all at once

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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all at once

Post by guarded1 »

my experiences were started early on in life in a time where memories were difficult to have as is. but i remember being awake watching the lion king. it was nighttime and i was being watched by a babysitter. i remember one part where i looked away from the tv and the next thing i know im numb on this assumed metal tray or metal platform. i know something is off becuase i can only see four colors. red blue and green in triangles large patches and each color was darkening towards the next color between these triangles were varying degrees of grey. this was sadly all i could remember but i saw things that didnt look human and this was viewed later on in a subsequent experience.

i was born autistic and it was apparent ata young age but only as something being different about me. i was highly bright. knew my states by 2. handled 100 piece puzzles with work. i even remember being told my brain worked like a computer because of how good i can remember things. this is relevent only because i had spiritual experiences when i was young. i saw these things, grey hands giving a come hither around corners and aliens that i saw rather clearly. one night i was scared of these things and went out to the living room and i saw more hands. and a face reminding me of a grey frankenstein without the bolts in the neck. they were tall to me but not too tall. i believe they knew i could see it but i wasnt abnormal in any other way. this stuff i saw only at night. instead of following it like it wanted i turned on the tv. now that i think about it ive had much more experiences than i thought with aliens. i seemed to be partly spirit because i saw souls and stuff too but i dont remember these conversations. although mostly i was seen doing this. by who and what is cloudy to me. these were hard times for memories. i started remembering clearly the night i woke up and found that i could only see the world in shades of red and when i looked at my arm which was hanging over my bed this greyish dog like splitjawed being from what i can remember was there. its mouth had engulfed my arm. i felt no pain and somehow psychicly knew it was injecting something into me causing the red vision. i feinted before anything else occured. one thing i did notice was that the bathroom i looked at from the bed looked green. dont know why. i woke up somewhere and was blind. so i ran until i hit something. i knew i wasnt in my room. there was too much stuff in the way from what i had remembered. i figure from what i felt i was with aliens because i heard someone say come here let me help your eyes. i had been screaming and left alone crying that i was not able to see but my other senses were sharp. i felt nothing and ran into no other beings as if i was left alone with perhaps just survailance. after i felt the being touch my eyes i knew where it was and which direction it was standing but after this i blanked out and woke up somewhere else. from what i could tell the chemical enhaced many things at the expense of the vision. then my vision was repaired. i felt no different though so im unaware if these changes are even still in me as i have outstanding hearing for some reason. almost animal like. so perhaps the effects were permanent in some areas.
also its strange that sharp objects have a hard time peircing my skin as well.

after this i was untouched for a year and i remember the night greatly as i had been blasted in the mouth by a pitcher and my mouth was bleeding real bad. but it wasnt this memory i had remembered the most. i was put in my sisters room for some reason. but i know that i was awake in and out with a feeling. i was drugged very much so but what happened and how i dont know. i was in and out of my body seeing myself in my dads truck then i see myself in a jacket which was confusing. i was in pjs. they had clothed me. whatever had me first left me in the truck for good reason but my subconscious and conscious were in a hypnotic like state. my goal was to get to the front door and the light was still on. i saw cars were there and assumed someone was staying over. drifting out of lucid moments i was crazy and coming into them i knew only to get to the door. it was ingrained in my mind. i felt hypnotized and numb. i saw the door and must have tried it while drifting out of control. it was locked so i was like "huh?". it boggled me. nobody was awake and they left the light on. it was more typical back then. the daze began to wear off. the hypnosis ending as i had made it to the door. but being how i was i knew and felt darkness. i was and felt that i wasnt to survive this night. i felt two entities coming from behind the truck and they were coming around the corner. in front of me i saw two beings . they all were at least 8 feet away with a slick shine on them but two more were felt one behind my mothers van and one in front of it to my left. my power was wild and why these creatures wanted me was confusing. but perhaps i was feared and would grow too strong or something. to todays standards all i can say was these aliens were warrior class dracos. i didnt know that at the times and i could feel my death approaching. i knew this because they had that red glowing eyes that was circular. what i am about to say i cannot explain nor disprove as i would have died and never told my story. but something very spiritual occured. i blanked to visions of old bible day people and robed men forming a council or court. time was short i only felt there intentions. a piece of paper was shown with righting on the counter set before me. i was given a close up. and then looked at the men and perhaps what i had felt was happiness love and life. but they knew and i could feel that i should not die so unfairly. i had seen the paper once more and felt a choice to be given. life could continue normally or they would perform a miracle on my behalf. if i chose a miracle i had to give something in exchange and the decision would make my life rather exciting. i knew my spiritual strength was very strong. i wanted to stand against my would be killers. whatever their reason is unknown and whatever those people in the vision were is up to debate but i felt like i was in heaven given todays information. today ive learned some people have been chosen like this whether it was alien or not. i know now i was to stand against 6 dracos. but in my defense i felt i was going to die. it sounds very odd and perhaps unbelievable to some to survive this. but many things in life are unbelieveable. but if one knows the power of abnormal events like alien abductions and what they can do it would be about equal. so i chose to continue the events and was immediately back in my perdicament as if time had not passed. as they neared me i felt a sudden swell and popped out of my body. all i could understand about this was to watch but i was disturbed at the time. i was spiritually a soul attached to my body and i was about right next to the draco in front of the van. now for those of you that understand the metaphysical laws accustomed to obe and how a spirit can enter the physical plane being impossible it is safe to surmize that a dimensional cavity had formed to allow the spiritual energy to take physical shape. hopefully ive not lost you. the spirit plane is my forte and i would be able to explain some things it help it make sense. after the bubble formed it appeared that i was being sucked back into my body. but i saw it was covered in an ancient like armor. however two things were noticeable in the 30 seconds i was still awake was a sword attached to the hip and a weird gun that i could only see as a modified flintlock. but i know much more about it now than i did at the time. but at the time i suppose this was it i was going to have to fight. but then i felt a "no you arent ready and i lost concicousness as a result of the pressure i had been exposed to. i remember waking up in my sisters room again and what was absolutely weird was how it was right under my bed in that room which was right underneath a window which when i got out from under the bed i checked the window and it was opened but the screen was still intact so i now surmise that i had removed it and opened the window in my absence which ill explain after finishing this story. when i looked out the window i saw a yellow ball in the sky and i wanted to tell my sister and i did but all she saw the sky. it wasnt the moon because that was eastward and that yellow ball was south. i heard lightning as i walked to get my sister and nothing was there when i got my sister tothe window. she in turn heard the lightning and it started raining so i shut the window. i was told to go asleep.

