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Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:22 am
by guldage
Last night I woke up from a dream but was not yet all awake.
Then several pictures went through my heat. It was kind of like a powerpoint going from one picture to the nex. All very precise.
Topic of the pictures. Waterways manmaid. I could on all pictures see the entrance. The cement and the fence around. I could have toucht the grass. There was about 10 pictures of different sites, at the end I could see the little pond with not much water in it and this creature made itself from the water and walked out of it.
Why I would see these pictures I have know Ideer. My area of exspertise does not lie in this area at all. I am not an engineer or anything like that, so what???????
I am puzzled and find it very weird. Has anyone had an exsperience like that.
Why would I see these pictures? Very weird. :?:

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:03 am
by guldage
I just moved to a new house and they have left me alone for well allmost 2 weeks. But they found me. Last night. the usual grey face showrs up just when I am about to fall asleep. Rest of the house is already sleeping.
After that I am out for almost 8 hours. I have not sleept that long without waking up several times, since I was a child. No marks but I fellt like I have been run over by a truck, and I am not sick or anything.
When I am waking up I get a series of pictures in my head. Same topick as above. only this time I think there is about 20 pictures. Again they are so clear I could touch them. Its creepy. At the end again this creature creeping out of a pudlle of water.

What is it I am surposed to do with that. It is starting to creep me out.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:10 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,

It really doesn't matter where you are or where you move your physical body to....
I have moved many times in my life. I even moved from the United States to Uruguay, South America, and I have never lost that connection with the star people.

These pictures you are seeing when you first wake up -- you should write them down and try to figure out what they mean. You may find a pattern that starts to make sense to you after a while.

Maybe you don't know what it means yet, but give it more of your attention and you will figure it out.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:09 am
by wings
And dont worry. Worrying about something is bad. If you have no idea what it means, just say to yourself 'Oh well'. Why let it stress you out.

Perhaps someday it will come to you. But in the mean time, dont let it bring you down.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:58 am
by guldage
New pictures in my head. Displayed after hours of sleep. It starts with the usual. Pictures of waterways. And that creature coming out of the pond. This time it takes a new turn. all of a sutton I am up in the air. Very far up in the air. The scene below is actually very fascinating and beautiful. Its in the middel of a sort of forest. A very green and big forest. all green as far as you can see but in the middle there is this sort of building or palace. White stone and these many plateues running down a hill. All covered in water running down the hill in the middle of that green jungle of sorts.

Some how I got the feeling that it has something to do with that creature that comes out of my pond. --- If anyone have ideers I would apreciate it.
But I have to tell you there is not much that scares me these days, but hights. I am terified. Completely irational terrified. If I am not in a plane, I do not want to be much above ground.

So the thing I am thinking when I am looking down on the scene below is "shit they are going to send me skydiving and that they did. I can fell the wind on my face and how it gribs my close. Not funny. I wake up and jumbs out of bed like a mad woman.

Another thing. That very morning. My dog as all of a sudden a bare spot in his fur. In the shape of a triangle. Sure do not hope they are planing on making any cross DNA mix with that. Its red on the scin and a triangle. Weird I would say.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:17 pm
by guldage
I woke up with pictures in my head this morning and bruises like thumbprints on both my arms just above my albows.
The pictures whare different this time. I was below ground. Sort of like you where walking in an old pyramid. I am walking down some stonestairs cut out in massiv stoneblocks. Cant barely see where they are merged together. ITs dark or at lest semidark, and I have a feeling that the walls are closing in on me. Its again very vivid like a movie playing in my mind. At the end of the the stairs I come out to this open area but deffinately below ground. Its still dark and it seems old and in ruins. I dont like the feel of it. IF you imagine and monestary where you an walk around an open courdyard. with arches opening up to this open area. On the other site I can sense that there is doors or hallways deeper into this place.
The open area in the middle are all just dirt. and it looks like something or someone has been dicking in this dirt. I just know that I dont want to know what lies burried under the dirt. It gives me and exstremely bad wibe. and somehow I just know that it is connected to the waterways I have seen before.
I kind of think that I got the bruises because they was holding me down. Forcing me to see these images that I did'nt whan to see. It still fill me up with dreed just thinking about and its so clear in my mind.
What is that and why would they make me see these things?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:44 pm
by guldage
Yes I think it is sound atvice not to worry. But the one entry I have made her about some underground structure, that got stuck with me and has given me an unease that I cant shake of. Dont no why but when it pups up in my mind, my stumic starts to fell uneasy. Kind of making me sick. Cant say why. It just do. I just know it is horrible.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:11 pm
by guldage
I just had a new bunch of pictures in my head. went down the same road as last time. Woke the same time as last looking at the underground structure with all the dirt in the midlle. I woke again looking at it. Somehow I think I will myself awake, because I dont want to know what is under the dirt.
Just know its bad. And left with an unease that has stayed with me again. Problely because I know what is under there.
I just cant face it and say the words.

