Not sure what's going on with 2012
Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Not sure what's going on with 2012
I've heard so much about 2012, about what's going to happen, and what's not going to happen. I've heard that there may be a spiritual alignment, or that the world is going to end, or that the greys and reptilians are going to take over...and that we'll be in war, and may be sent to some sort of concentration camp...and be made into slaves. I guess I just don't understand what is going on. I was watching videos on the Awaken Video site, ( and seen a video that was talking about how the Reptilians and Greys have some sort of pact going on where they're exchanging power and technology...or whatever. I just want to know, how do all these things fall into the same category? Like how do the reptilians & greys effect 2012? (If at all) and how are we going to beat the government? I've heard about the Galactic Federation of Light, (gonna call it the GFOL) and have watched videos from Alaje who has talked about some of these things (Alaje from the Pleiades, here's his channel but it still doesn't answer alot of my questions. Does the GFOL have anything to do with us overcoming the government and Reptilians and Greys? And who ARE the good guys? And who are considered the bad guys here? I've heard that the Pleiadians (I think this is where I'm origianally from) are helping, along with a handful of other star people...but what are they helping with? I know they're helping to teach us new ways, and helping to spread light and love...but do they have anything to do with the governement? Are they trying to help us defeat the gov? When I say "they" I'm talking about all the good guys... I've also heard about a "New World Order" that the government wants to establish, if this happens will we be doomed? I just want to understand more about all of this...I've researched, but doesn't help when I don't really know what to research for!! There's so many different people saying different things out there. Like I said I want to know how all of these things tie in with 2012. If we have a spiritual alignment then will more people wake up to see what the government is doing? Will more people stand up against it? Or is the government and the Reptilians and Greys suppose to take over in the year of 2012? Or is the world suppose to "end" in 2012? I just don't understand what's going on! Anyones thoughts are welcomed! Thanks!
Love and light to you all!
Love and light to you all!
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hi Ashlie,
Wow! All great questions. My husband John and I research these things and post the best videos we can find at December 21, 2012 is the date when our sun will align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Astrologically and energetically speaking, it will be the peak influx of consciousness raising potential. Basically, if you have love in your heart and do your best to be a good person, you will make the change into a new dimension of conscious awareness. It is a good thing for those of us who are making an effort to raise our awareness and bring love to earth.
However, there are those who would love for us to fail. The evil elite (directly involving the reptilians) are doing everything they can to keep as many people in a hypnotic sleep to continue using them as slaves. For those people who are filled with fear and hate, there is a bleak, scary future. This is where the possibility of a pole shift comes into play, as well as FEMA concentration camps, so please do not go there!
If you have love and light in your heart, you will ascend to a new, beautiful state of awareness in which everyone will have much greater ability to take complete control over their own lives because they will be manifesting it! Even the DNA that makes up our physical bodies is evolving.
Scholars who have studied the Mayan calendar are in disagreement over the actual end date of the calendar. The majority say December 21, 2012, but some scholars say that the Mayan calendar actually ends on October 28, 2011. Either way, we should all be focusing on keeping love in our hearts right now, don't wait. Anyone who is truly filled with love and light is working toward a much brighter future for humanity.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Wow! All great questions. My husband John and I research these things and post the best videos we can find at December 21, 2012 is the date when our sun will align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Astrologically and energetically speaking, it will be the peak influx of consciousness raising potential. Basically, if you have love in your heart and do your best to be a good person, you will make the change into a new dimension of conscious awareness. It is a good thing for those of us who are making an effort to raise our awareness and bring love to earth.
However, there are those who would love for us to fail. The evil elite (directly involving the reptilians) are doing everything they can to keep as many people in a hypnotic sleep to continue using them as slaves. For those people who are filled with fear and hate, there is a bleak, scary future. This is where the possibility of a pole shift comes into play, as well as FEMA concentration camps, so please do not go there!
