Constantly getting my mind blown and implant

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Constantly getting my mind blown and implant

Post by opal »

I've been dealing with this phenomena for years.

I don't know how 'they' do it and I really don't know why they do it.

I'm constantly seeing things that constantly blow my mind. Outrageous coincidences that has developed into a system.

I know all their number code (609) and their way to harvest mind energy.

I am constantly hearing voices. When I close my eyes I see hundreads of tentacles going for a small star. I don't know what these negative tentacles are... but they are searching for my essence as if to harvest it.

I don't know what attracts these beings into my space but there are a lot of them. They keep saying I'm beautiful and that I have something very valuable that they want.

When this negative energy climaxes I will usually see a number code that defeats them and then the harvest takes place.

I don't even know how it's all possible. I've seen things appear and disappear as if I was in a virtual reality.

I don't know what I did to deserve this. I know it's really happening because I've had 15 years to debug it. I'm not crazy. Unless I was so out there that I couldn't tell the difference anymore. But the system that is employed is so concrete and sometimes even beautiful that I know it's just not my mind playing tricks on me.

I wonder what is really happening??

I wonder how the magic I see really happens?

I wonder if it's technology or spiritual? Maybe I'm dreaming? Maybe I'm dead and in the afterlife?

Anyway... I also have an implant in my left foot. I've had it X-Rayed and it's in there. I don't want to take it out for some reason. It gives me amazing pleasure. It's also where all those tentacles collect. Almost as if they are drawn to it for some reason. I can feel it working since it's attached to my nerve endings. It works at an amazing frequency so fast to counter the negative energies.

What am I involved in???

I have had close encounters... to where I believe the Greys are involved. I think they tried to communicate that I'm part of one of their programs.

My familiy, especially my brother, has been visited in his sleep my ETs. At least he swears to it. I've never had a visitation or I can't remember anyways.

I am also very deft at astral travel. I think I got so good at it because of my need to escape the negative energy during my waking life. I have a second life up there where I go to when I need to. I have a nice house where I am myself.

Anyways... it just helps getting all this out.

Thanks for reading.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Constantly getting my mind blown and implant

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Opal,
Who exactly are you talking about when you say that you know their number codes and how they harvest mind energy?

How often do you see the tentacles that connect to the implant in your foot?

You say that you've never had a visitation from the Greys. So who do you think is visiting you? What do you think the beings are?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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