illuminati would be out of business very quickly!

I have also seen Star Wars type ships during my encounters and I even traveled Out-Of-Body to a Star Wars like world. It really makes me wonder if the Star Wars story and other Hollywood depictions are somehow based in fact.

Welcome to the forum!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Discovery and Abduction

Post by Spiral »

Hi Doodler, I'm new here too & am trying to catch up with whats happening to others, and a lot of what you wrote I can relate too.

You touch upon several topics & they are all relevant to being an abductee & very much connected IMHO, I am convinced that interests in occult/spiritual/meditation/psychic matters actually come from being an abductee/experiencer, & I strongly suspect that your abductions precede your interest in Theosophy (I have a boxed set of "The Secret Doctrine" myself).

When I was 14 I went to a part of town I had not visited before, walked into a bookshop & picked up a book on runes without looking at anything else in the shop, bought it & went straight home on the bus.

It was four years later before I found that shop again, and on reflection I have no idea why I spent my hard earned cash on a book when I had intended to buy a record, I had not even heard of runes before I got the book !

The Cali dream & the Spaceship dream all sound like classic astral projection to me, you experienced the rain because you were actually there in your astral body, likewise you were in your real living room in your astral body, which is why you couldn't pick up your phone, its possible that they were returning your physical body when you "came to" in your astral body due to the way they can put us out (switch off consciousness like a blackout )

As for the ships appearance, this could be one of a number of things, one being that the mind often turns the unknown into something understandable, the other I would suggest going onto youtube & search for "Space shuttle tether incident" you will see lots of UFOs that shape !

Implants can be astral & etheric, and are straight forward to remove by the right "people", they can be mental & emotional too, such as a past life memory that is not true but suits them for you to believe it is.

My understanding of the etheric is that its very similar to the astral but can effect physical objects directly & is very popular with the military, who can be very annoying when they start adding that to the RVing.

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Re: Discovery and Abduction

Post by doodler »

Thanks for all the feedback, it really puts things in perspective. Interestingly, I was at my parents house and going through some old books on my dads shelf. They've been there since I was a kid and one of them was Isis Unveiled. My interest and sensitivity to the unknown has been there all my life, from aliens, conspiracies, psychics to ghosts and the afterlife. My father has always had that interest too. I also discovered that I have O negative blood and that according to some websites, the abductors and government have an interest in tracking and abducting R negative blood types.

One of the reasons I think these abductions take place on the astral level, is that according to the theosophists, the etheric body cannot move to far from the physical body, because it will cause the death of the physical body if that happens.

This is a great forum and it is a relief to me that I am not alone in this. I really do think we are being guided and made aware of who we really are and it will become main stream knowledge at some point.

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