If you have love and light in your heart, you will ascend to a new, beautiful state of awareness in which everyone will have much greater ability to take complete control over their own lives because they will be manifesting it! Even the DNA that makes up our physical bodies is evolving.
Scholars who have studied the Mayan calendar are in disagreement over the actual end date of the calendar. The majority say December 21, 2012, but some scholars say that the Mayan calendar actually ends on October 28, 2011. Either way, we should all be focusing on keeping love in our hearts right now, don't wait. Anyone who is truly filled with love and light is working toward a much brighter future for humanity.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
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Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hi Ashlie,
I think your post should be the "poster child" for 2012. Great questions which look very much the same from person to person trying to comprehend these changes. I always try to think of everything as two things...physical and spiritual because every "thing" has a spirit. So, physically within 2012 an alignment, as Bonnie mentioned above, will take place. This fact is undisputed and there is much data readily available on the topic. What significance is this? Well, the physical data on this physical event i.e. Mayan records, magnetic findings within volcanic rock samples, religious texts, etc etc all say that something huge is going to take place. I will also point out that huge does not have to mean bad. Okay, so with a bit of reading we can know for a fact that "something" huge is going to take place within the 2012 what now? Here is what now Ashlie, and all who will read this. You are right here reading this and also finding, looking, searching for truth. The reason you are here in this forum reading this post and the reason you are searching for the truth are both the same reason. You and everyone else here participating in this search for truth are waking up. Waking up is the "why" you are able to post such great questions. I will mention but not dwell on all of those who can not ask your questions because they still sleep. I'm writing this way to try to impress on you that you can take a deep breath and know that all is well and you are right where you are suppose to be I don't mean that in a Kumba-ya way, it's really just a fact. To me this place 'earth' is a faze we live in. Everything from the worst to the best is not only available but exists all in one place. It is what you 'choose' with your own free will to focus on that is important. Are there FEMA concentration camps in the USA? Yes. Does focusing your attention on them help you? No. Do not focus on the physical. The more I learn the more I see the physical pass away to something that I create instead. It really works this way and Bonnie and I have been experiencing this rise in awareness and logical comprehension and conscientiousness for the past two years heavily. Here's the very best advice I can give you and everyone else on ascension. Hope these words help.
1.Never ever ever ever watch TV. ever
2.Truly, be aware of what you are eating and only put whole natural foods inside your body. It is much easier than you've been falsely taught to believe otherwise.
3.Look for truth (everyone here is already good at this)
4.Everything is a frequency, including your speech...use it only to speak the truth and only with love. (this takes practice, not so much the truth part but the not speaking in anger O' man)
5.As much as humanly possible, keep love in your heart and focus ALL of your intention on this one thing.
It is true that there's a lot of negative activity going on around this crazy planet, but there's also a lot of positivity too. To answer one last question for you...Who are the good guys?... We are the good guys Ashlie and the truth is we have all the power too.
Many blessings,
I think your post should be the "poster child" for 2012. Great questions which look very much the same from person to person trying to comprehend these changes. I always try to think of everything as two things...physical and spiritual because every "thing" has a spirit. So, physically within 2012 an alignment, as Bonnie mentioned above, will take place. This fact is undisputed and there is much data readily available on the topic. What significance is this? Well, the physical data on this physical event i.e. Mayan records, magnetic findings within volcanic rock samples, religious texts, etc etc all say that something huge is going to take place. I will also point out that huge does not have to mean bad. Okay, so with a bit of reading we can know for a fact that "something" huge is going to take place within the 2012 what now? Here is what now Ashlie, and all who will read this. You are right here reading this and also finding, looking, searching for truth. The reason you are here in this forum reading this post and the reason you are searching for the truth are both the same reason. You and everyone else here participating in this search for truth are waking up. Waking up is the "why" you are able to post such great questions. I will mention but not dwell on all of those who can not ask your questions because they still sleep. I'm writing this way to try to impress on you that you can take a deep breath and know that all is well and you are right where you are suppose to be I don't mean that in a Kumba-ya way, it's really just a fact. To me this place 'earth' is a faze we live in. Everything from the worst to the best is not only available but exists all in one place. It is what you 'choose' with your own free will to focus on that is important. Are there FEMA concentration camps in the USA? Yes. Does focusing your attention on them help you? No. Do not focus on the physical. The more I learn the more I see the physical pass away to something that I create instead. It really works this way and Bonnie and I have been experiencing this rise in awareness and logical comprehension and conscientiousness for the past two years heavily. Here's the very best advice I can give you and everyone else on ascension. Hope these words help.
