What are they doing to the little kids?

experiences with otherworldly beings

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What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by guldage »

I happend to talk to my mother last night about me going missing as a baby from my baby carriage. I was gone for at least a half an hour. Thats the time my parents was looking for me and then I showed up on the other side of the house in the garden!
She could'nt remember if I was able to crawl or not, but seen in the light of later exsperiences I remember myself it is a bit odd or problely a lot.
They have been messing a lot with me in my adult life, but what in the world would they be doing with a 6 month old baby?
Does anyone have simular stories of missing time that early and what do you thing they are doing with you when they abduct you?

Thankyou to Bonnie for the good advice about protection. It does seem to work. At least it seems that I finally got how to do it!

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by guldage »

Well for good reasons I have no recoglection of this incidence what so ever. So I can not get to the point were a memory will show up.

We moved at some point to another house. I was about 5-6 years old. I had this very vivid dream. Ofcause a lot of children of that age can have very vivid dreams, but this dream stayed with me all these years. I can still remember it in detail! and something tells me that it was more than just a dream.
And I am seriously thinking about to digg a bit into that dream and what was behind it.
BEcause seen in resend light, that dream hit a bit to close!
And now it starts to sound crazy or funny. It was about giant tuttles that was after me. I guess that does not sound so scary, but it was actually more the face that scared me. The eyes and weird looking skin. The last part of the dream is this tuttle like face looking face coming down toward my face. I woke up shaking and terrified in my bed!
I did not dare to look outside my window that was turned in the direction of our bach garden. After that that back yard creept me out at night. I am still not sure why. Its very peacefull otherwise. I am not afread of the dark at all!
I have from that window also seen a couple of UFOs in the sky.

Thinking about now and again I did fell out of place. OFten looked to the sky.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I have had a number of different "surgeries" with the star people. One of them was brain surgery...another was on my heart...and my eye. It became a fairly normal part of my experience along with all the exams and the psychic testing. I was always told that these surgeries were to help me through this incarnation. I have also missed the star people deeply at times...especially right after being with the ones I consider my family and then being separated from them. It is a rough feeling, knowing that I may not even see some of them again until the next lifetime.

Some of my star friends are short with wrinkly greenish skin and they might, in a way, resemble turtles or frogs. There are many different types of visitors.

And I have also had screen memories, where I woke up in the morning and recalled being with furry little animals, or deer with big black eyes or owls...it changes, but sometimes we remember the star people as animals or whatever our minds can cope with.

Manhattan and Guldage, it is interesting that you both went missing from your parents when you were babies. I didn't have that experience, but I have uncovered a memory of spending at least two weeks in some type of training campground for teenagers. US Military were present at this camp and I remember thinking to myself while I was there that I had been there for two weeks. I wondered why my parents weren't missing me. Time works differently with the star people and perhaps the military has a similar way of doing things...or perhaps they are working together.

Take Care you two. Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by guldage »

I suppose it is strange that we both went mssing for some time as little children. A bit like the same MO. Found at a place for people plain to see, but not seen there earlier. It is a bit weird

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by wings »

There are a few (many) reports of aliens in the MUFON archives of ant like aliens. They have four feet and the front two second also as hands. They have small spheres as eyes on big heads, just like an ant. They are low, large (probably weigh alot) and are advanced.

They were featured on a UFO documentary where a family all came to realize they had hidden memories and abductions throughout their lives. Their first one was while driving at night back in the late 60's. Car goes dead at night on a lone highway, they are all taken aboard a mothership of colossal size, ant aliens are there, the place seems familiar. Stones put on the back of the kid, like they were sensors or something.

So, giant ants; they have those.

People being abducted in Alaska were dreaming of owls quite a bit. I think even Whitley Strieber dreamt or thought of the aliens he was seeing as owls. So that is probably the greys.

I think the greys that Whitley was seeing were different from Ebens, the Roswell aliens. I could be wrong. I think there are many kinds of greys. Perhaps from colonized worlds that went into their own directions? I dont know.


Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by colin2015 »

Forgive me, I know I am new here, but when we are talking about children being taken by aliens I really don't think we should be using words like 'missing' and 'surgery'. These are forced kidnappings nothing less and they result in none-consenting medical experimentation on terrified little children. Forgive my anger on this subject but even if you want to go dancing with the star people and hold hands while singing kumbaya with your cosmic friends, there is still absolutely no reason whatsoever, either morally or ethically to do this to the children of another species. This kind of behaviour is the hallmark of unspeakable evil and no child should have their mind or body played about with. While I know there are some who think that their experience was 'a normal event' and even if you don't think these people are suffering from Stockholm syndrome we should, I respectfully suggest never, ever except, make light of or make excuses for what amounts to the worst kind of child abuse. They are messing about with our most vulnerable, what damage they have done to us is unimaginable and the fact that we are talking about our young brains having to protect themselves against these events with several layers of screen memories should be a testament to the nightmares many of us must have been subjected.
Can you imagine the social uproar, convulsions and violent protests if any government came out and said they had prior knowledge of these child abductions and experiments? No government building and no politician would be safe, there would be lynchings in the streets. For this reason alone there could never and will never will be disclosure.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Colin,
You are right. I didn't say it was fun. Since I was four years old, I have dealt with good and bad experiences. I've always done my best to hold it together. You are correct, it is not a good thing that children are abused like this. I have done my best to gain control over what happens to me.

At this point in my life, I don't have to go through those things anymore. I learned how to take control and get away...escape...from those bad situations. It takes focus, skill, and a raising of your own vibrational frequency to overcome alien abduction.

