Search found 110 matches

by Tess
Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:20 am
Forum: Alien Art
Topic: Tall Pale Skeleton-like Creature
Replies: 3
Views: 27849

Re: Tall Pale Skeleton-like Creature

by Tess
Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:40 am
Forum: Alien Art
Topic: Alien on Horseback with two British Blokes
Replies: 2
Views: 26914

Re: Alien on Horseback with two British Blokes

Love it:)
by Tess
Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:55 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Suspicious Memories
Replies: 2
Views: 16388

Re: Suspicious Memories

ManhatenSkyline....they are notorious for making us forget!!!!!!. For everything I have been through since I was a child shall I say.. the icing on the cake came recently when I saw two U.F.O's in the span of two weeks moving at an enormous speed.From my perspective one seem to be heading towards th...
by Tess
Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:18 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Possible alien encounter. Please help me understand.
Replies: 3
Views: 14993

Re: Possible alien encounter. Please help me understand.

What an experience you both have had Marskey and Bonny ! I too hear voices for many yrs now but they come from outside my head..actually I can pinpoint exactly in which part of the room they are coming from,to say the truth I would rather not hear them and they'll stop once and for all. Never do I a...
by Tess
Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:03 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Intro - My most amazing experience
Replies: 2
Views: 11120

Re: Intro - My most amazing experience

Hi Bonny,for the past few months I have been getting this feeling to look up at the night sky.After cracking my neck for wks I was about to give up but two wks ago I was looking at the stars and there I saw a shining white light very much like a star but moving at an alarming speed!I followed it wit...
by Tess
Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:04 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.
Replies: 8
Views: 19851

Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

Hi Alanwar,from my experience I know that sometimes other members of the family are being abducted as well.They just won't talk maybe for fear of ridicule or they do not know what's going on.It happened with me,then my son and now I fear for my 10 yr old granddaughter. I'm cautious to mention anythi...
by Tess
Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:03 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.
Replies: 8
Views: 19851

Re: A dream from the past I've never forgotten.

As for the one on the pregnancy when I got pregnant with my first child,I remember taking urine samples again and again back at the pharmacy and everytime the result was positive,the pharmacist most probably thought I was nuts!. At 22 wks pregnant I woke up and felt something running down my leg it ...
by Tess
Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:47 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.
Replies: 6
Views: 20310

Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Dear Blue eyed alien (quite strange to use that for it reminds me of my own alien abduction) First I think you manage to chose a good title for most of us here can relate to it,second either I missed it or not... are you a female or male?. I can relate to your experience for I have been seeing the d...
by Tess
Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:07 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: General Discussion - "disaster movies" shown by aliens
Replies: 1
Views: 6863

General Discussion - "disaster movies" shown by aliens

Hi Bonny,could you shed some light on why I was shown certain things as a child- An asteroid hitting Earth. (did not know back then what it was and we have no word in my language for it) Days of darkness. The statue of liberty half submerged in water (had never seen it before and thought it was a st...
by Tess
Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:20 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Has anyone seen one of these?
Replies: 11
Views: 27135

Re: Has anyone seen one of these?

I was just wondering whether to write or not then found an e-mail sent to me by the site!I have woken up with small very shiny silver specs on my arms,more on the right one then the left (have not checked the rest of my body yet). I tried to brush them off with my hand but they seem to be stuck on t...
by Tess
Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:41 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience
Replies: 11
Views: 41238

Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

I'll write down my thoughts after reading one post after another! Thanks to the guy who had some explanation for the starless sky,it truly baffled me at the time. For the person who wondered how he knew he could talk to them humans we had this ability and have lost it with time (...
by Tess
Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:57 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Has anyone seen one of these?
Replies: 11
Views: 27135

Re: Has anyone seen one of these?