1.Never ever ever ever watch TV. ever
2.Truly, be aware of what you are eating and only put whole natural foods inside your body. It is much easier than you've been falsely taught to believe otherwise.
3.Look for truth (everyone here is already good at this)
4.Everything is a frequency, including your speech...use it only to speak the truth and only with love. (this takes practice, not so much the truth part but the not speaking in anger O' man)
5.As much as humanly possible, keep love in your heart and focus ALL of your intention on this one thing.
It is true that there's a lot of negative activity going on around this crazy planet, but there's also a lot of positivity too. To answer one last question for you...Who are the good guys?... We are the good guys Ashlie and the truth is we have all the power too.
Many blessings,
Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hello, thank you both so much for giving me so much insight on this topic! I hate looking in so many different places for so many different answers! Glad to have found them in one place! So Bonnie, are you saying that we have a choice whether or not to go to the FEMA camps? Will the government try tricking people into going to them? Of course I know better than to go...but will the "blind" people be tricked into going? And John (I'm assuming this is John) you make a good point, tv totally brainwashes people! I rarely ever watch tv anyways maybe 15 minutes a day at the most! But still a good point! I think eating whole foods is good thing to do too. I went vegitarian about a year ago and after I was detoxified I had so much was unreal! It really isn't that hard to get the food! You're right! I sort of think it's exciting that something big like this is going to happen! Even when I was little I felt like something huge was going to happen in my lifetime...and I never knew why. (I'm sure we've all had that feeling of knowing we're on some sort of mission.) I was told I'm here to teach people love...because I have plenty of that in my heart! Most people say I'm the nicest person they've ever ment, because it's true...I don't even try to be nice...most of the time it just comes naturally. So I have no problems with keeping love in my heart, because it's there. I don't see the point in hating others and trying to bring others down! Glad we're considered the good guys, haha...never thought of it that way. But I guess it makes sense. I've been watching some videos about the Mayans and 2012, I never knew that they used a 13 month calander! That's really cool. I hope that our calanders cand be switched to a 13 would make so much more sense. I don't see why we use the time frame that we do. The Mayans are brilliant!! And I was watching another video about DNA and ascension, and they were talking about our DNA changing, but what is weird is that on the part the man is talking about crop circles I remembered seeing those sort of marks in a few of my "dreams". Once was when there was two male children, they were probably around 6 and 8. They both had those symbols on their backs...the youngest one had a double helix picture on his back, like the one on the video...and the older one had a double helix looking thing, but it was multiplied greatly. Now that I think about it, maybe the two boys were the same person? They looked exactally like eachother. Maybe it was a way to show me how our DNA will be changing. Pretty neat stuff!!
By the way, thanks again for answering me!
Love and lightttt!!
By the way, thanks again for answering me!
Love and lightttt!!
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hi Ashlie,
Yes, YOU HAVE A CHOICE. You can choose to go to a FEMA Camp or NOT. I highly recommend NOT going. Think Nazi Concentration Camp and you are on the right track. They will be picking people up off the street during their HAARP-made catastrophes (including floods, droughts, earthquakes, etc.). They will try to coerce people to go into the shelters to be safe and survive the storms, but people going into FEMA "shelters" will not be leaving once those doors close.
