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Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:08 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Everyone!
This experience recently happened to me on August 10, 2015:

Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

After going to bed that night, I found myself in a vivid dream state. In fact, the further along it progressed, the more conscious I became. I was standing in the living room of my house. I turned around to look as four people entered the front door. It looked like my dad, my daughter, and two of my cousins. I was so excited to see them! I ran over to hug each of them. The odd thing was, none of them hugged me back…they just gave me curious looks and stood still while I put my arms around them. None of them hugged me back at all. The young version of my daughter did play with me and laugh. She was the only one who showed any emotion. The other three were very quiet and did not show emotion, only a mild curiosity and confusion. They did not understand what it meant to hug.

As I looked around the living room, I realized I had a big mess in there. Gee, I thought I kept the room a lot cleaner than that! I was embarrassed by the clutter and started cleaning it up. My two “cousins” looked at me curiously as I ran back and forth trying to straighten the room.
Then, for some reason, they all went back out the front door. I kept cleaning the room. After a few minutes, the two cousins came back in and I ran over to hug them once again. This time, I really noticed how thin they were, the fact they had no hair, their heads were small with tiny black eyes, their skin was white, and they even appeared to be different people than I had hugged the first time. Did they go outside and switch out?

They were aliens.
Wearing polo shirts and baseball caps.

Why were they pretending to be close loved ones from my family?
I gave him a weird look as I pulled away from the hug.
I knew he wasn’t my cousin, and I didn’t even think he was human.

I woke up.


Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:43 pm
by Diego9000
It seems they wanted to blend in but something went wrong... o.O

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:19 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Ha Ha! :lol:
Yeah, they wanted to fit in but something went very wrong. I have noticed them trying to "fit in" many many times over the years. They sometimes dress up in human clothes. I even saw two short little star people wearing long wigs on top of their heads one time. That was really hilarious! They do try, but they haven't got it quite right.

And to add to that, I am usually pretty awake and aware when I am with them. I have noticed that not everyone is -- most of the other humans I see on the ships with the star people are in a trance-like state, just staring blankly, with no emotion or awareness. That is what the aliens/star people are used to, so their little outfits probably wok most of the time. Most people just aren't aware enough to know, but I know!

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:47 pm
by Diego9000
I can give some tips about blending in for them! :lol:

The dejavus and visits stopped for me, let's see for how long.
Maybe next time I get to see the space ship! I will make sure to record me teaching them how to blend :lol:

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:28 am
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:13 am
by wings
I have had many experiences in dreams where people in a dream I thought were someone I knew, and if you stare at them long enough, suddenly the illusion peals off or dissipates. I feel so goofy when that happens, having thought I was talking with a friend or loved one and its someone totally different.

For me, I do not remember the person being alien except an odd thing once. A person with a Gray face on, mask, and he is in a wheel chair, I guess to give himself the right height. I thought it was military for some reason. Dont know. I kept staring and noticed it all.

Also, if you get behind them, you can usually see who they are, like its a curtain in front of them only.

Manhattan, interesting about that Higgins field. I must google that. I have noticed sometimes things are said in the spirit (from who, I do not know) and they are temporarily scrambled, and then it becomes intelligible, like maybe it is a time dilation. I dont know.

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:22 am
by wings

In the books on Millenial Hospitality, it is so funny. The women (mostly moms) that are on lay-over from the alien base at Area 51, bored, while their husbands are out and about doing things, working on stuff, etc, the women want to go out shopping. The Generals in the USAF would only buy them very bland things, like white dresses, like what nurses wear. The person in the book writing about his accounts was constantly asked for catalogs, like Montgomery Wards, Sears, etc. They later had outfits and with perfect English, they would go shopping in Vegas. Soon they had wigs, nice dresses, nice shoes, makeup. I thought it was so funny. They also loved to gamble and now and then hit Vegas in the super late hours for some card games at the casinos. The CIA had 'planted' card dealers that would take care of them and make sure nothing bad happened to them.

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:39 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Manhattan,
I agree: The star people/aliens do not understand human society and culture enough to dress up like us and get it right, that is for sure! I have seen them try to get it right many times and they fail miserably. It seems like they do it to try and "fit in" better or to make me feel more comfortable around them, but it usually just makes me laugh at them.

And, yes, they are shape-shifters. I have seen many of them "disguised" in other body types. Usually, I walk up to them and say,"Why do you look like that?" And they reply, "Because I didn't want to frighten you." To which I reply, "It's okay, I'm not scared" (because I've been around them since I was 4 years old). Then they shape-shift back into their true form which is usually a tan colored or cream colored thin entity with a large bulbous head and big black eyes.

About the etheric plane and manifestation: You can manifest your thoughts almost instantly on the etheric plane. This REALLY helps when you find yourself in a weird situation and you need to take control. On the physical plane, we can also manifest with our thoughts. It takes a little longer, depending on how practiced you are, but I am doing that type of thing now and it works sometimes the same day or the next day. It takes concentrated thought and focus.

