The dream

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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The dream

Post by Atrus »

I am lying in bed at 5 am unable to sleep so I've decided to make a post describing one of my most vivid experiences I've had. I don't know if it was a dream, a memory or both. I know that if it did happen, it wasn't the night I dreamed it cause the season didn't match up (I had the dream in winter while snow covered the ground and the dream had green grass and I'd put it at either spring or summer).

It started by me randomly waking up in the middle of the night and I look at the window and see a dazzling display. The stars were bright and clearer than usual and all around were ufos. Some stationary and some "dancing" around the sky. I have my hands placed on the window, my face practically touching the glass staring at the wondrous sight. It was beautiful, all the lights in the sky. I was a bit startled when all of a sudden I started to shift forward. It's as if my window and screen turned to jello. I started falling forward through my window to the outside. It was a weird sensation... i say that my window turned to jello as it still felt like I went through something, like a bubble or a sheet of water or something, it's rather difficult to describe... I fell, but I sort of floated down doing a little flip as I went to land on my feet. It felt a little queasy, but at the same time it was wonderful. I felt so light, I ran forward and jumped as hard as I could. I watched a launched into the air going above the roof of my house and my stomach went into my throat as I again floated back down, but it was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt.
Imagine what it feels like to be totally free. You could anything, you could jump from the ground to the top of a skyscraper and then jump back to the ground without having to worry about getting hurt. You feel you could go anywhere you want to without anything getting in the way... that is what i felt in that moment. It's something I doubt I could ever forget... something I long to feel again. As I stand in the grass I look up at the lights and ships above and think "I'm ready...". I start rising again, this time not by my own actions. As I rise I pass other smaller crafts to one much higher up. Before I reach whatever is above me I black out... or rather the dream skips ahead.

I am aware again. The previous happiness and excitement gone, replaced by curiosity? I don't know, I was aware, but didn't feel anything... not happy, not afraid, nothing... I may or may not be wearing anything, I don't care. I think there are entities nearby, but I'm not sure. Typical grey alien, large head, large black eyes, short, coming up to about my waist, not wearing anything obvious if anything at all. The room is smooth, round, white. Another entity enters, this one is taller. Top of its head reaches to about my forhead, just barely shorter than me. It's more tan than grey and it may have been wearing a kind of jumpsuit, but I can't remember for sure. It may have made a gesture or spoke to me, I can't remember, but it turned and started walking. I started following. We walk down a long hallway into another room. This one is very large, very high ceiling. All of this is well lit despite there being no obvious source of lighting. The room is round, there are many metallic looking tables all around the room and in the center was a very large table, about twice as large as any of the surrounding ones. As we walk into the room I observe around me. Some of the tables have people on them, but not many, maybe 4 or 5 other humans in there. Nearby the used tables are more greys, the short kind... 2 or 3 for each. As I look at various tables, the tall one I'm following makes a comments about what is being done at each. I can't remember any of it sadly. I say it makes comments but it doesn't actually "speak"... not a sound passes it's lips (does it even have lips? :?: ). That and anything it said, I can only make approximations of. I had a sensation in my mind about what it was saying and I understood what it meant, but it didn't actually use any words. As we walk we pass right next to one of the used tables. There is a man on it, very dark skin, bald, mid - late 30s or early 40s perhaps. His eyes are open, but he is staring at the ceiling. I don't think he was actually concious, there was no awareness behind his gaze. The tall one and I have walked near the center of the room in front of an empty table. I don't know if it was the large central table or one of the smaller ones surrounding it. I get up and lay on it without any prompting. The tall one looks done at me and puts it's face near mine. It "says", "everything will be all right.". And I black out.

After this point I woke back up in my room and wrote down the dream. It's too bad I can't remember more of the tall one's comments of what was going on. As I said, I don't know if was a dream or a memory or a combination of the two. I've not had an abduction experience so detailed and long before or since this point. I'd love to have another like it, to learn more about it. Even if it's totally fake, just a dream made up by my unconcious mind, I'd give much just to experience something like it again.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: The dream

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Atrus,
Wow! What a great description! Thanks for giving so many details even though you couldn't exactly remember it all. I am sure that many people will read your post and be glad to know that they are not the only ones experiencing things like this.

I have had a lifetime of experiences with these beings -- I call them "star people"; I named them that when I was 19 years old because it was just the easiest thing for my mind to come up with at the time. At this point, I don't really know if they are actually from the stars or from other planets, but I do know for sure that they operate on another vibrational frequency than we do, and they are multidimensional. They used to come into my room and "pick me up," similar to what you described, but now I just meet them on my own.

I know the feeling of standing in the bedroom, seemingly awake, definitely aware, and then floating out the window! I have done the same thing you did...went right through the closed window and out in the backyard floating around, is a beautiful, freeing experience.
Of course, you can do that on your own without any of the beings helping you at all. If you read about "astral projection," you can learn how to do it on your own whether you are awake or asleep.

I have also been on the "ships" where they have people on tables, and I've been on the tables too. However; I always seemed to have a conscious awareness of where I was when most of the other humans did not. They were there but not conscious of it, as you described.

I have also communicated with many, many of the "star people," and it is mostly done through mental telepathy. On occasion, I have heard them speak aloud, but perhaps that is one particular type that I spent a lot of time with.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
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