The best thing you can do is PREPARE right now. Go out and stock up on some food immediately. Make sure you have water and emergency supplies. Become self-sufficient and make plans with family and friends right away. And get your news from alternative sources, not mind-programming television. FEMA has been carrying out earthquake drills called "The Great Shake Out." Right now they are soaking the New Madrid Fault Line (US Midwest) in preparation for a man-made earthquake. All these weather events are man-made.
I think all of us here have felt that something big would happen during our lifetime and that we are here to fulfill a mission.
Well folks, IT'S TIME!
Yes, YOU HAVE A CHOICE. You can choose to go to a FEMA Camp or NOT. I highly recommend NOT going. Think Nazi Concentration Camp and you are on the right track. They will be picking people up off the street during their HAARP-made catastrophes (including floods, droughts, earthquakes, etc.). They will try to coerce people to go into the shelters to be safe and survive the storms, but people going into FEMA "shelters" will not be leaving once those doors close.
The best thing you can do is PREPARE right now. Go out and stock up on some food immediately. Make sure you have water and emergency supplies. Become self-sufficient and make plans with family and friends right away. And get your news from alternative sources, not mind-programming television. FEMA has been carrying out earthquake drills called "The Great Shake Out." Right now they are soaking the New Madrid Fault Line (US Midwest) in preparation for a man-made earthquake. All these weather events are man-made.
I think all of us here have felt that something big would happen during our lifetime and that we are here to fulfill a mission.
Well folks, IT'S TIME!
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
Re: Not sure what's going on;
well I'm new here but have some understanding--most things we need to study are the galactic federation and ascending times. Yesterday i made a long posting but it went awal
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hi eagleye,
Yes, Ascension would be THE topic for discussion. Everything comes back to spiritual ascension. And the Galactic Federation are an interesting group of benevolent beings whose words I have read and taken in before.
Sorry your post went awal. Did the login time-out on you? I have it set to the highest length of time available on the board. What I usually do is copy my post before I hit "submit." Then it is saved on the computer in case I have to re-post. Good Luck on your next post!
Blessings, Bonnie
Yes, Ascension would be THE topic for discussion. Everything comes back to spiritual ascension. And the Galactic Federation are an interesting group of benevolent beings whose words I have read and taken in before.
Sorry your post went awal. Did the login time-out on you? I have it set to the highest length of time available on the board. What I usually do is copy my post before I hit "submit." Then it is saved on the computer in case I have to re-post. Good Luck on your next post!
Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
Re: Not sure what's going on;
we are getting much exposure in the UK this i understand is Federation Craft, they are moving forward more rapidly. They expressed this as there mean time---Many Exterrestrials And Nations meet this may be equally on earth and in the galaxies. There seems no complexity by our part, but by free will we gain and achievement will be made. The joining of minds to create a better understanding with positive collectives of the conscious mind. I am sorry to have lost the contents of the long posting, but expressions are in a constant mostly. Bonnie and John we give respect and blessings---eagleye.
Re: Not sure what's going on;
Hi Mrs. Bonnie: I just read you like Mayan Calendar well I have little information ( I studied Mayan Calendar 28 yrs ago), w/ a Tibetan monk I didn't remember too much because it's very complex
but it's called thirteen moon calendar ( each month had 28 days), it's due at woman cycle
( menstruation), and it's related also to lunar cycle, it's too valid to know when is good time to plant determined seed, also this monk told us that NASA uses this calendar to know when the sky is in good condition to impulse a ship. etc. etc. El Gregorian Calendar the twelve month was implanted for Catholic Church. The monk told us that Pope Gregorian II or III Impost it because He was a bad extraterrestrial, that try to take us off from the Galactic Time ( 13th moons), because our body have a biological clock with 28 day, and living in other calendar confused our mind and body, ea month is represented for one animal, and ea day had a proposal and one color if you live it little for little you are going to come inside to the galactic time and your DNA is going to change your body and mind. ( of course one zodiacal sign is missing, and it's a mystery !)
One anonymous Millionaire made two million of beautiful copies in Spanish and other languages because he want that a lot the people learn
how handle the Mayan Calendar, I am going to call my Mother, maybe I left one copies hide in my old room or my old teacher can gave me one ( It copies can't be purchased).
