complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

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complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

hey ya'll I am writing this to get some varied insights into my experiences. After confirming the validity of my experiences as much as possible, more events have transpired that have made me want to discuss these events more with other people. The first thing is the possibilities of an implant. I felt a scratch on the back of my neck, didnt think much of it, then I started to think about the cut because it was a scab... I started to touch and poke it one night when I was falling asleep and then something started to happen...! the area got hot then started to hurt and then I started to feel bad, physically. I swear I heard "stop touching" but that was faint. but I started to feel very very strange, perhaps the strangest Ive ever felt in my 25 years of life. the room felt like it began to change, perhaps shift. but most importantly I felt like I was being raised out of my body. my eyes were closed and I saw what looked like a tube and I thought no I am not going. the feeling of being raised continued to occur. like being raised at least 3 feet and it was really uncomfortable because it was very unexpected. looking back if I was braver I should have gone to see what would have happened. That night I had a dream that i dont exactly recall but I think a couple of people were chipped, I saw an image of what was put inside of me I think and it was like a sphere with points on it with what looked like bristles, when it came into frame the background was just white and the bristles grew and I understood that the bristles grew into me. there was two. The next day I touched it and asked what is this for and all I heard was track. it originated from a distinct and different place within my mind and it didnt sound like me.

Another time I woke up to a phone call bc someone felt I needed to be spoken to but I was woken up inside of a type of shaft as I was being raised and it felt like it took a few moments for me to be entirely complete. I was awake and talking on the phone but I felt like I was missing pieces of myself which came back slowly.

When events first started happening I would remember more details but not it seems I remember less. I once woke up with distinct pain on the left and right side of my head above my ears and I realized I couldnt recall anything and that I woke up feeling strange.

Ive had "dreams" of seeing alien hybrids and various genetic variations. Some with too large of heads and one with a head that looked like a raisin and one was walking on the wall and gave the impression of being able to manipulate gravity around it but it was categorized as "sick". Another hybrid was very very tall, like 20 ft and I looked up at it and that was super weird. I was then swimming with 2 hybrids and I was outswam by them, they were two young girls and I thought damn they swimmed faster than me.

I once woke up during what appeared to be like intercourse? the thing was when I went to move my hand the person I thought was there become pixilated and appeared two dimensional. under the area that was there I saw dark blue flesh, that was kind of rubbery. after that I event I think Ive been put under more extensively when Ive been taken bc now I just wake up in the early morning and dont remember much.

I had another experience when I was in a classroom and I heard "top 40" I cannot remember what we were learning. There has been another incident involving a classroom setting but that other event was not as clear. there was a bit more people but it was almost a bit vague.

After noticing I was "chipped" I tried meditating and I noticed the energy in my body was flowing more and felt more balanced. I did a mahabanda which is like bringing energy up through your body, bringing it up to your mind and releasing it through your third eye. however this is where things get weird for me as if all this wasnt strange enough. but I brought the energy uy, my eyes were closed and I saw a Zeta, the profile of it, it was looking towards something. the area it was looking at was purple and it then opened up, it was black but still there was a purple rim and this thing came out, what exactly came out is unclear, but it had tentacles, or long arms, noodles? but there was purple and it began pulsing, it moves towards me and is still pulsing. for whatever reason I had the desire to move my third eye towards it, like trying to get a better view, but I just had this inclination to put my forehead up to the purple pulsing. this happened twice and then it felt like it started sucking my forehead, it was still sucking but it felt like it was pumping, this lasted for about 3 minutes? I felt nauseous during and then after, I even tried to put my hand on my forehead and open my eyes but it was still going, I then felt drained energetically, this did not feel good at all. the thing disappeared. during this time someone was next to me asleep and they slept over, they said they felt like they were being rotated that night.

the only other time Ive seen something like this was when I woke up after having a dream about alien invasion, missing time, and people not willing to integrate being killed. I woke up and my eyes were close and I saw what looked like an octopus, this is the best description I can think of ,it was floating, and it was blue. I understood that it was manipulating my dreams, it then floated around, with drew its legs into like a square, they like packed into it, there was a red center, prior to that it was a circle. but then it just like flew out of my vision and i opened my eyes. I think this was similar to the thing that was removing energry from my forehead because they both had what appear to be tentacles or tubes. Im writing this down to compile stuff for myself and others because I feel like being able to remember and recall events well enough is difficult but also being able to cross examine peoples experiences. Ive read conflicting details about greys/zetas and their purpose and roles. a long time ago I saw a grey holding a very very bright book and it was in a robe and it opened the book up and it showed me something important. that appears to be my first alien contact at about 19 years old. when I was a kid there was only one ufo dream i remember that ufos came down and there was some bad stuff but the ufos looked bubbly and not scary I was more interested. idk if that was real but thinking back now and comparing to my current events I would say that was an unnatural experience. Im sorry this is so long but I couldnt upload various posts and the traffic here isnt super heavy and Im most interested in Bonnies opinion on all of this. and this is easy to just get the info out, anyone interested enough will have made it this far and I thank you. any info is welcomed.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Hyde »

It certainly sounds like you've had some interesting experiences!

alien-humanoid wrote:Ive had "dreams" of seeing alien hybrids and various genetic variations. Some with too large of heads and one with a head that looked like a raisin and one was walking on the wall and gave the impression of being able to manipulate gravity around it but it was categorized as "sick". Another hybrid was very very tall, like 20 ft and I looked up at it and that was super weird. I was then swimming with 2 hybrids and I was outswam by them, they were two young girls and I thought damn they swimmed faster than me.

I once woke up during what appeared to be like intercourse? the thing was when I went to move my hand the person I thought was there become pixilated and appeared two dimensional. under the area that was there I saw dark blue flesh, that was kind of rubbery. after that I event I think Ive been put under more extensively when Ive been taken bc now I just wake up in the early morning and dont remember much.
Something I've read about such "dream encounters" is that the state people are in tends to allow what you could call dream material to influence the memory, and as a result appearances become distorted. For example, what's remembered as a 20ft alien sometimes turns out to be someone looking down at you when you're lying down. I'd treat such impressions with a little bit of caution, since memory can be faulty.

