YouTube Inverview on Nordics

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YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

This interview really impressed me. I decided to check out his books and website and found that he has an electronic version of his books available on Amazon/Kindle. I am on book one and cannot put it down. Very impressive.

Circa 1960's.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

I just read his first book, one of five, 'Millennial Hospitality' and it was so good, I couldnt put it down till it was done. I picked it up on Amazon/Kindle. If you are into this, you will love this book. Suspenseful.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

Hey Manhattan,

I just got Book Three yesterday. One of the motherships comes in to dock. I cant put it down. Excellent writing. If this is all true, its sad that it was so long ago and unknown. The author, Charlie, has a great point about how he didnt know how to mentally deal with this. They didnt have movies and tv shows about aliens back then. To see them really jolted his mental faculties. Today, kids have been watching Star Wars, Star Trek, Independence day, Stargate, Stargate SG1, etc, etc, etc. They would probably think it wild but not freaky to see an alien today. But back then, it was utterly difficult for them to deal with.

So funny how he referred to them as his pink elephants for the longest time. He was really upset to find that their boots were imprinting in the dirt.

I had heard on many occasions about a Nordic alien base 'near' Area 51 by a weather center or weather check point, something small, that a guard or weather person often visited with a couple of Nordic aliens often.

I think the funniest part so far on these books were that the Nordic women wanted so bad to shop for dresses and things, makeup, etc. Can you imagine the business clothing manufacturers could do selling to another world that had a very similar shape of women? Double their business. And how the guys made their own scout craft from parts readily available on Earth? They even (once) took it to Mars??? Dang. Surely we have some amazing tech now from working with them.

My mother was in the hospital for a few days from an infection. The switch on the wall to the wing she was in was touch-less. You passed your hand over it, like the buttons in the saucer in 'Day the Earth Stood Still'. But, the black panel you passed your hand over always gave my fingers a slight static shock, though I never touched the plate. I looked (a few times) in the spirit and I saw a slight 'cone' shape of gray emminating from the plate. When reading the books Millenial Hospitality, I immediately thought of the switches on the scout craft, how you just put your fingers over small areas' instead of having actual switches, and that they had a sort of electrical tingling. Maybe....? Who knows.

Great books. I highly recommend them to people who are curious about ET's.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

Now into Book IV, and purchased Book V when I am done with this one. I havent read this much in ages.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

I finished Book IV and now 75% through Book V on the Grays.

I must say, Books IV and V slowed down. A lot of technical descriptions are in IV which I was highly thankful for.

Time to the next star in their 1965 Mothership of that time, 2 1/2 months. Approximate speed to Arcturus for a 2.5 month journey, 44x the speed of light.
Turn around time to refuel and refit an average mothership (several kinds) was 2 1/2 weeks.
Average complement of passengers per mothership, 1000 people.

Their gravity was less then ours. They live on average to be around 700 years old. They have two growth times in their life; juvenile age and then going into the older age, the golden years, where they go from 6' to 6'6" to 8' up to 9+ feet tall and very fragile.

The Teacher (female, daughter of the Ambassador of their world) had been on Earth for 206 years. By now, that is 256 years now, if she is still here on Earth. She may be on to other things now.

Their homeworld has always been clouded over, no clear skies. So at night, they couldnt see the stars. Only clouds. When flying machines finally broke over the top of the clouds, then they learned about other stars. Their planet is also very hot. They seem to be comfortable in 140F heat, and that seems to be cold to them, not hot. They also have thicker air on their home world. They evidently are also colonizing several planets.

Their language is very animal like, like a mix between birds, horse winneys, and barks. The Teachers name in her language was said to be like two meadow lark chirps and a bark. They also go into higher pitched zones of sound which we cannot hear, (like how dogs can hear frequencies that we cannot). But, some of these aliens have learned English so well, you cannot tell they are from another place. Perfect English.

They also heal very slowly. Very very slowly. Its dangerous for them to break a bone on Earth so they must be shipped to the nearest hospital which was 2.5 months away flight time on a ship.

They built several craft on-site in their bunker base fascility. No scouts were brought in from their home world, perhaps for safety reasons. But supposedly the craft made here from parts supplied by the USAF were able to go to the moon in a quick hop, and to Mars in just several hours. They use a Photonic drive, something that uses unknown sub atomic particles that use Photons that ride dual coils (windings) that are wrapped around the inner hull area. These produce a field at which they can then travel by, and also it acts like a forcefield against other things including gravity and accelleration.

Some very interesting readings. Goodness... This was in the 1960's. Imagine what they have now. I'll bet their mother ships are faster now.

The coolest thing to read about though, was how important to them their children are. I guess that was a major hurtle for them in negotiations, fear of humans and humans being around their children. That had to work.

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Re: YouTube Inverview on Nordics

Post by wings »

On being a fast reader, I am definately not. Last book I read was Heaven is for Real. That was quite a while back. I just wasnt able to put these books down.

I also got them online, digital on Amazon, so I have them on the PC, phone, and tablet. What ever I was near when I had a minute, I just started reading again.

I picked up another book, something about the Serpo Project, where I think 12 people were selected and invited to go to a home world of a alien race. I dont know if its the tall whites, or who. Serpo is the name of their home world. 2 died and 2 wanted to stay, the rest came back. Should be interesting.

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