Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

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Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

2016-08-06 12.26.38 1.jpg
Yesterday I woke up after a dream pretty confused and felt exhausted. I had this dream just before waking up. We were staing over night at some friends house.
Me lying down on an examination table of some kind, or at least I think it was. It was more of a feeling than actually seing it. It felt like I could not move. Only my eyes could follow what was going on. I could here som chatter in the background but I could not make out any actual words or any meening of what was said. There where some words that sounded like normal words. Human but in a non understanderble language. They where followed by a row of Clicking sounds that most definately did not sound human.
Then someone helt a kind of device in front of my face. It looked almost like a lamp. Very bright light. Squeare. LOnger than it was tall. I could see the creature that helt it. Grey brown in skin tone long limbs. Fingers twice the legth of that of a human. Long skinny neck. And the face was long but not big like the grey big. Eyes a bit bigger than you would see on a human and al black. ( I will see if I can remember details well enough to draw a sketch at some point) This guy was standing to my right side.
On the left there was someone else. This one I could not make out. The only thing I could see was some device they helt against my skin just below my collarbone.

We had owersleept so we were in a bit of a hurry to start t odrive back home. Thats why I did not notice the marks before I was in the car. Several little round circles below my colourbone. Reddish in the middle. A bit like a rash. Felt a bit warm too.
When I got home I took the picture above. This is taken about 6 hours later. Now there is n red but you can still see the circles.
Never seen a pattern like this before but the device with light I recall haven seen before. Back then I only saw the hand of the Creature holding it. Back then I dont recall haven any marks but it is some time back, so I could remember wrong.
Have any of you guys seen a pattern like that before??

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Guldage,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I sometimes used to wake up after experiences with different types of marks on my body. Sometimes they were just red marks in different shapes that would disappear after a couple days or so (could be circles, triangles, random shapes). Perhaps the marks you have on your collar bone were left from the procedure you recalled, and they will fade away soon. It is not unusual for abductees/contactees to wake up with red marks, rashes, scars, or scoop marks.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Wow, Guldage, great memory. That is a major step.

I do not see the circles in your skin. I wonder if changing hues and things in the photo would reveal them. I'll try that. I have Photoshop.

Glad you are safe and well. I really think that they mean no harm if they go to such great measures to keep you from even realizing that something is going on. I would venture to say that most people that are being experimented on do not realize it. Just a theory, I dont know. I couldnt believe I have scoop marks on my legs. That freaked me out. I thought I would remember something like that. But no....

Glad you were able to remember your experience.

I wonder what would happen if... say I were in such an experience and tried to talk, like 'hello.. so... where are you from?' 'Is this going on my Care Credit or will Blue Cross Blue Shield cover this?'

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

2016-08-06 12.26.38 2.jpg
Wings the little circles are also very faint. Surprising considering the very clear red they displayed a few hours earlier.
I have here drawn a circle around them, so you can compare the two.

I am surpriced myself of the very clear memory of this dream. I can still recall the details. Normally they get fluffy and unclear in no time. This was printed in my head. I can even remember little rincles in the creatures face. Strange.

I did try to hold on to one thing in the dream, but find it a bit surprising that it would give such a result the first time. Maybe I was intended to remember this. Again the feeling was of no fear. Maybe that is also why I can remember it more clearly. I feel relaxed actually and clear in the head.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Wow.. So they must have allowed you to remember, perhaps. Cool.... I hope all is well.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Thankyou Wings all is well.

I do think the must have allowed me to remember. About this experience I have no negative emotions. So .... not so bad.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

How are things going on the western front, Guldage?

Hope all is well. You've been quiet. Must be or you would be reporting in.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Hi Wings thankyou everything is well and everything actually have been quite. No buzz of any kind for almost 14 days and been occupied otherwise with work too.
That is untill a couple of days ago. That day I had some wild 24 hours. It is like I can still feel it in my bones.
It started in the morning. On my way to work as usual. Standing at the busstop and Cigar shaped object catch my eyes. I can follow it across the sky. IT is not moving very fast. It is just a light grey silver object shaped like a cigar, moving slowly over the sky.
Tried to film it but when I looked at the film recorded there was nothing. It should have been. It was just below the skies. And no matter what the object was it should have been on the movie

That one stayed in my head for the rest of the day, but was as it was.

