A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

experiences with otherworldly beings

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A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Well i've been thinking lately, since I was reading back into an abduction book. I've been seeing similarity's that leave me wide eyed and tearing. Lets Start with the dreams. I've been having dreams of Grey's my whole life. Two I remember distinctly. I had this dream when I was 7 or younger. I dreamt I was in school, then all of sudden everyone froze for a second, like stopped in time. Three tall greys were standing in the class room. I get up and I run, I run out of the class room, I look back as I run down the hall they walk so casually and slow. I stop and look infront of me, I see a porkiepine sitting in the hall, I'm shocked and amazed then I wake up on a hot sweat. the next dream has me at the age of 16. I'm sitting at my computer desk, I watch my mom leave for work, I sit down to play WoW. Then to my right on the top of the staircase I see these black eyes gazing at me through the railings, just like how my cat would look at me and then run up the stairs as soon as she notices me looking at her, but this 3 foot grey didn't run, I yelled instantly, get out of here!! I am absolutely angry I don't know why, I chase it upstairs and it's at the end of the hall, the bathroom door is open and light is shining on it but all I see is a shadow figure of it. The light is too bright and the hall is dark. I'm standing there, I yell what do you want! Then I'm feeling scared it's just standing there. I woke up, in my bed, in a hot sweat. So many similarity's. I was reading then I remembered something that happeNed at the house I use to live at. I was upstairs on the top floor, I saw a flash of light zip by from the window I look outside a yellow/goldish ball of light floating in the air, I was so scared I remember thinking no not them, I don't know why. But I felt like a urgency to run away, I ran downstairs and then I could see bright lights, almost like search lights shining from above into the Windows downstairs, I just remember standing in fear then pretending like I didn't see anything. I felt like someone was upstairs, I didn't know why or how, there was no sound. I felt scared then I was sitting on my computer like nothing ever happened. I feel like i've been taken my whole life but never admit it to myself, recently I started accepting the idea, then suddenly memories seem to make more sense, like a puzzle is coming together. Odd, simply odd.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by alanwar »

Hello everyone ,I'm Alan ,I'm 66 and have had "experiences" that started as a child starting with what I thought were imaginary voices calling me,I've woken with bruises and I've woken up on command.the Command came as I was asleep and I was looking down on myself surrounded by ? I saw one that was taller and suddenly I felt that I was dying and drifting away from the bed/table I was lying on when the command came "Open Your eyes" I was instantly wide awake .It was as though I'd been awake for hours.

My elder brother once made the mistake of telling family members that he lost 2 hours on his way home through the Buckinghamshire countryside,He has been ridiculed ever since.

There are so many things and it's still happening.

The last time to my knowledge was when I was staying with my Son on the Isle of Man.I don't remember what time it was but I woke up sitting with my hands against the bedroom wall .my wife is a very light sleeper and I fell on the bed 5 times trying to stand up ,It was as if my body had no bones.I have Fibro myalgia so do not sleep well and my wife has become as i said a light sleeper because of my problems.I literally fell onto the bed and my wife never even disturbed.I also felt really giddy,Then just as suddenly I lay down and was asleep .As we were having breakfast the next morning my daughter in law said"Did anyone notice all the lights outside last night,Strangely (as I see it now)no one answered and we all just carried on.I have to admit it's scary.There are other occasions too.a while later( month or two ,can't remember)my son rang to say they had had confirmation that my Daughter in law was expecting a baby(I knew what was going to happen)Some little time later he phoned again and said the doc was baffled the sac was still there but empty.I get scared when it comes to my family,I've had things for years but I don't want my kids and Grandkids having the same things,I have 14 Grandchildren and 1 Gt Grandaughter.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

That's quite odd, I've never heard voices I've seen things, I've seen a shadow person, tall 7-8 foot tall red glowing eyes and a hump back and head below it's hump, it was quite scary, well not scary but shocking. After I saw this being I wasn't afraid. I was reading and there was talk of a mantis type alien with a hunch back and head forward. I honestly think the shadow person was one.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by alanwar »

Has any one any advice please.It seems every time I'm away from home things happen whatever it is ,Is saying we know where you are at all times and I find that unsettling to say the least,I have another occasion which I'm scared to talk about for fear of ridicule.I'm a big fella and I have big hands ,one morning as I got out of bed my wife gasped "what's happened to your side",There was a large black bruise the size of my palm and again we never discussed it after that.

