Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

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Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Mic »

Two weeks ago, end of June, at 3 am apx, i took a look outside, like many times i do, to see if it have something like beast or whatever. We are living in the forest in mountains and far away from any towns. Its very dark in the night.

This time, surprisingly, when i open the curtains to see outside, i saw passing over our house and our trees a blue ball at high speed. The first thinking was i was seeing a shooting star. But i realized it was too close of the treetops. I said to my self: oh is it an UFO? But it was too small, about 4 inches...

Suddenly, the orb stop and go to the ground, just over our car entrance with zigzag movement at 50 feet from me. Then leaved up with zigzag movement again.

I searched hard on the net. Many talked about entity without body. Others talked about different kind of angel depending of the orb colour. And others claimed that they were UFOs.

Personally i think its an alien drone like the red balls we saw at TV over the Belgium in 1989 when they were hovered over by triangular UFOs for many days.

I don't know if somebody know exactly what it is?

I definitely live in an area where a lot of strange things seem to be happening. A lot of triangular UFOs were apparently seen in our place according to the Mufon. And I have also already seen an UFO not far from my current home in 1968 ...

I still can't believe it.

Mic, the free spirit

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mic,
Wow!! Thanks for posting your sighting here. The blue orb you saw could have been an alien "probe" or "drone," as you called it.
The one you saw was so tiny! That is amazing!

I saw a blue orb in my backyard years ago. I actually got a photograph of it by accident!
I didn't even see it in the sky, but I saw it in the photograph later. I also got a short video of it flying around, also by "accident."

This is the link to the short video:

The Blue Light UFO
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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Mic »

Hi Bonnie.

Thank you to taking time to shared your observation.

Yes the one i saw was tiny. And i am sure it was not bigger than 4 to 6 inches or a little bit more. Because i was so close of this one. Like i said i was at about 50 feet and in the dark it is more easy to see the outlines of a light ball.

The orb i saw was exactly the same as your video of the first untouched shot. Same colour, stars colour in the sky. Beautiful...

When you look at your image you might get the impression that the sphere is very far in the sky. Maybe, this is only an optical effect due to the distance and the lack of information on its diameter.

Taking a closer look at the orb it appears to be right above the top of the tree and you will think it is smaller than 12 inches.

If this is the same phenomenon I saw, your photo shows a sphere the same size as the one I observed.

I never thought to take video or picture. I was too sleepy to be responsive. I was like in a daze, I don't know anymore ... I should have gone outside to see it more closely. It is not my nature to remain impassive in the face of things that I do not understand because i am so curious...

I am convinced that there was a UFO not very far from the drone. I have the impression that the origin of this sphere emanated from the presence of the great greys, 7 feet, in a triangular vessel ... Can i say our brothers?

And what I don't understand is the fact that just as I look outside at 3 a.m. at the same time the sphere starts from above my house, passes over a tree and descends in front of me like in a dance. It's as if we knew I was watching and wanted to let me know that we knew I was there ... Or more? What a fantastic world ...


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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mic,
Yes, you are correct, the orb I took a photograph of might be small. It is hard to tell how high above the treeline it really is.
I get a good feeling from seeing the orb in the photo. It feels like a good, positive thing to me and perhaps it was some of my star friends saying Hello.

I was drawn to take the photo, not even knowing the orb was there. It was an "accident"...or was it? I knew exactly where to point the camera and I even zoomed in to the spot when I made the video. That's just like you getting up at 3 a.m. and knowing to look out the window at that exact moment.

The question is: What were you dreaming about before you got up at 3 a.m.?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Mic »

Hi Bonnie.

I understand you want to point out that it was no coincidence that I was at the window at 3 a.m. like you with your camera pointing the orb. I was sleeping soundly before getting up. At 3 am I felt the urge to go to the bathroom for no reason. It wasn't necessary ... Then out of curiosity I looked outside. Something attracted me ?

Several weeks ago a psychic told me that she is seeing a very tall grey-white being with big black eyes next to me. But she didn't know if it was me in another life or a being accompanying me from a different vibratory level. She said her face was not hostile and quite good.

I don't remember what I was dreaming just before the orb. But a few nights before, I woke up sweating. My heart was beating very fast. So much that I heard it in my ears...