Then at night I had this dream similar to one I have had before but long ago. I think I tried to descripe it here once. Driving in towards my city center. Cars in front of me stopping up. PEople getting out of the car looking up in the air.
Well wanting to see what they look at I look out of the window of my car and up in the air.
A huge spaceship as big as that of a US HAngarship was flying aove ower heads.
What was weird was that some clearly saw it and talked about it. Pointing. Other people they looked around utterly confused. LIke they had no ideer what the others was looking at. That was kind of creep actually. LIke the where blind.
It was dalight so no problem to see.
As for the ship it self. It was as mentioned as big as that of a hangar ship. It was grey in colour. The body of the ship was very compact. Flat noose.
My ability to draw it was not good enough, so I found a picture of something that have similarities. BAre with me. This is the best I can do.
Now this picture. The noose of the ship is more flat. On top of that they had these antennas or attachments to the ship.
I have tried to outline it with red were the where. Just to give you an ideer. The ship I dreamed about was more compact in the body also. I many ways the ship I have descriped at the end of the tunnel could be a smaller ship from the same builders.

It was all clear as a film. I woke up a bit raddled, but managed to go to sleep again after som time.

The very same night I got my self another dream also with aliens.
Here I was with somebody in a kind of cave. stalactite cave. A huge kind of cave. I have someone next to me that I can not see. We are standing on the bottom on some sand. Two creatures in front of me. They have this bluish kind of uniform on. Tight to the body. A bit like you would see in a sci fi. They are human sized. no Hair. Light brown greysh in skin tone. A long sharp face. Eyes bigger than humans but not as big as the grey. Small mouth. I feel no threat from these to at all. Neither do I from the being next to me, altough I have no ideer who that is. I am there on purpose.

I know that I have something that someone else wants and things get a little tence. All of a sudden I here this big blast explotion of some kind. I can see some debree fly into the cave a bit away and daylight comes in. BEfore this I have no problem seing the surroundings for some odd reason. It has this yellow kind of glow but no ideer where the lightsource comes from.
The being next to me. (The one that I never see) Drags me along because I need to get out of the way. He, for some reason I know it is a he, gets me up into some tunnels on a little higher level than the bottom. Here I can see down on where I was standing before. The other two is gone.

Up in the tunnels i is completely dark and at this point I am scared. I have this funny felling they are after me.
Now about here I wake up a bit out of breath. And I feel very anxious. Actually so bad that I feel the need to get up and check if the outer doors are locked. I never do that normally.
I just had this weird feeling of danger. Again the whole thing was like a movie.

After this I have feeled utterly exhausted. Tired to the boone and sore in the body. I am not sick or anything. I just feel beaten up.
IF any of the text seems confusing or unclear, I apologize. It is because I have a bit trouble getting my head around this experience. SOme 24 hours. So ask away if any questions or if I am unclear in some points.

WIngs hope you are well and not being bothered to much :) Best of wishes to all of you really

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Maybe I should also mention that no bruises of any kind have shown up with this insidence. So I suppose be gratefull for that :)

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Goodness...! That is wild.

I have never heard of the reverse happening, where you can clearly see a craft but cannot photograph or video it. Usually its the other way around.

Also, in your dream, where you saw the craft and some others did (in the dream) but some couldnt, that seems like a 'red flag' telling you something. Perhaps you can see things that others cannot.

I wonder what the cave incident was about.

When I hear about people with reddish skin, I think of the Zeta Reticulan Ebens. They are more human like and do not have huge eyes. They have large eyes, but not massive like the grays. I havent heard of tall ones though. Maybe they are from another world colony with a different gravity.

