an introduction/experience post??

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an introduction/experience post??

Post by unbucklingorionsbelt »

first of all, hello everyone! i'm very happy to be a part of this community and have been eagerly awaiting my acceptance email.

i'll start with a little bit about myself.
my name is orion, and i'm a 20yo boy.
that is not my given name nor is it my assigned gender. however, these are my preferences and i ask kindly that you please respect them. i am mentioning this now in the event that i must post photos of scoop marks and the like on my body or if anyone wants to skype call or speak to me.

i have been reading the posts on this forum since i discovered it and i believe that i am "waking up"! at least, i hope that i am.

my heart wants me to meet the star people. i am already so attached to them and have so much love in my heart! i only want to be friends with them. i feel like my home is out there... i do not believe i was ever meant to be on earth, and that's why i'm having so many struggles and poor fortune keeps befalling me. i keep being misled and hurt by others, and this is partly because i love so deeply, and want to look past any flaws i may see within those who i make an important part of my life.

i believe that i've already been contacted, though i'm not sure if it is paranormal in nature or extraterrestrial. however, my heart definitely feels that it's extraterrestrial.

whenever i was an adolescent, i believe i was abducted repeatedly. however, i didn't make this connection until much more recently, until this year in fact. if anyone else stumbles upon this thread and wishes to reply with their own experiences or thoughts in regard to mine, then please, please do.

at this time in my life, my family had built a house and had recently moved into it. my mother had gotten her tubes tied after me, but then remarried and had a rather dangerous operation to have them untied. it was doubtful that she would even conceive after this given her age and the whole situation. yet, remarkably, she went on to have 3 more children. the oldest is 11 years younger than me.

so my mother was pregnant with her first son, my little brother. i was about 13. i had a deep fascination with space and rather than watching what... well, what other children/teens were watching, i would find myself watching the sci-fi channel or discovery. i remember being very young, probably about 5, and being so excited whenever the new season of stargate sg1 aired!! there is a video of me at age 4, naming all of the planets on a diagram. i was well ahead of my time then and i still feel as though i am.

i had a stereo and tv in my room. these were the first few things affected.

in the middle of the night, my stereo would turn on by itself. it would be much louder than i remember leaving it, and the six-cd changer would open and begin switching through the CDs. once this started, it happened very often, probably weekly. i would always wake in a sweat and with my heart racing when this occurred.

i had told my parents and they told me i had been watching too much ghost hunters and i had probably just set my alarm incorrectly, but i had never changed it from 6am. ever.

things began happening more publicly and around my family as well. i remember interference on my tv when it was on, sometimes showing strange symbols mixed in with the static. there would also be interference over the baby monitor my mother had in the nursery and into her room. it was always louder than the volume was at the time.

at one point, my step-dad thought a man said his name, and was so convinced he stepped out of the shower and began looking for his father in a towel. i told him there was nothing, there was no one, but he said he could've sworn it came from just outside the master bathroom. i'm wondering if it was over the baby monitor.

so all of these things happened. occasionally, stuff would fly off countertops and we would hear running across the back porch or on the roof. we honestly believed we were haunted, and believed that it was in fact a poltergeist. at the time, i was a pubescent girl* with depression. it didn't seem out of the ordinary for a negative entity to attach itself to me.

the thing was, i never felt threatened. i would awake in fear, and i had terrible nightmares. i dreamt i was being drug from my bed by my ankle all around the house, even past my parents who just wouldn't wake up. if i screamed, my voice wouldn't come out; it would just be a breath or gasp. i began begging that i didn't have those dreams. i began praying. i began hoping that the stereo wouldn't turn on because i was so tired and only wanted rest.

soon i had two more dreams. in one, i dreamt i had gathered all the energy in the room in my palm. i didn't do anything with it there, but just held it. it was warm. then, on another, i dreamt that i focused very hard on my body and laid back in my bed. before i knew it, i felt myself trembling, but i was levitating off the mattress. this was a dream of course; i cannot be sure if it actually happened.

whenever we began to move into a new house (we were now a family of 6 and needed more room!), things began to pick up tremendously, further affirming the paranormal speculations. everything came to a head whenever i once again woke up with my heart racing in fear. i was facing my closet, and before me there was a figure.

i rationalized everything very quickly. i had not left my closet door open so this was not clothing making an illusion of a figure. i could not see through him. there was something there. i was frozen, but i wasn't innately afraid. i was just... frozen, in shock?