I took another road today that I have never taken before. Maybee anyone else has feld the same?
I watcht a couple of videos on YouTube about alien Abduction. So far I have stayed away from this actually a bit scared to be honest. Now I know why I have gotten that ide in my head.
I litterately fellt physically ill. My stumach plommed and I felled a buzz all over my body. It was so real and so known. If you know what I meen. Not the best road to go if you whant to understand what is going on in your head. You just get more scared.

Sorry people font meen to scare you off. I got this reaction. That does not meen everybody does. Yet I still fell I need to say it.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:48 pm
by guldage
I was again down in that underground structure. This time there was someone with me or rather a her and she was walking away from me. She smiled one of those smiles you just dont like, kind of like she enjoid herself. She was very light in her skin complexion, almost white. Her hair almost white and I am pretty sure she belong to one those creatures that came out of the water. (Or at least I think she is.)
I know that she has something to do with digging in the ground and what is under there.

This time I know that it was the grey that gave me the pictues in my head. I snapt out of the dream or whatever and found myself staring into the eyes of one and the next I remember is I wake up in my bed with the biggest headache ever.
I was feeling sick all day.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:52 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,
I am sorry to hear you having such a rough time. Something has just occured to me: do you watch television? My husband John and I have been doing a lot of research on TV Mind Control. In fact, we are the opening speakers for the Free Your Mind Conference 3 in Philadelphia today and our topic is about TV Mind Control. The dark magicians of the illuminati are actually using TV viewers as an energy source to fuel the dark, fear-based reality they desire. They are doing this by programming people's subconscious minds. Then the people, unknowingly, are manifesting all the terrible things they see in TV and movies.

I realize that the alien abduction phenomenon is very real and so are MILABS(military abductions),Trauma-Based Mind Control, the harmful ELF waves they are sending through the atmosphere, Heterodyne waves, HAARP, etc. But I am wondering, with these pictures you keep seeing in your head, who or what is programming your mind with these pictures.

Do you watch much television and movies?

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:35 pm
by guldage
Actually no I do not see much TV. I've have found my self to pull back from that. What I do a lot is Computertime. Research and such for work, and sometimes my spare time too.

I think the grey sends the pictures. It started after I had a good laugh over them. I think you might remember the post. I dont know maybe they want t ochange the way I think, because in general minus these ugly pictures, I have gotten peace around the whole thing. Kind of you know " what is, is what it is. I have the feeling that they want to drag me into the fold somehow.
BEfore I started remember these things I was complety terrified sometimes at night. I just didnt know of what. After I have remembered I have slowly gotten a distance. Somehow I have a feeling that they are playing with my fears, to manipulate me. They just dont plane on me remembering them/ the greys.
I woke this morning sore in my back. Well that is not all that strange. I do have mild Atritis. The weird part is that I remember being tampered with on my back just above the hipbone on each side of the spine. Two nice triancles red in color. Faded pretty quickly and is now just now barely to be seen.
So I think it is the greys. Dont now if they work with someone?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:50 pm
by guldage
I think Ishould say that I know they where planted, so here the subconscious becomes very conscieous. I know it is manipulation now. It does make it slightly easier to deal with it all.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:45 am
by guldage
Its strange. Since the last round with Pictures where I pretty abbruptly came too and stared into the eyes of one of the grey. No Pictures.
I have had them come by twice since and They more or less just check me out. Kind of in the direction to what makes her say tic tac. The tall grey guy he just stands and looks at me. Weird and a bit creepy if I have to say so.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:15 pm
by guldage
Still no pictures. Starts out with the usual alien face. This time however. I dont remember a thing. Woke up about 5 hours later. Without any ideer of what happened.
I had a bruise on my left leg all the way across the thigh. Little round circles like perles on a line. Looked weird. Other than that nothing.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 5:08 am
by guldage
A bruised handprint on my wrist this morning and a scopemark above it. I have no clue to how it got there.
It seems that I am back not remembering a thing! I am not sure thats a good thing.?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:27 pm
by Diego9000
Have you thought in putting a camera on your room for some weeks?
It may help find out what is happening to you.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:57 pm
by guldage
i have actually. I just have this problem around tecnic. They seem very often to go Crazy around me. Computer dies and get restarted and stuff like that. I have the feeling that the camera will die on me through the night.
Have you tried a camera. I meen you have had some exsperiance resently?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:11 pm
by Diego9000
Ohhh the non IT expert curse. Is a silly thing we call here where i work when things just works when a expert is near the tech (computer, phone, etc) and gives issues when we leave.

