Scraped leg in the dream and woke up with a mark the same pl

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Scraped leg in the dream and woke up with a mark the same pl

Post by guldage »

I do not get bruises easy. I really have to hurt my self to get a bruise, so when I get a mark like this I would, if awake when I get them, know and have cursed epicly at the pain. I have played high level handball. European contact sport where I got away with less bruises than I sometimes get at night in my bed. Very Crazy.

The picture above is of my leg this morning, minus the blood. I had this dream where I was was in this cave system and some tunnels. This alien guy was dragging me along because it seems as far as I gathered that we needed to get away. From what I do not know. I stumble at some point and scrape my leg on that spot. A little later I woke up and my leg had this scrape on it and some dried out blood.
That is not the first time I could put together the two dots dream and bruise or cut.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Scraped leg in the dream and woke up with a mark the sam

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I am sorry your leg was hurt. It really is incredible how this keeps happening. As you already know, I have also woken from my sleep many times to find scars, bruises, red marks, scoop marks, geometric patterns, etc. Sometimes I am aware when it happens during the experience and the first thing I do when I wake up is look at that spot. And of course there is a mark there.

Obviously, we are much more than our physical bodies. Our awareness also travels in the astral body and the etheric body. I call the etheric plane the alternate reality because it is so real...maybe even more real than this physical world. It is where I interact with the star people.

There is so much for us to learn.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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