Reading all the things about this subject, I wonder just how many bases that off world people have on this planet. It could be a very large number. So long as they are good, that should not be a problem.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Wings I also find it very strange that I could not film the craft flying beloew the clowds. It is weird. No matter what it was it should have been there. Somebody problely playing games again. The attempt was made on my smartphone.

Maybe you are right that I see things that others dont. The last month have been a bit of an eyeopener. Like I am waking up and remember things that I actually have known all my life, but made to forget.

About the cave: I think I did something or got something that these guys could not have gotten otherwice. That is just the feeling I have. Not sure what or how or well anything. I meen what can I possible do little me compared to these guys. Also why can I not remember what. JUst a little bit. I have a clear image of the dream, but now ideer about why.

Does anyone here have any suggestions on what this could be ?

Wings how are you doing lately. Have the entities been bothering you ?.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Hey Guldage,

I wish I could help you on that. I have no idea. It could be just something to see if you 'know something' that they cannot find. For instance, if they say 'why did you do that!' you start 'thinking' about things you did. In your mind, pictures go by. They can then see what all you have done. So, it could have been they were digging around, that you didnt do anything. Who knows...

Things are much better, though tonight is sure crazy. Invisible nutcases night. I went to evening sermon at Church today. Loved it. (I love my Church). Had a spiritual event that was quite awesome while out on the patio there. Then spiritual tensions at home stormed up. I just pray and put it in the Lords hands. I have learned so much from John Osteen, a Pastor on YouTube. He is gone now, but he had tons of episodes on TV years ago. Great teacher.

The other day, about 2 days ago, I had a missing time. Very jolting. I woke up, about 8:08 in the morning. Looked at my phone, checked the time. Layed head back down on the pillow, started doing a slow wakeup. Trying to keep my eyes open. Then I sat up. Got my phone, staggered to the desk, and it was 9AM. Zero memory. Zero... That really freaked me out. Usually I remember faint fragments of dreams, sleeping, etc. Not this time. That was very odd. I was going to log it here and never did. That never happens to me. Nearly an hour. No darn memory of what happened.

Wait... I did.. I had one single memory of the missing time. I was looking at a red rectangle. It was wide. I was trying to move three gold symbols to the right with my mind, onto the red rectangle. The letters looked like cursive Chinese letters, about 45 deg slash mark, top right to bottom left, three of them, but I think they were slightly different from each other, and very beautiful gold. I have no idea what this was, but that I was looking at it right before I woke up. The letters were moved from far left onto the flat red rectangle. The bright red was nearly orange, seen much in China town in San Francisco. The font reminded me of Chinese for some reason. I am a font freak and code freak (kids days) and so font really stands out for me. (Always wanted to see alien writings). So this struck me as Chinese. Very odd.

And thats it... No examination table for me. Just fonts.

Stay safe over there.

So much UFO activity lately world wide. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I saw some flashing lights, a ball of lights, flying slowly over Phoenix, center Phoenix area. Flew right over the City towards the west, and no one said anything about it the next day. It was around 10PM. The lights were light small bright beacons, white, pulsing, every 2 seconds (about). I think I posted on this. They appeared to all be linked because they would do it in cycles, making me think they were tied together, perhaps wirelessly. It couldnt be a blimp. It was too fast. The lights were not in a geometric pattern. They were in a cloud like oval, all spaced evenly, but at random. No pattern. So it appeared to be perhaps 12 vehicles with these super bright, very small flashing strobes. Actually, they were huge for strobes. Military planes have these. I thought, well, it could be an entire squadron of jets flying very low over Phoenix in a cloud formation, which would be dangerous at night to be so close together. I thought, no.... Why would they do that? It would be risky over a city at night. So, I dont know....

There, thats it.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Wings it sounds like you are doing better. I am glad too here it. :)

About you remembering moving an object or lines of some kind. That sounds to me that you had an abduction and put to a task or tested in some way. That has been heard of before.