The other thing involved a full length mirror lit up.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Tess »

As for the one on the pregnancy when I got pregnant with my first child,I remember taking urine samples again and again back at the pharmacy and everytime the result was positive,the pharmacist most probably thought I was nuts!. At 22 wks pregnant I woke up and felt something running down my leg it was bld as my husband rushed me to hospital I was taken for an ultrasound and they told me there was no baby!It was gone and no one could give me an explanation as to what might have happened.Two months after I got pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter a yr later my son was born.
I sleep in my own bedroom downstairs now a days as I am sick and has not slept with my husband during the night for yrs but yesterday and the day before I literally ran upstairs beating on the door to get in.On the first night I heard something walking in the room ,on the second night it was a small but bright red light hovering in my room,it was too much to handle..just hope I'll sleep to-night without being scared out of my wits again.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Dugzy »

I myself have been waking up 3am for aslong as I can remember, not just waking but totally terrified and in a fighting mood, ive seen flashes of light, seen shadow figures and had disturbing dreams........ the worst was when I woke to find 2 greys in my room by my bed, I wasn't paralysed but was furious. I charged them, barged the first aside and pinned the second one to my cupboard, all I could think was to hurt it bad.... by biting its eye but the moment I look at it im suddenly awake and shaking, the room walls seem to throb aswell..... so I hightail downstairs. that dream has freaked me out for about 2 years and whenever im in a dark area, im ready to fight.
But im absolutely enamoured with greys..... even though they scare me so, im always looking for info on them. I hope im one of these people who just pick things up from tv and books. that its all in my head..... but the fear and hate I feel for the greys is a bit too powerful.
Is there anyone else who feels like that?

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I think what is happening to all of us is that we are interacting with beings from another world. Whether it is another dimension, a different planet, top secret advanced technology used by the secret government, or something we have no concept of whatsoever, it is so foreign and bizarre that we aren't quite sure of how to handle it. I think it is natural to become scared or angry and try to get away quickly or try to attack the foreign invader.

I have been a "contactee" since 4 years of age, so this has been going on pretty much my entire life. I've seen many different types of beings, some friendly and some evil. What I have learned over the years is this: If you keep love in your heart and stay calm, you will gain control over the experiences. I have fought with greys before, I have been "captured" by evil entities, I have been scared, screaming, fighting. In the end, what truly works is to NOT BE AFRAID.

Fortunately, I had the majority of my experiences with friendly star people whom I consider family. They helped to teach me how to defend myself against evil aliens and psychic attackers, including humans, who I encountered during military abductions or MILABS. The very best defense is to bring your awareness to the forefront. Be present in the moment. Stay calm and be strong with love in your heart.

If you can get to a place of no fear, and your heart is filled with love, you have control. This is not to say that you will never have a bad experience; it could happen, but you will be strong in the present moment, sure of yourself, and untouchable. LOVE truly is the answer. Start by staying calm as best you can and really observing what is happening so you are able to gain a more clear understanding. Do not panic. Feel your inner strength and stand up for yourself.

If I knew a sure way to completely stop the alien abductions, I would certainly tell you. What I do know is that you can try something like this: (I have done something similar before and I did get results)

Make a time to be alone and go into a small, dark space such as a bathroom or even a walk-in closet. You want to make it dark so your eyes do not focus on anything else and distract you. Go back in your mind to an experience that bothered you. Allow yourself to feel the hurt and the anger and think about what you would say if the entity was standing right in front of you. Then let loose. Imagine the alien in front of you and say your piece. Shout, yell, scream, get it out, say what you want to say to the entity that hurt you. Tell the entity that it does not have permission to return, ever. If it does, the whole universe will know and it will be held accountable for its actions.

For more information about how to take control of alien encounters, check out my book, Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people. Here is a link to a free pdf copy: http://awakenvideo.org/pdf/777/Invitation_to_the_Self_Journey_with_the_Star_People.pdf

You can also read more about the book and purchase it here: http://www.alienabductionhelp.com/htm/the_book.htm

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by ManhattanSkyline »


I'd like to post a reply to your first post here. Your first dream you had when you were seven had some similar elements to dreams I have had. And yes, there was a porcupine in one!