It person who made the copies, had a revelation that the end the word is close ( because an invasion), and He told us that the people must be ready for the change, because we are going to have the option to go to another world, before the invasion and the end of the world. But Before it happen; there are going to come several huge but huge ship know like " Dove Flight ", One of the Place where this ships is going to landing is between Texas and Louisiana, other is in some place in Colorado, but the other sites is unknown, but it's not to be in all word.
Well it's is all..... I only write my experience w/ this teacher 28 yrs ago o maybe more.
With Love Mami777
but it's called thirteen moon calendar ( each month had 28 days), it's due at woman cycle
( menstruation), and it's related also to lunar cycle, it's too valid to know when is good time to plant determined seed, also this monk told us that NASA uses this calendar to know when the sky is in good condition to impulse a ship. etc. etc. El Gregorian Calendar the twelve month was implanted for Catholic Church. The monk told us that Pope Gregorian II or III Impost it because He was a bad extraterrestrial, that try to take us off from the Galactic Time ( 13th moons), because our body have a biological clock with 28 day, and living in other calendar confused our mind and body, ea month is represented for one animal, and ea day had a proposal and one color if you live it little for little you are going to come inside to the galactic time and your DNA is going to change your body and mind. ( of course one zodiacal sign is missing, and it's a mystery !)
One anonymous Millionaire made two million of beautiful copies in Spanish and other languages because he want that a lot the people learn
how handle the Mayan Calendar, I am going to call my Mother, maybe I left one copies hide in my old room or my old teacher can gave me one ( It copies can't be purchased).
It person who made the copies, had a revelation that the end the word is close ( because an invasion), and He told us that the people must be ready for the change, because we are going to have the option to go to another world, before the invasion and the end of the world. But Before it happen; there are going to come several huge but huge ship know like " Dove Flight ", One of the Place where this ships is going to landing is between Texas and Louisiana, other is in some place in Colorado, but the other sites is unknown, but it's not to be in all word.
Well it's is all..... I only write my experience w/ this teacher 28 yrs ago o maybe more.
With Love Mami777
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
July 31, 2011 - October 28, 2011 marks the last time wave in the Mayan 9 Steps of Creation Calendar. John and I just discovered this video called The Quickening.
“All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality…or the end of the world.
But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?” As of today, August 24, 2011, we are actually in the 5th Night of the final time wave of the Mayan Calendar.
This video takes a look at the Hopi prophecy of the Blue and Red Star Kachinas (Comets Honda & Elenin) in conjunction with the Mayan Calendar charting the Nine Steps of Creation. This calendar is different than the Mayan Long Count Calendar which charts the alignment with our galactic center and its energies on December 21, 2012.
Now is the time to look within yourself, find your self, and fill your heart with love as you let go of the material world and return to unity consciousness. Whatever you think about and focus on, you will manifest quickly. You must let go of your old, outdated behaviors and beliefs and open your mind to new possibilities. If you are filled with fear and doubt, you will manifest the types of experiences you need to overcome them; it is best to find the strength and love within yourself now and realize that a beautiful new dawn of higher consciousness is quickly approaching and those of us living in the light will manifest a good reality for ourselves. The changes in consciousness are already well underway and the cells in our bodies are literally transforming. We are now experiencing 20 day’s worth of time in each single day, so make it something your soul will be proud of. Let’s help one another rise up and ascend from the darkness into the light. Please link this video everywhere you can.
Many thanks to Awakening As One
See Dr. Johan Calleman’s website about the October 28, 2011 end date for the Mayan Calendar.
Take care, everyone. Keep LOVE in your heart and do not worry; if we keep our thoughts on positive, happy things, that is exactly what we will manifest.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
“All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality…or the end of the world.
But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?” As of today, August 24, 2011, we are actually in the 5th Night of the final time wave of the Mayan Calendar.
