Underground Military Research Facility

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Underground Military Research Facility

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Underground Military Research Facility

Post by guarded1 »

regarless of who abducts you they work for the same person in the end. feds and politicians of many powerful countries have given themselves to lucifer. the aliens are either created by or are the fallen from the bible.

greys remind me of imps and lesser demons and i had an encounter where a demon had a greys black almond eyes with white pupils. albeit i had asked to understand how to see through illusions. i had another encounter with many greys that looked like imps. but i remember bursting out the energy weapons built up energy stored in the armor. while they coud have survived i dont know. but there are many illusions unraveling the longer they are in my presence. however again i say in prayer to keep the demons away and ive only since then met aliens when i forget to pray or go after one. so go figure. there are some people from i think mufon who have disussed cases where christians are saved by jesus from alien encounters. but if aliens had free will this would not be the case. they would be in control of themselves should a chrstian invoke jesus. but aliens immediately dssappear or move away. also if you willed it your spirit can return home during alien surgery. i know this because they had once done some implant surgery on me yet one word of christ and voom, im awake. i advise controlling ether implants as you cant break them with traditional ether. i cannot break the nervous unit with an overload. i literally prayed for their nullification. i have no tools to break ether. however i wonder if they try this on the more extreme cases like ones who dont know they are abducted and are implanted in their ether body.

there are some options in the ether realm such as its anti form. ethers version of anti matter to remove such impants. they make you sluggish by the way. i only have a guess as to what that anti ether is nor do i have any knowledge of its effects. i usually test things first on myself. regardless ether does dissolve in the presence of radiant energy from a certain ore. however that is an energy few could use. there are many opposites but no sure answer and a device can be built to reform even if dissolved. i would know, ive tested the possibilty.

as for the situation underground bases have a couple of methods. i have a friend who is more primal and senses certain frequencies at far distances. this frequency however has many copycats but he found it. i went using their network. the system escapes naming it served as a foothold. what i do know is this frequency was more powerful here and hacking in required a copy of their energy. they used this frequency in at least two ways. one to prevent outside espers from using a data powered electromagnetic network. however the other effect reduces mental power and extended exposure can almost zombify a persons brain so that its hard to think or concentrate. it causes psychic stress. however it can be blocked so i wouldnt be suprised if the feds hada defense against it. either that or they shifted around being there less often. however its harnessable after being destabilzed.

im sorry i wish to explain this. the idea was to test why they were using it. so i destabilized it and demoved the dull part cleansing the energy. it ends up changing the brain waves to be within a certain low beta to high alpha. at first it intensifies focus but over time it compounds psychic stress lowerinv concentration. the master was able to do about 7 things at once at high complexity but showed signs of mental fatigue. in the end it served a purpose as a stimulant if effectively used. they have resources and technology from billions of years of research. this tech manufactured an ether by using the physical worlds energy. however it never compared to real.

if someone had gone to a base it could be visited. especially if they are on this site. however if people on this site have been going to places recently against their will its been tagged. i plan on visiting many of the hidden bases to steal their tech and create an ether to counter it. however im still only partly lucid and still only so often. however tonight should be good. i just learned a new ability and know little of it. i can only use it in ether planes and to use anything but its 2nd power im practically usless with it. but i can use it in the mind plane. im really looking for some lucid dreaming training though. id be able to help many things.

there are too many skills i have to master but im not lucid enough to control and bring forth their helpful nature.
i can do much but im always defending because the feds can think. if i continue using intincts im gonna run out of secret skills to better them the next time.

i was recently attacked on wednesday into thursday. i defended. it was a weird situation. i had to show off. they do try to come for me but i have been lucid enough to handle them. but not lucid enough. i still have gaps in my memory.

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