i remember it all very vividly and i can tell you that he was very tall. he might have been over 6 foot. he was solid, but at the same time somehow luminescent. he was silver. i never looked at his face directly because i was frozen, but somehow i knew that even if i did i wouldn't be able to make it out.

this all probably lasted about 5 seconds most, but it felt like it was a long while. it was broken whenever there was a bright flash outside my window and a crack of what i presumed to be thunder. i jumped and looked in that direction, only to roll over and try to face the figure again. however, all i came to find was my closet door.

i shared this with my parents, but they insisted i was dreaming. i knew i was not.

i also very vaguely remember a bright overhead light as though i was on a surgery table. i also recall what could have been small figures running around between my bed and the stereo, standing under 3 foot tall. i am not sure if i was physically conscious for that though, and both of these memories are very broken and short.

so flash forward a bit, and i remember i had first watched the fourth kind. it scared me to death! i was terrified! as i fell asleep, i felt as though i was watched from my window. i even woke up at 3:33; the same time that the abductees in that docudrama experienced everything they did. from that point on, i was scared of the idea of extraterrestrials. i was afraid of aliens. i didn't like them one bit.

i was a senior in high school and i took my first astronomy class and excelled. i loved it. it quickly became not only a hobby but a passion. at this point, i was certain that there was life elsewhere in the universe. it was just too large for us to be the only ones, and somehow, it felt selfish to believe that anyway. i began to grow more aware and less afraid, and began my own research.

i dug deep into local experiences and sightings as listed on mufon. i followed them all, shared them with my astronomy professor, and felt absolutely consumed with the need to find answers. it was about this time i remembered those events from my adolescence and a lightbulb flickered on over my head. "not ghosts... aliens!"

ironically, i had very difficult periods. i was ovulating 100% of the time, and i had scar tissue outside of my cervix despite never having given birth or (known) surgery. this made me wonder if maybe the aliens had done this to harvest my eggs easily.

i was happy because i felt like i was clever!! i had figured all of this out. i had caught them! but i also... still feel very afraid when i go to sleep at night. i am afraid they're going to take from me without my consent.

i read up on the posts bonnie had here and began projecting my silver cord. i have always felt as though i was different and that i had some sort of sixth sense. gathering this psychic energy was very easy for me, and my shield pulsated easily around me, coming from the cord that extends from the top and center of my forehead. i felt safer.

this was just a week ago. now i'm hoping they visit but want to speak to me about the past and either confirm or deny the experience. the irony in all of this is now i wouldn't mind if they took my female anatomy. it is of no use to me now and i will likely have it removed on earth anyway.

if these beings need it, then they can gladly take it. i don't want them to die out.

this is all very metaphysical in nature and i understand if its hard for some to understand... however, my heart aches because it knows all of this as truth, and i want nothing more than to go on the adventures that bonnie has had. i even tried to reach out to her, through the realities, but if i made contact with her i do not recall. i have tried to reach the star people... but i cannot get through to them either. perhaps, i need to train more?

bonnie, can you perhaps give me insight on this? any pointers for an amateur?

and finally, i close with this:
please, look out for me out there.

with love,

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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Orion,
Welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing so much of your life here for others to read. One thing is for sure: this is a crazy, mixed-up world we live in and that is because we have all been lied to about the true nature of this reality. Humanity has been purposely kept in the dark and kept from TRUTH. It can be very difficult to figure it out on your own, but there are many of us now who are doing exactly that. There is a shift in consciousness happening, and those of us who are ready are most definitely waking up to who we really are.

Do not worry, we ARE figuring this out together.

First of all, I must say: PLEASE protect yourself. Do not offer any of your parts to the star people/aliens, even if you don't have a need for them. The first thing you have to do is define your own personal space and make it known! You are in complete control over what happens to you, to your body, to your mind, and to your spirit. YOU are the only one who can take control of every part of your life and make it known. And you absolutely have the power to do this. It is innately part of who you are...a powerful being who is trying to find your way.

Before you start giving things away, take control of your life and put up protective barriers until you figure it out better. You can try this meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It will help teach you how to protect your own energy:

When I was a little girl, I had all kinds of bizarre dreams and experiences. No matter how adamant I was in the morning, trying to explain it to my loving parents, they could not comprehend it. They just didn't know what to do. I love them so much, and I do not blame them. I was a special case. LOL :D

The strength you need to focus on is within yourself. No matter where else you go for help, you will always come back to the true fact that you are the most powerful person in your life...because you are literally creating this life...manifesting it. Having this knowledge gives you an incredible amount of power. The strength you need is all within you.

