Last Night

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Last Night

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

I want to record what happened last night. It's still very fuzzy. I was hoping I would start to be more aware and remember more whenever these experiences happened again, but I guess not :(

Last night I went to bed late. I was really tired but kind of jumpy inside. As I was falling asleep, I had this weird sensation that there was someone standing by the wall near the window looking at me. I looked but no one was there, so I just tried to get it out of my mind. I tried visualizing pushing it outside and creating a barrier of protection so it couldn't get back in. I remember it tried to come in through the ceiling/upstairs apartment, and I was trying to get it out of my room and out of my mind so I could rest. I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm laying on my side, back turned to the window. I jolt awake and feel that familiar paralysis thing. I can't move. I feel someone behind me. I feel them grab my arm and try to pull me backward toward the window. At first, I almost automatically went back to sleep (there's a part of me that wants to give in to whatever's happening), but then I thought, "No! It's happening again! Stay awake! Try to remember!" Then I felt whatever was behind me whisper in my ear, "You have wings." Then suddenly I felt wings sprout out of my back, and I was flapping and flying trying to get out of it's grip, so I could turn around and see it. I can't remember much after that except some fuzzy portions of some dream. In my "dream" I think I was walking through my grandparents' house (this might've triggered an old memory). Then in the dream there were several different funny looking creatures that I was "competing" with. We were in this kind of long building with stalls (reminded me of my grandfather's workshop), and I was put in one stall with these several creatures. We were kind of like a class of students of many different life forms from different parts of the universe, and they (the observers that I couldn't really see) were comparing us and noting our "chemistry" with how we communicated and/or worked together or against each other? I don't remember. It's like I can only remember two frames of an entire movie.

It felt like some sort of training exercise. I used to pretend I was a flying horse when I was a kid (there's another long, weird story associated with that). It was like that experience was bringing that back. I was remembering how to turn into a flying horse again (or they were wanting me to remember again, see if I could still do it), if that makes any sense.

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Re: Last Night

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

I wanted to add a bit more that I've remembered from this night. I went to do some laundry at my mom's house last week, and as I was sitting on her side porch, I suddenly remembered a part of that night. I remembered that after visiting my grandparents house, I had come here to my mom's house. It was night and I was standing in the back yard of the abandoned house in the lot next to my mom's house (that faces the side porch). As I was looking at that over-growth by the abandoned house that day, it's like that image jumped back into my mind, and I was looking at myself standing there that night. All I remember is standing there in the over-growth at night, looking at my mom's house and up at the windows of my old bedroom (where I've had abduction experiences--the one with the small bluish grey happened there). I remember there was a tall dark figure standing just to the right and a bit behind me, almost out of my field of vision so I couldn't get a good look at him. This was the same guy that grabbed me in my bed earlier. I could just tell that he was thin and had a large bulbous head, but that's all I could tell. I can't remember why we were standing there or why we had seemed to travel that night to places I had lived. I remember more of a feeling--I guess it was the state of consciousness I was in. I was unable to form a language-thought if that makes any sense, but I was in a state of pure feeling and being, but what's weird is I remember feeling that before as a child, especially when I used to play and pretend I was a flying horse, but now I'm starting to wonder if the flying horse was my mind's way of making a metaphor out of the whole "abduction" experience because I used to make stories around that flying horse idea that now make me second guess what was going on. I mean, as a kid I used to not play at recess but sit at the edge of the playground and stare at the horizon because I truly believed that a real flying horse would fly over the horizon and get me and take me to its world. And I would cry like I was heart broken when it didn't come. It really messed me up because I was convinced that it was real back then. I used to converse with a real flying horse that would land outside my house at night sometimes. Sometimes it would land outside my school outside my classroom window, and whenever it did, I could slip out and go to it because no one in the classroom seemed to notice me. I was suddenly invisible. And I would go to "her" and she would speak directly to my mind and then take me flying to her other world that we accessed through a portal under the water and under the ground. The ONLY reason why I stopped believing it was because my classmates made fun of me. And now that I know for sure that I've had experiences since child hood, I wonder if this fantasy story was my subconscious' way of explaining these encounters to me.

