Astral Entities Possession Assistance

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Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Friendly1 »

How to open 3rd eye, or train yourself to see colors or visions when you close your eyes?
When I close my eyes and try to visualize things, I see darkness.
Im told to be able to deal with my problems I need to be able to visualize correctly.

Astral Projection is not for people, its a doorway to real demons.
Everytime you decide to attempt it or are successful, you pick up hitchhikers.
Most of the time you will be unaware of this.

Anyways I made that mistake, and so far no religion or meditational aspects have been successful in removing them.
I have been told the only way forward is to get a better relationship with Jesus in opening the 3rd eye.
If you are not able to close your eyes and visualize things in color, keep practicing.

Of course I might be wrong, my religious beliefs are flaky, but mostly due to the hitchhikers I picked up.
Not everyone is a supporter of doing good thing for yourself or other people.
Its not their fault, its just they forgot they came from God/Most High/Source Creator/Divine Realm.

My current problematic entities include Astral Spiders (eating me 247 hive aspect in root chakra center), Shapeshifters, Negative ETs, Fallen Angels, Incubus/Succubus, random sexual Vampires, random Sorcerers.

Solutions to start the fight for soverignty-
Eat no animals, become vegan.
No porn/sexual addictions.
Liver/Gallbladder stone cleansing

Solutions on how to heal or get clear of the attachments and interferences?
Unknown-Nothing successful yet, but a strong faith in God/Jesus/Angels and religious assistance can be the only solution.
Where negativity exists so must positivity.

On a positive note I also know Good Angels are real, I have seen them/heard them before.
They like to sing.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Friendly One!
In order to open your third eye, you first need to cleanse your body. You already mentioned this when you wrote:

"Solutions to start the fight for sovereignty-
Eat no animals, become vegan.
No porn/sexual addictions.
Liver/Gallbladder stone cleansing"

These are all very good ideas! Also, the third eye is targeted and calcified by FLUORIDE. You must get it out of your life. Do not drink water that has been fluoridated. Avoid fluoride toothpaste and any other products that contain fluoride.

AVOID negative movies, television shows, any kind of negative, fear-porn media. You do not want your subconscious mind filled with that kind of imagery.

Going out in nature is important. Spend some time outside and, when you do, take your shoes off so you can ground to the earth. The soles of your feet need to connect with the earth to release all the EMF radiation that builds up in your body. Grounding can neutralize all that radiation and return your body to its own natural resonance.

Meditate. Take time to be alone and meditate. You can use guided meditations to start, if that helps you get going. Here is a meditation that I created called Grounding, Centering, and Sheilding. This can help teach you how to spiritually protect yourself.

I am sorry that you have had such a bad time with astral traveling. It sounds like you have gotten messed up with some negative beings.

I have been going Out-of-Body for most of my life. I have interacted with friendly, benevolent multidimensional beings as well as the lower level entities such as grey aliens, reptilians, and demons. It takes inner strength and fortitude to deal with these entities. Most of all, it takes LOVE in your heart.

Take care of yourself. Release your FEAR and fill that space with LOVE. Focus on your relationship with GOD and know that you are an eternal being. You will remember who you really are and find your inner strength.

Tell the astral spiders that they no longer have permission to see you. Fill your heart with LOVE and a high vibrational frequency that will send them away. You can do this! Just take it one step at a time.

Opening your third eye can come later. Right now, focus on taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Meditate, put protection around your body and feel your connection with GOD/Source.

Please feel free to write again with more questions or updates on your situation. You are in a friendly, supportive place here.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Friendly1 »

Yes thank you I will try the nature aspects, it is snowing here right now, but I know what you are saying.
As far as love, I have tried these tactics and they just feed on me even more because
they know I have given up killing insects and animals by accidently stepping on them
walking outside in the grass, or by killing insects purposely when inside like flys and 3d spiders.
They see me as some type of savior aspect to them since no one else willingly feeds them or
tries to love them, they turned this love into lust and also feed on relations with the beings themselves.
I dont know if I defined the porn relationship accurately, but I dont believe Im the only one
who has had relations with non human entities or thought forms, but I am not afraid to admit it.
Sometimes it is not even under my conscious control, they force the sexual excitation aspects
as they have learned unfortunately from me about the specific vibrational frequencies that effect the
physical nervous system, which also means its not just feeding but possession.

Telling them to leave has not worked, yelling at them to leave, thereby creating an anger emotion
and fueling a different type of demon has no effect, they feed off any energy I send.
Im not just dealing with entities that use energy for themselves, but also a robotic
artifical intelligence race who have no effect or understanding of love feelings just an
understanding of lust because of the energy burst it provides like some type of coffee boost for them.

On a positive note I read that there was an organisation in the 16th century that was able to
successfully deal with these problems as far as expulsion but takes a great deal of time to master,
and requires clear communication relationships with spirit guides to start.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Friend,
Please try the meditation link I sent. You must take control of your own life and your own body. Yes, it might take a little time to get there, but step by step, you will remember who you really are and your true strength. Put protection around yourself and tell the entities they no longer have permission to see you. You really have to mean it when you say it. Just keep working toward this goal of protecting yourself. You cannot give out love to others if you are not truly loving and protecting yourself first. You can do this! Put up barriers and regain your true strength!
Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Friendly1 »

Hi Bonnie, not much progress yet but still not giving up.
Problem is thought controlled aspects as they take over my electrical system and muscles if I have a sexual thought.
When I am not thinking these thoughts, they still keep active with some type of painful eating.
I have found a new possible solution, it requires fasting for 40 days just on water and prayers.
Wish me luck my friend! Also showers are a temporary relief.

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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello again Friend,
Thought Control. Yes, I can see where thought control would overcome many issues. To have complete control over your mind is the goal, for sure. You are certainly not alone, dealing with negative attachments, vampiric entities, intrusive thoughts, etc. Fasting sounds like a good idea; it's a healthy thing for anyone to do, and maybe it can help you in this situation.

I am glad that you keep trying and you are not giving up. I know you will figure this out and get control over it!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Astral Entities Possession Assistance

Post by Friendly1 »

No success as of yet, likely because the number of distractions are always increasing and the act of trying without quick successful results is problematic. The act of trying to make others aware are the wrong steps to take, the idea of waking others up is nice but it puts you in a morality battle that can have no winner. You cant change others. I find it is more dangerous to enlighten others to a problem if you dont have a repeatable working solution as it just makes them targets for more trouble, instead of just the usual trouble they have had in their lives without a solution. Both your mind and everyone elses are controlled on a second to second basis, or less because time is fake, and you are not your mind. These are not our bodies, it is a choice each person has to make themselves on a constant basis. I believe the real secret to your freedom is realizing how time operates and how it does not, to see the trick of its existance, and then one can escape our forced memory loop controls. I have no solution for you, but this aspect Im sure is a bit closer to the reality of the situation. Without memory, there is no power.

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