This video takes a look at the Hopi prophecy of the Blue and Red Star Kachinas (Comets Honda & Elenin) in conjunction with the Mayan Calendar charting the Nine Steps of Creation. This calendar is different than the Mayan Long Count Calendar which charts the alignment with our galactic center and its energies on December 21, 2012.
Now is the time to look within yourself, find your self, and fill your heart with love as you let go of the material world and return to unity consciousness. Whatever you think about and focus on, you will manifest quickly. You must let go of your old, outdated behaviors and beliefs and open your mind to new possibilities. If you are filled with fear and doubt, you will manifest the types of experiences you need to overcome them; it is best to find the strength and love within yourself now and realize that a beautiful new dawn of higher consciousness is quickly approaching and those of us living in the light will manifest a good reality for ourselves. The changes in consciousness are already well underway and the cells in our bodies are literally transforming. We are now experiencing 20 day’s worth of time in each single day, so make it something your soul will be proud of. Let’s help one another rise up and ascend from the darkness into the light. Please link this video everywhere you can.
Many thanks to Awakening As One
See Dr. Johan Calleman’s website about the October 28, 2011 end date for the Mayan Calendar.
Take care, everyone. Keep LOVE in your heart and do not worry; if we keep our thoughts on positive, happy things, that is exactly what we will manifest.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
We have an obligation to each other as humans to our brothers and sisters.Through out the centuries there has been good persons with a lots of love in their hearts.
If only we are all like them but unfortunately there was and still are persons who are nothing short of evil making so many suffer .
If only we can live in harmony with every living thing on this planet instead of destroying it.
We have an obligation to future generations they will curse us to what we have done to mother earth.
If only we are all like them but unfortunately there was and still are persons who are nothing short of evil making so many suffer .
If only we can live in harmony with every living thing on this planet instead of destroying it.
We have an obligation to future generations they will curse us to what we have done to mother earth.
Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
There's definitely things going on. Seeing all these bad things happen in one year and I think this is not all. I have a feeling that things that we know now is going to change. Which is a good thing in my opinion. Now it is up to us do we try to oppose the change or shall we go with it and adapt.
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
Yes, all kinds of changes are happening now. It is up to each of us to decide if we want to go the way of love and happiness or the way of fear and doubt. Picking option number one means spiritual ascension and a beautiful time of manifestation just by thinking good thoughts. WE are all able to make the switch into this new state of consciousness and a new dimension. Just keep LOVE in your heart and ride the energy waves. Be strong!
John and I just got back from the Spiritual Activation of a sacred Native American Indian site called Serpent Mound in Ohio. The activation was conducted by Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men and a group of ancient Crystal Skulls. It was a truly amazing, life-changing event for us. We got to meet Grandfather Hunbatz Men and we got a very special video of him meeting an ancient crystal skull from Brazil for the very first time! Very exciting! There are a couple videos. Check them out:
video 1: Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men meets Ancient Crystal Skull from Brazil
video 2: Activation of Serpent Mound by Grandfather Hunbatz Men and the Ancient Crystal Skulls
This is a very exciting time we live in. Yes Tskoone and Tess, things are happening! Good Things!
Many Blessings, Bonnie
John and I just got back from the Spiritual Activation of a sacred Native American Indian site called Serpent Mound in Ohio. The activation was conducted by Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men and a group of ancient Crystal Skulls. It was a truly amazing, life-changing event for us. We got to meet Grandfather Hunbatz Men and we got a very special video of him meeting an ancient crystal skull from Brazil for the very first time! Very exciting! There are a couple videos. Check them out:
video 1: Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men meets Ancient Crystal Skull from Brazil
video 2: Activation of Serpent Mound by Grandfather Hunbatz Men and the Ancient Crystal Skulls
This is a very exciting time we live in. Yes Tskoone and Tess, things are happening! Good Things!
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
- Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
These are amazing times we live in. We have a great opportunity to expand our conscious awareness, fill our hearts and minds with LOVE, and create a beautiful new world for ourselves. Thoughts create reality. Be imaginative, creative, playful, be yourself. Live your dreams and always follow your heart.