Iindeed have cameras but i never tried to use them for this kind of things since it only happened twice in my life. (as far im aware ...)
I have 2 Webcams and a real small camera that i can plug it on a energy source and let it record for around 2 hours.
They quite doesn't help to record a whole night.
But you can try thinking one of those cheap vigilance cameras on some stores. They record in black and white but they can help you.

Just to add: I may or may not have those body marks/scratches as you but i also have a skin genetical defect where i often scratch myself, make wounds... so my bed is everyday with blod spots, i really can't tell if someone else did a mark/scratch on me because i also do lots on myself, even unaware...

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:03 am
by guldage
Well the last time My computer died on me at work, I had 3 guys working on it. All experts according to them self anyway. (I have been teasing them a bit since) It was dead. We had gotten so far as to say, I just had to get another Computer, when the thing started up by it self as if it had its own life.

They looked at the Computer and me as if I had played a trick on them. But really all I sometimes have to do is to be nearby some electronics an they go haywire. Very anoying I might add.

My cuts and scratches are usually followed by bruises of some kind or strange markings on my body and I usually also now when to look for them, because these days I know when something is going to happend. JUst before bedtime I usually get this feeling of unrest or an itch in lack of a better word, and then I see the alien face.
Next morning I know something has happened. Sometimes I remember sometimes I dont. Sometimes however I am not sure if it is a new or an old memmory. Often I am in an underground Cave of sorts or that is what it lookes like. Walls weird and whet.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:10 am
by wings

Do you have a digital camera so you can at least take pictures of the marks on your body to log this? If so, you should be uploading them to places for logs. You can get old iPhones on Ebay fairly cheaply. They have good cameras on them. Androids phones usually have a nice camera in them. Something around 10 megapixels would be good.

They found that smart phones can be blocked from using their camera and video recording apps. People trying to film a UFO or police incident found their devices blocked with a notice on the screen. So a digital camera with no computer in it might be better (and non-track-able).

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:13 pm
by Diego9000
Ohhh i see, I read somewhere (i don't remember where now) that our bodies carry static eletricity and some people can affect eletronics with that (go haywire as you say), get some anti-static belt and see if it stops.

And do as Wings said, try getting a phone or a camera, even used, nowadays they are pretty good!
I got a 10mp camera for about 80 dollars (the one i mentioned above), it could be useful for you something like this.

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:18 pm
by guldage
Wanted to upload a picture of a big bruise I recieved last night. at first I did'nt think anything happened. All the same way as usual. annoying high pitch sound in my one ear. Alien face and then nothing. In the morning I could not see any marks. Then my husband noticed a big bruise on the back of my arm, above the albow.
I have taken a picture with my phone and uploaded it to my computer. Thats how far I can get it. It does not want to be uploaded to this forum. No matter what I do it seems.

Anyone any ideers?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:43 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell

About the picture you've uploaded to your computer:
The maximum file size for an attachment is 2 MB.
Is your picture larger than that? If so, try to make it smaller by resizing it.

If that is not the problem, can you be more specific about what you are having trouble with?

Re: Displayed pictures in my head

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:45 am
by guldage
Tried in different ways with the picture again. Hope it worked.