I dont know if I am doing better or worse these days. At least I dont feel like I am being damaged. I guess that is something. But I do feel like I am being pulled around by the noose. That brings out the rebellion in me.
I had a new mark this morning. This time like you time gone I have no clue where went. I had trouble sleeping was a bit hipe because I had watch some Olympic game that Denmark won. So I was tossing and turning a bit.
THe last time I look at the watch it is about 4.00 in morning. I was getting irretated because I new I had meetings at work. Then nothing- I wake up at 6.00. Two hours past. Not a single dream. Nothing.
Feel like a sleep walker today. OFcause that can also be caused be the lack of sleep, but not sure. Felt almost drugged. Like Cotton in my head. Like anesthetized.
And I also found the mark belowe. On my arm. close to my armpit. Inside of my arm. Same place I found another mark in a weird pattern some time back.
It is nothing like an insect mark of any kind. No itch or swelling of any kind. MOre like a bruise, but in a spot an manner that I find odd. Also the colour and the outline of the mark is odd.
2016-08-22 13.32.46.jpg

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I have had many dreams and experiences with the star people where they are telling me and showing me that I can see things other people cannot see. Literally. I think it is a matter of perception and how "conscious" you really are. It may also be connected to the third eye and if your third eye is activated or not. You may be able to see things that other people cannot see, even if they are standing right next to you and you point it out to them, they will not be able to see it. Now...why you could see the cigar shaped object with your eyes but your camera did not pick it up...that is a new one to me.

Also, about your experience in the cave with the being who seemed to need something from you: I have learned from my experiences with the star people that human beings are very powerful! Humans have a quality that others do not. If a human is aware and conscious, an enlightened person, they can see many things that perhaps the star people cannot. Humans have the ability to create things and manifest them with their thoughts! Star people do not seem to have this ability. We humans are important to them for some of our qualities that they do not possess.

You said you felt exhausted after this experience and that is probably because you were busy all night in your etheric or astral body, doing a lot of activity with those beings in the caves. It can make you feel tired and exhausted mentally too....

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Interesting that you remembered something of what happened during your missing time. And it figures you were doing some sort of psychic puzzle or something. Many times when I am with the star people they have me doing some type of puzzle...and I'm even doing puzzles when I'm on my own. Figuring things out, putting pieces together....

There is definitely an increase in UFO sightings across the world. I think some of it is legitimate and some of it is military and some of it is possibly holographic technology the military is testing out in preparation for their Project Blue Beam Fake Alien Invasion. I am a little concerned about that, because people who don't know any better will most likely believe that we are being invaded by aliens when it is actually fake holographic technology. Part of the plan for their "new world order."
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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Thankyou Bonnie for your answer :

That is somehow very strange. I have heard about the doing puzzle thing, but I can not recall one single insistence where I had to do that. All kind of other stuff, but never that

Strange ??

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Thanks Bonnie for that. Very interesting.

I have heard of puzzles also from people. One is trying to place geometric shapes in other shapes.

Guldage, does that round dot get white on top the next day? Then several days later it peals off?
If so, I get those a lot. Always on the same spot, left arm, middle of the bicep, where I can look directly at it. When I am in the shower, I always notice it. It will completely leave, then it happens again... same cycle all over again.

The imagination is a very amazing gift we have. I think it is also like a portal. Our inner eye and inner mind are amazing when we start noticing it. In the Bible, you are taught that when you are 'reborn', you are born into the Holy Spirit. Jesus said 'you cannot see the wind, but you see how it moves the trees'. I love that. I had a spiritual moment at Church that I wasnt going to mention but think I should. I was at Church, sermon finished, I went to our Church restaurant and got breakfast, went to the outside cafe area, sat down, began to eat, felt a presence walk up to my left side, and I could see in my mind, slightly to the left, my former Pastor from another Church. His face was glowing very white, illuminated. Others, mainly one, but there were at least two others, talking with him. He said 'and this is Bill, he is doing much better.' My former Pastor was happy and smiled. He was radiating so much love, it was incredible. I hoped that nothing was wrong. Usually when someone is in the spirit, they are sleeping, or something happened. Rarely are they awake and standing while their spirit is fully active somewhere else, but that does happen. Moms will see their children in trouble and its like they are standing next to them, but they are home washing dishes or something.