As we approach December 21, 2012, time is compressing and we are living through more and more experiences which are jammed into a much smaller space. The time is NOW to work on what needs to be worked on in your life. Release any bad feelings or negativity as quickly as possible. FORGIVE yourself and others and just LET GO. Now is your chance to create a good life for yourself and the entire planet. Meditate and find your quiet center, your inner temple, and fill everyday with LOVE. It is of the utmost importance.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
As we approach December 21, 2012, time is compressing and we are living through more and more experiences which are jammed into a much smaller space. The time is NOW to work on what needs to be worked on in your life. Release any bad feelings or negativity as quickly as possible. FORGIVE yourself and others and just LET GO. Now is your chance to create a good life for yourself and the entire planet. Meditate and find your quiet center, your inner temple, and fill everyday with LOVE. It is of the utmost importance.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG
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Re: Not sure what's going on with 2012
Hi, I'm new. I'm confused as to what may be expected should I have a star-drive core in my head, the kind used to dice-out contractors from black-ops, I understand from a former remote viewer. They took the interface to the galactic mind, proper, and used it to erase memory. That's not human. But perhaps their whole world depends upon it working their way. Idle thoughts. The remote view was the fellow that assisted a hybrid in reverse engineering this core.
He has the whole design. I only discovered that this month. We hadn't communicated for over a decade, and during that time, my research swelled to an epiphany-series in July, 2010. There was a dot of clouds on the weather map that covered my valley... marvelous underneath --for two weeks, night and day. I watched it each day on the satellite weather map... jaw-dropping unreal. A cloud system passed through once, and the dot persisted, still there as the clouds passed. This is a valley, not a mountain top.
Before the clouds arrived, I had wound a large quartz point (a Caduceus cross-wind) while (really earnestly with angel tongue, too) praying for "the knowledge the world needs." This has been my compulsive research area... what we don't know that we do need. I've been studying 3D electromagnetic resonance toward intertial drives. I've only had a year of college. I'm 58 years old. Call me a barking mad amateur scientist. It fits.
I documented the sequence of epiphanies into my head from the clouds for over a year, and have finally realized that really the "world" doesn't want that knowledge. I only proved I really am barking mad to be compulsed so thoroughly on this.
This week I found the "Pleiadean Message" on Youtube! It was written for me! So, now... I'm wondering if I know enough to keep the essence of whatever is going on at the fore, and hope for a fuller emergence of what is to happen --why was it given to me? What is the plan?
What's more stunning to me is this... the remote view described the whole design to me only this month, and it describes a device I saw in a vision at age 19. A glowing orb with beautiful patterns. Too look at these patterns is to realize one is viewing the patterns of ones own mind.
What I found out:
The core is a mental interface to the galactic mind. Being within the field is to expand awareness. The mental connection forms around a center point of an exotic field that is bigger on the inside than outside, if ever an attempt to measure it is made (a dimple in the vacuum impedances affecting lilght-speed and simulating mass through a delay from a cause before the action ensues).
What I now know (and I was given prior the center-core magnetic technology, the Fibonacci torus knot that completes the Rodin Coil plus the whole control theory based on (my) concept (from 2010) called the Golden Error Phase-wave... and a former programming background to produce the matrix transforms on a cheap computer chip. The warp core could be controlled from little box no bigger than a cell phone, these days. Other assistive innovations have arrived too for a kilowatt power level demonstration device.
Expanded awareness vectors the ion-stream connections from an enclosing chamber lined with nano-fibers hosting plasmonic resonance with the frequencies pulsed out by the ion-pumping against the torus knot's resonant nodes along the surface. The patterns in a platonic arrangement have circular zones in areas of the surface that literally correlates to the emergence of that stream as an escape of the system energy into the pattern of proximal mind. Thereafter, the topology of the warp field couples to the topology of mental intent. This mind-galactic-mind interface requires training. The galactic mind encourages human mind (a fractal slice of Alpha/Omega) to grow neural connections TO BE what mind IS while augmented with the presence of "Brilliance", to quote the remote viewer's explanation for what it was like.