Nonetheless your story about swimming with hybrids is intriguing - can you tell us more? Was this a public pool or something?

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

i appreciate you saying that because I too have been suspicious about the effects I have on my memory before I wake up. to an extent I still feel strange when considering these events, the line between conciouse and unconscious has been annoying to navigate. it was not a public pool, it was only the three of us there. one of them threw something and we went to go fetch it and I was out swam. I just understood that they were not entirely normal children. Im most curious about that being I saw which removed energy out of my forehead and looked like it came out of a portal. I sent the grey an image of mosquito and that I didnt like it but I have yet to find anything online that relates greys and other beings working together. idk unless theres aliens with tentacles. that why I posted here because I was hoping Bonnie had some input.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi alien humanoid,
When you were meditating and bringing the energy up and out of your third eye: Interesting that you saw the color purple because this is what I see and so do many other people when focusing on their third eye.

It is quite possible that an entity was sucking the energy from you. Unfortunately, energy "vampires" exist in physical bodies and also astral and etheric bodies. They are multidimensional and they can be around us at any time and we wouldn't know...unless you are able to pick up on their energy and detect them.

I don't know if the energy vampire was connected to the Zeta, but it could be.

The smartest thing to do is put protection around your body as often as possible. Keep up a good energy shield as a protective barrier.

I am no stranger to implants. I have had several of them myself, from the star people and also military. There is certainly the possibility that when you were playing around with the implant, you did something to trigger it. I had one in my elbow that would pulse, burn, and itch. It was a terrible burning itch deep under my skin. Not fun to deal with. I even timed the pulse coming out of it one time at about once every 10 seconds.

I have seen the hybrids too...

Abductees/contactees often find themselves in a classroom setting. It happened to me all the time and occasionally still does. The star people like to teach and then test. There is a lot of psychic testing where the people who pass the test go up to the next level of testing and keep going. The testing starts when we are children. The people who don't pass the test will go home. The star people seem to be really interested in humans who can use their minds.

One really important fact to know is this: We are way more than just our physical bodies. We can move our conscious awareness into other levels like the astral and etheric planes. We can go Out-of-Body, fly, and interact with other beings who are out there.

We are all connected in a deep way that you will comprehend with more experience. I just went out to the beach tonight to see the stars. I was talking out loud to my star friends and a large white light pulsed at me. It was illuminated for about 3 seconds. And then I saw other objects flying around. This is a very interesting reality...and we are all doing our part to manifest it.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

last night I had a dream where I felt like I was watching myself through my own eyes but that someone else was controlling me/using my astral form. I had a strange dream a few nights ago of all white and I understood that although I should have felt alone in my awareness that I wasn't entirely alone. I feel like this is due to the implant I think I have, my partner said my spine felt mechanical and that my forehead felt different. I looked in the mirror and asked who i was and felt I looked different, later my partner said she felt that I did look different, as if something was in my eyes. The dream I had the other night was really weird because I felt like I wasnt acting like myself at all, it was very weird and I dont really understand what all this is supposed to mean. I feel Ive reached the edge of cyber space and this physical reality, the edge of the astral plane and the edge of space are just coming into view. I was shown a symbol when I woke up and it looked like an upside down mitsubishi symbol that was kind of flickering. there seems to be nothing online that Ive seen so far that looks like it. Should I build a copper pyramid over my bed? I wonder what you, bonnie felt like when stuff started happening to you. I dont feel "alone" but I feel like no one can really relate at all. so I feel like its just me and my awareness which I still feel apprehensive to fully trust.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

You write that you felt different. That you felt like you were someone else in your dream.

I believe I have some sort of implant. Life long experiences and resently a bad bruise and lump on my thumb. Is still there.

I had a similar experience, just some of it happend when I was awake.
Had this dream of Alien visit. Wormholes, spaceship at the end of it and this alien being and the next day.
People was staring at me like had just landed from the moon or mars and did'nt look normal.
I could literally feel peoples eyes follow me walking down the street to work and when I went back the same way on the way home.
I actually had a couple of people stop and follow me with their eyes down the road.
That really felt crapy. I felt extremely exposed I have to admit. Just wanted to go home and curl up. Happy to have my own private office with no people running in or out at work.
The next day it felt more normal but still different.
I still fell people stare now and again. Especially my at my eyes. Not sure if I imagine this but seems that my eyes have become more Green after this.
Well anyway I think you get the picture. :)

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Dannyboy1950 »

I have an unidentified object in my bone marrow. It is attached to the inside wall. I have had multiple tests. The head Cancer specialists at Baylor Dallas and The top Radiologists at Baylor Dallas can't tell what it is. I had an experience at 13 or 14. A UFO was over our home. I can't remember what happened to us.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Alien Humanoid,
When I was about 19 years old, I became very aware that strange things were happening to me. Though it had been happening my entire life, it wasn't until 19 that it really hit me and I realized something really unusual was going on. I felt pretty freaked out at first. There was no Internet then and no support group or friends to talk to about it, so I did not have anyone to talk to except my partner at the time, and that was not easy. I really had no choice but to be strong inside and face what was happening to me. Incredibly, I was having 2 or 3 visits from star people, aliens, or military each week. It was just unbelievable.

I dealt with it by being really strong, trying to stay calm, and writing everything down each morning when I woke up. I was able to look back over the details I had written and start to piece things together. I soon realized there were beings trying to help me. There were others who were trying to harm me, including military, but knowing that there were beings who were on my side helped a whole lot. I learned real quick how to defend myself.