Amazing how things are. So much we have to learn about ourselves... how we dream, think, etc. I often think that God made our imagination for us to learn by. Think of it. We sleep and see others that we do not know, and learn things we never knew about... See places we have never seen before.

Side note. Usually when a person has seen God, they glow bright for some reason. I wonder if Mark had just been to God or Jesus. I have seen Angels around the neighborhood, up on roofs, etc. They often will be a white color, glowing. Almost no color, just white. Mind you I rarely see color or spirits (anymore) but if I strain to look, I'll see one or several, and one might be very bright for a outlined shape with some lines in it.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Wings no it did not peel of. This one just faded of. After a couple of days. Kind of weird. So not ordinary bruise then. That would have stayd longer.

I do believe imagination can move mountains. A little thing from my Country witch is sometimes told about Hans CHristian Andersen.
HE had a vivid imagination. SO much so that if he had pain in a tooth he could imagine that it was in the other side of the mouth and in the end make the pain go away.
That is quite a tool we have. IF we can shape our reality. Ofcause it is not that easy, but it is a reminder.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

I have done that with pain, lol.... Oh man... When torment started on me, I learned things. Moving pain is one, but usually it only works for me if its non-real pain, like something causing the pain that is spirit.

One crazy thing I have learned is 'connecting two points' with two fingers on one hand. You imagine touching a boulder that is on a mountain 4 miles from your house, imagine your finger touching the rock surface. Then with the second finger (thumb), you imagine touching the shoulder of a spirit that is attaching you, like shoulder pain, headache, etc. Now, while holding those two locations, touch your fingertips together. If you can see in the spirit, it is hilarious. There is a blur and the spirit is gone for a short while.

I remember being in the car with another driving. I am in pain, being tormented by wacko and I would look at a street light passing by, imagining touching the demon thing and the light, tap my fingertips together, and in the spirit I suddenly see the spirit that was crouching over the seat at me, suddenly next to that light and slowly falling out of the sky, looking around, lolol... They figure out ways to combat that, but a few seconds of peace is bliss.

Thank the Lord for tools like that. Also for Angels that barge in and chase them off.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Wings I would say Hans Christian Andersen problely have an atvantage above the rest of us mortals. :)
We can only try to mimic him - ;)

I had a weird one last night: Dream like state. I am pretty sure I am with the guy from the cave. Again I dont see him, but he is next to me talking to me.

I am in some sort of Lab or examination room. I am sitting up on this examination table. All very clinical looking. Another person is to the right looking also like I have descriped them before.
I have a sort of suit pants and shirt that look kind of what you would find in a hospital. White in clour. His uniform is metalic. That is the only part of him I see.
The funny part is that I have red hair. I am naturally dark haired He then says something about my head and points to this computer screen and says " remember this has not always been like this"
He repeats it. Remember and then I wake up. Everything very film like and orderly. Not like normal confused dreams.
Like it was very importend that I should remember.
Also everything was very pleasent. I listened and felt not the sligtest bit worried. Like I was at school actually.
What is supposed to meen I have no clue. I have a feeling it has something to do with genetics but I could be wrong.

I wonder if anyone else had an experience like that???

How about you Bonnie . I am mystified of what that was about.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

I too have had dreams where I am somebody else. Its like watching a movie, and also like being someone else. Once, when I woke up, I had been dreaming of being a different version of me, and when I awoke, someone near the head of my bed, one of the teams that come in and torment me, said 'alternate reality... that was a different reality'. Something to that effect, but the second time, he used a different word which escapes me.

Sad that a dark cult group has such knowledge of out of body and the spirit world. Power in the hands of people that would use such abilities and knowledge only to hurt people.

I once also had a dream, being at a restaurant. Everyone was happy to see me, and at one point I go into the restroom to check my hair and I freak out. I am a young girl. I'm like, well, something is really wrong. I woke up shortly after and was very puzzled. I can only think I was somehow linked into this person while she was moving around in public and it was so real for me, it was like I was the one moving around.