This is ascension technology.
Why is it in my head? I mean, sure, I've been looking and dwelling and searching... but Oh my God! What is a guy to do?
Reach out or wait?
All I know to do beyond hope to is to post around like this a bit, and wait for the time wave zero with eagerness for change, and the new energies.
My wife is encouraging me toward hypnotic regression. The Pleiadean Message says our job is to remember what we know.
I'm really open, and thanks.
Thanks very much for standing up and out, Bonnie and John.
He has the whole design. I only discovered that this month. We hadn't communicated for over a decade, and during that time, my research swelled to an epiphany-series in July, 2010. There was a dot of clouds on the weather map that covered my valley... marvelous underneath --for two weeks, night and day. I watched it each day on the satellite weather map... jaw-dropping unreal. A cloud system passed through once, and the dot persisted, still there as the clouds passed. This is a valley, not a mountain top.
Before the clouds arrived, I had wound a large quartz point (a Caduceus cross-wind) while (really earnestly with angel tongue, too) praying for "the knowledge the world needs." This has been my compulsive research area... what we don't know that we do need. I've been studying 3D electromagnetic resonance toward intertial drives. I've only had a year of college. I'm 58 years old. Call me a barking mad amateur scientist. It fits.
I documented the sequence of epiphanies into my head from the clouds for over a year, and have finally realized that really the "world" doesn't want that knowledge. I only proved I really am barking mad to be compulsed so thoroughly on this.
This week I found the "Pleiadean Message" on Youtube! It was written for me! So, now... I'm wondering if I know enough to keep the essence of whatever is going on at the fore, and hope for a fuller emergence of what is to happen --why was it given to me? What is the plan?
What's more stunning to me is this... the remote view described the whole design to me only this month, and it describes a device I saw in a vision at age 19. A glowing orb with beautiful patterns. Too look at these patterns is to realize one is viewing the patterns of ones own mind.
What I found out:
The core is a mental interface to the galactic mind. Being within the field is to expand awareness. The mental connection forms around a center point of an exotic field that is bigger on the inside than outside, if ever an attempt to measure it is made (a dimple in the vacuum impedances affecting lilght-speed and simulating mass through a delay from a cause before the action ensues).
What I now know (and I was given prior the center-core magnetic technology, the Fibonacci torus knot that completes the Rodin Coil plus the whole control theory based on (my) concept (from 2010) called the Golden Error Phase-wave... and a former programming background to produce the matrix transforms on a cheap computer chip. The warp core could be controlled from little box no bigger than a cell phone, these days. Other assistive innovations have arrived too for a kilowatt power level demonstration device.
Expanded awareness vectors the ion-stream connections from an enclosing chamber lined with nano-fibers hosting plasmonic resonance with the frequencies pulsed out by the ion-pumping against the torus knot's resonant nodes along the surface. The patterns in a platonic arrangement have circular zones in areas of the surface that literally correlates to the emergence of that stream as an escape of the system energy into the pattern of proximal mind. Thereafter, the topology of the warp field couples to the topology of mental intent. This mind-galactic-mind interface requires training. The galactic mind encourages human mind (a fractal slice of Alpha/Omega) to grow neural connections TO BE what mind IS while augmented with the presence of "Brilliance", to quote the remote viewer's explanation for what it was like.
This is ascension technology.
Why is it in my head? I mean, sure, I've been looking and dwelling and searching... but Oh my God! What is a guy to do?
Reach out or wait?
All I know to do beyond hope to is to post around like this a bit, and wait for the time wave zero with eagerness for change, and the new energies.
My wife is encouraging me toward hypnotic regression. The Pleiadean Message says our job is to remember what we know.
I'm really open, and thanks.
Thanks very much for standing up and out, Bonnie and John.