Cannot say I have met any of this type of whatever they might be,sound real creepy to me but I have learned the hard way not to judge by the looks when it comes to aliens!
by Tess
Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:34 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: General Discussion
Replies: 2
Views: 8910

General Discussion

I was wondering Bonny if you or any one out there has any idea about the strange humming sound that is being heard from all over the world what it could be? Those who hear it say it seem to be coming from the sky.
by Tess
Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:57 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: why are we being taken and what is this research
Replies: 4
Views: 12603

Re: why are we being taken and what is this research

And thank you Bonny...take care Tess.
by Tess
Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:06 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: I am the father of many
Replies: 4
Views: 13766

Re: I am the father of many

Reading about the flapping sound made me remember that I did experience some thing similar.It sounded like the flapping of wings right in my bedroom when it passed near I could also feel the wind on my face generated from it and at times I would cover my face with my hands thinking some thing is goi...
by Tess
Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:58 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: why are we being taken and what is this research
Replies: 4
Views: 12603

Re: why are we being taken and what is this research

I have also come to realize that some of us are being shown what could or would eventually happen to earth.Destruction that may be or may be not by our doing. How else could I have seen asteroids hitting earth at such a young age,when back then at least from the island I come from, the world asteroi...
by Tess
Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:42 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience
Replies: 11
Views: 41238

Re: New Here...Starting with my wake-up experience

Hi Bonny,hi ManhattanSkyline I'm addressing both of you cause lately my replies did not show up and I wonder why? It was not like this in the beginning..maybe I wrote some thing that Bonny was not comfortable with putting on the site?...don't know really.Hope this time it would be posted. First I wa...
by Tess
Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:30 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: The Dolls and My Fear
Replies: 5
Views: 14260

Re: The Dolls and My Fear

Your experience seem to always been on the positive side..good for you Bonny!. Now I shall tell you what happened a few wks ago to me...jumped into bed to sleep,a little light coming from the night lamp in the next room.I felt a presence near the bed on the right side,touching with my hand I felt an...
by Tess
Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:29 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: hard to explain im sure you hear that alot
Replies: 9
Views: 18417

Re: hard to explain im sure you hear that alot

Bonny I will check the site later on,when I was a child I use to happily jump on my parents bed knowing that the colours would come.They did from one end of the room and disappear at the other end. I had no control over them they would float past like a cloud...different,beautiful colors.I would won...
by Tess
Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:46 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Not really sure why I'm here ...
Replies: 8
Views: 17424

Re: Not really sure why I'm here ...

As Bonny said the growl and voice you heard could very will be from entities,I have been seeing and hearing the dead since I was five so know perfectly well what I'm writing about. I know this site is about aliens but some times a person may think that what he/she is experiencing is of alien origin ...
by Tess
Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:58 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: hard to explain im sure you hear that alot
Replies: 9
Views: 18417

Re: hard to explain im sure you hear that alot

Tell me about the spiders!!! I kept seeing them for yrs they would come to me out of no were (no such spiders that big exist were I come from)

Then one day after another incident I swore that next time I'll grab it,but lo and behold I never saw it again.
by Tess
Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:38 pm
Forum: Alien Art
Topic: sumarian dialect
Replies: 1
Views: 23602

Re: sumarian dialect

Have checked some words on the Sumarian dialect and found there are some words that are present in my native language.

I do know that so many words have been lost through time.

Take care Tess..
by Tess
Sun May 27, 2012 4:39 pm
Forum: What to Do When You're Scared
Topic: Keep a Light On at Night
Replies: 12
Views: 54710

Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Hi Bonny,it has been fairly quiet in these past few months except for one thing.At times I can hear people screaming,they are not near but rather far away yet I can pick up voices of men and women,I get the feeling that they are suffering and in torment. This rather upsets me and when I can I put th...
by Tess
Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:24 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Some new marks
Replies: 8
Views: 20382

Re: Some new marks

Dear Bony very grateful for your reply.I was given the same explanation yrs ago by my cousin but did not believe him,guess he was right after all!! Yes again my cousin had told me to cut aspartame from my diet with regards to the CFS unfortunately although i never take anything with aspartame i'm st...
by Tess
Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:10 am
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Some new marks
Replies: 8
Views: 20382

Re: Some new marks

Hi there,i thought I'll add some thing that happened two days ago i have no one to talk with no one understand,they think i'm simple hallucinating although i think other wise. Remember when i wrote about the noise that sounded like a balloon with air escaping? Well this time from the same corner i w...
by Tess
Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:08 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Flying
Replies: 21
Views: 36292

Re: Flying

Hi Visigoth, You remind me of my own experience.Although i do remember in certain detail that i was abducted i never managed to remember how i got there or came back for that matter! But i do have one vague memory and it has nothing to do with the flying dreams that i some times have. The memory is ...
by Tess
Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:59 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Probably not aliens but other worldly for sure.
Replies: 4
Views: 10920

Re: Probably not aliens but other worldly for sure.

