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Creature in Disguise

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:20 pm
by ManhattanSkyline
This event happened in the wee hours of the morning on March 1, 2014. It seemed to be more than a dream.

I was walking down the sidewalk at night along the Main Street of a nearby town that I frequent in waking life for grocery shopping. I realized after the event that I was at the same location where I saw my first up-close UFO in 2008. On that night I had been driving on Main Street when I saw the string of orange lights hovering about a 100ft from the ground that would become a very familiar sighting over the next few years. But on this night I was walking along the sidewalk. There was a man that was walking on the sidewalk ahead of me. He stopped and backtracked to me and asked me about a light that he could see through a tree on the opposite side of the road. At first it looked like a bright star through the tree branches. We walked farther up the walk in an attempt to get our line of sight past the tree so we could see the object unobstructed. There was a woman who joined us in looking at the object, but I really never interacted with her throughout the experience. We finally got to the other side of the tree and could see a circular object glowing a pale white just like the moon except there were no craters. He asked, "Is that the moon?" It looked like the full moon, but I knew it could not be the moon because the moon was in its new moon phase and not visible at that time. (This was actually true for the night of Mar. 1st). Then I started to see blue, neon-like lights radiate out from the circle in a broken spoke-like pattern and realized we were looking at the underside of a spaceship. Then we noticed there were not just one but several spaceships swooping in towards Main Street. They flew in front of us over the to the other side of the road. One of the ships, swung around to the ravine on my right. It was VERY close, maybe 30ft away. The ship was somewhat saucer shaped except the "dome" in the center rose up vertically and had more of a flat top. The body of the craft was dark, practically black, but had these veins of blue neon lights running through the structure. The blue neon actually reminded me of the movie TRON. I could tell there were windows surrounding the "dome" of the craft, but they were completely blacked out. Then as if someone flipped a switch, one of the windows became completely transparent. I could see a room inside. There was a big central panel that rose from the center of the room like that was the bridge of the ship, and there were several tall pale beings standing around the panel staring at me. At first the sight of them shocked me, especially their eyes, but I was determined not to become afraid and black out. I calmed myself and made myself look at them and observe their features. They were very tall and very thin. Their skin was very pale; it could have been white but they were all tinted that neon blue color because of the blue lights. They had long spindly arms and legs. They seemed to have a "pot belly" down toward their hips although that had more to do with the shape of their bodies that what we would see as body fat. Their heads were huge. They had very tall, elongated skulls at the top of their heads. The lower part of the face was very angular. They had very angular cheek bones, jaw bones and chin. And their eyes were large, round and dark. (I did a sketch that will post in the "Alien Art" section). Honestly, they immediately looked familiar. If anyone remembers, I wrote about "my man" that came and visited me last year and taught me a lot of spiritual stuff. I could only see him in shadow form, but his shadow form was the exact same shape as these creatures, so I really felt that he was one of them, and I was getting to actually see them as they really were. They had those elongated heads that always quite frankly made me think of drawings of Egyptian kings with those elongated hats on the backs of their heads. Also, the angularity of their facial features and the large round eyes reminded me a lot of a skull. In fact, aside from their bulbous heads, they looked like walking skeletons with skin. This makes me think that the frequent visions and dreams I've had about skulls with big googley eyes floating outside my window was my minds way of interpreting their faces in a way my brain could understand.

But back to the visitation: as I was staring at them and beginning to lock eyes with one of them, I felt something bump into my left side. I looked down and there was a very short, homeless-looking man that had bumped into me. They man who had been with me this whole time, was beginning to get freaked out, but then when he saw the homeless man he said out loud as if to comfort himself, "Oh, it's just a homeless guy." I never heard or saw a peep from him after that. When I looked down at this "homeless guy," I could tell something was off. He was short and bent over, and he was extremely thin, like skin-and-bones thin, and he had large, watery, bugged-out eyes. I immediately suspected that he wasn't really a homeless man, but one of the creatures trying to take on a disguise, but he wasn't getting the disguise quite right. I remember smelling a strong odor, and I remember thinking he wasn't getting that right either. I think he meant for it to have the strong smell of body odor, but it had more of a chemical, burning rubber smell. This little boney man behaved oddly, too. He creeped up in front of me and placed is boney little hands on my chest and poked his face within inches of my own. By this time, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was one of the creatures and not a real human. As the "man" got in my face, his eyes seemed to bug out more, and he did a really unusual thing; he began to stick his tongue out at me, but it was a long, slender tongue. At first this strange behavior and him being so close to my face started to make me nervous, but again I was determined not to flinch or freak out. I wanted to communicate!

