Are They Time Travelers?

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Are They Time Travelers?

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

Some wild thinking...

I would like to share some bits and pieces of things I have read about that might relate. First though, on Ancient Aliens last night, it was about Time Travelers, lol.. Interesting. Its a well documented 'search subject' at Google. 15+ million hits. Tons of people photographed that are possible time travelers.

1. In the catastrophic episode that occurred with the Philidelphia Experiment (ship returning from Australia, cloaked in an electromagnetic field), one of the passengers is said to have bounced somehow to 200 years into the future (I think thats what he said). He spent 2 years (I think he said) there. The water levels had risen, Florida was mostly under water, the caps melted, Earth heating up.

2. A famous alien at Area 51 that lived for many years, referred to as J-Rod, kept in a giant, odd, detached room that was magnetically charged or something (prisoner?) was said to be from another world and was here to fix/repair our timelines as supposedly we messed them up. His handler let him free once through the Stargate. The Stargate is actually called the 'Portal' program, residing at S4 near Area 51 in the same mountain bunker where several recovered UFO's are stored. Several of the bunker rooms (hangers) are openable to enable craft to fly out / in.

3. They now believe Time and gravity and light are related. Back when the found the UFO at Roswell (near Roswell), the craft was still slightly running, though badly damaged. The gravity engine was running/active. A high ranking USAF climbed in it and looked around for say 5 minutes or so. When he came out, they were all worried, saying he had been in there for like 25 minutes. Time was moving slower? inside?

4. A note on a diagram about a USAF / Navy saucer at Area 51, prototype around 1960? was said to cause watches to slow down when near the center of the craft where the quantum core is / was.

5. They now believe that Stars and Planets have different time speeds per their gravity influence or amount. For instance, as you get closer to our star Sol, time speeds up. Farther away, it slows. This would then make sense for the team on Zeta Reticuli / Serpo, the Eben home world, where 10 USAF team members stayed for 13 years on an exchange program. They said time was totally different. Only now do we think we know why. Twin stars, super close, on a planet with a different mass. Totally different speeds of time then Earth. Scientists thought they were just goofy. Now this could be what they were experiencing.

6. Personal theory. I think some people are not effected by time changes or reality changes, when a timeline change is created or occurs. For instance, I once say a guys car tail lights change the next time I went over. This occurred a couple of times. I was a car designer, so noticing tail lights was my thing. I couldnt figure it out how they changed, but they changed... two times in several years.

7. A person that taught pilots of our prototype UFO saucers at Area 51 back in the late 50's and early 60's, said that the craft could go so fast that they effected time. I guess that makes sense. They could fly so fast through a valley at Area 51 that inside the craft it looked like you went through a tunnel. The craft form a gravity 'inside' the magnetic field which seperated them (pilots) from the Earth gravity field (and perhaps time, per speed involved?). But you would have to be doing some MASSIVE speed and have a very powerful field going to do that. Supposedly the craft which didnt have zero point power supplies at the time (supposedly we do now), were powered by three onboard capacitors which held 1 million volts per unit. That gave them some flight time. I have read that the approximate amount of power needed for a small saucer (about 5 passengers?) to fly would be about 1 million volts or a terrawatt. I think thats how it was said. Definately 1 million though.

Some interesting things...

From what you have said about things, I think you 'might' have witnessed a 'change' or altercation. Something that normally goes by un-noticed by people.

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

Two more things, Manhattan, on your subject.

1. Einstein didnt believe in Shrodingers theory. He said, quote; 'If you were looking at the moon and looked away, would it all disappear?'

2. There was a episode (fiction, but what if) in Star Trek Next Generation. Part of the crew were being abducted. A small workhole was in one of the storage bays up on a shelf behind some things. It was used as a route to which they could link to this dimension, study the crew, do experiments on them, put them back, no one noticed. I dont know if you remember that. But, if you recall the stories of your closet, a room linked to it. That might be similar.

I bring up that episode because the Military have been using SciFi shows (like StarGate) to bring forward Disclosure of alien civilizations and they feed shows and sometimes quietly financially support them (hidden) to get people acclimated to this entire new phenomenon, so when Disclosure happens, we already know pretty much whats going on, which I think we are at that point now. It could be that this is how they can link to a persons home.

Remember I told you a photo was online of a UFO that had what appeared to be a living room on its side, sort of in the craft? I could be way off on that, but it looked like the craft had the living room 'in' the craft, linked, two locations bonded. I never found that photo again. Probably taken down by you know who. I dont know.

But, back to time, if Time is so manipulative, easier then we thought, then we'll just have to get used to that.

I remember seeing a black and white footage of the Nautilus (nuclear sub) and the documentary person was saying, it was a rare secret that it was operational in WWII at the end of the war. Now, I dont know how true that is. How could it be? We were using as much power to make enough plutonium for 2 bombs. How could we make enough for a sub also? But... What if they took it back in time? That occurred to me last night.

I have also always had a fear that hitler sent time travellers into the future to bring back tech. They had cruise missles (V1) and intercontinental ballistic missles (V2), UFO's (V7 programs, Haunebu and Vril), rocket powered jet fighters, jet fighters, a nuclear program... All from a country the size of Texas. Scary... Oh, and a time machine (they thing) based on the engine core of a Haunebu, called Glocke, which is a bell. Spins, has a radar or microtron microwave generator in it, filled with Mercury. The saucer cores were similar, mostly for making electricity. A powerful field generator. Something about 'torsion' waves.

Anyways... Thats the word on the grapevines...

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

This is a small video on that man that was on the USS Eldridge, Philidelphia Experiment.


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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

Radical dream, Manhattan! Radical.....

You should write that down and make it into a movie or mini series.

Crazy as it sounds, it sounds tangible.