I think you may be correct about the "tunnel of light" you see when you leave your physical form. It does seem like a technology that somebody set up to guide souls in the right direction when they leave their body and feel confused.

Hi Wings!
I have also had that same thing happen, usually with star people/aliens. They can disguise themselves to look like friends and loved ones by shape-shifting their appearance. I have sat on my bed talking to someone who I thought was one of my friends. Then I stopped and had a good look at them and said, "Hey! You're not who I thought you were!" Then I get hit with two flashes of bright white light and can't move for a few seconds while I go through a transition in consciousness. Sometimes I will wake up right after that or I will go into another scene.

HaHa! :lol: A military person wearing an alien mask and sitting in a wheelchair to get the right height does not surprise me. US Military is definitely involved. I have seen them wearing fake alien suits before.

When you said you heard things that were "said in spirit," do you mean that you heard them while you were in another state of consciousness? I sometimes hear a human voice speaking clearly as I am waking up.

I am going to have to look for those books "Millenial Hospitality." That sounds hilarious but true!

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:01 am
by wings

You wrote; 'When you said you heard things that were "said in spirit," do you mean that you heard them while you were in another state of consciousness? I sometimes hear a human voice speaking clearly as I am waking up. '

I hear things, voices etc. Not always, but I will hear someone talking, noises, etc. I know they are in the spirit, but hard to explain. For instance, I hear bad spirits and they might be talking to me, or each other. They might be talking about something to each other. Tonight it was about a book I was reading, they were talking about details on the things I read. I hear their locations as well, like one to my right, standing up, straight to my right, standing, about 5'5" or 6' tall. Another on my left, also even with my side, about 2 1/2 feet away, not as tall, maybe sitting on my desk edge, different voice, lower.

Once in a McDonalds resaurant, I hear a spirit carrying on, saying mean things. I had heard it when I first came in. I saw with my food at a table and listened, trying not to look or then they know you can hear them and they will try to mess with you. So I listened. I slowly turned around and behind me, about 10 feet away, is a Catholic priest, enjoying a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper, smiling, having had lunch. The demon thing was calling him bad things, etc. I looked in the spirit to see if I could see the outline of the thing and I heard it yell 'what the hell are you staring at!' and it started telling me off, but didnt come over to me. I was glad it didnt decide to come over.

I felt bad for the Priest but at least it proved that I wasnt the only one that the dark side messes with.

So, I dont know how to explain it. I hear voices. Usually bad guys and bad women as well. They sometimes fake like they are family, etc. Some tried to fake like they are the Lord. You can usually tell (after years of this) if they are fake or real. The Holy Spirit and the Lord are very kind and calm, and very deep inside. Like Joel Osteen says, the Lord will talk to you inside your heart.

I hope that explains it. Its not loud, what I hear. Muffled, but sometimes, for some reason, I might hear it well. Other times, nothing...

I dont recommend having this.

In Millennial Hospitality, the Tall White aliens have electronic equipment that can hear others thoughts and also transmit to them. Charles Hall explains how it works so darn well, how he could hear their voices in his mind (when they talked to him), how he first discovered this going on. I totally relate to that.

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:52 am
by wings
And so guess what... I am laying in bed this evening, a little mini nap, half awake and half asleep, and someone in my room says my name. I could hear it, and oddly, I could hear the voice bouncing off the walls, which I normally never hear. And craziest, it sounded like my own voice.

How weird is that...? And one day after I post the above.

Re: Aliens Dress Up Like Members of My Family

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:25 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Wings,
There are all kinds of entities walking around us that we can't see. Some are spirits that have passed over but they are not ready to let go of their earthly incarnation yet. Some are beings that can exist on different frequencies that we are not completely tuned into. But if you are hearing them speak, you must be tuning in occasionally. Hopefully the one who just said your name is a friendly one.

There is another possibility, however; the U.S. military is using frequecny technology to beam voices into people's heads. They have even given public demonstrations of this technology that have been used in advertisements.

Here is one example:

"An A&E Billboard 'Whispers' a Spooky Message Audible Only in Your Head in Push to Promote Its New 'Paranormal' Program
NEW YORK ( -- New Yorker Alison Wilson was walking down Prince Street in SoHo last week when she heard a woman's voice right in her ear asking, "Who's there? Who's there?" She looked around to find no one in her immediate surroundings. Then the voice said, "It's not your imagination."

Indeed it isn't. It's an ad for "Paranormal State," a ghost-themed series premiering on A&E this week. The billboard uses technology manufactured by Holosonic that transmits an "audio spotlight" from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is contained within your cranium. The technology, ideal for museums and libraries or environments that require a quiet atmosphere for isolated audio slideshows, has rarely been used on such a scale before. For random passersby and residents who have to walk unwittingly through the area where the voice will penetrate their inner peace, it's another story."

And that was in 2007....