Stay Positive! Thoughts Manifest!

please read this extremely important information

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Stay Positive! Thoughts Manifest!

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »


I've been hearing from a lot of people who are scared to open their hearts and spiritually move forward in these changing times. They are learning new psychic abilities, learning how to go Out-of-Body, learning to control their realities. It is affecting all of us, but we have different reactions to it. Your mind and body will only allow you to go as far as you can handle. If you are afraid, you need to put a strong shield around yourself and gather your strength. Open your heart and feel love, and allow yourself to experience new concepts (really, really new concepts).

Now is the time to choose your path and follow it diligently. We are literally manifesting our thoughts, so be careful what you focus on. The star people say that the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to stay HAPPY. Yes, I know it can be very hard to do that sometimes, but it will help tremendously if you give it a try. When you focus on being positive, you attract good, happy, positive things to you. When you allow Love to enter your life, you free your spirit. This is what you need to do now in order to lift yourself out of the lower densities of fear and hate.

"Thought is the most powerful influence in your life. Life is thought, and as a man thinks, so he becomes." Watch your thoughts closely and you will see that you are making things happen. Choose happiness and love and you cannot go wrong!

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Stay Positive! Thoughts Manifest!

Post by Ashlie »

Oh Bonnie! This is just what I needed right now! I've been in such a rut for so long. I've been going through so many different emotions and phases. I've been learning so much. Everytime I think my conciousness has expanded to the limits, it expands MORE!! There is so much love and light in my heart for everything that you are doing. I really feel thankful that I have this source to confide in. You have been a big help to me. This is actually one of the only websites I use to talk about star people related stuff. ;) And trust me, I'm glad it's around. I have been going through MAJOR AWAKENINGS, just one right after the other. I still have problems with fear, but I am learning to cope with it. Yesterday I realized that I had shut my self off, my spirit self. Ever since I started working at my new job I have been so focused on that. I've had absolutely no time for myself, or to think for myself. I sort of slipped into a zombie like conciousness. Although I've had no TV for I don't know how long, I could still feel the effects of being zombified. ;) I broke out of it though. I started questioning myself about my sanity, and even started to believe that my experiences with the star people may have been only dreams and not "real". But then I remembered something. I remembered the first time I seen a REAL UFO. I remembered all the times my sisters and brothers have seen REAL UFOS with me. Why would I question myself if I KNOW that even my siblings have seen GIANT triangle ufos over us while we drove? Why would I question myself when I know FOR SURE i've seen about 13 ufo's in real life? Why would I question myself when my sister has told me that shes woken up at night and has seen bright white lights coming through the window? And that we've both seen the "black shadow people" since we were kids. I KNOW for a fact, with everything that I am that they are there now. It's all there. I just havent been admitting it to myself lately. It'd be crazy to say that this wasn't real, this is in deed, very VERY real. I knew even as a child as I sobbed in my bed, asking "whoever it was" to take me home. Even as a child I knew I didn't belong here...just like all the others who know they don't belong here. This is so real. My psychic abilities have been sky rocketing. I've always been able to see auras....(how dare I question my vision, I know darn well that they're auras!!) I've been empathic for ever since I can remember, I've only had two OBE's though, but they only lasted for a few seconds. But my point is that, I've had full on contact with spiritual beings all my life, and they've always been ready to contact me, why would I shrug something so beautiful and amazing off? How could I just dismiss all the evidence and question my own sanity? There are so many things that have been proven to be true in my life. I know with all my heart that this is real. I need to take control of my life and stop letting these amazing experiences pass me by. My only advice is this: DO NOT LET YOURSELF GO TO SLEEP AGAIN! Once you're awake, try your hardest to stay that way!! Don't ever doubt yourself or the experiences you've had. And don't ever feel alone. There are litereally tons of us awakening and re awakening everyday.

But thank you again Bonnie. You're the first person I've ever talked to about UFOS and the star people and everything else that comes with that. And you were the first person to ever help me with them. I really want you to know how thankfull I am. You've really helped me awaken. I want to help people do the same now.

MUCHO love and light.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Stay Positive! Thoughts Manifest!

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

:D Wow! Awesome!
DO NOT LET YOURSELF GO TO SLEEP AGAIN! So true. The tests just keep coming, one after another. I think I've made a major breakthrough, just like you, and a new lesson begins. I've had to overcome so many parts of my old self; the old, outdated behaviors and bad habits. My life has changed so much and it just keeps changing, so I am forced to grow with it. The alternative is to be left behind, and I highly recommend NOT staying behind.

Do you know about Terence McKenna's TImewave Zero Theory ? It is extremely important, especially now. It explains how time is literally speeding up as more and more learning experience is packed into shorter periods of time. This is probably why we are getting rid of the old outdated parts of ourselves and developing new ways of living. Live in the light and in harmony. McKenna said “Our very survival as a species will reach a tipping point that will result in either our extinction or our transcendence.”

You are doing a great job Ashlie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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