There are 'many' stories by people of when they are in a car (or home) and all the electrics stop. Cars engines stop, lights, etc. A magnetic field (that is really powerful, like 1 million volts to 10 million volts) will act like an electrical field disturber, like a Tesla coil, and cause things to happen in the area around it, like say 10 yards or 30 yards away (Meters). A man (farmer) in Poland once told of a German saucer (very large, perhaps Haunebu II Dostra, or Haunebu III) that had broken down on the side of a road on a field. The German repair crew had a big tarp up, like a giant wall, to keep you from seeing it. His car died (truck) when it pulled up to a guard (SS patrol man). They all talked. He said it would be a while. Then a low but powerful humming started, then a domed thing rose up and slowly made its way over the horizon away from the road. The tarp went down, their cars started up, the soldier waved them off and life was back to normal. Many 'alien' craft do this also when they come by a house.

Now... What if they were jumping through time and anything in that field went with them.... That is tangible with Einsteins 'Unified Field Theory'. Fields..... Thats a big thing in all this. Transportation, dimensional jumping, etc...

You never think about kids being in a position like that. Their imaginations are so incredible, they would probably be able to keep up with things, lol... Till they got hungry and tired...

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Manhattan and Wings,
Great thread on time travel and UFOs. I have noticed the difference in time when traveling on the ships with the star people. It can seem like I am with them for 2 weeks, but when I return to my house, only 2 hours have gone by on the clock.

It's really interesting that I read this thread today after watching a video about the "Mandela Effect" and CERN. As you know, from a different post I made, there are now people who are possibly experiencing a shift in their timeline. People started noticing little changes in media like changes in book titles, movies, popular media. I think this is because these things are what people are mainly focused on, at least in western society. However, people are now noticing personal changes in their own lives that they cannot explain. The concensus among most people having this experience is that some of us are shifting into a new timeline.

The video I watched this morning is about CERN and the possibility that it may have something to do with these changes, either that or CERN has allowed those people working on it to see into the future.

This video also has a pretty good explanation of the power of human consciousness and our innate ability to create probable realities. I think we can switch in and out of these probably realities or timelines by moving our attention...kind of changing the frequency to that particular station, like we do when tuning into radio stations.
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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »


That Cern fascility is pretty powerful. They said they were trying to open up another dimension with it a couple of months ago.

Supposedly there was a massive earthquake last year (or early this year) in a foreign country. One powerful quake that reaped massive destruction, and a second one. At the exact same 'second' that it occurred, the LHC was fired up. They had an emergency shutdown. They tried firing it back up, and had another shut down, an energy dump. This guy had a video on it on YouTube and compred the quake data (I think in Napal) and the time stamps, and on the same monitor, he had next to it the LHC data showing its schedule, power readout spikes, and that it had this and that go wrong.

The LHC is a pretty powerful unit. I just hope they dont mess things up with it.

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

Ok... Here is something that flopped into my mind just now. I have to get this out. This is a Mandella effect big time.

Back in the 1990's, very early, perhaps late 1980's, President Mickhail Gorbachev announced to the American media that they had an issue with a large UFO over Mars. They sent two SAT's to Mars. One was a surface mapping SAT. One was to check out the moons of Mars. As the moon probe went active, there was a large (very large) craft parked beside the first moon. It looked like a small rock with a large pencil beside it. The craft was longer then the moon. Perhaps a mile or 2 long. The craft was wide in the middle, perfectly round (from all the photos of it) and cut off at the ends sharply.

The craft turned into the moon probe and rammed it. Photos show it moving towards the probe, its massive, coming closer, then its dead, no more feedback.

Probe two attains proper orbit over Mars. Begins trekking loops over Mars photographing the surface. As it does, occassionally it photographs what looks like a giant blimp with cut off ends, a shadow on the surface that is moving as it picks up the shadow moving in a constant arc and it crosses its path many times. So there were two of these giant craft. The second craft was in orbit also, so the shadow was coming from the craft in space, the sun blocked by this giant cylinder craft.

My girlfriend at the time watched this with me. We were in awe. Then nothing. No news, its all gone. Never found out more on it.

So.... Finally, years and years later, like 3 weeks ago, someone in a UFO forum at Facebook shows this video of this craft over Mars. Shows it next to Phobos just like I remembered... BUT..... Its a different shape. It has a notch now in one side, straighter sides, and a curve on one corner. Totally different. Very different....

And a new detail. Phobos appears to have a perfect cut edge around one end, like a chamfered edge to a lid, like one side can open.

Going to try to upload the photos I took from the footage on YouTube. I think it was YouTube. It may have been uploaded only to FB. Also, the person narrating it compared it with another craft in another event but stated the craft was 1200 miles long or something. He said things that I doubted. But I remember the craft that Mickhail showed America. I was in awe.....

And now its different... Mandella...

I'll see if I can find the film on that.

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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

I found a date on the photo with Phobos. I tracked that on Google, found a lot on it, including shadow shots of one of the large craft casted from orbit.

The shadow shots I saw on TV were longer. The shape was nearly perfect. Maybe this is one where its at a different, far angle in the sky, like near evening or something.

The craft is totally different from the one that I had seen in 1989. (The date on the Russian footage is 3/25/1989). That day, the cylinder craft was rammed by the cylinder.

Now, back then, it showed the craft turn as Phobos 2 came up to the moon. It got close and the object turned and rammed the SAT. Now it shows that it was hit by a beam of bright light. That didnt happen. It was rammed. I remember it like it was yesterday.
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Re: Are They Time Travelers?

Post by wings »

Found a video at YouTube. Shadows are different. One normal as I remember, but one straight and long. 300 Kilometers long.

Short video. Worth a watch.

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