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Sean Corrigan
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Post by Sean Corrigan »

hi all

just wondering what yours thoughts are on 2012. on facebook i subscribe to a couple of groups ie "planet x annunaki nibiru" "plaides" "atlantis" i find interesting that all ancient cultures from around the world have proof of humnas that were tall, blonde and with blue eyes eg the cloud people of peru, the original inhabitants of the canary islands, all linked by haplo x. all these ancient cultures knew of 2012, even th ancient chinese. so all these cultures that knew of 2012 also talked of these nordic type peoples. are all these linked somehow? are the nordic type people the remnents of atlantis? and if so, is what happened to atlantis going to happen again in 2012? any thoughts? i have thoughts, i believe that prior to atlantis there was a very advanced civilzation, far more advanced than ours! think about it, if atlantis perished in 9600bc that would be just after the last ice age. that being the case then there must of been civilization during the last ice age and if not before. civilisation doent just sprin g up over night, it takes time to evolve. so we have a situation where civilsation is far older than we thought. the sphynx shows wehtering of the sought that could only be caused by a wet climate, well the last time egypt had a wet climate was 30,000yrs ago! we then have the sumerian writing of the nibiru and the annunaki, the sumerins wrote about the 10th planet, which scientists have dismissed. those same scientists reduced our 9th planet to the status of planetoid. we now have evidence coming in that there is a maqssive planet out there in the kuyper belt. the same scientists can now claim that there is still only 9 planets because pluto got down-graded. im so glad i live in these times, any other thoughts on this


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Re: 2012

Post by Tess »

Ok i too have read such stories and in my opinion they are so cheap that they are not even good for science fiction stories,it seems that some person's imagination have run riot with them.
Having said that yes perhaps there might have been an advance civilization that perished how? i have no answer.
There is a hypotheses that Malta were i live was once part of Atlantis.
And don't remind me of the tall blond people my abduction with them was an experience i would rather forget!
Once i was telling my G.P that my son's skull shape was not like it should be.He sat back in his chair and told me that once the medical profession here in malta had a conference were it was stated that very ancient skulls were found with a shape found no where else in the world.
As for the planet Nibiru i just don't know but i think the word would perish as we know it when a massive asteroid hits it.Take care Tess

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Re: 2012

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

December 21, 2012 marks the transition from 3rd to 4th density and a major change in conscious awareness. The change is already happening, as I'm sure most of us realize. It is time to face our fears and get rid of our old, outdated, bad habits so we can progress on our spiritual paths.

Sean, those are some great points you made. Will we suffer the same fate as Atlantis? Possibly. They used their advanced technology in ways they shouldn't have and ended up causing natural disasters that took them out. So now we've got the ruling elite spraying us with chemtrails and beaming HAARP energy into our brains...I don't know how far we've really come since Atlantis. I believe this is a cycle that repeats itself.

However, it is also a time of ascension for those who are ready to wake up and remember who they are.

Planet X. My star friends talked to me about Planet X when I was about 20 years old. That was before the Internet. They said there was a planet that traveled through our solar system on a regular cycle, and it would be coming through again very soon. Planet X would swing by Earth and there would be a Pole Shift. I saw the Pole Shift as a physical and spiritual event: enlightened souls would vibrate at a high, finely tuned frequency and would be safe from harm because they would be creating their very own reality and bringing what they needed to themselves from the Universe. Souls that were not ready, however, the ones who got stuck in the lower, negative frequencies of fear and hate would be fully in 3D to experience the Pole Shift only because they put themselves there by co-creating it.

Keep Love and Light in your Heart and you will ascend.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

Sean Corrigan
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Re: 2012

Post by Sean Corrigan »

hi Tess, this unusual shaped skull of your son would it be flattened at the back? coming back to atlantis, at the end of the last ice age roughly 12000 years ago the sea level was 500ft lower than it is now, the med looked a completely different place (in fact malta scicilly and italy were all part of the same land mass). vast swathes of land disappeared under the rising sea levels, from north to south and east to west the shape of the land changed, cultures would of recorded these events in stories (most religions talk of the great flood). also all cultures/religion talk of the creation of mankind. i'm also surprised at your comment about a persons imagination running away with them, could that not be what people think of us when we tell them things, that our imagination is running away with us? ive told my wife what i believe, she thinks i'm potty, she listened to my regression and dimissed it, she even dismissed what me and my eldest daughter saw last, even though my eldest is much like my wife she couldnt deny what she saw or how it made her feel. like ufology and abduction we have to sort the wheat from the chaff. yor right there is no science, but if your talking about biblical flooding, scientists tell us there is no evidence, and that because the evidence is 500ft below the present sea level. scientists dismissed the 10th planet that is talked about, the sumerians called it nibiru. now it is coming out that there could very well be a 10th (9th now pluto has been demoted) and scientists who would ridcule those for believing the theoryb are now being made to eat their words. this planet is 4 times the size of jupiter. so i like to think that when ancient cultures of antiquity talk of gods that came down upon the earth in metal chariots of fire and talk of impending doom, i like to think they knew what they were talking about. i believe in the ancient astronaught theory, but i also believe that there are those that live beneath the surface of our planet, russia has just released details from the navy ministry about sonar targets travelling at 250knots thats about 400mph through water, there is no man made craft that can travel that fast on the surface of the water let alone under it. so we come to another question, is Atlantis still there? is atlantis a civilizaation that come from beneath? all food for thought.


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Re: 2012

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I think Atlantis sunk beneath the waves during the time of the cataclysms.

