I think I have had an encounter.. more than one

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I think I have had an encounter.. more than one

Post by ElliotfromET »

Hello. I don't know how to introduce myself, for now, I will be Elliot from ET.

I want to start off by saying how I feel as a human. I am 18 years old, almost 19. My entire life I have been considered extremely smart, borderline genius, and I have only gotten sick twice. I have always felt like I was here for a specific reason. I often feel like at any moment someone or something will approach me and tell me I am needed and that I will be given a task. I probably shouldn't forget to mention that I have an extreme sense of other people's feelings and thoughts towards myself and others, I can tell when something negative is going to happen before it does, and I have more than enough Deja Vu. Since I turned 17/18 my feelings have gotten much stronger. Every day I feel more and more like I have this task, but so far nothing has happened. Now to the encounters.

The first encounter that I can remember with something "non-human" (that's what I prefer to call it for now) was when I was around the age of 4. I grew up on a farm with my grandmother, and my mother had a house on the back of the property. One day I walked to the back of the property to look for my dog. I went to the barn, and it had one section that was ground-level and another that was raised off about 3 feet, and you could see under it to where the goats and pigs were kept. I remember, so vividly, looking under the raised part of the barn to see if the dog was inside the pen, but I saw something. It was non-human, and it was a grey/white color, and it was just sitting there staring at me. I was so frightened I ran back to the house, and I never told anyone.

The next encounter I remember was not really with myself, but with a family member. I woke up one night in the bed with my grandmother and she wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her. I looked in all of the spare bedrooms, all of the bathrooms, she was not in the house. I was so scared I ran outside to my mom's house and got her to come back with me to show her that my grandma was missing. But, when we got back, she was lying in the bed asleep. It had been less than 10 minutes and she was back in the bed exactly where she should've been, and when she woke up she said she had never left the bed.

I was in the bed with my mom one night, in my grandma's room, where I normally slept (I have been and was terrified to sleep alone until I was around 15 years old, no one knows why) and all of the sudden I was woken up because the entire room filled with a blue light. I was so scared that I never looked up from under the covers, and my mom wouldn't wake up when I shook her. When she finally woke up the room was back to normal, and we looked everywhere for a source of the light thinking it might've been the TV, but the TV was off, and we never knew what happened.

Once again, I was in the bed in my grandma's room, and I woke up in the middle of the night. At the foot of the bed were three non-humans. They were wearing my clothes! I just watched them, mainly because I was paralyzed with fear, but after watching them for a while they just walked into the bathroom, and I never saw them again.

Recently, and this is what has shaken me up the most, I was in my apartment (I moved out to a city about 45 minutes away, and I have a roommate and a very large two story apartment with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms) and I was dreaming, but the dream was so real. I was even wearing the clothes I fell asleep in. All of the lights in the apartment were off except for one, and it was in my laundry closet upstairs in the landing. I remember running through my apartment upstairs afraid of something. It began in my bedroom. I ran into my bathroom because something was after me. I ended up running out of my bathroom and bedroom to the stairs, and as soon as I started to run down the stairs something grabbed me. It was a non-human. As soon as it grabbed my arm I was not afraid anymore. He or she was a yellowish cream color. The same body type as the other's I had seen throughout my life, but this time it was a different color and it was in a dream, not when I had actually been woken up in the middle of the night. I was and am still shaken up by it. The only thing I remember being said by the non-human was when it grabbed my arm, and it was something along the lines of "do not be afraid."

My entire life I have struggled with a fear of the dark, mainly in my bedroom. I cannot look into dark rooms where the door is open. I cannot sleep with my closet or bathroom door open. I have also frequently, but less frequently now, struggled with being woken up and feeling paralyzed. I could move my mouth, but when I screamed nothing came out, and it was like my hearing was impaired.

More often than I would like, but not on a nightly basis, I feel like someone is watching me. I know something is going to happen because everything will go silent and my ears will start to ring. My body also tingles or vibrates and that is how I know "they" are close. Sometimes, but more so memorable since I have lived at my apartment, I have been in my bedroom completely alone with the door locked, but I will be woken up by what sounds like someone walking in my bedroom. Sometimes I hear whispers or voices too. When I lived at home I would know "they" were coming because I would hear humming buzzing noise and my ears would ring. Some nights I would be lying flat on my back and all of the sudden it felt like my body was being pulled into the air at an extremely fast rate.

I am not skeptical of ETs or the paranormal. I was raised by scientists to be a scientist myself, and currently I am a biology major in college. I am not religious, but I have this extremely strong feeling that a God exists. Not the God like the Christians have, but something even larger, something that is physical and with extreme power and intelligence. I graduated high school early, I am extremely smart, and I am well-liked by everyone. But, I am starting to feel like I am going insane. Hearing the voices and whispers, believing that things are in my bedroom, and feeling like I am being watched. I am scared. Very scared, but, I am scared of my own mental health, not of something physical. I am reaching out because my entire life I have felt like I have been visited by non-humans, but it has recently reached a point that I can't keep quiet anymore. I need someone to talk to who has had similar experiences as me. I am not sure at all of what to do, but I am extremely willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of my fear and denial of personal contact with non-humans.

Last night I got the feeling that I was going to be visited again, so I found this website, and I read post after post after post, and I bought the site moderator's book and read it all night. I have a very personal connection with some of the things that happened to the person that wrote the book, but I just need answers.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: I think I have had an encounter.. more than one

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi "Elliot from ET," (cute name)
Welcome to the forum. I am Bonnie, the site moderator and the author of the book you just read. :-)
Like you said, we have a bunch of experiences in common. It has continued for me, but the experiences are changing as I learn more and take control even more.

You are most certainly not losing your mind, in fact, you are more aware and more intelligent than most people.

I also feel I am on some "mission." This tends to happen to most people who are in contact with non-humans. I feel that I am here to help raise up humanity and help those who are awake and aware enough to comprehend what is going on. The world we live in is sooooo much more than just what we experience physically, so Congratulations on being able to see and interact with those non-humans!

Maybe you should take the advice of the new one that grabbed your arm. Do not be afraid.
I know that is easier said than done, believe me, but you can do it and I know you will. You are very insightful for an 18 year old.

Many of us go through the same things you are describing: feeling tingly, the body is vibrating, hearing humming or buzzing noises, sometimes not being able to move.

One key thing to realize is that although some of these experiences happen physically, most of it happens on another level like the astral or etheric plane. This can seem like a very realistic dream. And when it does happen physically, it still has a magical, trance-like quality to it because there are other levels of ourselves that are working. If we had been taught about the astral and etheric planes as children, this would not be so weird to us now. But, unfortunately, that is part of the control system meant to keep people stupid.

My best advice to you is to stay calm and be brave and do not be afraid. You are a powerful being (otherwise you would not have so many visitors). You will get this figured out.

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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