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Knocking sound

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:34 pm
by guldage
I new weird one.

I had gone to bed. At first I was not sure I had dreamed it. It was all dark outside, when I heard these knocking sounds, like someone was hidding hard on our garden door. There was no doubt where the sound came from. Three knocks
I got up, thought I had been a terrible person and forgot my dog in the garden. Actually my hart was pounting, so I think I must have woken up by the sound.
When I looked my dog was tight asleep on his usual spot, and nothing outside, so I dismissed it and whent bak to bed.
15 minutes later it happened again and this time I was deffinately not asleep. Got up again, but could not see anything. It happend three times. Everytime I got up nothing to see. I think it is clear I did not get much sleep that night! although it did not happend again after the third time!
Maybee I should also mention that its a closed garden. You have to go passed our main door and through a little door to get there physically. We have a timer for the light at the front door. It did not react, and my dog always react to sounds. I was starting to think I have gone crazy, only my husband heard the last three knocks.
I did not have any marks after this one, but weird it was.

Have anyone tried something like this? :?:

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:25 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,
Yes, I have also heard the "three knocks." It is a fairly common occurrence for contactees (those who see the star people / aliens often) to occasionally hear three loud knocks on a door or window before they have a visitation. Are they knocking to come in? Maybe. But perhaps it has something to do with a movement in time or a dimensional flux.

I personally heard three loud knocks on my bedroom window one night before a visit from the star people. It was in the middle of the night and I woke up for a short time, just laying there with my eyes open and I heard the knocks. It was pretty amazing, but I didn't even get up and look because I knew it was them. At the time, I was already accustomed to weird things happening, so it didn't even startle me too much. I just thought, "Oh my god, I can't believe they actually knocked on the window."

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:11 am
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:30 pm
by guldage
The weird part is that I have never heard the knocks before.

But you are rigtht they do occur around visitation. I have heard them 2 times since, and both times something happened. Ones my daughter hat a bad noosebleed. Pillow all red. I really dont like that part. My instinct tell me to kick somebody in there behind. Just dont know who, what or for tha matter how. Exstremely frustrating. Especially because my daughter got very scares. Has started up being scared of the dark again. Wants to sleep with a light on. So somehow I dont think these guys are the good guys.
Maybee Bonnie is right. Maybee it is a movement in time or something like that. These guys semes dark and sinister to me.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:11 am
by wings
It has happened to me a few times, but more then three knocks. Usually five, like someone knocking on my door, which that is exactly what it sounds like. I am half awake in bed, early in the morning, and someone knocks on my door. I get up out of bed, open my bedroom door and no one is there. Then the hair on my necks stands straight out.

The weird part is that my puppy who barks at EVERYTHING including when there is a spirit or more in my room, doesnt seem to hear it when it happens. This happened about 4 days ago again, I think Monday. I even went out to the living room. No one.

Usually the grays will be in the spirit, invisible to normal sight. I didnt look. I did think that I heard the voice of a loved one that had passed away many years ago. I figured it was perhaps ghost related. Unexplainable.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:06 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Wings,

That's cool that you heard the knocking sound again. So you think it may have been a loved one who passed over to the other side? That makes sense too -- knocking to come in. I guess either way you look at it, the knocking sound is a frequency...a vibration that your ears interpret as knocking. Maybe it even has something to do with the introduction of the new energy, whether alien or a loved one, entering into your vibrational space.

When I heard the knocking on my window, it was a real loud knocking, nothing "etheric" about it, it was loud and clear. So it seemed more "physical" to me...but maybe that's just a false perception. Because we don't realize just how REAL the etheric and astral worlds really are. I do know that when my consciousness is focused in the etheric and astral planes, at times, I am very keenly aware and awake, even more so than I am in the physical world.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:35 am
by guldage
To me it was very Physical. Loud and clear.

About the loved once. To me at least that is a total different ballgame. When my grandmother passed I very clearly felled her around and s sort of tucking in my heart. Strange sensation but not at all unpleasent.
The knocking on my part came from outside and was very clear and real. The other one was more a sensation.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:56 am
by wings
Hey Bonnie,

I am a sounds freak. Also into accents of many languages. When I hear this knocking, its like someone knocking on my door, I can hear the wood of the door under the knuckles, very exact. It didnt sound like a form of energy wave. At least it sounded like my door to me. Mind you, I was waking up, so who knows, lol.