On the other hand, there have been times when I 'hear' thoughts and voices (too often) and when I go into the restroom, I check my hair, and I hear a voice or thought saying 'I dont have gray hair!' or 'He's not too bad looking', etc.

So with all that said, dare I say, perhaps it is possible, when out of body, that one can 'link' somehow into another person, so much so, that it is almost like it is you yourself. This would be very extreme, so dang extreme, that you are left (at first) with thinking that 'are' that person. Perhaps there are 'others' that do this on a daily basis, which is scary...

My thoughts are, that mankind as a 'creation' recieved an update where we can dream and learn. That dreams were meant for us to learn by. We could dream 'amazing dreams'. But perhaps that network or area is being infected. Thats my humble thoughts, mostly by what I have been through and assembled from past events. I could be way off...

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Wings maybe you are right about that. That our dream state is somehow iinfected. Maybe that is something they need us for. Our dreams so they can learn what ever too???
Hope they are not all to awfull to you wings.

Something is going on in our dreams that is for sure.

Now that we say dreams. I had one last night, that almost feel like a followup on the last one descriped here.

I am again in this room. This guy next to me. Again I dont see him although his hands I can see. FIngers long and skinny. SKin more brownish than grey. There is again another one standing at some workstation in front of me He has the same looks as earlier descriped here. THis time he reaches me this glas with some kind of liquid in it. It is clear as water.
To that I say. "NO thankyou, if I go out and most definately, If I go out with a bang, I want to remember" The dude in front of me at the workstation turnes around send me a look, that would be in the direction of puzzled, if they can look like that. The feel I get is confusion on my words. HE takes away the glas after that.
I actually wake up slightly giggleling at that situation.

What ever that was about, I dont know. I dont know what it is I wanted to remember. BUt it is clear that the topic for me lately is remember, and if they want me to remember or not.
WHen I woke up. The word remember stood so clear in my mind it was freaky.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

I just had the weirdest experience.

I came across this clayvoyant woman a couple of days ago. I have to say I am slightly raddled.

THis woman she know nothing of me. Absolutely nothing. I am with a friend there. She was the reasen we went there in the first place. Well before we get gong with my friend, she just looks at me and says.
You went missing as a baby. I know who did it and he has a message for you: I have to say my jaw dropt:
She went on. This guy that once was a human picked me up from the back yard of my parents house and carried me through the house and out to the other side.
SHe sayd that he was controled by someone. They where this dark shadow hanging over him. It seems that he fought it.
Hence I was found in th front yard insteed of going completely missing. His message was that he was sorry about it. That he just did what he was told. THe clayvoant woman was not even sure he was a person of flesh and blood when it happend or if he came from some other place ?
Since I know that these aliens have visited me my entire life and some of them are pretty dark and sinister, I have to say I am shocked.
THis just removed any natural or innocent explanation of me going missing.

I had kind of get my self together before I culd put this down in writing. Therefore it has taken me a couple of days

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Dang, Guldage, that would be a bit much to take in.

She must have heard the spirit talking, she relayed to you what he was telling her. Maybe he has passed on now and perhaps, maybe, big maybe, he tries to look out for you from the other side, or just wanted to get that message to you.

It may not be demons that did this. It could have been dark (satanic) people, it could have been satanic spirits. It could have been a witch cult group trying to control him. They use babies to sacrifice in their meetings. It could have been a government group that wanted you to see what you were so special for.

Thank the Lord you are safe and he fought strong enough to keep it from happening, to keep from doing it.

You hear so many times on the news, how someone kills someone because in their mind, someone was telling him to do it and they did it. So sad.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

You are so right wings. It could be a number of things. I still havent gotten my head around it just yet.

By the way I forgot to mention that the reason for it happening she told, was because I would do something in the future, somthing good that they wanted to prevent. What ever that meens.