There is something you can try with your possible implant. If you want to get rid of it, try this. Your partner can help you do it. First of all, both of you can try moving subtle energy up and down your arms. You can do this just by thinking about it and focusing on it. Imagine that you can feel energy moving from your elbow to your hand, back and forth. You can move it and direct it with your mind, it totally works. Practice with this for a little while. Then both of you take your hands and put them over the implant area. Push all the energy you can into the implant. You might feel it get hot, but that is okay. You are going to break it by overloading it with energy. Most implants live off the body's energy. If you force too much energy into it, it will break. It might be stuck under your skin, but it will be dead. And there is always the chance it will eventually work its way out through your skin.

Remember that YOU are in control of your life, your spirit, your soul. NO ONE can touch your higher self, your true self. You are in a safe place watching all these events occur. This physical life is a temporary gig that you are experiencing, but it will not last, and it is only a tiny part of who you really are.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

Alien Humanoid

Can you descripe the UFo any further I wonder? I have seen many types from Round sauser like to triancled, Lights glowing to Gellyfish. All kinds of strange.
I wonder if you rememer any detail.
As for you not remember, I did recall what happend my intire life before I was well into the thirties. They can put a mental block on you that can be hard to brake.
A trick I used to remember more was to focus on the memories I had and go through every detail. Like you here. Size of UFO. Colour. Little details. At first it might not be much, but each time I moved a little further into what had happend. It takes a bit of practise. Easier would problely be hypnoced, just never had the guts to do it. Chose the more slow progress.

I can as for now confirm that I have some kind of perfectly round foreign object in my lower part of thumb. It has caused inflamation and my arthritis to act up. Running around with my finger in a cast.
Believe they might have made a mistake. FOrgot not to take my immune system into account. Anyway. They are debating for now wether the wil take it out. Right now not. Swelling and inflamation to bad.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

Did not remember anything before into the thirties. D... thumb. Writing with a cast , sorry for typos :)

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

I was meditating the other day and asked who had installed the implants, I waited and saw what I think was a Sassani, it was not full, it could have been something else but thats what I thought because in the past I had seen a brown zeta. but I dont knot forsure no direct verbal replies have happened. I asked at this time what it was for and all I saw was an eye, I understood to keep an eye on me. the other time I asked what it was for all I heard was track. but that was an interesting merkaba meditation because things looked as if they were swilling around me, it was like dots, almost a separated 3d grid. The other night I had an experience where as I was falling asleep I saw a tube, I didnt get a a verbal cue but I understood a question and I thought ok Ill come, then I knocked out. I was in a dark place and I wanted to get to higher ground bc I was a lil nervous but I was aware. I tried jumping on the roof and I couldnt make it but then I was able to stop in mid air and jump again and scramble up to the roof, I got to the top and understood whoever was watching me was very pleased with what I had done. I then saw what looked like a weird cat like thing, I know it wasnt a cat.... but I was on the roof and I found a quater and I thought it would be funny to throw the quarter at it, but then it stared right at me and I thought aw no i shouldnt. but it was on like hind legs and not really umm a fluffly house cat, I was then shown this very futuristic city and then my memory stops, but the city was super cool and it was very interesting, it gave the impression of a working district, I saw other beings and did something with them but I cant remeber. last night I had a strange time, I felt like something was going to happen and I felt like I was being raised and then it stopped. but I closed my eyes and was seeing through my minds eye, I still cant control when it turns on but I was seeing a lot of purple and there was the familiar pulsing purple and I wanted to go towards it but realised it was a trap! I opened my eyes, tried activating a shield and put small copy of the Quran on my forehead where I could feel it, the sensation stoped. I could feel this frustration but I remained laying down balancing it on my forehead, I could no longer see the purple. this went on for a while, I then felt sensations on my crown and put the book there, then it stopped. but the sensation on my forehead felt like a plunger, a dry pulling, but nothing could get out, my idea worked, I eventually did sleep but I woke up more drained and tired the next day..... I saw a helicopter land and military got out and there was a structure with stuff in it but we were outdoors in a somewhat wooded area, I wanted to get away and I did. I didnt run but moved away from them and was followed but I got away and then found some weird stuff that I cant exactly remeber but what stood out was large serperate 777's one was sideways and smaller but they looked like they were made of wood but covered in a mirror, like all glass and some wood. I forget what else happened. then I woke up for school. I dont understand the relation between the archons, aliens and those people I saw or why they want my energry

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

When you say you saw a tube, was it a tube you think you could travel through ??

I have these experiences. Just before I go to sleep in a bit of a trance state, where I feel a pull towards a kind of tunnel or wormhole if you will. This one usually gets me to some kind of Aliens.

Some of the aliens out there feed on energy in different ways and for some reason they often pic people with some sort of Psycic abilities of some kind. Mindcontrol or attempt for mindcontrol and mental manipulation goes in under this as well.

Why I have no ideer.

Others seem to train us little humans for something I have memories of that as well. Training of different kind. Getting explained things, something I need to do and the like.

Do not know if that helps you a bit. But I think your experience sounds quiete much like a lot of us here.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

yes the tube, one time looked like a shaft does lead somewhere. I saw it once and fought it while I was awake, the other time I saw it I agreed and immediately knocked out. I have had class room settings, and what felt like instruction to advancement with a larger group but I dont remeber. its rare I am allowed to remeber but my non-physical abilities have grown a lot recently. the energy in my body flows evenly and easily. I can make someone feel my energy strongly when they are near me if I try. very weird I had a vision of a small fire starting the other night out of nothing when my eyes were closed. just a spark and a contained flame that was about 5 feet. had a dream the same night of a giant serpent and I stabbed it, I think that was personally meaningful. BUT now that I think about it I also had a dream that I was getting beat up kind of and this short human came to my rescue... it was like a short buddah but you know, now that I think of that lil dood running maybe it wasnt human. idk man. Ill try my spoon bending skills. there was rreally interesting ringing in my ears a while back. it felt like someone had a dial to the frequency and it was so loud and hurt so much that i saw ow ow ow! out loud then it like turned off, it was weird and I didnt really like it, it like wore me out. the other night I was camping and I felt this like pulse leave or enter my body when I think I have an implant and it was so weird because it felt like a transmission that made me think my position was being located out of curiosity since I wasnt at home. Also saw what looked like an alien being detained that had a very similar body shape to my partner when i closed my eyes that night. I guess I should start a physicall book.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

These tubes most diffinate lead to somewhere.