One thing I do hear often is 'clicking'. It will be next to one of my ears, and sounds like a Zippo lighter being flicked, that 'flick flick flick' sound. I try to ignore it, but I often wonder what in the world it is. I can only think its some spirit next to me playing with his Zippo lighter.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:43 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Yeah, the knocks are definitely loud and clear and they really sound like someone is knocking on the door / window.

Wings, the clicking sound is interesting. I woke up one time to hear a "flapping" sound behind me. I was just waking from a very vivid experience where I was sitting in my car in the driveway and the radio was on. I heard a series of screeches and beeps that sounded like an alien language.

Then I became aware of my physical body lying in the bed with my back facing the open room. A loud flapping noise was coming from behind me. My mind came up with an image of someone standing behind me shaking my blanket in the air really fast. I couldn't move at first and I didn't want to either, because the sound was so unusual and frightening.

However, when I was able to move and turn to look, the sound had stopped, no one was there, and my blanket did not appear to have been moved.

It seemed like perhaps it was some type of wave form. When I asked my star friends about it later, they said it was a "Time Flux." It had something to do with the transition I made going from the driveway to the bedroom.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:14 am
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:57 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
:D Wow! That was quite a thought trail!

Yes, perhaps it is the same knock heard before and after the "jump." Perhaps that does happen when people hear the knocks. It could be an indication of some type of transition or time flux occurring.

What actually happened with me that night was this: as I sat in the car in the driveway, I heard sharp screeching and beeping sounds coming from the radio. They got louder and faster and I really thought the star people were trying to talk to me. Then I began to transition to the bed where I heard the "flapping sound" (similar to the flapping of a blanket).

The sounds ARE similar; the screeches and beeps were sounding off at about the same frequency as the flapping sound I heard when I got to the bed. It might have been a matter of perception -- perhaps the sound came from the same source but it sounded different to me in the two different locations or states.

Interesting that you heard someone say "What?" Was it a human voice? Could you tell? I was waking from an experience where I thought I had been with the star people, and I clearly heard a male human voice say, "The zebra has been outfitted. The zebra has been outfitted." That was pretty freaky. It made me wonder if I had gotten an implant or something.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:18 am
by wings
Very interesting...

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:18 pm
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:45 pm
by wings
I once had an 'experience' coming home from a MUFON meeting. On the way home, I got a bad headache. I was also driving down a very deserted road for some reason, coming back to Phoenix from Scottsdale. I called my girlfriend to tell her I might pull over to take a nap because my head was in pain (very goofy thing for me to say). I get home, the headache is gone. I do not remember having missing time, but girlfriend was very upset, like jealous?

A couple of days later, I have a bothersome niche or scab or something on the back of my neck. I am scratching it. My girlfriend checks it out, its a red mark, a spike looking triangle, reddish.

A couple of years later, at a UFO convention (now I really sound like a UFO geek) I held a giger counter up to the back of my neck where the triangle mark had once showed up. The gigercounter made a 'tick... tick... tick... ' sound when I held it to the back of my head. The entire room got very quiet. I looked behind me and about 20 or more eyes were on me. Now that spooked ME out, lol...

But... (sorry for the long story) the point is, the implant supposedly transmits, very low band I guess, and thats why the giger counter could pick it up. You might see if you can find one and see if you have something in you transmitting. They are very small, usually grown into your skin, hard to cut out, but at least you might know if you have one in you, if.... (if) they still broadcast on that level that giger counters read.

There used to be a guy that took out alien implants. He passed away recently, I think last year.

Re: Knocking sound

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:36 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Manhattan,
Yeah, it makes sense that it could be some type of "Time Doppler Effect." I know that after I go through the transition and I am with the "star people," time moves differently. I could be with them for 2 weeks but only 3-4 hours have passed on my clock when I make it back home. So I could definitely be passing through some type of "Time Flux."

I think there is a possibility that "zebra" is what you might call someone who is a "mixed breed."
Am I offended? Ha Ha. Them calling me "zebra" is probably the least offensive thing they've done.

I just keep collecting the data they are "giving" me and analyzing it as I figure this (and them) out.