But back to that state of consciousness: I guess it was a trance state, but almost, I want to compare it to an almost animal consciousness but only due to the fact that I was very in tune with what was going on "right now" so much so that I immediately forgot what came before and after. It was like hyper-awareness without that certain distance or objectivity you need to form a memory of the scene; you were the scene. I don't know if I'm making sense. I have the feeling that whatever was standing next to me, spoke to me, but I can't remember what it said, and I have the impression that I can't remember what it said because we were communicating mind-to-mind in that state with no language necessary; you just know and feel at each other or rather with each other.

But remembering standing there with that person next to me suddenly brought back the memory of another dream of an abduction I had which may have actually been a memory of a real abduction. I was at this ranch house where members of my family and church were having a weekend retreat (this really happened). I was standing in the dining room with some of the church members when there was a ruckus at the door and suddenly everyone froze, and it was like time stopped. Everyone just stood there with their eyes glazed over. I was frozen stiff like in a regular abduction scenario. Then I could sense some scurrying of something in the room, but I couldn't really see who it was. They just seemed to be fast moving, blurry shadows. Then suddenly there were two of the them on either side of me. I couldn't turn my head to really get a good look at them. They were just barely in my peripheral vision. They were these same tall, lanky, bulbous headed creatures. I remember being shocked thinking, "It's happening in the day time!" I was so shocked that this usually night-time experience was happening in the daylight in front of god and everybody! The strange thing was that they were standing on either side of me and had my thumbs. I know that sounds weird! But my arms were stretched out on either side of me, and each one of the them had the base knuckle of each thumb in a vice grip! This feeling was shocking familiar and suddenly brought back another memory of an experience when I was younger. I was probably about 13 years old. I was flat on my back in my bed in my old garage-converted bed room of the house we used to live in at the time (I stopped sleeping in that room and began sleeping in my mom's room b/c that room creeped me out). My arms were pulled out straight on either side of me. I was paralyzed and two creatures had my thumbs in the same painful, vice grip. And there was another being that was standing by the window whom I think I was afraid of. I remember something wiping my mouth. I can't really remember the being by the window. It's that same tall, lanky, bulbous-headed shadow. I think if I concentrated on it long enough, I could see it. I think my subconscious is still trying to protect me, so their features are always rubbed out.

I was remembering today that my old self-defense teacher showed us how to grip someone's thumb, so they couldn't use their hands. It's true. If someone pinches the base knuckle of your thumb really hard, you can't use your fingers to grab anything. If you try to curl your fingers to grip, it hurts ten times worse, so it forces you to keep your hands open, rendering them useless. This made me wonder why these creatures were using restraint on me. Even the guy who grabbed me from behind in my bed tried to keep me still as I was struggling to turn around. But later when I was standing with him looking at my house, he wasn't touching me. We were just standing there. I was much calmer, too. So maybe the restraint is used at the onset of the experience until I calm down and enter that familiar state and realize what's happening. To tell you the truth, I appreciate being physically restrained in that way better than when that shorter grey guy invaded my head in such a shocking way and floated me through the window so forcefully. I'd rather someone hold me still until I was ready to walk out of my own free will. But he was a smaller guy. Maybe he felt better and more in control by relying on his stronger nonphysical powers.

So I guess I am remembering, but it's a little frustrating because the memories will trigger partial memories of other abductions. I'm remembering in disjunct pieces. But how else was I expecting these memories to return? In nice, neat chronological bedtime stories?