I have had single conversations with beings or more like telepathic conversations, standing in a very hightech room with big screans and every thing.
And I have had scary experiences. In the old days I usually got knocked out as well. I just notices the tube and I was gone. Did not feel a thing before I woke up several hours later and completely without meory of what happend. OFten with some mark to show that something did.

These days I have clear film like memories of what is going on. I can even sometimes descripe the trip down one of these wormholes. It is very weird. and it brings you to all kind of weird places that is for sure.

I have had the rxperience like you that my mental abilities have grown after these occurences .Perhaps that is the reason why I these days can remember those trips.

Do not know. It is just a theory of mine.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

I hope I am not a bother bonnie/community but something happened again.... I was minding my business in a suburb close to los angeles and a bright light caught my attention in the typical. but I told my girlfriend hey look! so scrambled outside because I knew it wasnt a star and started looking it, drag her outside too since shes more of a duck and cover kind of gal but we see it getting bright and dim and alternating. I grab the binoculars. I then can really see it growing and shrinking, I hand them over and tell her to look, I didnt see it but she said it looked like a smaller light came out of it, circled around then went back, but it was only a bright light, it didnt have a shape. but I then got a wave of energy through my body, it felt great, she said she felt bad, I think its an overload for her, but it feel cool to me, like a wave of something I cant explain, but I was staring at it trying to communicate and only got that sensation and got the impression of "work" but then a helicopter showed up, circled by our house since we were close then around, I Dont think they saw us but there was other helicopters in the distance going fast, we waited around for the show, eventually the light dimmed and was gone. I woke up with a scratch on my spine, again for the THIRD time..... No memory, only a bump next to my spine near the cut. it feels like a pen tip nub sticking out of my back.... its so weird, it gives me chills, i touched it earlier and asked what its for and didnt really get a reply, the first one on my spine I asked and all i heard was track. but what made me write this was that my partner said the ufo was back tonight!! same area!! its a residential area but theres two mountain/parks in the area, griffith park and another large mound, but I have no idea what they are doing but they seem to have some sort of interest in the area, we have see a craft in the sky before one night in the same area. more questions than answers. I want to be brave and just open myself up to the unknow but I dont know what I am opening myself up to seeing as some stuff has taken the liberty to open me up already. did this new implant combat the other two? ive even asked random people to feel my neck to see if they feel anything and they always find the spot when I dont say where. my girlfriend is at home since I live a little out of the way for school so i wonder if shes gonna get visited tonight! I think she has since its happened when weve been sleeping together but I still dont know what they want from me. I hope they can give me a brain update and make me good at math!

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Alien Humanoid,
No problem at all, you are certainly not a bother. That is why the forum is here, so everyone can discuss their experiences.

It is really nice that your girlfriend knows about your experiences and you have her for support...and I guess she might be having her own experiences. I have had that happen before...people who spent time with me usually ended up having their own experiences with the star people.

I see lights in the sky pretty often. Some of them are regulars...I am not sure what they are, but they look like white lights that pulse and get larger and brighter and then the light fades. It is like they are pulsing light energy. And they do sometimes respond to my voice, so I am thinking they must be intelligent in some way. And I have seen one where two smaller lights broke off it and went their own way. It sounds like you are probably seeing the same type of white lights.

Do you think the helicopters had anything to do with the lights?

Keep a close eye on that pen tip nub sticking out of your back. Is it under the skin or actually sticking out? I have felt implants right under the skin before...they usually feel like a very small metal rod or a round object. Keep the area clean and make sure you do not get an infection.

It sounds like you are dealing with a lot of activity. Be sure to protect yourself...meditate and focus on shielding yourself energetically. This will help you especially when you are not sure who you are dealing with. Be cautious.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

how would you recommend protecting myself? the nub doesnt stick out, but like if you press on the area you feel the spot. I have tried making more direct contact when meditating and its like kind of worked but I tried today and I feel like I cant differentiate between my thoughts and something elses. I asked to see who had done it a few weeks ago and did actually see like snippets of what looked like a brown zeta, but I still feel like doubt because it wasnt like an HD photo. I feel like sometimes they pop into and out of my room and its kind of freaky and unnerving because I dont know what they are doing, like last night something literally looked like it ran through my room. and its not paranomal, I have my room seal against spiritual entities. but these things Ive seen in here literally appear and disappear before my eyes. they dont move through the doors or windows because I have strong stuff literally taped to them. kind of annoying that they havent exactly been clear about their intentions or goals, some channelor said they could be taking energy from me. part of me just wants to not care since they dont explain most anything then the other part of me is like, what the heck was that shadow. I sleep in a copper pyramid now because I wanted to help circulate energy in my body and see if I could heal faster in it. I dont know what I have created by putting my bed inside of it since its like 7ft copper pipe but sometimes there will be like a blur in the area.... my dream recall has practically disappeared =( I want to try a youtube hypnotherapy to see. I want to be cautious. no telekinesis yet though.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

I have seen a white like that a few times. also when another smaller lights come out of it.