Another thing I recommend is NOT watching scary movies. All that does is program your subconscious mind with a bunch of crap that is hard to get rid of. You don't need these horrible images stuck in your head.

You will go on all kinds of wonderful adventures, but you need to start at the beginning. Protect yourself and keep your power and energy to yourself. At least for now until you figure it out.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by unbucklingorionsbelt »


thank you for making this forum where like-minded people can share their life stories and experiences. i think you're right about just how screwed up the world is. i hope that we're waking up to make a difference in it.

and thank you for letting me know i shouldn't do what i was doing! oops. i guess i thought i was doing a nice thing?? (the words "nice to a fault" come to mind).

i definitely practice(d) your little shielding and meditation exercise with no difficulty at all. i have had psychic(?) ability since i was a young age, which i mentioned in a reply to a user named piff earlier. first and foremost, i have a great intuition and definitely feel aligned with the universe. i get the feeling that the star people are worried for earth in the state it is in now. that the US has made a grave mistake in choosing its next leader, and that the star people are worried for our well being. this is something that i feel very frequently, and feel the need to share. does anyone else feel the same way?

i also have visions of the future and deja vu very frequently, and can even identify the moment the vision is about to come true and alter if it i wish. maybe i shouldn't do that? there's so many science fiction movies about why NOT to change the future. maybe I'M the reason trump is president. :shock:

i'm wondering if these visions are actually me peeking into different universes and timelines, though. i can identify when they overlap in the primary timeline that i physically live in. what do you think?

but anyway, yes. gathering energy and light and projecting it over you... that was not difficult, and it feels very good! i had imagined the roots of my energy grounding me to the earth before i even knew it was a necessary part of grounding and centering.

perhaps you're right though, and i'm getting ahead of myself. i'm just too eager! but, i get the feeling that makes me a very easy target for those without good intentions.

(that explains a lot actually).

i will find the strength within me. my heart and spirit are strong; i know that much. i just hope that soon i can protect myself the way i need to in order to experience the realities beyond this one.

i'm glad that through something as simple as a forum thread, we can connect with others who are becoming more and more aware, and look out for them too. we're all in this together, and for a special reason! may we all find out that reason for ourselves soon.

with love,

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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

HI Orion,
I am really glad you like the forum and appreciate it. I've been doing this for many years now. Before this forum, I had an alien abduction yahoo group and a google group too. This is my favorite one because I can make it the way I want. I put a lot of effort into keeping it as pleasant as possible for everyone. I really appreciate your words; it is good to know that I'm helping people. :-)

I know you were just trying to be nice to the star people...believe me, I've been there. Yes, it can make you very vulnerable to energy attacks that you might not even be aware of. You must be sure you are strong and ready to be in a relationship with these entities. Some are friendly but some are NOT. It is always best to have protection around you and to feel that strength within yourself. You never know what is going to happen but, if you are strong inside, you can face anything because you are always ready. And the star people who are friendly will understand and respect that because they know you have to be careful.

I am glad you did well with the meditation. Grounding, Centering, and Shielding is one of the best ways to get yourself ready for any contact you might experience.

You said that you think the star people are worried for our well-being: I agree, at least the friendly star people. There is a group of star people that I consider to be family. They are definitely concerned and they are the ones who taught me about psychic self-defense. They told me there is a war going on right now. It is a huge war being fought between different factions who are on-planet, off-planet, and fighting takes place between earth and sky between these rivalries.

The very best way to get through all this is to focus on love, feel your inner strength, and know that you are a powerful, everlasting being who continues to live after your consciousness leaves your physical form. This is what I have learned over the years and it works.

You said:
i also have visions of the future and deja vu very frequently, and can even identify the moment the vision is about to come true and alter if it i wish. maybe i shouldn't do that? there's so many science fiction movies about why NOT to change the future. maybe I'M the reason trump is president. :shock:
LOL! :D Yep, you could be the reason, considering the fact that you are creating your own little reality bubble. I think there are certain things that are part of the unified consciousness and we all share in their manifestation, but your own world that you focus on personally everyday is your own manifestation. I think you should manifest whatever you want as long as it is happy and positive.

Unfortunately, the majority of people who are watching mainstream TV and movies are helping the evil ones manifest a dark reality. Humans are reality creators. Their subconscious minds are currently being used to create a lot of darkness. Most people are in a constant trance state...they are asleep and they do not realize what they are doing. They are helping to make the world the way it is.