I was determined not to flinch has he stood their invading my personal space with his tongue less than an inch from my face. I began to feel a strange sensation in my head which I now understand to be that strange feeling associated with telepathic communication. As he was doing this strange thing, it felt somewhat like a greeting. It seemed like a combination of a kiss and a dog climbing up on you and licking your face. Anyway, I was getting that kind of fond, affectionate greeting vibe from him as he was doing this. Then he began to look deeply into my eyes as his eyes began to bug out more and more and look less and less like normal human eyes. It was during this time, that he was speaking clearly in my head. He said something similar to the effect of "We know you are sad and having a hard time. We know that you are not fulfilling your purpose because of it. We have decided to give you a choice. Tell us what you want. Tell us what you choose, but choose carefully." Then, as if he knew what my choice would be, he said, "We will not be able to fulfill your request, but there is a faction of us who can." As he was saying this last bit, I began waking up in my bed. I felt electrically charged all over. It was about 4:15am when I woke up.

You know, last year when I was being visited by this man in shadow form, I had sent him away because I felt like he was teaching me what he wanted me to know, but was not addressing the problems that I felt were important to me. It seems as if he has returned to say, "I respect your wishes. I can't help you with your problem, but I know someone who can." Anyway, it was damned touching.

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:41 pm
by ManhattanSkyline
Just found a report online of a guy seeing this same type of entity just 30 minutes from where I live. His sighting was last September 2013. I began seeing this entity last summer 2013. Just a little freaky that someone else saw a similar creature so close to where I live in broad daylight!

Here's a link to the report: ... -brownwood?

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:36 pm
by guarded1
i remember a fat looking group of aliens but i couldnt tell if they were greys or not i nevr looked at their head. i used a third eye for a radial view. the mind itself saw the group not my etheric self. i was more in unconcsious mode anx sleep deprived slipping into an ether realm was as simple as nodding off. however as easy as it was i could do nothing. but i found the frame odd and if i recall i had been out for overan hour. i only remember the point where ether density was high. i cant remember what warranted their assault. i was either so sleep deprived that i got separated from myself or drawn out by their power. it reminds me. if i physically take heavy damage i get released into another plane however i am unsure how many times thats happened. i played soccer in high school and got hit so hard i was evicted but strangely the world slowed down while i was in that form. i dont know why though but it sounds like an ether plane. most people have only used lucid dream methods to induce a conscious transfer between physical and spiritual planes but i went from wide awake to im guessing astral. its one way of going but incredibly painful. luckily i was even then learning so it never was weird. it does explain why an abduction can span an hour but feel much longer.

any ways this particular instance was when i was getting shot but i took no damage because the armor i have absorbs energy. however when i escaped the armor triggered enough pressure to stop them from trying again.

i had a being disguised as a human in a recent dream. i was skipping around some spaces coming into contact with demons but i merely repelled them wih minimal force. however one followed me and attempted to stab me through armpit and when that failed because of my armor he attempted to drown me. the thing was i knew i was asleep as my armor was active however i was not aware enough to actvate the mask covering my mouth and nose thus water got inside me. i woke up to escape the situation. i wonder what angered them. i was being nice this time.

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:29 am
by ManhattanSkyline
I had another dream with this type of being in a disguise. I have been having a lot of dreams lately about crossing a bridge over a wide, shallow river. In most of the dreams, I cross the bridge and meet some people who are supposed to be my family, and we are happy because we are going to go on vacation and relax. The last bridge-crossing dream I had was a little strange to say the least.

In the dream, I was driving on a hilly, curvy road. I was coming down an incline off a hill coming toward a bridge crossing over a wide, shallow river. In the dream, I knew there was a history to this crossing. A lot of local people went missing near the bridge crossing. As I approached the bridge, I saw babies on either side of the road. Then I spotted myself as a baby on the side of the road. My baby self had a large book. It closed the book and started to crawl off to the side towards a ravine off the side of the road. In the dream I walked down that way too, and found myself in a house at the bottom of the hill near the river. I had the sense that this was where all the missing people go. It was a place that was hidden in a parallel space-time. I was inside the house talking to an older woman and man (husband and wife, looked to be in their 50s). He was eating breakfast, and she was chatting with me. They were both tall and lanky. As she was chatting with me, I got the feeling they weren't human, and to test this out, I tried speaking to her telepathically while the verbal conversation was going. I asked her in my mind if she was not human but something else. She answered verbally which was starkly in contrast to the topic of the verbal conversation, so I knew she was really alien. In the dream, I knew she was one of those tall, white, lanky creatures from the above post.