They hang around my house pretty often. Wether it is because of were I live or because I live there I see them I am not sure.
OFten things happen at night after I have seen one.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

Something weird happened I think. I was either remote viewing or astral projecting stuff was purple and dark saw some menacing human eyes and maybe other stuff floating around, was probably attempting to float in the ether for like 40 minutes. Then I opened my eyes looked around my room and immediately fell asleep. I had a dream I was hiking somewhere "scenic" but I was then in a very nice house and understood I was to stay there and was allowed to make myself as comfortable as I wanted. There was food and couches but I was nervous bc I didn't know who it belong to and I was thinking why can't I leave I don't want to like break something. I think I might have nibbled on some food on the way out but then this dark skinned "person" was there, the person in charge. But I didn't see their face their back was turned to me and they were doing something on like a computer like busy with their hands and like hunched over. They didn't freak me out but I was weirded out by the spotless house and there was like a large Metallica double sliding door that we left out cause those are casual house doors. But I woke up and there was a mark on my body! It's in the shape of a circle kind of about half an inch diameter but it looks like something with a bunch of prongs was inserted into my lower back. The marks look like those computer cables you stick into ports with all those short pins sticking out. For whatever ever reason I had desire to feel around my body but it caught my attention because it felt weird. Like sand paper? Kind of gritty I got my girlfriend to take a photo of it but she said it didn't look natural. It's not a rash. I used good bed sheets and am not allergic to stuff. The interesting part is that I was feeling like I didn't know if I could trust the aliens or not because some people had said they are using me for my energy and are bad. They would be open and up front if they were good. So I was feeling sad but I had said a few times while meditating trying to make direct psychic contact that if they are going to use me I am entitled to getting something in return and I asked them to help fix my kiddnies because they get sore because I ate too weed edibles cause I was abused a lot when I was younger but I don't do that now but that oil residue still gives me kind of a lot of trouble/pain and I've tried healing in a lot of diff ways but now that soreness in my lower back is literally gone and all there is now is a circle with about 8 dots that are scabs now. I had another dream the next night that I was running away with my friend into an elevator away from four black clothes army men. Made it away. But there was these large black spheres about 4.5 feet tall but i was being taught how to use them. You'd hold a small sphere in your hand and make the motion of throwing it at the bigger sphere but you wouldn't let go of it you hold one. The big sphere would be like a city block away but I would travel to the sphere through the air effortlessly. It made me think the big sphere was a type of magnet. The first time i tried I messed up and crashed into the floor haha but then the big sphere would move locations and I would try again and I just remember thinking what the heck dood I am flying towards this thing with a lil black ball in my hand. It looked like polished hematite, I'm a geologist and it looked like a metallic solid. There was other humans walking around and it seemed like they were going inside of this weirdly shaped structure. Are the aliens good or bad? Did they notice I was thinking they might be bad and wanted to show they weren't or is this stolkhom syndrome. Idk but my body feels great.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

Ive been feeling different and my girlfriend has said my forehead feels mechanical as does my spine, makes me feel kind of sad cause it kind of freaks her out and kind of freaks me out. Shes said I look different and I feel like I look in the mirror and feel different and feel like someone else is looking at the mirror with me. I think maybe Im just crazy and none of this is real and I should just do my school work. Ive been feeling like I will think thoughts and answer them in a way that doesnt feel familiar like someone is replying to me. another abudctee Ive meet told me, after I told her I was meditating and I was told my eyes were entirely blue, that I could be a type of channel. Not that I particularly want to be since I am still kind of freaked out about aliens, but I woke up today and I forget what I dreamt about it, but I think it was meaningful, good thing I forgot but I closed my eyes and asked if someone is in my mind please show yourself. I then saw a photo of what looked like a type of zeta in a cozy metallic space. but I like literally opened my eyes as fast as I could because it freaked me out. I saw a book the other day about dual soul connections and I thought damn are they talking about me? I had a dream few months back after all this stuff started happening since its only been going on since thanksgiving when I was at my parents house but I had a dream where every thing was like peachy white colored and I didnt have a body and I was under the impression I was supposed to be alone but I felt like I wasnt, like something was behind that even if I turned around I couldnt see, like it was superimposed. but typing this now has made me think that maybe what happened was I was being informed that my awareness/soul now included something else. closing my eyes now I saw this type of rod or rope, it kind of made me cry because I thought connection. but I recall the feelings I felt while In the peachy white space and at no point did I sense any harm or aggression, just softness, thats what made me cry because I feel like thats the type of softness I try to meet people with. maybe the connection is based on frequency. I think the most reasonable thing to do is not believe it until there is too much evidence to deny even though everything that has happened and that I have observed indicates makes my head feel like Its going to explode trying match the frequency of the rod thing Im seeing. when I look more at it it almost looks like a type of wave, like a sin wave thats really tight. I look away from the screen to see if I still see it and I do. but I will try to remain unbiased and observe. Not really sure what to think but this is what Ive observed. strengthening my energetic bodies the other day when I went to kundalini yoga felt really good I should probably do my physical too. Ive meet two other people on alienhub that think theyre having interdimensional contact and Ive been talking to them. the smiliarites are weird I wonder whats next. when I ask all I hear is wait.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

About the vaccination-type mark. I have seen them before, twice. Very weird. I think they really are some kind of vaccination scars. They totally look like it. I saw one that was like the one you have...round with dots all around the inside. And another one that was a 5 inch rounded rectangle shape with vertical lines going up and down inside it. The marks were all red.

I have been through all will get through it too. I wish I knew all the answers. The star people/aliens are both good and bad. Just like humans, there are nice ones and mean ones. Greys are a fairly nasty bunch, but there are some neutral ones and even pleasant ones in the group. You never really know for sure until you get close and feel their energy...then you will have to judge for yourself. That is why it pays to be aware and alert.

You can try the meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It can help you focus your energy and build protection around yourself.

The US Military is also responsible for some of the abductions. They like to use fake images, sometimes holographic images, and fake alien suits in their own abductions so we think the aliens are doing it. These type are pretty easy to spot though, at least I think so after years of seeing it. They are never friendly.

You will be just fine because you are strong inside and you already have experience using your energy. It sounds like the star people are putting you through some training or testing with the black magnetic orbs. They had me playing around with small golden spheres that could enhance the focus of my energy. They also use silver metallic spheres often. All the orbs seem to radiate energy or enhance energy directed at them.

You are not going crazy, it is actually real. At least you have knowledge of it and you can take appropriate action. Protect yourself, be aware, fill your heart with love and its all good.