My husband John and I do interviews and we have made some videos about TV Mind Control.
Here is a link to the very first video we made on the subject:

You could also possibly be seeing into different timelines, yes. There are so many possibilities!
Have you heard about the "Mandela Effect"? This is concerning different timelines and what people are experiencing right now...a certain shifting of things in our reality.
Here's another video John and I made:

Sooooo many things to think about.... :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by unbucklingorionsbelt »

hi bonnie,
sorry i've been away for a while. real life(?) became a big demanding. :D but thank you for the birthday wishes!!
i certainly believe that you are helping people here. i think making your own webpage and being able to make it your own is a wonderful thing. you are at the jurisdiction of no one else. :)
as far as the star people go...
i believe is saw them. i underwent anesthesia recently just for minor surgery, but i was hoping that during this, i would be able to make contact. and i did! i remember seeing a star person, very similar to the traditional little alien dudes that we call Grays. but, he wasn't gray. he was kind of a jade green,
kind of like this color.i remember just feeling so happy that he came and said hello, because he nodded to me, and it was sort of like validation that there was far more to life than what you seen when you're awake.
i've also been honing my psychic abilities more. grounding, centering, and shielding have become a pretty regular thing and i even taught it to a friend of mine who was having some difficulty.
it's funny you mention the mandela effect! i am a firm believer in it, and i have always been very aware of the shifts and the changes in this reality and/or dimension. i have told many people about this phenomenon, and have stood by it with my life, to be honest! i think maybe this awareness and my deja-vu are sort of my "special ability" perhaps. being able to see into multiple timelines and being aware of when they diverge is pretty cool.
i also watched that video. wow!! i knew there was a reason that i kept my TV off... haha! i have to admit, i've noticed many of these mnemonic circles, and i have never trusted mainstream media. the television rules the world, honestly.

another thing, but just because i have found myself thinking about it a lot lately:
do you know/believe in the planet nibiru, and do you believe that the annunaki are coming and the end is nigh? i followed a chemtrail for about 100 miles, feeling unmistakably depressed about it, and ashamed of my country and the world for being so deceiving! if that star is here and is bringing about the end of the world, i don't think that....
i don't think that the earth's frequency is high enough, and that in deceiving the world the powers at be have damaged many human's psyche, so that they will not be able to ascend interdimensionally. that makes me sad for them. it makes me sad for my species(?).
whether it is the annunaki, or some other species, or god himself, i do feel that the end is coming and that earth has been hidden the truth, and it has damaged multitudes of humans to the point that they will not transcend earth the way they were meant to.
i have had the apocalypse dreams and visions, and i have seen a glowing and molten red star, burning with a dark red and menacing intensity over earth, drying out crops and causing widespread damage. i know some people have voiced seeing blue when the world ends, but what i have seen is primarily red.
i have also dreamt of widespread plague, which is such a bizarre thing and something i have not heard from other contactees. it may just be a product of my emetophobia and not related to apocalypse at all, but at this point, i would say that anything is possible when it comes to the end times.

anyway, that seems pretty cynical, but it doesn't feel cynical. it just feels real? haha. i dunno. maybe i'm crazy, even as far as abductees and contactees are concerned!
Last edited by unbucklingorionsbelt on Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Orion,
It's really cool that you saw a star person while you were under anesthesia. Cool that you wanted it to happen and it did! Yes, there is so much more to life than the physical world and we are connected in ways that we haven't quite figured out yet.

I am so the glad the grounding, centering, and shielding is working out for you and your friend too!

I do not think Planet X is real. I used to wonder about it a lot but, after all this time, I do not think that a rogue planet is coming with a bunch of Annunaki on it. Please don't worry about that.

Yes, there are incredible changes happening on Earth, many of them not good. Chemtrails are part of it.... I think the unusual weather changes are due to man-made geo-engineering.

You could be correct about the majority of people not being ready for the changes that are coming. That is why it is so important for people like us who are consciously awake and aware to give off as much love and light as we can. We can literally help raise the vibrational frequencies of our friends and families just by being around them. This is one of the best ways to help people wake up...just be near them and give them love.

Remember that we are much more than just our physical selves, and when we leave the physical body, we keep on living in another form. If any terrible disaster comes, those people who are not ready will most likely shift into another body. Everyone has to learn at their own pace. We were once where they are now. And "death" is merely a doorway to an easier life.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by guldage »

Hi Orion that sounds very much like you have landet the right plays. Sounds very similar in many ways to my experience and many others here.
Even down to # cant wait for the next Stargate show to come on. It seems the interest of this topic often is a part of the abduction experience.
I do not believe you can seperate the experience of that of extraterrestrial or paranormal. I have long though that perhaps the way they travel is through different dimentions, which could be the same that happends if people experience say a ghost or something like that.
So wether they come through Dimensions or they travel through space, it is very much the same phenomenon.