Oh, finally, I neglected to mention what happened when I came out of the experience of the night (in the first entry). I guess I was so focused on trying to remember what happened during the event, I glossed over what happened afterward. When I woke up from the "dream," I came to in my bed because there was a LOUD buzzing in my right ear. It wasn't like a gnat flew in my ear and was going crazy. It was a distinctly electronic buzzing/humming sound. I remember coming to and thinking "Really?" I had heard of others hearing a humming or buzzing sound, but I never had as far as I could remember. And that was one of the things that made me think this was not just a crazy dream. The buzzing seemed to last forever. I had time to wake up fully, dig in my ear to find nothing, get up and go look out the window (couldn't see anything b/c windows were fogged over) and wander around the room. It slowly got quieter and started cutting out until the noise finally disappeared.

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Re: Last Night

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

I just wanted to leave a note with this post. I had a bit of a deja vu experience a couple of weeks ago relating to this experience and want to make note of it. In the above experience, at one point I remembered standing next to the alien creature in the yard of the neighbor's house looking up at my mom's house, specifically the room where I had lived and had some abduction experiences. Well, about two weeks ago, i was at my mom's house with my sister and her husband. We went over to the lot next door to look around because my mom had bought it. As I entered the property, I stopped dead in my tracks and remembered this experience. I was standing in exactly the same spot looking back at my mom's house and the memory of that abduction event 3 years ago flooded over me. In the three years since that experience, the neighbor's house had been torn down, the lot had been emptied and sold to my mother. Now it was a part of her property and we were exploring it and making plans for it. The deja vu was knee-weakening. Part of me wonders if the being who took me to that lot three years ago was showing me a bit of the future so I would recognize that moment when I stood in that spot three years later.

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Re: Last Night

Post by wings »


Wild wild wild....!

What if its so easy to time travel....? Much easier then we could imagine... I remember when I was a kid, having dreams of the future. Only several, but they were cool.. To this day, I like to try to fall asleep thinking of the future.

If I might add something that happened to me that you might find interesting.

I was at Church, a smaller Church we werent used to and stopped going to. It was years ago, and I wasnt handling torment well and drank through most of the night each night. I was at Church with Mom, Sunday morning, and I was yelling in my mind 'Lord please take away these spirits of torment! Please help me!' saying this in my mind as loud as I could over and over. Then suddenly something happened. Time stopped, and started again. I do not know what happened, but I know I was worried. I kept my mind quiet. I sat there dealing with the pain. I know I had a conversation that lasted perhaps 2 to 5 minutes, but didnt remember it. I almost didnt want to. I hadnt had time stop with me before. I am sure (correction, I knew) I had had a conversation with someone. I went out into the spirit or I should have remembered things. I am guessing I didnt though.

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Re: Last Night

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Great story! I know exactly what you are talking about! Back when I lived at my mom's but before I realized weird things were happening, I remember one afternoon sitting down on the side of my bed. I had noticed something on my forearm. I don't remember now if it was a scab or a bite or what, but I remember bringing my arm up close to my face to look at it and's like I suddenly came to. I was still looking at my arm, but I had this uncanny feeling like I had been gone for hours and had just come back. I remember the feeling was so strong, I stopped what I was doing and thought "Something just happened. Why can't I remember it? I feel like I should be remembering something." It really felt like I had left and gone off somewhere for hours and then came back sat back on my bed and lifted my arm back up to my face, so I could pick up where I left off. The light was still the same outside, so apparently not much time had passed even though it felt like hours should have gone by. It was the strangest feeling. I remember saying out loud to myself, "Did I just go somewhere?" It was the weirdest thing. I just knew something had happened that was on the tip of my brain but just couldn't bring to consciousness. And this was before I ever saw a UFO or had visitations on the brain.

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Re: Last Night

Post by Diego9000 »

ManhattanSkyline wrote: "...I remember saying out loud to myself, "Did I just go somewhere?" It was the weirdest thing. I just knew something had happened that was on the tip of my brain but just couldn't bring to consciousness. And this was before I ever saw a UFO or had visitations on the brain."
This happens a lot with me, even nowadays ...
Oh, moonlight, shine on me | I, who has lost the Sun | Embrace me with your light

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