Alien Foodstuffs...

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Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by Dave »

Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone has had experiences with food during a visitation / experience?
There was an experience I had about 3 or 4 years ago where I woke up to find myself in a round, domed room, which had a kind of terracotta or red shade for what I would call skirting, and around the frame for a semicircular door.
I was on what would be best described as a couch, which extended around the perimeter of the room, which had divisions in it, like booths in a restaurant, or something. Complete with round tables. There were figures in these booths, who were short, with grey / blue skin, but I couldn't make out their eyes.

I sit up and see a table in front of me, with a figure opposite (who's eyes I also couldn't make out), and a bowl with what I initially associated with king prawn, or langoustines.
The major difference was the "flesh" was green, with no legs to speak of, and the shell was the familiar pink / red of a cooked lobster.
The texture was like a mix between under cooked chicken and prawn, with a similar flavour.
It was truly a bizarre experience!

I've attached a quick sketch, has anyone else had such an experience?
A quick sketch of the shelled morsel...<br />I have no idea what to call it!
A quick sketch of the shelled morsel...
I have no idea what to call it!

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Good drawing and description, Dave. I can't say that I've been offered otherworldy food to eat; although, I had one questionable experience in childhood that was prefaced with a bag of Cheetos. I've never seen any strange looking food to my knowledge. I do have memories of being given milk or a glass of water to drink as a child. However, most of those experiences involved US military human beings. Honestly, I think they were drugging me.

Truthfully, I never really remember where they take me, especially the non-human visitations. I remember the beginning of the experience, and sometimes the end, but not much in between. For example, in my "wake up" experience, I know I was floated out the window by a blue/grey alien, but I have absolutely no memory of where I was taken to. I suppose it was such an unfamiliar place that there is nothing here that can trigger my conscious mind of its memory. I suppose there will always be a closed door to those memories; a familiar image that could serve as a key just does not exist in everyday human life. I do have one out-of-context flash of memory of being in a very round, cream colored room, all smooth edges with a pillar in the center and playing in there with other children, but it's just a flash. It may take a hypnotist to get behind that door. Unfortunately, I don't have access to something like that. You are very lucky to have trusted friends to help you.

I would love to see a drawing of the room and the entire scene if you feel up to the task. I apologize in advance if I pester you to death for drawings. Do not feel obligated to indulge me. I just love illustrations!

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by guldage »

Food in tubes. Like astronout food. That is what I have seen.

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by wings »

I do not recall food, but it did make me think of a great book I read that spoke on food that the Ebens eat. 'Secret Journey to Planet Serpo' is a really good read. In it, 12 USAF people are selected to participate in an exchange program with the race we called the Ebens. Friendly and nice. They are not the grays. Their planet is in the twin binary solar system in Zeta Reticuli, a very hot planet. The team was to stay 10 years, but lost track of time, stayed 13 Earth years on that home world.

In the book, a ton of notes (logs) from the mission commander talk on things that occurred during their stay. Food was a strong point. They are vegetarians and one of their favorite foods is what looks like oatmeal but tastes like paper. They have fruit that is similar to Earth fruit, but the flavors are mixed up. A mango there tastes like an Apple, and a Pear tastes like a Mango, (not quoted, but an example). They also loved these things that look like large leaks.

Its an interesting read.

A craft that crash landed in New Mexico, large saucer with perhaps 6 or 8 occupants, had food bisquits, similar to crackers.

The Ebens, about 3 feet tall, maybe higher, large eyes with iris', do not drink water. They get all their water from their food, and their waste is only liquids. Everything expelled is liquid. That was also an interesting difference.

I hope they go public on that trip as there are a ton of photographs of that planet and people that would really be awesome to see. Food as well.

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by Dave »

@ManhattenSkyline: Thanks for the compliment on the sketch, I'm not much of an artist!
I'll try to do a drawing of the whole scene, but like yourself, my memory of it is patchy at best.
Keep your eyes peeled on this thread, and I'll try my best!

@Guldage: Sounds interesting! Was it for the "crew", or were you offered any? If you were, what did it taste like? For some reason, I get a recollection of a kind of grainy texture when I think about it...

@Wings: I remember hearing about project Serpo, or the "Alien exchange project", and being fascinated by the idea... I'll have to keep my eye out for the book!

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by guldage »

Dave I believe it was for the crew. I have never been offert anything that I can remember anyway. They were handet out to some of them but I did not actually see them eat any.
I did however see the texture of it. It looked like a milkshake or something like that. Fluent

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Re: Alien Foodstuffs...

Post by Dave »

Hi folks, sorry it's been a while... we've recently moved house and everything is up in the air!

ManhattanSkyline asked me to do a drawing of the room I saw, and I've attached it here...
Forgive the crude artwork, but it is a rather crude memory to be honest!
There are symbols on the archway, which I depicted, but I couldn't make them out, so they're more like squiggles!
I tried to get the arched feel to the image, but I'm not entirely sure how to do it justice, so I had to kind of wing it... the scale is off too, but it is what it is, I suppose!
The memory of it seems to fade in and out... It's weird...

Sorry I can't really give any more details on this!! Has anyone else seen anything like this in their experiences?

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