Hello I Need Help. Abductions all my life

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Hello I Need Help. Abductions all my life

Post by Timmy »

Hello Everyone, My name is Tim and I am 50 going on 51 soon.
I really do not know how to go into this, but I am 99.0% Sure that I have some sort of Extra Terrestrial Abductions. Was I was a Teen I had several "DREAMS" of myself being taught telekinesis, Levitating myself, Jump off of very high place and landing softly and many more strange things. When I was 24 years old I started having Sleep Paralysis and saw a tall Roman Centurion Guard actually next to my bed guarding me. His back is facing me, he is holding a Gold Spear in his left hands, he is wearing all red, a red skirt with Gold slats that go vertically stitched to his skirt. He also wears a Gold helmet. I seen him 5-6 times from 1994-1996.
I thought I was going Really going crazy. I could not tell anyone because I feared being committed. During these times I had totally real to life dream of myself floating slowly over my house and over the surrounding areas. Again I just shut up.

I'm trying to make this very brief, but these dreams have continued an have never stopped even while I am writing this, I just woke up and as usual another dream of something that was so realistic. I actually dreamed of stick turn into a lion type creature that seemed to be talking to me, I wasn't scared, I never get scared. I seem to already familiar with all these creatures I see, Though they aren't creatures, they just do not look human.

I have been writing down and voice recording all of my dreams lately, I don't know why, I just felt I had to do it.

I have had experiences of myself being fully dressed waking up sitting in my chair , on my couch and laying in bed with clothes on. When I was married my ex-wife told me I use to walk around naked in the middle of the night, but she never knew where I went or when I came back.
I also had 2 other women tell me the same thing.
Now this gets sort of scary but several times I woke up on my 2nd floor trying to climb out or in the window, I just wake up and wonder WTF is going on. Again I was still feeling crazy. I saw many Shrinks and other doctors, Took many medications and also was put on disability for mental depression anxiety and panic disorder.
No of this made a difference, I decided to live with it fearing I'd get locked up somewhere.

I did come to terms with this stuff many years ago and accept it. I am totally SANE, I have My Computer Science degree, Electronic Technician degree, and I have my Amateur Radio / TV License.

For the last several years I started to feel like I was dying and felt really lazy and bored, nothing interest me anymore, I quit watching TV as well.

There is so much more and this only touches 1% of what I been through.
I felt I needed to get this off of my chest and I found this forum for that intent to talk about this or just get it off my chest.

I have no Idea what is going on, I feel as though I am living a Life on Earth and Living another life elsewhere. Though I am really confused.

I guess I finally had enough of these occurrences and I'm looking for answers.

Thank You and I would really like to hear what others think, have the same experiences or anything similar.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Hello I Need Help. Abductions all my life

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Timmy,
No, you are not crazy. And you are not alone. We are not taught about the true nature of this reality when we are young and in school. In fact, we are purposely lied to about it. The people who love us and care about us would not knowingly lie and mislead us, but unfortunately, they were also lied to.
Obviously, you are aware that there is much more to us and this world than we are consciously aware of, but somewhere inside we know the truth. It is why you are not afraid in your experiences with other beings.

It sounds like the Roman Centurion Guard is a friend or spirit guide of yours. It is good to have extra protection, for sure. It is not unusual for people who are awake and aware to know about their spirit friends and have experiences with them.

As far as walking in your sleep, I used to do that a lot too. I did it when I was growing up and living with my parents. They had to stop me from leaving the house in the middle of the night...at least, when they caught me! Who knows where I ended up going some nights. I continued sleep walking into my early 20s and it seemed to die off after that (as far as I know, anyway).

It is good you are recording your dreams now, this is very important. I have actually been recording my dreams for 30 years and it has helped me put the pieces together. There are entities from other dimensions visiting us...and they might actually be from right here, in the same place we are, just on different wave lengths.

I just made a video about recording your dreams:

I know what you mean about feeling confused about this life. I totally feel like I am from another world and I am here temporarily to help out this place however I can. It can be a heavy burden for those of us who are aware that there is more to life than the physical world we can see and touch. You do have to be careful who you talk to about it, but more and more people are becoming aware now, so that is good news.

Timmy, welcome to the forum and feel free to write about any of your experiences here. I have about a million of them myself (slight exaggeration but not too much). LOL!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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