I remember that I was with other entities, a group. I felt with companions. It was not humans and we were fighting against something. Just before wake up I remember stepping out of some sort of environment like stepping out of a machine. I saw my self climbing stairs just before wake up. I was in too much pain. I felt I was going to die of fear. I was on adrenaline. I had to go because the event I was going through was unlike anything on earth. It was too much for a human... The fear, only the fear...

When I opened my eyes I turned my head to see the clock, 2 a.m.. But as I turned it I saw a hand in the dark with only three fingers in front of me which seemed to indicate to me to relax, to breathe calmly, be easy... But a dream is a dream... I have never dreamed of such a nightmare since I was born.


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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mic,
Yes, it seems like something prompted you to get up out of bed at 3 a.m. and go to the window. I have had this happen before. On that occasion, I woke up and walked into the kitchen for a drink but, obviously, something else prompted me to get up and go to the window. I was amazed to find a large glowing orange ring floating above my house! It was a craft about 30 foot in diameter (I'm guessing) and it was hollow in the center. It was a glowing ring. As soon as I saw it, it began to move away from the house at a slow pace. I wanted to tell my husband so badly. I was in the kitchen and he was still asleep in bed. I took the chance of losing the sighting to run to the bedroom and yell to him, "There's a UFO!!" He jumped out of bed and he got to see the craft with me!!

Sorry to hear about your terrible nightmare. I DO think we are fighting a war, and there are different factions involved. My star friends taught me how to defend myself against any attacker, whether it was human or "alien." They told me there is a war going on that is so huge it is hard to believe the scope of it. I have always worked with my star friends to fight against the secret government and entities that mean us harm. I literally think we are trying to fight our way out of slavery.

The best thing to do is stay calm and keep control, so it makes sense that you saw the three fingers when you woke up from the nightmare and it helped you relax.

Perhaps the tall grey-white being is assisting you right now.

We are going through some crazy times, but I know we are simultaneously moving toward higher consciousness and a huge Shift of awareness.
We are winning.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Mic »

Hi Bonnie.

Wow, the UFO should be impressive to take a look...

You must have been really excited and happy that your husband had time to see the UFO as well. You must have been impatient to see him get up !! You must have found he was so slow to move!

30 feet in diameter correspond to a habitable vessel. There must have been some beings inside. They must have lured you to the window by subtle telepathic communication. They certainly knew you ...

It is difficult to imagine that a war to defend the earth between entities, and also human beings can exist because we do not see anything. And fortunately. I am not an insider like you and more i do not have stars friends who are talking about that. It sounds so much like science fiction!! It must certainly happen on another level, another dimension.

Regarding this character accompanying me, one night this year, in the dark, I have turned around and looked behind me for no reason. I saw a bluish glow making the outline of a being's gaze. I was not scared and continued to do my things.

There are two kinds of humans on earth. Those who are easily corrupt or political manipulators and those who desire to live in the true. I call it the 80/20 law. 20% of the people on earth help and show the way to the 80% how to become better. The 20% are often alone on earth because the humans around them often have difficulty understanding them. They are not comfortable. Yet these 20% have no problem understanding the 80%.

Mic, the free spirit

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Blue Orb, an alien Drone?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mic,
Yes, it was incredible to see that orange glowing ring over my house! I am sure I had some type of visitation during the night and I knew to get up and look out the window. Actually, when I ran into the bedroom and yelled out, "UFO!!" my husband jumped right up!! He was not going to miss that! :D

It might be difficult to see the war going on all around us, unless you consider the fact that world leaders and secret branches of government and military are involved. I think everybody probably knows that the governments do not tell the people the truth about what is really going on; in fact, they do their very best to keep the truth away from the people. The general populace of the entire world is kept in a hypnotic trance and controlled by the "elite" through mind control programming. Humans have been lied to since birth about who they really are, and our true history has been erased. It is up to each of us to find the truth within us.

I like your 80/20 sounds pretty accurate; only a small percentage of people are strong enough and smart enough to figure this out and help everyone else. Thank goodness for the "awake" people!

I think the star people (many different types of entities) are around us all the time, we just don't always see them. They are able to move in and out of our frequency and can be invisible to us. If you are an empath, or just good at picking up on their energy, you will be able to know they are with you.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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