Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by Vamp007 »

Hello, my name is Leanne, I'm new here! I have had dreams of flying, and of being in places that are all silver and sterile for as long as I can remember. I never really thought that much of it, I thought they were dreams. Sometimes I saw other people, most times I didn't. I have so many different dreams, I can remember most of them.

For the past year or so, that I have noticed, it may have been happening before but I didn't pay attention to it, I have been waking up every few months with a mark in my left wrist on the vein, as though a drip has been inserted there. There is congealed blood there, and if I pick it, it bleeds. I now have a scar there, as it has happened so often.

I went and spoke to a clairvoyant friend, and she believes I am being taken and experimented on. We also have two photo's taken from our back patio, one during the day and one in the evening, in which we have captured a ufo.

I will stop writing here, because I don't want to overdo it, but have so much to say and to share and to ask. I'm so grateful for this page, thank you!

Regards Leanne! :D

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Leanne,
Welcome to the alien abduction help forum. I'm a life-long contactee (friends with the good star people) and also MILAB experiencer. MILABS are military abductions. They use secret technology, holographic imagery, and fake alien suits to conduct their own bizarre abductions. Sometimes they involve real grey aliens and sometimes it's just holograms or people in suits. Sometimes the MILABS just have military personnel present. I have also been in silver, sterile rooms, some in underground bases.

My initial advice to you is to try and protect yourself. These abductions, I believe, take place on the etheric plane, which is a real place where our consciousness can be aware and have experiences. One of the ways to protect yourself from negative alien abduction or MILABS is to keep love in your heart and put up a shield or barrier that keeps negativity away. Try the meditation audio I made called Grounding, Centering, and Shielding.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by Vamp007 »

Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for your reply! It is so good to be able to speak openly about this, especially as I have suspected this for a little while but only really just had it confirmed. I have a Tektite crystal next to the bed and since putting that there things have slowed down. I was told by my Clairvoyant friend that this would help protect me. I always keep love in my heart and try to avoid negative situations, people, energy, etc. Thank you for the meditation, we will definitely have to try it. My husband works away for two weeks at a time and then is home for a week. He leaves tomorrow and will be home again in a fortnight, so it will be interesting to see what happens in my dreams while he is away. He sends me white light, and I send him white light. Our little boy doesn't really appear to be affected at this stage, but we are keeping an eye out also.

Take care.


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Re: Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Leanne,
I am glad you brought up Tektite, because I have also heard it is a powerful healing stone. It's actually a piece of meteorite, so it is extraterrestrial in origin. It does not have a crystalline structure; it is more like a blobby chunk of rock. Here is some more information about Tektite, for those who are interested:


"The origin of the word 'Tektite' is from the Greek tektos, meaning "molten". Tektites are formed when a large meteorite strikes the Earth.

The metaphysical properties of Tektites include; assisting one in attaining knowledge and learning lessons throughout the travels of life; balancing the feminine/masculine; providing insight, and strengthening one's energy field; and, stimulating thought transmissions.

Meditation with a Tektite will increase telepathy. Carry Tektite for heightened psychic sensitivity, psychic travel, increase energy field, open and clear the lower chakras.

Tektites assist with knowledge, as it is extraterrestrial in origin. It also strengthens the energy field. Tektites are protective in nature and aid one in grounding into Earth reality. They are said to activate the third eye, assists one in visionary work, as well as assisting in both lucid dreaming and dream recall. Tektites are known as good luck stones, especially in India where it is considered a sacred stone. Simply keep one in your pocket or purse or wear it on a string around your neck to enjoy the benefits.

Can be used by healers and energy workers to clear and unblock the lower chakras. This can be accomplished by placing the tektite directly on the patient's chakras one at a time or by slowing moving the tektite above the patients chakras and sweeping the blocked energy out to the side and away from the patient.

Adds power to any type of magic as it provides a direct connect with the universal energies. It can be placed on an altar while performing magic, added to a mojo bag, or a series of tektites can be used in a crystal vortex to charge objects.

Tektites can help remove fear from people and situations making it a possible stone to help those suffering from depression brought on by fear.

When someone is ill whether from a major illness or just a bout of the flu, placing a tektite within their auric field can help to strengthen the body to fight off the illness.

Finally Tektite is believed by some to help connect your personal thoughts and energies with alien beings from other planets."

From the article Beautiful Extraterrestrial Tektite! by crystal healer Jill McCulloch.

Leanne, It is wonderful that you and your husband help each other with good energy! Awesome. John and I do that too. Good Luck with the meditation.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by Vamp007 »

Hi Bonnie,

I have woken up with strange marks on me yet again. This time a small hand print on my right leg, a fresh blooded wound on my belly, a mark like one left by a drip on my left arm and the most disturbing is a hand print on my right arm. The fingers are obviously very long ones, and the veins are so blue and dark, and my arm is really sore, and one of the bruises feels like its on fire. I have taken photos and I have shown our clairvoyant friend, and everyone who has seen it has just said WOWWWW!!!! I am keeping a journal now!
Thanks for the posting on the Tektite.
Leanne xo!


Re: Dreams, encounters and strange marks!

Post by TryingToUnderstand »

Are you going to post the pictures on this site? I ask because I just posted 1 of my "abduction scar". I would love to be able to compare my scar to yours...

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