I briefly mentioned in another post that when I was a child, I made up a pretend world where a flying horse would come get me and fly me away to its world. I truly believed it was real at the time to the point where I wouldn't play with the other kids at recess and would sit at the edge of the playground scanning the horizon for this magical creature to come and take me away. Now that I'm older, I really think that whole imagination was something my child mind created to explain the abduction experiences I was experiencing. Similar to your dream, I used to see the flying horse (not the alien image as I think it was too much for me to handle) standing outside my classroom window when I was in 4th grade. Like in your dream, whenever I saw her standing there, everyone else in the room froze as if frozen in time. That left me free to get up and sneak outside to meet her, so she could take me up into the sky. Curiously, this flying horse also spoke to me telepathically, mind-to-mind, just like the grey aliens do. There were several instances in my young life during the time I went to that elementary school that there would be "frozen" times where everyone in the school would just stop in time. I would get that tingly, vibrating feeling, and I would simply walk out of the classroom and down the halls and usually outside because I knew it was "time to go."

A few years back I had a very vivid, odd dream. I dreamed I was at my dad's farm where I had lived out my childhood. I was in the back yard standing over a poke berry bush. Somehow I understood that this flimsy poke berry bush represented my family tree in this life. I grabbed it and pulled it up by the roots. When I did, the ground gave way in several spots in the backyard. I leaned over and looked in one of the holes. It was dark, but I happened to have a flashlight and was able to shine it down the hole. I was shocked at what I was seeing. I was looking into a beautiful room under the ground. It was like a whole house had been buried underneath our property, and I was looking at what must've been a hole in the roof. The house was dark and empty, but it was beautiful and immaculate. The ceilings were tall. There were chandeliers. Beautiful antique furniture. It was a buried mansion! Then I started to recognize some of the things in the room, and I realized that this house under the ground was an exact copy of my real childhood home that was just a few feet away on the surface. Well, it wasn't quite an exact copy. It was like my childhood home, but much richer and grander. It had the same lamps, but more exquisite. The same wallpaper, but with flecks of gold in it. My mother was there, and I told her, "We've been living in the wrong house!" The home underground was our real home. I lowered myself down through the hole into this underground mansion and did some exploring. I came to a central room that had a beautiful round fountain in the center. There I met a man who told me he was the butler/caretaker of this house, and that I needed to leave. Then there was a rumbling. The mansion rose straight out of the ground and my poorer more fragile real life home crumbled and rolled down a hill. This new mansion took its place. Then I saw my mom standing a few feet away under a big tree which I understood to be our REAL family tree. She was talking with what looked to be a huge, man-sized porcupine! He was telling her that the mansion was not our house and that we could not have it. However, as I looked at the porcupine, I started to see that there were seams on his back. He wasn't a real porcupine; he was a man in a porcupine suit! I ran up to them, and told my mom not to be scared of him, that he was only a man in a porcupine suit. Then the man took the suit off. He was the same butler dude I saw down below. He looked defeated. He acknowledged that the house was indeed ours. He had been tasked with protecting it all these years, and it was hard for him to let it go, but he understood that the house was ours, and it was time for him to hand it over.

I know that dream doesn't appear to make a lot of sense, but it does to me. The mansion is the mountain of buried memories I have of that secret, parallel life I have had with these visitors. Many of my experiences are fragmented, most are buried deep in my subconscious and I have been unable to remember most of the details of those experiences or remember my relationship to these beings. But those memories were only meant to be buried for a short time, just long enough for me to grow up a "normal" functional human being. I was too young then to live my life with one foot in each world consciously, so one of those worlds had to be suppressed into my subconscious mind. I think the porcupine is a symbol of that protective suppression.

I've seen the porcupine image in relation to protecting a child's psyche elsewhere. Just this week, my best friend's niece was abducted by a very bad man. The cops, the family were all out searching for her. I felt so helpless. I didn't know what to do. I believe you told me in another thread that some of these experiences might lead me into some kind of spiritual or religious experience(s)? I have been reading a book on shamanism that has been like reading a window into my own life. Everything in that book has been helping me understand all of the things I could do as a kid and some of the experiences I've had. I had been reading about the shaman's journey, spiritually journeying to other spirit worlds usually through a trance induced by repetitive drumming. I had tried it a few times before, mainly just exploring and learning. But that day that my friend's niece had been abducted, I felt so helpless, so I decided to at least do what I could do on the spirit side of things. I lay down on my bed, put on my drumming track, and began to journey. I knew I was too much of a novice, but I was hoping I could illicit the mercies of the spirit beings on the other side to help and do something despite my ignorance and inexperience. This was an emergency! In my journey I went down a tunnel into the earth. They say you will usually run into a spirit animal on your journey. This time, I ran into a porcupine! He lead me down the tunnel, to where the girl's spirit lay. Her spirit had retreated deep underground because of the shock and trauma she had endured. The porcupine was a protector spirit and he was in charge of guarding her spirit and bringing it back to life. He and others crowded around her and sang and chanted until she woke up. Then the porcupine opened up a portal to the upper world where she could go to be healed and revitalized by these angelic beings. After I got up from the journey, I went outside and saw a helicopter rising into the sky. I learned later that she had been found and was being care-flighted to a hospital. She is safe now. After that experience, I looked up the symbolism of the porcupine. The porcupine represents childhood innocence, curiosity, and joy, but is also able to protect itself if threatened. In all of these cases, we were children having traumatic experiences. The niece was having a negative earthly experience. We were having strange other-worldly experiences. Regardless, I think the porcupine represents that childhood defense mechanism that protects our young minds from trauma. In my case, I lost my memories in order to preserve my psyche. My mind also dressed up those experiences in fantasy to protect me. You may have seen that porcupine at the end of your dream because your mind was not ready to remember what happened next-your child self is stepping in to save you still.