You can definitely learn a lot from the good star people, so just block out negative energy from your life and only accept love.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

Those red marks that look like vaccination. I have had a few of those. They are red and never hurt.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

New events..... ! well uh I was sleeping and I woke up and it felt like I was still dreaming, I felt like I woke up from a dream and I was the dream but thats not important, I closed my eyes and saw a large door, it was black and white, there was other stuff behind it to the left and right and in the door but I forgot what it was, it disappeared and I saw a circle, there was stuff inside of it and it was kind of swirling I think, there was an outer band but it was complicated, at this point I thought should I write this down?? and I thought no I dont want to stop whats happening Ill remember what I can. then I saw four wormholes or portals, included in the photo, I photoshopped what I could remember. I then saw a black octahedron (di-pyramid) and it had this type of beam coming down onto a white/tan sphere then a black spheroid, then another white tan sphere then onto the head of the person at the bottom, I understood that the person was me but I think I could be anyone willing to receive. I then saw a 3D wave. this is hard to articulate but the wave was coming towards me and I could see particles within the wave and I understood that particles within the wave were carrying information towards me, I think there was some color, minor RGB but most of this stuff was monochromatic. But I understood that time when seen as a wave becomes 3 dimensional which can be observed into the past, present and sideways which is why aliens sometimes have been able to know/predict human future because our time to them is visible past our linear experience, I also understood that light could become somewhat of a solid object when the frequency is dense/strong enough, the message was kind of complicated. This white face started coming through and I thought it was a white reptilian or alien but it scared me before it was distinct at all, like maybe an outline, but I was a baby and said no no no no and it faded out, shoulda been brave but I then saw a short green humanoid which looked somewhat reptilian however it had a very distinct bird beak. it looked at me but it was wearing an orange long sleeve and blue pants, it was kind of comical, kind of weird but it opened its mouth but I couldnt hear anything. I opened my eyes and it stopped. the things I saw were probably some of the coolest things Ive ever seen and I still do not know fully where they came from or who would bother to send them to, I was told my spirit guides did but havent made strong contact yet with them? if they are there. the next night I woke up and saw a fuzzy photo of the short green critter again, I think it had a little bit of scales, not feathers but it was like reptile skin, it was more smooth but this time it was right in my face, sideways and it was opening and closing its beak a lot as if it was hurriedly or anxiously trying to tell me something but I couldnt hear any noise. the other night I felt a very strong presence in my room and was scared, I usually always sleep with some light on because I have always been uncomfortable in the dark, but I just fall asleep now and see a lot of purple pretty quickly and its annoying cause Im just trying to sleep and not go somewhere or see something. last night I went to sleep and I could sense something in my room again and I closed my eyes and said telepathically if somethings in my room please show yourself, lol then I freaked out cause I saw this like blurr move around and I thought oh fuck! i dont know who or what it is but Ive seen stuff like that in my room before. gives the strong impression of a higher dimension existence. but I fell asleep and I became aware while I was in some type of tube. I was traveling very quickly I was aware long enough to realise I was without a body and I said a quick prayer. I then became aware again in some time of doctors office, there was two "people" either they are getting very good at projecting holograms or manipulating my mind or they were people I dont exactly know. Ive seen bad holograms before and managed to touch one and mess it up, I will think about it more and try to be unbiased but the two individuals had me lay on the bed, I happily jumped on the bed, I wasnt scared. but I was under some type of blanket, I think to hold my lower body and only one person actually touched me, I think the other person was there as back up in case I decided to get wild I dont know but the "doctor" asked for my right arm and injected something into my arm I vividly recall looking at the syringe as it went into my skin and I felt the pinch, I havent had a shot in years but I remember what they feel like and it felt like that, crazy thing is I woke up and saw a red spot right where the needle was!!!!!! it is a wound I was poking at it and it stretches like a wound and is not a bite or a rash and is not on my other arm. I dont know what they inserted bc Im pretty sure they didnt take anything out, it was a push not a pull. but the doctors head was bald with some hair on the side and Im trying to think if thats just an easy cover for a large hairless dome head... did the hand that held my arm have 3 fingers?? i dont know I dont want to mess with the memory. but I closed my eyes after they did that and I saw some colors, not a lot just blue and red, I think it meant some type of fluid was mixing with my blood, thats what it looked like, I said thank you because it felt and looked very cool when my eyes were closed. I became unconscious as i was being led out. I came to in a large building, late to some event, young people, maybe even kids were being instructed by someone, I dont know who they were sitting and paying attention. I forget what we were learning about, damn because I think i remembered when I woke up I should write this stuff sooner. people were leaving and everyone was exiting, I think there was different age groups because there was two or three people my height and im 5'11 there was only one door and I was like caught in the crowd leaving but i wanted to go back and thank the person for whatever they did which I am bummed I forgot about now, but I was like pushing against the people and I recall one of their faces as being hybrid and young, maybe like 16? different skin colors in the crowd which is cool too. but I made it back to the teacher and gave them something I will try to remember they mentioned something about lsd and anthropology? I think Im not entirely sure. but then I woke up. the dot is still there dont know what it was for I guess maybe I will find out.
so the main image and top left one are what the wormholes look like. Ive been aware twice before. the bottom left is something I saw one night when I randomly closed my eyes.
so the main image and top left one are what the wormholes look like. Ive been aware twice before. the bottom left is something I saw one night when I randomly closed my eyes.
please disregard the bottom left image, the image in the other file on the bottom left is a better representation of what I saw which I think just signifies a portal.
please disregard the bottom left image, the image in the other file on the bottom left is a better representation of what I saw which I think just signifies a portal.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

