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Like Being In a Plasma Globe

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:57 am
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: Like Being In a Plasma Globe

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:19 pm
by wings
Odd... My dad used to speak of 'Lightning Balls', balls of lightning, pure plasma, created in a lightning storm. He told me once that they happened often and he had seen them as a boy in Louisianna. He said they would form, and move, like on a rail, moving along slowly. He said he saw one pass through a tree once and it split the tree in half. This is the only time I have heard of something like this before since dad telling me about balls of lightning, which I have never seen.

I have been in a bad storm once, in Ohio during a trip. The storm hit at 3AM. I was in a hotel room. I awoke to what I thought was a battle going on. I thought, 'that is the guns of a battle ship going off!' but I wasnt near the ocean. I went to the window and there were flashes of lightning going on. I couldnt believe lightning could be that loud, and constant. It just kept booming. I later went back to sleep. I was really tired from tons of driving. My goodness that was loud. I remember that storm to this day, and no one talked about it later. Really odd. When I hear the name of the Missouri battleship, I think of that storm.

Re: Like Being In a Plasma Globe

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:35 pm
by ManhattanSkyline