One day the human race will find an answer and then every thing will finally be understood.
by Tess
Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:10 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Flying
Replies: 21
Views: 36292

Re: Flying

Hi KumaraSoul,as some one with a medical background i can tell you it could very well have been the morphine which gave you that sensation.
by Tess
Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:01 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: a stranger encounter
Replies: 13
Views: 24944

Re: a stranger encounter

Thanks Bonny for your answer i never knew they could talk different from us.Well if they keep at it i sure ain't going to understand them! I would be fully awake when i hear the noise,yes i know about what you explained about falling asleep in fact in psychiatry when a pt say he/she hears voices whe...
by Tess
Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:36 pm
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: a stranger encounter
Replies: 13
Views: 24944

Re: a stranger encounter

It looks like devices inserted in the ear is very common with aliens of different types. Guess i was not so lucky when it come to pain what the Nordics did was extremely painful. When a devise is inserted, the ear will not feel the same anymore especially when one is lying down. Now as you know Bonn...
by Tess
Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:51 am
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Has anyone seen or know what this symbol would mean.
Replies: 14
Views: 36700

Re: Has anyone seen or know what this symbol would mean.

Hi,i do not recall any symbols actually never occurred to look but i have woken up with punctures like we get when we have an injection and on one occasion it was still bleeding. about two wks ago i got out of bed and i felt pain behind my right ear when i touched it i was horrified to feel it swoll...
by Tess
Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:32 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Hi Everybody
Replies: 3
Views: 10680

Re: Hi Everybody

Hi Alison, do not be ashamed that doctors have not found out what is wrong with you cause during their course they do not study about abductions and aliens!!! You would find that what you have and is still experiencing most abductees go through the same thing,maybe some difference due to the person ...
by Tess
Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:02 am
Topic: Project Blue Beam - Fake Alien Invasion - Be Aware of This
Replies: 1
Views: 24785

Re: Project Blue Beam - Fake Alien Invasion - Be Aware of Th

The site you have send is very interesting thanks! There is a list of different abduction ,one is an alien/aliens and human beings. Guess that fits exactly the type of abduction i had. As far as i could tell there was only one alien,very tall blond and the only one who offered some words of reassura...
by Tess
Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:07 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Possible Alien encounter???
Replies: 3
Views: 10347

Re: Possible Alien encounter???

Hi Zoe,my thoughts are pretty much like Bonny.It does not look like anything which makes one think of aliens. Perhaps it had to do with some other entities. Do try and say a little prayer, I'm not one who prays but when i was given this advice reluctantly i did pray and found it helped. Just for the...
by Tess
Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:21 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Alien Encounters.
Replies: 7
Views: 15380

Re: Alien Encounters.

Yes even i found it strange how he could have forgotten about it!He remembered only after i told him word by word what he told me himself. But then even when i started having the flashbacks of the abduction i would remember one flashback and then totally forget about it until i get the next flashbac...
by Tess
Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:29 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Alien Encounters.
Replies: 7
Views: 15380

Re: Alien Encounters.

Hi Bonny,remember the post i wrote about my son and for awhile you missed it? Well i was telling my son to-day about it and he sort of looked confused and told me ''But i never told you about it'' So i recounted what he had said as it happened he was thinking about some thing that happened to him a ...
by Tess
Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:21 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member introduction
Replies: 23
Views: 49997

Re: New member introduction

Hi there doc,wish i lived next door to you and maybe get the help i need but alas i live hundreds of miles away in Malta!!
Still it would help us if you can occasionally give us some input as well.
Take care everyone.
by Tess
Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:16 am
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Need Info
Replies: 4
Views: 11970

Re: Need Info

Hi Conspiracy theory,if i were you i would first go to your family doctor to rule out any condition that may be effecting your ear thus the vibration sound.
If nothing is found then you would be able to consider other possibilities.
by Tess
Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:05 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Alien Encounters.
Replies: 7
Views: 15380

Re: Alien Encounters.