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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by Believer Ben »

Hey Orion. You said that I should message you if I would like, so I thought I'd let you know I dropped you a message on Skype. Come chat sometime if you want. Also, Bonnie, if you check out my topic I'd love any input you may have

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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by unbucklingorionsbelt »

hi again everyone!

thank you. i'm glad that you can relate, and i completely agree with your thoughts. needless to say, energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. i think that is what "ghosts" are, but demons and intelligent beings in the spirit are something else entirely. they are dark and dangerous. but, i don't feel like the star people are. i feel like the majority are kind or at least neutral, though there are some that are just... flawed. i would describe them as greedy.
(i'm looking at you, reptilian overlords.)

i don't think i got your request. my skype is "". :) i'll see if i can find yours in the mean time though.

also, i have a dream that i had that i want to share! if you're on piff's thread about the blue aliens, then you might have read it already, but i'll share it again.

over the past few days, i have seen series of 1s repeatedly. i was definitely meditating on it, sort of asking questions to the universe about this idea. i too smoke, and i do think it really helps open your third eye. i was considering the numbers after smoking with two of my very best friends. as i fell asleep, i instantly entered a dream-like state.
i just remember a very bright light, and then i was at a place that i know i visit often. it's very clean there. it's pure and the air tastes nice, unlike earth's. there are white buildings and they have rounded edges and windows, letting in a sky even bluer than earth's. it... reminds me of "atlantis", and i want to say that it might be, or it was?
but, i was being attacked here. i know i wasn't in any danger though. it was as if i was being trained? i could never see who was teaching me, but they were using blue pulses of energy to attack me. i could see them, but it was all in very slow motion. in order to return the attacks, i guess i found patterns in the universe's natural numbers, something kind of like the fibonacci sequence, and whenever i could connect those, i created energy of my own. patterns of 3s, 4s, and 1s were the most powerful. it was as if a computer screen with numbers constantly flowing across it appeared in my mind's eye and i could run my finger through each of the lights as they pulsed, and if i made a combination then different things would occur. for example, a row of 4s formed a shield and could block oncoming attacks, and 3s shot the energy used against me back. 1s were the strongest attack, and i remember after catching the 1s and dispelling the energy, there were cheers from the beings surrounding me and then i woke up, a bright smile on my face. something in me knew to avoid 6s and to only use 9s when i knew it was beneficial. i want to say that the 9s were almost self-sacrificial, like, they took energy from my heart and made use of it, but i was damaged or made weaker in the process. i supposed that leaves the numbers 2, 7, and 8, but i have no recollection of them, or any vague idea of what could even happen if i used those. something tells me that maybe nothing would happen; that even numbers are somehow less important in the universe than odd ones. i feel that 7 is very powerful though, and if i was to have made a combination of 7s, if would've been very beneficial to me. i don't remember them ever appearing on the screen though.
i consider 27 my special number. even if it includes a 2, it's a multiple of 3 and 9 and a perfect cube (3*3*3). i think that if i found this number, it might have been a "special attack" of some sort?

with love,

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Orion,
Thanks for sharing your experience in the "fake scenario." Looks like you've been training with the star people! I have been through endless fake scenarios where the star people are trying to teach me something.For quite a while the focus was on self-defense. I had to deal with a lot of attacks...and some of it was just training inside the fake scenario.

The "Atlantis" world could have easily been a holographic scene inside one of those fake scenarios. Or perhaps you were on the etheric plane where the colors are brighter...?

I'm glad you had a good experience! :D
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Re: an introduction/experience post??

Post by guldage »

I have meet both kinds. The negative and the what you problely will call the starpeople.

As for the negative I believe they comein through or is from another dimension.

I had also a couple of memories of some beings explaning things to me. That was most definately the good guys. They have been attempting to protect me and teach me some things and after they came into the picture I have not had the many negative experiences. They have a harer time getting through and it seems I often can fell they are on the way.
World is not perfect. I do not always manage to battle it, but most days it goes pretty well.

Although it can be diffecult to live in to worlds in a way. As I think I said it before. House morgage, carrier, family and then this alternate really thing that does not fit with the rest.

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