On the bright side (My humoristic sense has returned) it is good to know that I am on the Good side of the fence :)

What is really creepy is that there is only one unsolved case of missing children in my country. That occured a couple of month before I went missing. A baby boy of about the same age as I was when this happened. He has never been found and not even a clue to what happend. He also dissapered from his baby carriage, only he did not show up again. They did not even find some fingerprints than the mother and she was ruled out because she had company in the house.

It makes you wonder what ever happend to him and if it was intented to happend to me as well. It happend close to where we lived.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Interesting that you found that a child went missing near that time.

I hope you do good, Guldage. Awesome awesome.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Thankyou wings. A bit weirded out by the whole story here. As if alien abductions is not weird enough, but I think you kow what I meen.

I have had some wuote days with nothing weird. You will have to take what you can get, Right?.

Hope you are well as well and can fend of the evil spirits.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Ok not sure if this is far fetched or not. Not even sure it belongs here, but the place I took the pic has a history with me. That is with this topic. Seen a couple of UFos from this spot. There is a lake to the left of this picture. always feel weird walking past this spot. Sometimes like walking into a wall. Like the air is a little thicker passing this spot. And you skin kind of prickle like electricity. I usually hurry past this spot. Really dont like it, but something made me make a snapshot of the place yesterday. The result you see belove.

WHen I got home I noticed something on the picture. If you notice the tree to the left. The weird loking one. Above and a little to the right, there is this lighter spot. Shape like an orb kind of shape.
If you blow it up in size it looks very much like a person. Face looking like a grey just a bit distorded. I am getting chills writing this. Do I have a to active imagination or what the h... is that?
Can it be another dimention I get a peek into another dimension or is someone looking out from somewhere? Could you guys try and blow up the size of the pic and give me your opinion.
2016-09-11 16.31.07 -1.jpg

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Hey Guldage,

Yep, I see that white zone clear as a bell. Looks like someone set a coin on a photo and it discolored. Washed out.

I see two faces. A small one with shoulders, top right, and a huge one, centered, darker, middle centered. I put it in Photoshop and made a version in black and white, raised and lowered the light levels to see if I could boost it. I couldnt. But if you zoom out so its small, you see the details clearly.

Mind you, it could be nothing, but I believe your 'odd feeling'. I see 'something' there.

They say that many episodes (and the show and movie itself) of Stargate, and 'Stargate SG1' were seeded and helped along by the US Air Force. Part of their future 'disclosure project' where the truth must eventually come out. The Stargate is a real thing. Anyways, I remember this one episode, a machine that was like a 'telecommunications device' or phone. A sphere that would show another person even a galaxy away. Probably a 'quantum entanglement' device. Instant connection. I always thought that they overdid the details on it, like they were saying 'this is how they work'.

Well, that all said. This could be that. This could be a com device, like a monitor. There could be a small base near there and they watch this area as its near it. That could be a guard watching a screen and its two way. Perhaps they think its not visible to humans. I dont know.

I'll never forget seeing a photo of an Orb that had flown down into a small city street, quiet area. Someone a block away on a high building from their window took the photo. The orb appeared to look like two people shoulder to shoulder, looking out of a ball of glass, the background very white, bright. I thought, what if that was simply a 'portal' thing, that you could fly around like a RC plane or drone, and they were 'looking around' this city in Russia?

This could be that. I dont know....

By the way, I saw your new post. Not active yet. Those are some bad bruises. Not good. Hope you are ok.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

Looking at it a second time, it could be that I am close, this is a 'looking device' like a hidden security camera (orb) and you can see two faces; one close in front, centered, and a second person behind him, top right.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Thankyou wings, I am ok, although I am still a bit raddled by the extend of the bruising this time. The mark on the arm faded after a couple of days. The bruises on the legs are still there. I also found a bruise like a fingerprint on the back of my arm. It looks this pretty now. Posted below.
I must have been a pain in a surtain bodypart for them to do this much bruising. It usally is just one bruise of a kind.

