Vivid dreams

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Vivid dreams

Post by Headsup7up »

I've always had vivid dreams and the occasional dream walking experience. I had a vivid dream last night about "others".

There were two men. One in a sparkling purple robe, the other shorter and darker in a brilliant orange robe. They wedged me and my friend between them and started talking a lot about oddly religions Christianity and Islam primarily. I explained to them I'm not an expert in world religion or politics. I have my beliefs but I really didn't know what they were talking about. Thankfully the moved on to something else.

Best news, I saw my friend. It wasn't an astral travel moment but it was him. It was as though he knew me so well. Like he knew I needed short messages and symbols, and that I was mostly in a dream state.

Anyway he brought up Lupus. I think he meant the constellation. And the W y(2)y wormhole?? Somebody shouted. "There is no such thing as the w yy wormhole. The double y is your clue."

He (my friend) kept repeating "W * y squared y".

It was all I could get. Wy2y. Weird.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Vivid dreams

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi HeadsUp,
Sometimes our dream experiences can be highly symbolic. There might be some really important information we are learning, but it could be shown to us in a way that our minds can perceive it. You might want to consider keeping a "dream journal" which can be a simple notebook and pencil by your bedside. As soon as you wake up, write down whatever you can recall. After you do this for a couple months, you will find it easier and easier to remember what happened during the night. After you have recorded a couple months of dream experiences (including astral travel, Out-of-Body Experiences, visits with the star people, alien abductions, military abductions...anything that happens) you will begin to see patterns develop. Your dream journal will start to show you what your own personal dream symbolism means. You will notice similar patterns coming up again and again and you will be able to decipher their meanings better.
Good Luck!
Bonnie :D
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Re: Vivid dreams

Post by ManhattanSkyline »


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