This next part of the dream is the most vivid and memorable. The next thing I know, I'm in a boat with them. It's a small wooden boat with the man in the back pushing the boat along with a pole. We were in a shallow, marsh-like strip of water that was perpendicular to the river just outside their house. It was nighttime, and the marsh water was completely still and reflective. This strip of water was reflecting the Milky Way and looked like a swath of the Milky Way on the ground. The woman was sitting in the boat with a lantern. The strange thing was I was now my baby self, and she had me by the heel and was drawing me along the outside of the boat in this water full of stars. As she drew me on the water, she bobbed me up and down in the water, and the weird thing was whenever I came up out of the water, I saw light coming from my genitals!

The whole thing felt very symbolic and mythic. The boat and marsh/river itself reminds me of Charon and his boat on the rivers of the Greek underworld. It also reminds me of the of the story of Achilles, his mother dipping her infant son in the river Styx in an attempt to make him immortal. I really think the presence of myself in the dream as a baby, especially with the book, is referring to a memory from my past, some kind of lost knowledge. There's early traumatic memories that need healing. I think the baptism, light/birth imagery represents a cleansing and a healing from the past before I make this "transition," i.e. cross the bridge. I now think it refers to a recent really traumatic memory that I uncovered this summer. I am not done with its emotion, though. I vacillate between anger and peace, bobbing between emotional extremes, if you will.

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:38 pm
by guarded1
two things my information reminds me is the connections between tall whites is the moon and the men in black.
the tall whites seem to have dibs on the moon. but they also have greys doing their bidding. there is a video ffrom the 50s shot on the moon of a grey messing with an astronaut on the moon. because of the aliens coming from beyond the seal in 38 weve had many advances in technology. but the feds traded human expiramentation and doorways to our plane. technically its fair because we supposedly gave the feds the power of our collective decisions. but its funny that the seal marking the end times from the bible had a direct rerelease of alien presence. we had cell phones made in 38 by motorola. their is photographic proof somewhere. look up man on cell phone in 1930s. it might show.

but i also said that tall whites work with feds. they are efficient at being men in black types. they use dimensional travel to be invsible but they smell of sulfer like the greys. sulfer a common burnt element smells terrible. they can be different. i dont know where they stand in the alien hierarchy. however every alien follows a similar creed. they must be fair. however its gravely exploited. those with power can allow their visitations but besides implanting and monitering unless they made or rather gave away a valuable offer such as a cure for cancer they cannot do much. however be careful. bonds no matter how good or welcoming open many exploitable opportunities.

sadly a cure for cancer has been exploited to countless genetic nightmares down in dulce new mexico.
the good aliens can exploit innocence. they may do good but put it this way. a serial killer kills 100 people but still donated billions of dollars to charity. are they good people. aliens to me are like that hypothetical serial killer. however in the end they give good as a front but what about the countless hybrids. the animal humans that have been seen even by bonnie are related to good gifted research given to the feds in power by aliens.

sorry i put this here but to me this information is solid facts. id be taken to dulce if i divulged the source. but i have a feeling tbe feds are going to arrive tonight. i will be praying for protection from demons. but this bait is bonafide 100% attractive to aliens. if they dont show they are demons. no level 7 information ever leaves survivors. i also denote level seven as the genetics lab which only people who will never return go. aliens own this floor and man strange things happen here. i of course am going to be visited regardless. level seven of dulce base, the great earth alien base, is called nightmare hall. but one floor below is the cloning room get in there and it might ruin there day.

just to protect myself from getting abducted and taken there i wish to remind the aliens and feds monitering this message why they dont want me to die. one thing i understand about death and its freaky because ive felt pople die who mattered. but alas i knew it was their time. what i do know about death is its like giving serious lucidity to a person. a person like me with that much lucidity is not to be trifled with. although im not the strongest i could topple dulce. i wish to go there as well at some point to test my stealth powers. ive always wondered how much they value the status quo. is it right to ruin 80 years of work just to silence one human.

my my.

i wish to depart by saying ive been through their research. while i still need to search the index for it i have every bit. they might take me but wherever that is its not worth it. im being cocky but if i were to die otherwise i think theyd be stirring a great wrath. something not of my own feelings. in the end this is merely a test. if they dont take me now. nothing i ever say is going to piss them off enough to do so. i advise only to post this if any of the info seems valid. i must test my protection.

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:42 pm
by Dreamwolf
They sound like the Aorian (pronounced Ower EE an) or at least that's what the Fenrans called them The Fenrans are a peacekeeper race that ensures the lifeforms visiting other planets obey the first law of the Alliance which is to preserve life not destroy it. From what the Fenrans told me about these 'white beings' they are the lead scientists of the Alliance. The Greys are a less evolved race that the Whites took on as an assistant race. I call them the Igor Race. I should mention the Fenrans very rarely involve themselves they have ships stationed near all life bearing planets.

