New kind of dreams.

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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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New kind of dreams.

Post by guldage »

It has been some time since I had the last weird exsperiance on this topic. I have not been bothered with visits it seems.
However last night was a bit bizar. No visits. At least no memory of it. I had some dreams I would clacify as strange. Maybee not so much the contend if you would just take one dream. But it was a string of dreams!
Started out with one dream about some sort of spaceship or something like that. antennas sticking out on top. Greyish in colour. Very much look like something I have dreamed before. So that was not so weird.
I woke up, but went back to sleep fairly easy. Now comes the weird part. Another dream of an UFO. This time Triancle and dark in colour. Woke up again and back to sleept. Next dream about a UFo orblike kind of wider horizontal than up that gace up a bluish shine. Like it was kind of pulsing.

This happend 5 times. Each dream a new one, but all with the same topic. Seing some sort of ship. The last once was a gellyfish looking one and a discshaped one darkgrey with blue light at the button all the way around the edge!.

When I woke up the last time, I kind of gave up on the sleep and got up. I have no bruises of any kind, however I am very sore and stiff in my body. Neck and shoulder. But that can also be because I sleept so purely. I kind of walked beside myself all day. It was not scary dreams. I just more or less observed, but it was a bit unnerving that it continued like it did!

Has anyone ever had a dream marathon like that?.

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Re: New kind of dreams.

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: New kind of dreams.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Guldage,

I have had "marathons" of shifting from one state of consciousness to another. During the night, as I was "sleeping" (didn't get much rest), I would wake in an altered state of consciousness and see different people or star people in my room. I would always go "back to sleep" and then wake up again and see a star person standing by the doorway, next time a man was sitting on my bed, next time something else. It was a repeating pattern that lasted all night, pretty unusual.

And I sometimes will be having a dream, then wake up to go to the bathroom or get a drink, then go back to bed and back into the same dream to continue where I left off.

I have also had "dreams" where I was outside watching all different kinds of UFOs flying over...lots of them!

Hi Manhattan,
Wow! Thanks for sharing all that detail. You've had similar experiences where you keep waking up and then going back to sleep and it seems like when I did that, my state of consciousness was very aware. It was real and vivid and it did seem to make it very important.

There is a lot of symbolism in your dreams. It is good that you were able to pretty much figure out what it means. The black box floating in the sky reminds me off the CUBE that the controllers love to use. For example, the CUBE (or Kaaba) in Mecca that the Muslims walk around and around and around creating energy for whatever is inside the CUBE.


The CUBE is also symbolic of Saturn, more Illuminati symbolism that they use everywhere.


I was once in a very vivid experience that involved the military searching for a certain black box. I knew where it was hidden and I was trying to keep them from finding it because I realized it was powerful and I did not want them to have it. I shortly thereafter ended up in an underground base where I met the military doctor and some nurses I had known since childhood. Apparently, they are connected to the whole alien-military program. I remembered the doctor very well and even pointed out to him where his desk used to sit. He was amazed that I could recall it all.

The men in black suits and top hats? Look familiar? Freemasons.


Strange, strange things we go through...but like you, I know I am here for a reason: to help humanity.
And we are each doing our part to help out.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: New kind of dreams.

Post by guldage »

It did feel like I was in a different state of mind. And the dream or what you whould call it was very vivid and clear. It was like I could touch the Ufos.

Some time after her I just had another of those drams again. 5 different ships in 5 different dreams all in a marathon.
The day after I woke with a hugh bruise on the back of my leg. No clue how it got there.
And the size of it whold meen that you would know how you got it. It would have hurt. I might add I dont bruise easy. Not at all.

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