About the Photo. I know it is a poor quality. It is a quick snapshot with my phone. I am seriously considering investing in a good camera.
It does seem plausible your explanation. I always feel weird around that place. Maybe some people are more sensitive than others to these places.
What shocked me was that I court it on a picture. I usually get passed that spot very fast. Dont like the spot. It is close to my childhoodtown. We used to do cross country runs here in these woods.
2015-06-12 12.40.31 (640x360).jpg
2015-06-12 12.40.31 (640x360).jpg (30.82 KiB) Viewed 67432 times

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »


Your phone might be good enough. If it has something like 13 megapixels, your photo resolution setting might be really low. Make sure its at maximum resolution when it saves a photo. When you 'send' a photo via email, your phone will usually make it smaller. Make sure you transfer photos through a connection cable to your computer. That way the photos remain large and high resolution, not small and grainy.

Some phones now are even bigger then 13 megapixels. I forget what the latest iPhone and Samsung Note 7 have. I think its double that size, but you have to set it to save at that crazy setting. The giant detail photos take lots of room on your hard drive in the phone.

Camera's in phones are becoming better then camera's. And, you can get Apps that can adjust the photos, like if they are too dark, etc. You can liten them up, darken them, adjust the color settings, etc.

Maybe just get a better phone with better camera. But check your settings on the phone you have. It might be set for a super small resolution.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by guldage »

Thanks wings for the Tip. Maybe I do need a new phone with a better camera. The battery is not as good as it used to be either. :)

MAybe I will get better pictures in the future, when I get around to get a new phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy 6 at the moment.

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Re: Dream of being on an examination table. Bright light

Post by wings »

There are so many new phones out that are absolutely brilliant. (I think I have become a phone freak). Samsung make amazing phones now, except for the 'flare equipped' dangerous Note 7. I have a Note 5 that is very nice. My brother and friends have Galaxy S7 Edges. Nice looking phones, but the edges are screen, so its hard to hold them, I think. But they look great.

Small note, I put a dot of paper over my front camera. I sometimes get a feeling I am being watched, so I cover the camera on my phones. (Just the front). I take a marker and blacken the top of a PostIt note (yellow things, stickies). Then I peal it up a bit and 'hole punch' the top sheet with one of those hand 'hole punches' (about $2.00 at a store). I dig out the dot of paper from the hole puncher and place that on my phone's camera. If you cut a square one, the tips catch on your pockets and peal it off. Circles will hold good. Making them black, people will not see that and think you are paranoid. ;)

I would get a phone that has at least 32 to 64 Gigs of hard drive, 3 to 4 Gigs of RAM. Its also nice if you can get added hard drive space via a SD card, like a 64 Gig SD card that you can put in. Then you can put all your music and family photos on the phone and still have tons of room left for making long videos, like if you spot something in the forest, etc. Then you will not run out of hard drive space making a long video of something.

Some people get a 8 Gig phone. 4 Gigs are used up by the OS (operating system, like Android OS). That is grim as you have no room for photos or music, etc, etc. Great for a throw-away temporary phone. Get one at least with 16 Gigs. Shoot for 32 Gigs at least. My humble advice.

Also, you might watch phone reviews on YouTube to shop around for a phone. There are some brilliant review people online. Let me know and I can send you some names of reviewers there. Basically look for reviews that are seen by thousands of people, like 10,000 or 100,000 views.

Small note on phones and your privacy. As you know, computers are said to constantly record all conversations (cell phones, etc). They can also watch your movements with these phones. Some people have found that their phones had things secretly installed on them (by security branches by surveliance locations) that install fake 'turn off/turn on' modes. People turn off their phones thinking they are off, and they arent. Looks like they are. Even the ATT symbol shows up and plays the tune, but its fake. This is rare, but exists. A sign you have one is you turn off your phone and it goes dead (dead battery) after 2+ days. This means it was on. If it was off, it should not need to be charged, should not run out of battery power. Also, if you get a phone that has a removeable battery, you can pull that out (instantly) to go radio-silence.

Just a heads up. Great, amazing devices, but so many people are hacked, spied on, etc with them. :(

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