In my case, I want to remember now. I think that's what that mansion dream was about. I am ready to remember the truth of my experiences, but that child-hood defense mechanism is having a hard time letting go. It's having a hard time realizing that I am no longer a child and that I no longer need protecting like I once did. I am ready to bring the richness of my past to the surface. Incidentally, as a shaman you are supposed to find your spirit animal. You can take on the form or strength/qualities of the spirit animal in your journeys. My spirit animal is that flying horse. I always used to romp around on all fours when I was a kid. When anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, "A horse!" It never occurred to me that was impossible. Also, incidentally, I gave that flying horse two names when I was a kid. One name was Manhattan Skyline (yes, my user name). I got that name from the title of the song I dreamed her up to (interestingly there are other ties with NY). Her second name, curiously, was Memory. Through all of this I've learned the importance of not just remembering, but forgetting. Both are important. Forgetting these experiences was very important. It allowed me to grow into adulthood as a "normal" person who can interact with society and live fully-functionally in this world. Forgetting has served its purpose. Now that I am grown, and my psyche is essentially fully formed, it is safe for me to remember again, which is equally important. I've also learned it's important HOW you remember. The purpose of forgetting was to protect you and keep your psyche safe. For the longest time, I was angry that I was made to forget. Bonnie, recommended that I not undergo hypnosis to remember but to let the memories come naturally. At first, I wasn't sure I agreed with that, but now I do. There's no point in forcing a remembrance when the mind is not ready and do damage that forgetting was meant to avoid. Not only that, you can get yourself into essentially a hypnotic state to help you remember, but you don't have a second party there who could potentially distort or alter the memories accidentally or intentionally. It's important to remember on your own a little at a time, step-by-step, morsel-by-morsel, so that you have plenty of time to work through and process the shocking bits. Also, I've found the experiences and dreams that occur in between the remembering create a framework of meaning that help you not just remember but truly understand these experiences. I can compare the process to when my father used to pick these horribly sharp grass burrs out of my feet when I was a child. He would grasp the burr in his fingers, and tell me to say the word "Bluebird." As I said, "bluebird," he would pull out the burr really fast and then rub the spot with his hand. The initial pulling out of the burr hurt like hell, but the pain would immediately melt away with the rubbing of his hand, and then there were arms and hugs. Similarly, when I remember something, it usually comes in a big, shocking, emotional flash that immediately brings up feelings of terror and just wanting to cry. But then, as I stay with the image, the shock and terror wears off quickly, and I am able to understand what really happened, and it is usually a very good, loving experience with very familiar beings who feel like family.

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Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Post by Tess »

Hi Alanwar,from my experience I know that sometimes other members of the family are being abducted as well.They just won't talk maybe for fear of ridicule or they do not know what's going on.It happened with me,then my son and now I fear for my 10 yr old granddaughter.
I'm cautious to mention anything to her yet she refuse to go and sleep in her own bedroom and begs me to sleep in mine.
I have asked her why on several occasions but she just say ''I'm afraid that some thing will happen to you'' or ''What if I wet my bed?'' which she has not done since the age of 2.
A few wks ago she was going in the kitchen and came running in fear,telling me that she saw her shadow and behind her was a much bigger shadow following her.There was no one in the house at the time and I was in bed.
I too was pregnant with my first child and at 22 wks the baby was gone!.
Yesterday I had to go to my dentist and as he switched on the lamp above my head,memories came flooding back.I felt like running out of his clinic, there was no way I would have told him about the abduction knowing he'll think I'm a nut case!!

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