The Fenrans have a distinct dislike for the more brutal visitors we get. they do not like the Greys or the Whites because they experiment on humans and other less technologically developed races. Fenrans believe all life is sacred and only research into healing and general knowledge should be done. they do not like it when the greys and whites start doing experiments such as seeing how many organs can be removed before death takes place or whether or not two races can interbreed. they especially hate it when the greys take children. Fenrans are a bit like the elves of Nordic legend, they have children but it is infrequent and they don't have many. Fenrans also live an incredibly long life and they have been travel through space for so long they have information on the mating habits of the first major life on our planet, the dinosaurs. They wouldn't tell me what happened to the dinos though, they said it had no relevance to my current situation.

Also Fenrans is just a phonetic translation of their word for their race. Fenrans communicate using three 'languages' Spoken, Body, and Telepathic. they have around a hundred different spoken words, all of which sound like a canid would make it. They use their tails and long wolf like ears to add variance to the sounds. then they use their moderate telepathy to project and receive sensations, scents, sights, and memories. One of the Fenrans I spoke with while recovering from my encounter with the Arachnids was named Song of Winter Moon, she told me her name in English but thwe I tried to learn her name in her own language my mind could barely handle it. her name is really. Song of the Wind through the dry Grasses under the Winter Moon. it was the sound of wind rustling with the sensation of cold moonlight on my skin and the scent of harvest in the air itself. I know a bit about the Fenrans history as well. They gave me access to some of their computers which took me a hwile to learn as Fenrans only have four digits on their hands and feet, and since they are telepathic their computers also use telelink to search for subjects I'll be putting up a post about them soon I'm working on it on word document first.

Re: Creature in Disguise

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:36 am
by guarded1
deception at its finest. aliens are classigied as demons. only rogue sectors (the ones that fight against even their own kind to stop apocolyotic matters) are good. sometimes i think that advanced civilizations that wish to keep the peace would exterminate research on humans. otherwise they make things complicated. i knew a single rogue alien. she had a brother. whether shes alive or not these fenrans would know. but these aliens are very psychic. i learned one thing from her. biological computation. she says she is freeing people in bases. she told the master of a base that literally got blown up. he wont get into specifics though. its that kind of determination that makes me think there are demons who have denounced lucifer and know what is right. but unless i know them and analyze them by looking into them on a very personal level i will not trust an alien.

i have special mind jacking skills. i can look into a being and see their intentions. i can tell what aliens are doing. but it only works on psychics like alien level psychics. human psychics lack the advanced brain power necessary to establish a real link. but humans are also protected naturally by their human status. hybrids however are part demon and have advanced brain power.

one thing i know about any potential race that has telelink tech will know who is being visited and why. and if they do nothing about the situation at dulce i could easily see into their intentions. but if they are wolves well that complicates another research subject.

it would be nice to have some form of meeting with these beings but instinctually i will attack them if they try something remotely stupid. i have strong instincts. but perhaps if they met me while im lucid it would be fine but they shouldnt attempt to paralyze. but they are demons if they cannot come to me. i have a deific ward. deific from what i know is a word that links a diety to something. the diety protects me from demonic encounters. however to get my location i fear they may have to speak to the earth aliens. im all about a peaceful conversation though. i tend to confont now and then but to know something its best to focus on more peaceful measures.

i hate fake peacekeeping and based on how they respond to my conversation, and how well i look into them or it depending on the number present, i will see if i can classify an actual anti demonic force worth its salt.

im used to being bitter but i feel bitter because most demons in the end no matter how good they seem have in the deepest corner of their soul a true dark purpose. i share the masters distaste for deception. i wish he wasnt so ill however. one being he trusted decieved him. it uncovered a huge scam but the case was hopeless becuase of the amount of brainwashed people present in the scam. its very sad. he went through enough trauma to kill several people. what keeps him alive is his duty to serve the light. he would never betray his master. im not going to betray mine.

in the end i can look into people in ways i dont practice often. i have a sense of dissillusion which has caused many problems with going blind when feds encase the given space into an illusion. but demons give off an energy that cannot be concealed and it isnt hard to find it. however unlike the master i dont look into humans. the demonic doubt clouds such judgements. doubt is a powerful devil to many people. but its the curse we had gained by going public in the first place. but if any rogue sector exists it should be able to handle the intel i have amassed.

i have opened the door for these creatures. i wish to be peaceful and have alotted that these fenrans may pass beyond the ward. any good left in the universe deserves to unerstand the dark beings controlling earth and the many outer settlements in the galaxy. the master has spoke of life in the milky way but he learned about it from a rogue. the rogue is on skittish ground refering everythinv as aliens but the info has so far rung true. whatever earth knows whatever is on the drives or in private networks is all information i have gathered because of the skill she taught me. she technically birthed the idea.

this may not serve much meaning but it serves to seed a future encounter. there is much i could say but i wonder if they could read my mind. nothing has penetrated very far.