oh man more events? youve got to be kidding me.... however ! I managed to film a UFO on my phone!!!! it looked like an octahedron(double pyramid) me and my partner saw it traveling around the mountains and it eventually came down and it was about the size of a mini cooper and did not have wings, propellers or propulsion that we could see and it made no noise. it would have been 6-7 car lanes away and maybe 40 feet? idk I am bad at eye balling stuff. that was the closest it was it then touched down in the tree line and was gone. It was about 30 minutes from my house. It was very weird the funny part of the video is the end where you hear my girlfriend say oh no and the video cuts cause we ran away cause it was coming into the valley we were in. I tried communicating telepathically with it and recieved no reply. later that night when I was falling asleep I saw a small alien, like maybe less than 3 feet and some type of base with a gate. I understood that potentially it was driving the thing and thats where it went, however I dont want to assume that. I just know I saw a small alien face that didnt look grey, it looked like more of a small piranha? but the next night is when the cool thing finally happened! my girlfriend was abducted! from inside my room!!! we were falling asleep and she was dosing off and she looks up at me and says the aliens are here I see their spaceship, it can move through walls. I didnt see anything in my room but her eyes were closed and she saw it with her minds eye. she also said she saw an alien in the wall!!!! she said it was standing there with a slight grin with dark eyes that were slightly green with greyish blue skin. it had a large head but not huge and was about 3.5/4 feet tall. she was not scared, her thoughts were "oh an alien, hi" she then said she felt very sleepy and relaxed and didnt think anything else of it. the thing is I have been keeping my experiences to my self about my room because some nights it literally looks like theres flashes of light on my walls and then this blurry thing zips out from the wall moves around then goes back into the wall, it made me think that aliens are literally phasing in from other dimensions into my room, borrowing me then phasing out again and at times are not visible to my eyes but there as blurs or other anomalies of sight. even to me if I told me, that sounds crazy, that sounds outlandish that sounds out of this world, but my girlfriend said it was in the wall as if there was no wall. and the weird thing was it was the wall I see a lot of activity on/over and I hadnt told her which walls I had seen more stuff but she pointed right at it and said that one. my room isnt just a square theres different surfaces. and I thought damn dood!! she doesnt remember what happened but I couldnt sleep for some reason. she was twitching a lot, more than usual and at one moment a shock from her leg travelled to mine, weird stuff. ok then the weird gets weirder, I was trying to sleep and with my minds eye, remote/astral view a saw an nearly invisible craft and this sliding thing slide open, it slide sideways and was big enough to show a face, the face was a dull green with some what deep set eyes.... I was scared. it looked at me rather solemnly. it didnt smile or wave and it didnt give off any particular vibes. it just looked right at me, a stare. I was scared, Ive heard mostly bad things about reptiles and it did kind of look like one. it then slide the window shut over its face and I opened my eyes, back to my room. I thought to myself I am nervous because I dont know what your intentions are and I feel like I dont understand why youd come here just to look at me. I thought I am not going into interactions with the intention of harming anyone or anything and I expect to not receive any either. I tried waking up my partner and she wouldnt budge, I asked what the deal was and I felt like there was some sort of altercation between the two species and they were busy. kind of weird, not proof, just what I felt. ok so crank up the weird notch. my partner then turns to me, her eyes literally looked dark/grey, there was a light in my room and it was bright enough to see someone pupils if they looked at you, I couldnt see hers YIKES! she then says, "only 20 percent of the population survives" and lays back down as quickly as she got up. she channeled something and doesnt remember saying that when she woke up. I then managed to sleep and had an apocalyptic dream and I was picked up in some type of vehicle with some other people. at one point in the night her legs were bent at the knee and her feet were flat on the bed and it made me think she was either making a baby or having eggs removed. kind of weird laying there thinking damn I wonder if shes enjoying it? am i a bad lover!? but she didnt feel pregnant when she woke up because she still wanted a baby so I think something might have been taken because her legs went up really quick. who knows she doesnt remember. she just knows the alien came out of the wall which is all I care about because thats what Ive been experiencing. I also received a message saying she is smarter than me but is hindered by her migranes. I had been sending images of her in pain from migraines while she was out to them in hopes that they would do something. I asked if she is smarted than me what do you need me for and I understood because you can do something else which I think has to do with the etheric magnetic potential of my mind/consciousness. I dont know. another thing, while this was happening and I was laying there I was having internal thoughts and my mind did the thing were instead of just going forward with thoughts theres a reply that uses WE. I forget what I asked or was saying but instead of thinking I _______ I heard WE are ______ in response. it makes me feel kind of weird it happened before and I noticed the WE in my thoughts. the entire night my neck was pulsating on and off and when I woke up there was a definite tone in my eyes which faded and made me feel like they were saying bye. the image attached is the closest image of the green thing I saw, it was not as green it was a lighter shade and it wasnt as scaly, more smooth, I didnt see nose detail, its mostly the way the eyes look that really stuck in my mind.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Wow, you have a lot of activity going on! Good thing you are writing it least you are writing it here, anyway. You are able to remember a lot of detail, that's good.
When you are going to sleep and you see that purple light, awesome!!! It just means that your third eye is active, and that can only be helpful to you. Perhaps that is why you are having so many interactions and you have great recall.
With all this activity, be sure you are protecting yourself energetically and spiritually.
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »

