My thoughts on abduction and Greys and other stuff

experiences with otherworldly beings

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My thoughts on abduction and Greys and other stuff

Post by Shekam70 »

Hi everyone. I have read alot of stories about people who claim to have been abducted by aliens with Greys being the main being involved. People instantly think that they must be looking to invade or eat us at some stage. I really feel that if they really wanted to hurt us they would, but we are still here, still alive. There are beings that think differently to us and it would seem that the Greys are trying to improve their own race. I have read a few books that hint that Greys have over cloned themselves and no longer have emotions so they have been using certain humans in a hybrid breeding program to try and get the emotion into their race. Mantis and Reptoids are other species that some abductees talk about. To me they are apart of our universe which we share with many different beings who are on different levels of development. I really think that we humans are on a kindergarten level with so much more to learn. It explains why life is so tough and there are many problems on Earth. It is exciting for me knowing that there is more to life then we could ever imagine.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: My thoughts on abduction and Greys and other stuff

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Shekam,
You said: "I have read a few books that hint that Greys have over cloned themselves and no longer have emotions so they have been using certain humans in a hybrid breeding program to try and get the emotion into their race."

I have heard this as well. It is definitely a possibility that the Greys are using human DNA to improve their own bodies. I know, from being around them, that they admire human emotion and creativity as well as the human capacity to raise its own consciousness. They are certainly creating hybrid children with human ova and sperm.

I agree that not all the Greys are bad; there seem to be various factions or groups of them, not all working on the same mission. There are good and bad. I have been around different types of Greys: some are tall, like 6' tall, and some are short, like 3'. Some "Greys" are tan colored and some are cream colored and some are grey. So, they may have certain basic characteristics in common, but they are not all the same, just like we humans differ from one another.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
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