When I speak about "star people," I am talking about entities that were friendly to me and helped teach me how to overcome negative abductions. They taught me how to defend myself from any attacker, whether it was alien or human. Are they angels or beings that are perfect and infallible? No. I did my best to stay calm, observe, and learn what I could from them. There were definitely some of them, that I call "star people," who were benevolent beings who I missed when they were gone for a long time. This happens to many contactees who become accustomed to their presence. Try and understand that it takes an incredible amount of inner strength to deal with this type of bizarre metaphysical experience.

I do not condone alien abductions, that's why I started a website called "Alien Abduction Help."

Keep in mind also that as human beings, the moment we are born into this world, the mind control begins. We all go through the education system that programs our young minds to believe the propaganda the "controllers" want us to believe. Everything we were taught was a lie. The military also conducts its own abductions and they are most likely involved with some of the more malevolent entities we call aliens. There is so much we do not know, and so much we still need to discover. There are many factions involved in this war.

Do not be so quick to judge.
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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by guldage »

colin2015 I could not agree with you more. No child from whatever species should exsperience something like that, but I believe unfortunately that some of these Aliens lack emphathy, so it will not stop. All we can do is keeping it together. I surpose some of the reactions come close to Stockholm syndrom!!


Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by colin2015 »

Hi Bonnie,
Please know I wasn't directing my anger at you or in fact anyone in particular. I frankly don't think I even want to know what they have been doing to me as a child - because I know it will most likely result in me becoming very cheesed off. But it gets my goat right up when some people say that they want to welcome with open arms our 'star' brothers and sisters. When frankly I want to make dame sure they have a very good explanation for these VERY PAINFUL EXPERIMENTS they have been doing COVERTLY to us as children for years. Now if it wasn't them then did they known about it and did nothing? For sure they have been screwing with my mind and I have no doubt also with my genetics from childhood. And like you and so many others, I didn't agree to this, you will forgive me but I don't believe in vibrations also I don't now how sure anyone can be that any memories we have of these 'visitors' being good and benevolent can be trusted. Now I say this because I am absolutely certain I have at least one hybrid child, when I see the picture of 'him' I am filled with overwhelming love. Although I don t remember fathering a child, nor ever meeting a hybrid child and yet this picture fills me with this emotion! WHY??? Although if hurting me helped others then I would be the sort of person who would volunteer to help. However it better be a world ending reason for them to be screwing with children. Their species or our species better be about to go extinct or we better have been messed with so future disasters didn't happen. May be I am wrong but my view is if your good and benevolent you have nothing to hide.


Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by colin2015 »

Hi guldage, thank you so much for your note and for your kind words. Please know I don't have the answers (any answers for that matter!!!) but I just want to make suggestions now and then, most of which are probably not correct but it helps me to think through things with other people who have at the same experience. Although I do get cheesed off when some people claim to have all the answers, I am sure you know those people who are '100% sure what's going on' My life has been totally destroyed on an absolutely epic level and I put it down to being messed about with by these things. I am sure some of us are being changed by THEM and not in a good way. Do you (or anyone else for that matter) have any idea why they might be taking us from such a young age? My guess is that they are manipulating our genetics maybe even making us change different life paths.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by guldage »


I believe the are manipulatic our Genetics or abserve some specific trades in some people. OFten these things run in families and have happend for generations.
I also believe that some of the earlier generations dont know or remember. As I believe the happening was so foreign for them that they had to dismis it.
Do I have the answers. MOst likely not. I just know what I feel and that is the wipe I get. I also say this due to some meories that have resurfaces aaobut these things.
For instance I know I have been pregnant and then not. Later I have had memories of them takaing the Fetus. So Manipulation of genetics and interbreeding maybee?

I understand when you say you feel your life was destroyd. In some way you have a need to take back control of your own life!. NOt let them be in the driver seat. It is not easyly done, but you should know that the first step is know how. The more you know and understand the less they can manipulate you. So you are on the right track! You are not alone that is also something yu can use. Just get it out. Write about it. You can do it on your own or post it here, You will find that others have simular stories.I know I do! Hope that is some comfort eventhough it does not take away the hurt at all.

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by Eden509 »

I had several encounters as a child ... One time when I was like five a grey was outside my window ... No one believed me because I was a child but I will never forget it ... I believe we all have a alien that telepathically talks to us like our consciousness I believe this only because when I saw this " grey" it had a tremendous white light almost blinding and it was just starring at me through my window another encounter I had I was outside looking through my dads telescope and three lights in the shape of a triangle were hovering above me like twenty feet up ... I also believe they are experimenting with children because no one believes them I think they are courious about our souls our innocents I also believe we might be some kind of experiment they made many many years ago and are tracking our evolution like some kind of science experiment

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Re: What are they doing to the little kids?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Eden,
Welcome to the forum. :)

It is definitely possible that we are part of some experiment. There has most definitely been genetic manipulation going on, but I am not sure if the aliens/star people actually created us. They have a great interest in our behavior and our development and for those of us who are "contactees," who have been part of this our whole lives, we are certainly being watched and monitored by them.

When I was a child, I was on the ships with other human children and we were all tested in different ways. For years I went through this testing and when I did a good job, I moved up to the next class or to the next level. This seems to be what the aliens/star people do; they keep working with the ones who pass the tests.

Today, my experiences are much different. Now I have complete control to go with the star people or not. If they come to see me and I don't want to go, then I don't. Most of the time, I will go and meet them halfway, somewhere between my normal frequency and theirs. I am talking about the friendly ones whom I consider to be family. I would never want to hang out with the evil aliens that torture people. I've had to deal with them and military abductions as well. I have learned how to defend and protect myself and choose my friends wisely.

When you were a child and saw the Grey outside your window, where was the white light coming from?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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