the last time i was ever apparent alien encounter was a blue hybrid bat creature that entered my house on my way to the bathroom i saw it and fell to the hands of my guard soul who handled it. other than that i believe ive been having visits lately and only the good ones are able to see me. the evil ones dont bother me anymore.

please believe my story though i did expereinece these things. ask questions if you must.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: all at once

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Guarded1,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. Most "alien experiences" are very metaphysical in nature and happen during the night while out-of-body...but I believe it actually takes place on the etheric plane. Good for you for standing up to the Dracos. I am glad that you only see the good visitors now. Do you think it is because of something you have done to make the bad ones stay away? I found that keeping myself at a high vibrational frequency, with love in my heart kept me safe from any unwanted visitors. Of course, I had to learn that over the years.

You wrote that you looked out the window and saw the yellow ball in the sky and then your sister looked and saw nothing. I have had that type of thing happen over and over in my encounters, where I can see lights in the sky and "aliens" when other people standing right beside me cannot see them. I think it has something to do with being on a certain vibrational frequency, like being tuned into the correct channel.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG


Re: all at once

Post by guarded1 »

what i dont understand is what the dracos ful intentions were for me and why i was injected in that other account. i had another recent event that happened yesterday morning. on some plane something gripped my back. i was in a sleep paralysis state but i wasnt too numb. my mind looked around but couldnt see much becuase i was limited in moving even that eye. all i can recall was rapid palpataions but they came at similar times to being touched. as if it occured just as i was being touched and i remember a hand looking down my back and spraying something on my lower back then i blanked becuase of the rapid palpatiaions. i felt choked but when that failed i felt as if the protection kept me from being hurt. i mentally projected that i was one to bring peace. but the grip did not falter until the spraying was finished. i dont know if they didnt care or if perhaps they were doing something to prevent me from waking so that they could finish. i wooke up then. but i felt it happen again. although the second time i believe was for some reassurance that they had completed their task altough why they looked where they did is beyond me. i know what they did becase they were easily felt. i felt the bed pull down under their weight and i can read intentions very wel but they did not say what they did. i just know they sprayed me in my lower back. if i was thinking hypothetically i would assume an injection. or perhaps a sample. has something like this ever happened to anyone else. whatever the case my spiritual self has exhibited unnatural behavior and the physical changes i have made over the years have seemed to have grown in strength yet again making it harder to control certain aspects.

id say in a small way for now anyways my spiritual self has inserted things into my physical self. these insertions have grown as adaptations and manifsted something withi me and my way of thinking. this particular aspect has given me more trouble only after this incident. this is but small insight into the situation but i feel it will explain things for now.

metaphysical things are more often then not true in my perspective as ive seen crazy things happen. we al have but i was given something interesting when i finally recieved a documentation of the paper in etheric form.

im still being attacked by the darker ones but overcome them becuase ive evolved my spiritual understanding and unlocked a portion of the mind becoming open to all possibilities. however the powers that be keep a tight lid and i have had to learn how to do some things on my own. however ive had spirits tell me how to do things as well. so ive learned things like spiritual healing, how to protect myself from a dark being, how to achieve some forms of creation and how to affect people over global distances while being totally aware in the physical realm. but never have i learned how to release myself like i did when the dracos had come after me.

why exactly i was given so much knowledge was puzzling. why would they show me these things. why was i guided this way. ive drawn some conclusions but feel i had some grand purpose. a potential to do something. ive met only some like me and even so only online at that. ive had to awaken others to grant them what ive learned. only one has pushed the boundaries as far as i in these teachings.

but still im confusedas to why. i can only guess. the paper gives clues about things if i could read it i would know but alas i havent a clue how to project properly to read it. i can only feel it and analyze it that way. i pretty much came here to find out what the aliens wanted. ive heard of peace being a goal of theirs but then why do destructive means follow. peace begets destruction and peace is often sought but rarely answered while destruction is unwanted and yet ever present. why help develop a weapon capable of so many things to defeat whatever comes towards it if peace is the answer. i feel something is coming hwere weapons like myself will be needed. whether we work together or not is up to powers i cant understand. but if the bad wanted me dead and the good wanted me to be ready what exactly am i ready for.

so many questions. so much confusion. one answer i have is that force wins peace as long as the just have power. but if that is true then what is the world we have.

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