But I also think there may be people who live inside the Earth. Possibly Reptilians. There is a Hollow Earth Theory which could very well be true. Both the North and South poles most likely have holes in the caps, like every other planet in our solar system. And the polar caps are "NO FLY ZONES." Look for them on Google Earth and you will see they are blocked from view.

Check out this video of the polar opening. The origin of the film is a mystery, but it appears to be taken from the inside of a helicopter.

Do you think Planet X is coming?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: 2012

Post by Tess »

Hi Sean,some how i only saw what you wrote to-day.No my son skull is normal half way through its the end part that protrudes and his fore head. One might thing yikes he must look strange but it does not show because of the hair.One will only realize if he was aware of it in fact he has turned up to be a very good looking guy!

You have pointed out some things that need food for thought and if i could come up with some answers well that would make me another Einstein.Ok so there was an advance civilization once upon a time so how is it that nothing was ever found by archeologists to sustain this hypothesis?
Bones of dinosaurs were found,they have dug around the world on land and seabed and found all sorts of things but have they ever found some any think that makes men wonder 'wow what is this? we have not invented it yet!''

Of course i know that no one believes about my abduction why do you think i found this site for ? I have to admit that there are times when i wonder myself if it really happened.
But having said that like every thing else one can truly understand if that person has gone through the same experience.Yes of course malta was part of another continent probably Africa cause in a cave bones of elephants thousand of yrs old have been found.
Sean such phenomenons are not so clear cut some we speculate, others we try to understand and still others we may never know.
Thanks for taking the time to answer back i appreciate it truly!Take care.
P.S as it happened to-day we felt three tremors the earthquake was in the sea on a scale of 4.

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Re: 2012

Post by mami777 »

Hi Mr. Sean. I just read yours posts , and I have some information for you about giants humans begins, in The Bible (old Testament),( (Genesis 6:1) is related how beautiful women had sexual relationships w/ angels( aliens?), that God sent to watch the Earth, and from this relationships the women given birth to beautiful giants babies , when they Grown up were Heroes but w/ the time this race vanished because genetic and adaptation problems.

The Second Place were exist anthropological proof is in The Tibet and Due to Their Temperature and High, the rest of this race are almost intact, but due to the privacy of the Religion and the China Government, the Occident do not had access to this treasures

The Aztec Civilization describe an " God" Very Tall ( giant) so Bright like the sun strong like a jaguar who come from the sea his name is Quetzalcoatl ( feathered snake) , the Aztecs made to him an Pyramid named " Chichen izta. It God was very bloodthirsty He asked for human sacrifices ( virgins women ), many people agree that this civilization invented the soccer game, the team that lose. . . . die !!!

MY personal opinion about a race of giants, is that maybe in other era (temperature, gravitational
humidity, water, winds etc. etc. ) can has been existed, 100 % they deceased, due to natural causes like the dinosaurs and other creatures ( maybe no natural), is like how today we are put too much stress in our Eco-system, w/ our diet, TV, Industrial Contamination, Nuclear Contamination, etc. etc. and maybe it change our physical form in order to adapt to new environment, The People ea. day no need too much the tooth because the majority of aliments are too soft, the mouth can be smaller, the nose bridge can be smaller or be only two orifices because the air contamination, and since long time ago the hair in our body is less and less everything
told us that maybe in 100-150 yrs due the contamination nobody is going to have hair !!!!

and for last, due to the lack of layer of ozone our sick pigment is going to change to color. . . . . . D A R K G R E E N . . . and then in 5000 yrs somebody is going to ask : look ! they look
like aliens how horrible !

I am totally agree with you this Giant race existed and maybe still exist.
with Respect Mami777

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: 2012

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

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Re: 2012

Post by Shekam70 »

Sean Corrigan wrote:hi all

just wondering what yours thoughts are on 2012. on facebook i subscribe to a couple of groups ie "planet x annunaki nibiru" "plaides" "atlantis" i find interesting that all ancient cultures from around the world have proof of humnas that were tall, blonde and with blue eyes eg the cloud people of peru, the original inhabitants of the canary islands, all linked by haplo x. all these ancient cultures knew of 2012, even th ancient chinese. so all these cultures that knew of 2012 also talked of these nordic type peoples. are all these linked somehow? are the nordic type people the remnents of atlantis? and if so, is what happened to atlantis going to happen again in 2012? any thoughts? i have thoughts, i believe that prior to atlantis there was a very advanced civilzation, far more advanced than ours! think about it, if atlantis perished in 9600bc that would be just after the last ice age. that being the case then there must of been civilization during the last ice age and if not before. civilisation doent just sprin g up over night, it takes time to evolve. so we have a situation where civilsation is far older than we thought. the sphynx shows wehtering of the sought that could only be caused by a wet climate, well the last time egypt had a wet climate was 30,000yrs ago! we then have the sumerian writing of the nibiru and the annunaki, the sumerins wrote about the 10th planet, which scientists have dismissed. those same scientists reduced our 9th planet to the status of planetoid. we now have evidence coming in that there is a maqssive planet out there in the kuyper belt. the same scientists can now claim that there is still only 9 planets because pluto got down-graded. im so glad i live in these times, any other thoughts on this

Hey Sean. Personally, I 'm not sure about Niburu or Planet X but believe that at some stage there will be great changes and global catastrophe. You only have to look at what is happening in the world today to realize that a big change is necessary to set everything right. Some people believe, myself included, that there have been many ancient civilizations on Earth that have reached the same level of tech as we have today. We go through a cycle of development and can only reach so far before we destroy ourselves time and time again. IMO, the aliens only intervene when necessary to save the planet and to help rebuild civilization again.

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