Ok. taps microphone, is this thing on? Hello. So first thing people should realise is that my delusions continue and expand. Ive now seen lyrans, more reptiles, various greys, sirians and one arcturian. what in tarnation is going on. I think I am just going to keep my experiences in a google doc for the time being until aliens are further established into the collective conciouse and unconscious mind. I think its really sad the way things are currently being operated in america on various levels and modalities but thats not what brings me here today. I was compelled to share the experience of connecting to a species of grey's collective mind. I was anxious as usual when I start seeing blurs and flashes, good heavens I must be loosing my marbles. but anyways I decide to share love with the being causing my fear. extensive love, imagining all the love Ive ever felt in me and share with me and I then gave those feelings to them in the astral and then about 100 if not more of them appeared and turned to face me. initially only one had been right in front of me but there they were. They appreciated what I had sent because they felt it from the individual I was interacting with. But they then began sharing their emotions with me and I started to cry like a big baby. They are incredibly sad and alone in space because their intelligence allows them to more fully comprehend the vastness of space. The concept of infinity is more clear compared to humans because of their mental capacities. they've never experienced love of a birthing mother because they themselves are clones. theyve seen love in abductions when fear is experienced and a desire to protect those around you arises but never has that love been shared so intensely and directly to them. their employers do not share love with them and they are simply working. I was astounded by the grief as much as they were astounded by the love, dimensions to them which prior to the experience were not experienced through personal feeling. the divine love God had shared with me on rare occasions was also interesting for them to examine. they then vanished. Other beings later came to congratulate me on the love shared because not only had I created an impact but they too had felt the love extending out to them in their location in space. about 25 light years. I am now under the impression that beings experienced contain parts of ourselves and vice versa which are experiencing different realities on parallel time lines. the reason our location is able to be known throughout space, although at times is based on physical objects, is more importantly based on unique energetic frequencies which are able to be experienced and felt by those who share those parts of ourselves. our vibe attracts our tribe. I have now met 8 people who are active online who are able to experience psychic alien contact. I find it really interesting that among those people only a few really feel compelled to do anything about it. it would appear that the multidimensional experience of living and experiencing through the self does not produce a hankering within a majority of people, even people with the ability to be more aware of it to begin with. is the desire to fully understand and incorporate these things so outlandish? lol! it is in our world. love is a better shield than light however the love does produce a light. the purpose is still unclear but the truth is out there.

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Wonderful experience, thanks for deciding to be fearless and share the love!
Sharing the love makes a huge difference in what type of experience you have. If you just let go of all your fear and face any entity with pure love, they are totally immersed in it. And any type of struggle dissipates.
it would appear that the multidimensional experience of living and experiencing through the self does not produce a hankering within a majority of people, even people with the ability to be more aware of it
It is only for a few.... Most find it more comfortable to be enslaved.

I am in constant energetic contact with my star friends, the multidimensional beings they are. As you know, there are other worlds on different frequencies that we can access, and this can be a large part of one's life if they set their intention on it. It is most definitely a rewarding, fulfilling life.

We are in trying times, but there is so much new information coming to those of us who are aware...things are shifting. If we keep our focus on love, everything will manifest beautifully.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by guldage »

Love got it. Bonnie. Does that help with the negatives as well I wonder? I am aware that there are several levels of love and that you have to work with your self to get there. Although What I have noticed is a lessen in activitity from the negative entities to that of more positive ones. It seems I have struck a deal with someone. :)

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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Yes, love helps with the negative entities as well. After you get to a certain level...a high enough vibrational frequency of love, the negative entities will usually stay away from you. However, as I have been working on my spiritual path and enlightenment, I have occasionally run into some very high level negative entities that I refer to as "demons." They are not the workers or the low-level beings, but they are in positions of power. These high-level demons are deathly afraid of a strong-willed being of light filled with love. It is their worst fear.

There is no higher power than love. I am not talking about love as a wishy-washy emotion that some people consider to be weakness. Love is an intensely strong inner force that can be felt in the heart chakra first and then the entire body. Love is what we are made of and it cannot be beat.

Some people might call God love and they are correct; it is the same force. Never be afraid and always fill your body, mind, and spirit with love and you will find your true self and you will have a good life.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
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Re: complied events, implants, hybridization, zetas, robots

Post by alien-humanoid »


So uhh whats new. A site I had used in the past to post experiences has been shut down after 15 years online. Just Gone. got bad vibes from that bummer, lots of stuff on there, it was alien hub wonder if anyone knows what happened, it was kind of shitty sometimes but it was active. Ive been having some experiences here and there. I stopped seeking it out and being interested in it because I felt like there wasnt a point. They do their thing I do mine. I touched the hand of an alien that was a blue female and it was very interesting and a ton of energy. The other night I felt like I was attempting to be taken and I was actually able to break free. There was a high pitched ringing in my ears that was actually the longest it had ever been, maybe like 35 seconds, usually theyre less than 10 but I started spinning and I was able to make it stop by meditating. I learned how to move a coconut with my mind and was taught how to read blinded Ive been practicing the blind fold reading, its very strange. I have plans to move to india to become a monk but Ive been with my partner for 6 years and shes not very happy but I feel compelled to seek and meditate and it makes my heart swell. I was doing 4.30 am yoga for a while and some mornings a ufo would show up right outside my window. and Id think what you want punk! would just linger. since I meditate more on raising my frequency to a state of oneness I can now very easily just make contact with ET's in other dimensions. I just focus on their bandwidth and just see them. but I feel like whats the point. maybe Im spoiled. supposedly even the pain experienced from them is good bc all things in reality are out of love no matter what. clearing negativity within myself has brightened up interactions with various species. Although I know interdimensional travel is real and ready for any human I feel like whats the point. they do their thing, move people forward and carry on. maybe I am lucky that the sirians that I am in touch with, that their goal is extreme spiritual advancement. some days Ill get high pitched ringing in my ears or feel my third eye pulsing and know they are trying to reach me or reach out and translating the messages is easier. heart centered living is the only way to go and resolving incompletions within ourselves that lead to cravings and desires is important. its weird I feel like I can channel sirian thoughts easily. but spiritually speaking there is something higer than aliens and I have found it, or better yet it has found me. there is an incarnation on the planet right now known as paramahamsa nithyananda. anything aliens do to evolve humans, that "human" entity does easily and then some. People believe he is an incarnation of cosmic conciousness. I would recommend seeing if you resonate with him if youre reading this because exiting the maya matrix to seek enlightenment might be the only worth while thing in this lifetime.... Im very glad Ive kept records of my alien experiences because there are too many to count. im suspicious that some alien experiences are negative entities whos goal is to keep people in lower vibrational states, one growled at me one night and someone would get in the way of religious practices... I think people saying, that saying jesus or something during abductions helps for that reason because there is an ability to create illusion for the sake of consuming energy from people capable of existing within higher frequencies who are vulnerable, because its happened to me. but it also forced me to evolve past it.

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