Hi there,sorry Bonny i did keep it for awhile but eventually threw it away. Don't know if it was skin or a suit but my son had said ''His skin was so cold'' he did not describe him as wearing a suit. I wish i can say more 'they' are still working on him he just does not realize. When the time is com...
by Tess
Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:31 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: dreams about demons? a graduation ceramony...and more
Replies: 4
Views: 11062

Re: dreams about demons? a graduation ceramony...and more

Hi Ashlie i to had a dream about a second sun.In a way it was not like the sun we know and as i looked up i thought what was predicted is true,unfortunately months have passed and most of the dream is to vague for me to explain in more detail.
by Tess
Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:12 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Has anyone seen or know what this symbol would mean.
Replies: 14
Views: 36700

Re: Has anyone seen or know what this symbol would mean.

Hi,it made me think that you said the Nordics explained to you.That is also what they did to me at least one of them did so was wondering if this type of aliens do explain to the abducted person. I was not told about the procedure but just before it was done the Nordic Alien on the right hand side d...
by Tess
Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:51 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: ufo experience.....
Replies: 4
Views: 13392

Re: ufo experience.....

Hi ekspain,i would have written the same thing word by word before i was abducted. I use to think that aliens did not exist that persons who said they were abducted were either lying or had a vivid imagination to-day i know better! Some do write and say that they think they have been visited by alie...
by Tess
Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:18 pm
Topic: Not sure what's going on with 2012
Replies: 14
Views: 65973

Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012

We have an obligation to each other as humans to our brothers and sisters.Through out the centuries there has been good persons with a lots of love in their hearts. If only we are all like them but unfortunately there was and still are persons who are nothing short of evil making so many suffer . If...
by Tess
Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:53 pm
Topic: The Libyan war - the next step of NWO?
Replies: 3
Views: 27276

Re: The Libyan war - the next step of NWO?

Some things we take for granted Tskoone,Libya is a rich oil country but there is no democracy. Gaddafi has ruled for too long there is no elections and usually this type of leaders when they die some favorite son takes over. The people should have the opportunity to vote for their leader and not be ...
by Tess
Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:24 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: abduction dream
Replies: 2
Views: 10966

Re: abduction dream

Dear Annlee what Bonny told you is so true but i feel i must also tell you about what are called abnormal dreams.It is good to be well informed,now i happen to know about this because i have them although its been a while since i experienced one and hope it will stay that way because they are terrif...
by Tess
Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:23 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: The Odd Life
Replies: 2
Views: 10357

Re: The Odd Life

Hi Zlochnessz. No one has taken your soul its still there,i have come to notice that those who experience abduction gets confused and rightly so it ain't such a nice experience for some of us! But as time pass we sort of accept what happen,our minds start to became more clear. When we remember those...
by Tess
Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:12 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: BLAH!! Chemtrails...random thoughts on them
Replies: 11
Views: 20163

Re: BLAH!! Chemtrails...random thoughts on them

My thoughts on this it was the 3rd picture that puzzled me. I have been looking at the clouds since i was a child and they do come in so many forms! I remember we had a geography lesson were we were taught about the different shapes of the clouds what they mean or are called obviously i have forgott...
by Tess
Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:39 am
Forum: Alien Encounters
Topic: Hello I am new here
Replies: 6
Views: 13910

Re: Hello I am new here

Hi Victoria,i will put in a short reply for now. When you said their hands were cold you reminded me of my son. Some months ago he told me he had a strange dream. -He heard a noise in the veranda which happens to be near his bed room,he got up to see what it could be as he moved the curtains he saw ...
by Tess
Fri May 13, 2011 2:36 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Can someone explain any of this? Or relate?
Replies: 4
Views: 11953

Re: Can someone explain any of this? Or relate?

hi annlee stop worrying you are not alone.I have been able to remember dreams since a child. Some times more then just one dream,in reality every one dreams but not every one can remember. I have funny dreams,strange dreams,frightening ones or just plain stupid.! There are dreams which when i do wak...
by Tess
Wed May 11, 2011 1:05 pm
Forum: Need Help with Alien Abduction?
Topic: Dreams
Replies: 5
Views: 12783

Re: Dreams

Hi so many children had similar dreams about 40 yrs ago and they came from different parts of the world. A few days ago i dreamt that lots of people were looking at the sky and the sun was acting kind of weird every one was frightened and i thought it was true,its happening and to think i did not be...